Meanwhile, in the Zionist fever swamps

(1) “America Needs a Decisive Israeli Victory: That means destroying Hezbollah and striking Iran. Anything less is a major strategic defeat for Israel and the U.S., by Raphael Benlevi, in Tablet.

It is therefore a strategic imperative for both Washington and Jerusalem that the Gaza war ends with a blow to Iran’s positions. Hezbollah is the Iranian front line, but the IRGC forces in Syria and Iraq are the most obvious direct targets. An attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, so long planned for, should be on the table as soon as Hezbollah has been neutralized. Devastating Hamas and Hezbollah and exacting a major price from Iran for the behavior of its proxies will come at a tremendous cost to Israel, but an even greater cost to its enemies. It is the only sufficient end to this war that can turn around what is currently a strategic disaster that threatens both America and Israel.

(2) Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza, by Jonathan Ofir in Mondoweiss.

An Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a report on October 17 promoting the “unique and rare opportunity” for the “relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population.”

The main arguments of the report, which the Institute highlighted on social media upon the report’s release, are translated as follows:

There is a need for an immediate, viable plan for the resettlement and economic rehabilitation of the entire Arab population in the Gaza Strip, which sits well with the geopolitical interests of Israel, Egypt, U.S.A. and Saudi Arabia.
In 2017 it was reported that in Egypt there were 10 million available apartment units, of which half were built and half under construction. For example, in two of the biggest Cairo satellite cities, “October 6” and “Ramadan 10” there is an immense number of built and empty apartments under governmental and private ownership as well as empty lots for building that would in total suffice the housing of about 6 million residents.

Homo judaicus: The Political Theology of US Foreign Policy

Below is a short compilation of excerpts from my book, first published almost two decades ago, and republished by Arktos media in 2017.  In light of the new geopolitical realignments and continuing political tremor in the Mideast it may be worth looking again at some underlying aspects of US foreign policy.

America’s unconditional support of Israel resembles a belated form of White House Christian-inspired medieval neurosis. Fear of being called an anti-Semite prevents American politicians and a great number of American academics from openly criticizing Israel. When some sparse critical voices are heard, they usually leave out the founding myths of the Biblical narrative, and focus, instead, on dry facts relating to the influence of Jewish lobbies in America. In the typical fashion of American “expertise,” American academics who happen to be critical of Israel use one set of arguments while neglecting other scholarly approaches. In their analysis of the holy alliance between postmodern Israel and America, American scholars tend to forget that the Old Testament ties between these two countries had already predestined America to nurture a special and privileged rapport with the state of Israel.

Clearly, America gains little, if any, geopolitical benefit from supporting Israel. Israel is more of a liability than an asset for America. From the geopolitical perspective, Israel is even a nuisance for America, given that as a small country of approximate size of New Jersey it surrounded by a host of hostile cultures, religions, and neighbors, both outside and within its borders. Although America, due to its unique insular position, has been able to avoid troublesome neighbors and their tribal problems, it has willingly accepted on its own soil the issue of the balkanized Middle East. America’s special friend, Israel, acts in a way similar to that of ancient Prussia; it must grow at the expense of its neighbors — or it must perish. [i] But America’s special filial-fatherly links to Israel must also prevent this last from happening.

Metaphysically speaking, Israel is the spiritual origin of the American divine world mission and the incarnation of American ideology itself. Only within the context of a strange filial relationship with Jewishness and Israel can one understand why America is accepting with equanimity its own deliberate decline into a world-wide morass in the early 21st century — especially since America’s foreign policy actions stand in sharp contrast to the originally proclaimed goals of America’s founding fathers.

Unfortunately, the fear of being called an anti-Semite prevents intelligent Americans from openly discussing the explosive issue of American-Israeli entanglement. Unlike previous geopolitical evaluations that had some sound basis in American foreign policy decision-making, the role of Israel and the Jewish lobby in America are the two major elements that formulate overall American foreign policy. The imagery of Israel and “God’s chosen people” represents the framework of America’s commitments, not only toward the Middle East but also regarding other foreign policy issues. In the meantime, “any aspiring policymaker is encouraged to become an overt supporter of Israel, which is why public critics of Israeli policy have become an endangered species in the foreign policy establishment.”[ii]

These words were written in 2005 by two prominent American scholars whose essay was relayed by major media outlets around the USA and Europe, in turn prompting Jewish lobbies in America to cry foul and raise the proverbial specter of “anti-Semitism.”

What John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt write, however, is nothing new to knowledgeable individuals. Similar critical views of Israel were voiced earlier by many American authors, and these views also reflect, both privately and officially, those of many European scholars and politicians. But when such observations are uttered by scholars from respectable academic establishments, they leave a different aftereffect on the entire American political scene. This explains the reason for worry among American Jews and Israelis.

In Yahve we Trust 

American founding myths drew their inspiration from Hebrew thought. The notion of the “City on the Hill” and “God’s own country” was borrowed from the Old Testament and the Jewish people. The Biblical idea of predestination served the early American founding fathers as a launching pad for their own concept of democratic self-righteousness. Of all Christian denominations, Calvinism was the closest to the Jewish religion and, as some authors have noted, the United States owes its very existence to the Jews. “For what we call Americanism,” writes Werner Sombart, “is nothing else than the Jewish spirit distilled.” [iii]

The author, a disciple of Max Weber, was sympathetic to Jews and, therefore, when he describes the overwhelming influence of the Judaic spirit in American life, he cannot be accused of manifesting a bias against Jews. Similar remarks will be found later among legions of European authors, most of whom fell into oblivion or disgrace given their ties to antidemocratic and racialist schools of thought. Sombart further writes that “the United States is filled to the brim with the Jewish spirit.[iv] Many wide-spread customs in America, such as giving newborn children Judaic names, or administering circumcision to young newborn males, come from Jewish heritage.[v]

Very early on America’s founding fathers, pioneers, and politicians identified themselves as Jews who had come to the new American Canaan from pestilent Europe. In a postmodern Freudian twist, these pilgrims and these new American pioneers were obliged to kill their European fathers in order to facilitate the spreading of American democracy world-wide. “Heaven ha[s] placed our country in this situation to try us; to see whether we would faithfully use the incalculable power in our hands for speeding forward the world’s regeneration.” [vi]

Even American Christian antisemites are subconsciously enamored with the Jewish idea of predestination, which they harbor side by side with their antisemitic sentiments. In fact, American antisemitism can be described as a distorted and hidden form of philo-Semitism which, while not able to materialize itself on its own American chosenness, projects its would-be supremacy through its hatred against Jews. It is not far-fetched to argue, as some authors do, that the American dream is a role model for universal Jewishness, only one which must not be limited to a specific race or tribe in America, as is the case with ethnocentric Jews who are well aware of their ingroup racial feelings. Americanism is designed for all peoples, races and nations on Earth. America is, by definition, an extended form of globalized Israel and not reserved for one specific tribe only. Does that, therefore, mean that our proverbial homo americanus is a universal carbon copy of homo judaicus?

The word “antisemitism,” unlike the words “anticommunism” or “antifascism,” does not reflect political beliefs or critical views of the Jews. This term is exclusively used as a lexical label to depict a person’s grave mental illness. As a perceived medical or judicial illness, antisemitism must never be debated; an antisemitic patient must not be a partner in scholarly duels; his sick views must not be the subject of academic inquiry and counter-inquiry. As an element of medical pathology, antisemitism must only by treated by doctors, preferably by a Jewish psychoanalyst, or legally, by a liberal prosecutor in court.

Accusing American Jews of possessing extraterrestrial powers, or blaming them for their purported conspiracy to subvert Gentile culture, borders on delusion and only reflects the absence of normal dialogue. American antisemitic delusions only provide legitimacy to American Jews in their constant search for a real or surreal antisemitic boogieman around every corner. Without the specter of antisemitism, Jews would likely assimilate quickly and hence disappear. Thus, antisemitism provides Jews with alibis to project themselves as victims of Gentile prejudice. Consequently, it assigns them the cherished role of posing as the sole educational super-ego for Americans and, by proxy, the entire world. In his book on the social role of Jews, a prominent Jewish-French politician and author, Jacques Attali, writes: “As Russian Jews invented socialism, and as Austrian Jews invented psychoanalysis, American Jews in the forefront, participated in the birth of American capitalism and in the Americanization of the entire world.”[vii]

For certain Jewish authors, like Attali, such a remark is easier to put to paper than it would be for a Gentile thinker, who with the same comment would be immediately shouted down as an “anti-Semite.” If a serious American scholar or a politician venture into this forbidden field, his gesture is interpreted as a sign of his being an agent provocateur, or worse, as an indication that he has decided to write his own obituary. Such a schizophrenic climate of self-censorship in America will sooner or later lead to dramatic consequences for both American Jews and Gentiles. The lack of healthy dialogue can last for a century or so, but feigned conviviality between American Gentiles and American Jews cannot last forever, if it continues to take as its basis distorted perceptions of the Other and how this Other should behave. Mendacity carries the germ of civil war.

[i] Jordis von Lohausen, Les Empires et la puissance, (Paris: Le Labyrinthe) p. 266.

[ii] John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, “The Israel Lobby” London Review of Books, Vol. 28 No. 6, March 23, 2006. Also published in an extended version by Harvard University, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” by John

  1. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt; Working Paper Number: RWP06–011; Submitted: 13/03/2006.

[iii] Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, translated with notes by M. Epstein, (New York: Burt Franklin, 1969; originally published in London 1913), pp. 43–44.

[iv] Ibid., p. 38.

[v] Ibid., p. 249.

[vi]  George B. Cheever, God’s Hand (New York: M.W. Dodd Brick Church Chapel, 1941; London: Wiley & Putnam, 1941); in Carl Bode (ed.), American Life in the 1840s (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1967), 315.

[vii] Jacques Attali, Les Juifs, le monde et l’argent (Paris: Fayard; 2002), p. 419 and passim.

Destination 1922: A Return to Claims of the Arabs in Palestine

Bernard M. Smith’s recent article, Israel Is Not Our Ally, presents a concise and cogent overview of the current American predicament — that of having an obsequious relationship with Israel and how our interests and worldwide opinion are realistically affected by it. While the American public is generally awash in one-sided propaganda backing the Jewish State, few get an education on the subject of Zionism, let alone opposing viewpoints unless they were readers of Alison Weir’s If Americans Knew website or her book Against Our Better Judgement: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel. But as we are now a little over a century since the British helped secure the embryonic home of the Jews with the 1917 Balfour Declaration, would it not be prudent to revisit the British Palestine Mandate through the words of its native Palestinian leaders from that early 1922 inception? Thanks to the wonders of, we can act on our imperative to revisit the roots of the Palestinian-Jewish conflict. Prepare to enter our time capsule. The course is set for Canada, May 6, 1922, and The Edmonton Journal for a counter-narrative not known to many of that time, save buyers of the Ford Model-T automobile!

Here we find a full-page article titled Claims of the Arabs in Palestine, by York Guille (reporting from Jerusalem) of the McClure Newspaper Syndicate. This piece is presented in its entirety, with key points and arguments of the text italicized by me in bold for quick perusal if you wish. Here’s the article with my emphasis throughout:

Jews Smuggling German Revolvers Into the Holy Land is One Charge Made — Firearms as Agricultural Machinery — Situation In Palestine, Says Arif Pasha, Nationalist Leader, Rapidly Getting Worse — “Syria Will Soon Be Ablaze”

“The situation is rapidly going from bad to worse. Unless the plan to make Palestine the national home of the Jews is abandoned, Syria will soon be ablaze and the gravest international consequences may follow. Both the Christian and Moslem worlds are concerned. The Arabs will never consent to the Zionist program. Zionism, instead of settling Jewish problems, already threatens a world-wide revival of the anti-Semitic movement.”

This is the considered view of Arif Pasha el-Dazzinn, president of the executive committee of the Congress of the Moslem- Christian Leagues of Palestine, which represents 93 per cent of the entire population and all of the Arabs. He described to me, in a special interview, the Arab point of view and stated it with marked moderation through his secretary, who speaks English fluently. This alert, highly educated representative of one of the most picturesque races of the East, a race which kept learning alive in the Dark Ages and has left Spain a rich heritage of art and culture, upset all of one’s pre-conceived ideas of the Arab. Instead of burnous and turban, he wore a finely tailored grey lounge suit. He belongs to the ruling class and is fully acquainted with Western knowledge and international politics.

Do suits matter? Yes, you say, if wishing to exercise diplomacy? In America today, a hundred of the most perceptive, articulate and scholarly gentlemen dressed in finely tailored grey suits can gather for a peaceful meeting of the minds and cordial presentations at the finest Italian restaurant in the Washington D.C. area, only to be violently attacked by a mob of rabid Antifa immune from prosecution while dressed like the zombies from the movie Night of the Living Dead. It appears that thugs have more power than some of our best suits, because suits who haven’t learned everything they know from television, TikTok, or liberal-approved textbooks cannot even gather at a hotel unharmed. Who is it that plays a predominant role in financing and leading these anarchists to denying American freedom of assembly and freedom of speech? I don’t think it’s the Arabs. But getting back to the article, do many Americans realize that 93 percent of the Palestinian population of 1922 were represented by both Moslems and Christians, all of whom were Arabs? What is that percentage today?

“The worst phase of the situation today is the smuggling of firearms by Jews,” he explained. “The latest incident is the discovery of 96 cases of revolvers and ammunition as they were being landed at Haifa. These cases were labelled ‘agricultural implements.’ They were German revolvers and had been shipped from Trieste. They were assigned to Mr. Rosenberg, the president of the Jewish labor party at Haifa. He is, by the way, also a member of the Haifa city corporation, Rosenberg was arrested and his house searched.  Correspondence was seized and papers found disclosed the fact that this was the second consignment. The first had been successfully smuggled in and a second was on the way. Three other Jews who lived in a village outside the town were implicated. The chief of police hurried off to arrest them, but arrived to find they had fled. A Jewish telegraphist at the Haifa telegraph office – a government servant – had warned them by wire to clear out. Rosenberg was released on bail of 12,500 dollars. He has just been acquitted. This, of course, has called out volumes of protest from all over the country.

Does this Mr. Rosenberg of Haifa have any familial relationship to atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg or BLM fundraising director and convicted American terrorist Susan Rosenberg? Don’t even go there, or you’ll be charged with blatant anti-Semitism! These are all just unrelated individuals of specific identity facing their own objective and selfish reality, Ayn Rand style (Ayn being born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum).

“Jews are smuggling in firearms incessantly. Only last week there were six cases and six Jews arrested. Public opinion is greatly perturbed and the peace is menaced unless the Jewish immigration is stopped. Already over 25,000, mostly from Poland, Germany, Russia and Central Europe, have come in. They are all young men and women, most of them penniless and many infected with Bolshevism. Firearms have actually been distributed by the government among the Jewish colonists and the people of Palestine are now asking that they should be collected again. Over 900 rifles have been given to these colonists. The Jews complained that they were defenseless and in danger of attack, so the government gave them these rifles to enable them to defend themselves until troops could reach them in sufficient numbers to protect them. At the same time, and this is the worst feature of the position, all the natives have been disarmed.

While controlling the rights to firearm possession seems to have been a key factor in aiding the creation of the Jewish state, it is odd then that Jewish billionaire Mike Bloomberg (who believes in a “secure and stable Jewish democracy”) finds himself in the targets of the NRA for misleading voters in His Anti-Gun Apparatus! Is Mike trying to disarm today’s Americans like the Palestinians were disarmed in 1922? Does Mike believe in a secure and stable American democracy? And was Jewish smuggling of guns, rifles and ammunition only the prelude to smuggling in stolen nuclear weapons material against American and Middle East interests?

Reds Foment Riots

“One of the gravest dangers of this Jewish immigration lies In the type of immigrant. As I have said, many of them are Bolshevistic. Now the Arabs are not, and they will not tolerate the methods or the system of Lenin and Trotsky in Palestine. The night before the Jaffa riots the police seized proclamations printed In Hebrew, Yiddish and Arabic. They were signed by the executive committee of the Palestine Communist Party and called upon the people to fight for the Social Revolution. They appealed to Jewish and Arab laborers to join in an effort to throw off their oppressors and ‘in beating down your torturers and the tyrants among you.’ The Hebrew and Yiddish appeal ended:

Long live the First of May.
Down with the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoise.
Down with the Palestine Rule of Force.
Long live the International Solidarity of the Jewish and Arab Proletariat.
Long live the Civil War.
Long live Soviet Russia.
Long live the Third Communistic International.
Long live the Palestine Communistic Party.’

The Arabic version ended:

‘Down with British and French bayonets.
Down with the Arab and foreign Capitalists.
Long live Soviet Palestine.’

Before reading this Canadian article, I never realized that the predominant type of Jewish immigrant to Palestine in those days was the radical Bolshevik type. Would American Christians today find it surprising that the Israeli state was originally founded by Commie atheists? Having read Stalin’s War by prize-winning historian Sean McMeekin, and considering the influx of immigration to America before the 1924 National Origin’s Act (when Jewish radical-left politics was heavily on the public mind), I should now seriously entertain the possibility that both the USA and Israel are actually dyed in the wool “Red” nations. Why else would the slur “Commie” be unheard of in our media and forbidden in academic writing while Antifa hordes burn our modern cities?

“The Arabs have been charged with responsibility for these riots and those here at Jerusalem in 1920. But what are the facts? A government inquiry was held into the circumstance of the Easter disturbances here when there was serious loss of life, but their report has never been published because the high commissioner (Sir Herbert Samuel), a staunch Zionist, did not wish it. The fact is that its publication would injure the Zionist case. The riot was started by a Jew who threw a stone at the sacred flag of the Hebron Mosque when it was being carried in procession through the streets by a large crowd of Arabs on their way to the Harames-Sherif for the animal national festival of Nebi Mousa. But the report on the Jaffa riot of last year has been published and this shows they were due to a quarrel between Jewish Bolsheviks and the Jewish Labor party. A large quantity of explosives was found by a British army officer in a Jewish house. The official inquiry report states: “We are convinced that the charge constantly brought by Jews against the Arabs that this outbreak had been planned by them, or by their leaders, and was pre-arranged for the first of May is unfounded…the (Arab) notable on both sides, whatever their feelings may have been, were always ready to help the authorities in the restoration of order and we think that without their assistance the outbreak would have resulted in even worse excesses.”


The Zionist High Commissioner denied publication of a report on rioting so as to protect Jewish Bolsheviks, much like the Heaphy Report on the 2017 Charlottesville rioting is generally suppressed from our public knowledge and public opinion today, suggesting facts that differ from mainstream propaganda.

“The Arab objects to the Hebrew language, which is spoken by barely one percent of the population, being recognized as an official language. He objects to the tide of Jewish immigration which is bringing into his country mass of undesirable aliens who are not even self-supporting. This foreign laborer deprives the Arab of his daily bread and gets a higher rate of wages for half the amount of work the Arab could do in the same time. Contracts for public works in the majority of cases go to Jews, though their tenders are usually higher than those sent in by Arabs. Road-building has been started to give employment to these Jewish immigrants, who would otherwise be stranded. This work is paid for out of the taxes, paid for mostly by non-Jews. Under normal circumstances this work would have gone to Arab workmen.

A contract for the generation of electricity from the water power of the Auja River, north of Jaffa, has been granted to a Russian Jew named Ruttenberg, who has now come here to carry out his contract. This contract was given to this man without being put to public tender. The administration has no right to give concessions to foreigners before the final status of Palestine has been determined.

This really begs one to look at the true possessors of meaningful privilege in the world today. Here in 1922 we find the native Palestinian population discriminated against for valuable employment opportunities, but paid for by taxes on non-Jews. If there’s a modicum of truth to these statements in the article, then there must be a reassessment as to who the “victims” were in 1922 Palestine. And isn’t it uncanny how similar support is being played out for minority migrants and open borders in America today. Who is driving this? It might be the multi-religious efforts following the Jewish creed, “Welcome the Stranger, Protect the Refugee,” as heard from the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society.

Half Goods Imported German

Another matter which we do not like, as we fought with the Allies during the war, is the fact that the last customs statistics show that over fifty per cent of the goods that came into Palestine in the last six months came from Germany through Hamburg and Trieste. And you can walk along the streets here and hear nothing but Yiddish.

The laws and regulations now in force check our liberty and prevent our expansion. Patriotic Arabs are arrested and imprisoned or deported on the pretext that they are dangerous to the State. And the press is muzzled. There is strict censorship. We are not allowed to say what we think nor to disagree with Zionism. Anyone who did so would be deported. Not only can the High Commissioner deport whom he likes but a new law gives power to the governors of districts to recommend anyone they think dangerous to the state for deportation. And they can call on that person to deposit money as a bond to keep the peace. Several prominent Arabs have already been bound over under this regulation. Some of them have had to deposit as much as 5,000 dollars, and where they could not find the money the title deeds of their lands and buildings were taken. Only the other day an ex-Procurator-General was deported. This Is Costaki Saba, who eighteen months ago resigned his post, worth 420 dollars a month, because he could not agree with his chief, the legal secretary, Norman Bentwich, a Jew and a Zionist. Then he started journalism and he has been told to leave the country. When he asked for the reason in writing, it was refused. Mr. Wadie Bustani, a former government official at Haifa, was told the other day that if he took any farther part in politics he would be deported.

What chance has an Arab when the high commissioner is a Jew and a Zionist, and the legal secretary, the controller of stores, the director of commerce and industries and the chief of immigration  are all Jews? Every department of the government has been swamped by Jews, the majority of whom are new and have no previous experience. According to the official statistics one fifth of the senior service are Jews, though Jews represent only seven per cent of the population. In the junior service one third of the staff are Jews who hold the chief places.

Aaaah, where to begin! First, there seems to even be a “Germany story” before WWII and Hitler that benefited organized Jewry and Zionism instead of victimizing them, one most people of today are completely unaware. Next, I’d like to point out that there might be a similarity between harmless Palestinian patriots of 1922 and the diehard MAGA patriots of January 6, 2021. What ties these innocent victims together? And isn’t it prescient that the Palestinian quoted here described leadership in “every department of the government” with a word that would help President Trump coin the term, “The Swamp?” Maybe Trump reads old newspapers too.

That we are not alone in our objection to the Jewish immigration is proved by the fact that there is here a large section of Jews who are hostile to the Zionist movement. When Lord Northcliffe was here recently a deputation of these Jews appeared before him and complained of Zionist religious and political aspirations. There are some 35,000 Palestinian Jews with whom we live and lived before the war in perfect harmony. They object, as much as we do, to Zionism. Indeed, only a day or two ago, Zionists attacked these Ashkenazim rabbis in the synagogues and the police had to be called in to protect them. Ten Zionists were arrested.  Lord Northcliffe, after hearing all sides of the case here on the spot, took a very grave view of the position and has returned to England to wage a campaign in our favor. There are prominent Jews, both in England and America, who support the fight against Zionism. Among them are Mr. Monteflore, who has just resigned the presidency of the British Jewish Colonization Association, and Mr. Morgenthau, the former United States ambassador to Turkey.

Just a thought: was Morgenthau placed in Ottoman Turkey to help Jewish interests in the case that the Germans won WWI, a strategy of having resources on both sides of politics or both sides of the war? I’m not a historian and not as familiar with Henry Morgenthau, Sr., as with Morgenthau, Jr. – a prominent Treasury Secretary highlighted in McMeekin’s book, Stalin’s War. It is, nevertheless, intriguing how this father and son would have the power to shape America and the World.

So strong is the feeling of Palestinians, both Christian and Moslem, that we have combined to send a delegation to Europe and America. The president is His Excellency Musk Kazim Pasha el-Husseini, who belongs to one of the oldest families in Islam, which can trace its descent right back to the prophet.

Under the Turks he filled several important governorships and under the British was mayor of this city. He resigned because he would not allow Hebrew to be used as an official language and would not subscribe to the Jewish policy of government. The vice-president of the Hai Tewik Hammad, who was a member of parliament for Nabious at the Imperial Parliament at Constantinople. The secretary, Shibly Effendi Jamal, is a B.A. of Beyrout University and has been occupied with education for many years and is also a prominent journalist. The other two members are graduates of the college for officials at Constantinople and the sixth member is a prominent merchant. Four are Moslems and the other two Christians. They were elected at the fourth congress which met in this city of Jerusalem last June. The delegates to the congress, numbering 96, were elected by popular vote by the Moslem-Christian leagues. The late pope received the delegation and talked with them for over an hour. He expressed great sympathy with our aims and promised active cooperation. He told them he would write to all the Catholic powers asking them to support us actively in the League of Nations.

Three members of the delegation then went to Geneva for the last assembly of the League of Nations last September and there interviewed the representatives of all the powers with the important result that the ratification of the mandate for Palestine has been postponed pending a more thorough examination of the situation. In England, I hear, the delegation has already succeeded in gaining the sympathy of many members of parliament who have arranged meetings for them in the house of common and they are to lay our case before the foreign affairs committee. The delegation has not yet finished its work in England, but when it has it will go to the United States, where It believes it will find valuable support among the Jews. It must be made clear that we have no hatred of the race. On the contrary, we have lived with them for a long period and get on well with them. But we hate the Zionist movement which aims to make our land a Jewish state.

Today in America, any criticism of the state of Israel is tantamount to anti-Semitism, regardless of whether you are in love with the Jewish race or enjoy their friendship as individuals. The recent donor response to Ivy League student protests demonstrates how a young college student’s professional future can be destroyed by blacklisting for merely exercising free speech on campus. Note: in the Fox News report linked above, they show a large banner demanding “NO DIALOGUE WITH WHITE SUPREMACY.” Is it not long overdue for Americans to have a conversation on who retains real supremacist power and influence today? And do they simply appear White to everyone, giving European descendants a bad rap?

The British government has now published a resume of the constitution for Palestine. The executive is all in the hands of the high commissioner and his advisers. He has the power to deport any person whom he thinks dangerous to the state without trial and without appeal. There is to be a legislative council of 25 members in addition to the high commissioner who has the casting vote. He nominates ten of the members from the officers of the government and two others as well. The chambers of commerce nominate one and the rest are elected. Thus the high commissioner will have fourteen votes at his command, the votes of the twelve nominated by him and the two votes be had as head of the council. The Jews will, according to numerical strength, have the right to elect one or two. That leaves the Arabs with only ten or eleven members at most. This means they will never have any power because they will always be in the minority of the council although in an overwhelming majority on the basis of population. Moreover, if any measure is passed by the council the high commissioner has the power to veto it. The fact that he is Zionist is not likely to help matters.

As European-Americans are quickly becoming a minority in the country they founded and have had their political leaders sell them out for more than the last one hundred years, can we see White Americans becoming the future Palestinians, held up in Balkanized open concentration camps for future Gaza-styled tyranny? There’s never been a better time for uncensored, unfettered free speech like that which was permitted in the Edmonton Journal of Canada, 1922. But as Elon Musk has discovered, we must first overcome the hate-filled NGOs controlling “what speech has reach.”

Pledges to Arabs Broken

The case for the Palestinians is a strong one. The Arabs are the original inhabitants of the land, whereas the Jews only occupied Palestine as a whole for 520 years and that was many centuries ago. Their proper home is Ur of the Chaldees, which is some-where near the Euphrates. When King Hussein in 1915 took up arms for the allies the British government assured him that the independence of the Arab countries would be acknowledged. Mr. Balfour’s pledge to the Zionists in 1917 seemed a direct contradiction to this. But again in 1918 Lord Allenby promised that nothing would be decided about the future of our land without first consulting its people. In 1919 Mr. Lloyd George stated that the pledge given to King Hussein would be redeemed. But when a Jew and a Zionist was made high commissioner, when Zionists openly boasted that they drew up Mr. Balfour’s declaration and secured the appointment of Sir Herbert Samuel, and above all when they asserted that they did not only mean to make Palestine a home for the Jews, but a Jewish state, ‘as Jewish as England is English or the United States is American,’ we felt it was time for us to protest.

“…as England is English or the United States is American!” What a dream that would be! Today, there seems to be no Western nation that will long reman as an ethnic/cultural homeland. They are all under attack, as professed by the Jewish Barbara Lerner Spectre, who opposes the existence of monolithic or even culturally-tight European societies. Could someone like Barbara explain when Israel “will learn how to be multi-cultural,” as France and Germany and especially Sweden are learning today?

That is why the delegation has been financed for an appeal to the civilized nations and why both Moslem and Christians have joined hands to fight for the self-determination. Mr. Winston Churchill has admitted in the British parliament ‘that the only cause of unrest in Palestine arises from the Zionist movement’ and this has cost the British people for military garrisons fifteen million dollars this year, 22,500,000 dollars last year and 22,500,000 dollars the year before.

The Arab population is composed of merchants, tradesmen, men in the professions, about forty per cent, and landowners and peasants. We have been described as wild, lawless, brutal, ignorant and savage.

What did former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett just call the Palestinians while exploding on Sky News?

Look at this photograph of an Arab peasant woman. She is wearing a gown of which any woman may be proud. It was embroidered by herself and it is worth at least a hundred dollars. Modern methods of agriculture are now being used and up-to-date machinery was introduced before the war. The Turkish government, anxious to encourage modern methods, released agricultural machinery from custom dues and also supplied machinery on the installment plan.

The Jaffa orange industry is in the hands of Arabs and their products are famous the world over. They have brought it to a highly efficient state. During the war owing to the lack of petroleum and machinery most of the gardens dried up and withered but during the last three years everything has been revived and the orange growing is today as good as ever it was. Millions of dollars are invested in it. Soap is another important industry. Palestinian soap is exported in large quantities to India, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Turkey proper. Cloth is made at Medjel, Ghaza, Nablous and other towns. The mother-of-pearl work at Bethlehem is sent all over the world and a lot goes to America. The olivewood work of Jerusalem and the needle work are both exported in large quantities and are known everywhere. The natives are not asleep. And they certainly do not need Zionism to wake them up.”

Zionism cost Winston Churchill’s Britain the 2023 equivalent of billions of dollars then, and tens of billions of dollars for America today. Isn’t it ironic that as our post-WWII society progresses more to the left every year, we can’t even shelter our increasing homeless population? Why is that? And who has ever read every word of the congressional budget that has stiffed us to the tune of a $33 trillion in debt? I sense that a common playbook of shenanigans is leading America to the abyss.

Abbreviated captions of photos shown in this article:

“Here is a typical Palestine peasant woman of Arab blood. The native dress she is wearing is embroidered by hand and is quite valuable. This is the photograph to which Arif Pasha refers in the special interview he gave to our correspondent.”


“A photograph of the Arab delegation from Palestine, now in England to place their case against Zionism before the British government.”

End of Article, But Please Read on to My Second Destination…


Destination 1920

Let’s conclude our time capsule journey by going back two more years, to a Jewish newspaper from Cincinnati, Ohio. There we find embedded a quote from Sir Herbert Samuel (High Commissioner of Palestine):

Herbert Samuel, former British Cabinet Minister and Special Commissioner to Belgium, in passing through Cairo from Jerusalem on his way home, issued a statement to the press, both native and British, in which he declared that the riots In Jerusalem had been due to a misconception of Zionism on the part of the non-Jewish population. He wrote:

They have assumed that Mohammedans and Christians will be placed under the government of a Jewish minority, that the present possessors and cultivators of the soil will be dispossessed of their property, that the ownership of Mohammedan and Christian holy places will be affected, and that the Jews will fill the administrative offices to the prejudice of others. All these assumptions are untrue, but, even if the Zionist organizations entertained such ideas, Great Britain would not permit their adoption.”The American Israelite, July 1, 1920

He obviously underestimated the tactics of Irgun terrorist leader Menachem Begin (i.e., future Prime Minister of Israel Begin) who ordered the bombing of the British Headquarters at the King David Hotel! But what of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and the 34 deaths and 174 wounded Navy servicemen? Why did an American carrier group get ordered to turn away from the defense of the Liberty and our American sailors in 1967, while today in 2023 two carrier groups are sent in to aid Israel? The fact is that the average American citizen knows virtually nothing about the details of terrorism that have swept over Palestine lands from 1922 through today except for what our mainstream media has repetitively pounded into our heads. I’ll end my point with a quick one question test: 1. Who was Count Folke Bernadotte?

The time capsule has returned to our present day, 2023, as Israel’s IDF prepares for a ground assault into congested Gaza. I trust that our journey gives you a better understanding of the situation at hand, one that complements the work of Bernard M. Smith, noted in my introduction. I wrote this for the memory of the innocent victims of the last century, the innocent victims of the future, and in the hopes that the American people can find their roots, before it’s too late.

Survey of Anti-White Attitudes

Aporia Magazine commissioned two Penn State professors, Eric Silver and Prof John Iceland, to survey anti-White and anti-Black attitudes.

The way we talk about racism has changed. Over the past decade or so, words like “bigot” and “extremist” have been overshadowed by words like “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” and “white fragility.” The new words portray a new kind of racist. Instead of wearing a hood and spewing hate speech, the “new racist” is an ordinary white person whose socialization into “whiteness” causes them to undermine people of color, whether they know it or not.

It’s not hard to see why well-meaning people might be drawn to this image of the new racist. Racial disparities persist. More than a century after Emancipation and 50 years after Civil Rights, blacks continue to lag behind whites in virtually all areas of success. To attribute these disparities to anything other than racism might seem like blaming the victim. Condemning the “new racist” avoids this problem. [It avoids the problem of persistent disparities that have not disappeared despite massive expenses over at least 5 decades by creating “causes” that are unmeasurable and therefore immune from rational criticism. White racism as a cause has become an axiom, a statement that is accepted without controversy or question, like a tautology. Such a statement is supposed to be so obvious that there is no need to try to prove it.]

Not everyone, however, agrees. Parents protest at school board meetings. State universities quietly soften their antiracism agendas. Individuals take defiant stands, sometimes at great cost to themselves, to combat what they perceive as the spread of anti-whiteness. And then, of course, there’s Florida, where “woke goes to die.”

These actions are motivated in part by concern over the antiracism movement’s use of morally charged language that depicts contemporary whites as racists and blames them for past and present racial injustices. They are also motivated by a fear that if left unchecked, the movement will succeed in normalizing a culture of anti-whiteness, with devastating effects not just for whites but for the country as a whole.

Are such worries warranted? How much of a problem is anti-whiteness, really?

To investigate this, in 2021, we hired YouGov, one of the world’s leading survey research firms, to ask a nationally representative sample of 1,125 US adults whether they agreed or disagreed with five statements designed to measure their “anti-whiteness.”

The statements were:

●     Most white people in this country believe that whites are better than other groups.

●     Most white people in this country just don’t get it when it comes to understanding the hardships of other race groups.

●     Most white people in this country would rather keep society as it is rather than make changes that would benefit other groups.

●     Most white people in this country don’t care about the hardships experienced by other race groups.

●     Most white people in this country are reluctant to give up their white privilege even though doing so would make society more equal.

We found there’s a lot of anti-whiteness out there, including among whites! Blacks were the most anti-white (69-79 percent), followed by Latinos (47- 62 percent), whites (40-53 percent), and other race groups (33-39 percent). Anti-whiteness, it seems, is far from rare, making concerns about its effects on society far from unreasonable.

These results may come as a surprise to those who view the US as a hopelessly white supremacist society where whites are universally admired and put on a pedestal. The data suggest this is far from the truth.

What’s most depressing is that between 30 and 40 percent of White people agree with these statements. These are the people prone to voting for leftist policies along with their non-White coalition partners, an increasingly unbeatable coalition given current demographics and the continuing deluge of non-White immigration, legal and illegal.

The results for Blacks are the opposite. In general, they don’t blame themselves for their problems, trying harder is not the answer, they are not responsible for racial tension, and they don’t think they have too much influence on politics.

The authors propose that diversity training should focus on common values, “shared values that transcend race”— like “liberty, and progress, values that have been a source of unity in the American context for centuries.” However, the problem with that is that it’s not going to change the disparities, and Blacks and Latinos can’t get stuff like affirmative action in education, job preference, and a lenient criminal justice system. by endorsing them. So we’re back where we started.

Thomas Friedman on Gaza-Israel

Israel Is About to Make a Terrible Mistake

Friedman is probably right about most of what he says here. The threat of a wider war is real. The problem with his proposed solution is that there is no way that the government of Israel as it now exists is going to permit a viable Palestinian state on the West Bank and a withdrawal from West Bank settlements in exchange for rooting out Hamas in Gaza. But it’s not often you read in a mainstream publication about “unjustifiably building an apartheidlike society run by Jewish supremacists in the West Bank.”

I believe that if Israel rushes headlong into Gaza now to destroy Hamas — and does so without expressing a clear commitment to seek a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority and end Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank — it will be making a grave mistake that will be devastating for Israeli interests and American interests.

It could trigger a global conflagration and explode the entire pro-American alliance structure that the United States has built in the region since Henry Kissinger engineered the end of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

I am talking about the Camp David peace treaty, the Oslo peace accords, the Abraham Accords and the possible normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The whole thing could go up in flames.

This is not about whether Israel has the right to retaliate against Hamas for the savage barbarism it inflicted on Israeli men, women, babies and grandparents. It surely does. This is about doing it the right way — the way that does not play into the hands of Hamas, Iran and Russia.

If Israel goes into Gaza and takes months to kill or capture every Hamas leader and soldier but does so while expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank — thereby making any two-state solution there with the more moderate Palestinian Authority impossible — there will be no legitimate Palestinian or Arab League or European or U.N. or NATO coalition that will ever be prepared to go into Gaza and take it off Israel’s hands.

There will be no one to extract Israel and no one to help Israel pay the cost of caring for more than two million Gazans — not if Israel is run by a government that thinks, and acts, as if it can justifiably exact its revenge on Hamas while unjustifiably building an apartheidlike society run by Jewish supremacists in the West Bank. [False. The U.S. will continue its pro-Israel insanity.] That is a completely incoherent policy.

Alas, though, a senior U.S. official told me that the Biden team left Jerusalem feeling that while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel understands that overreach in Gaza could set the whole neighborhood ablaze, his right-wing coalition partners are eager to fan the flames in the West Bank. Settlers there have killed at least seven Palestinian civilians in acts of revenge in just the past week. [Last I heard on Al Jazeera was that 85 West Bank Palestinians had been killed, including from the IDF, and thousands imprisoned.]

Meanwhile, U.S. officials told me, the representatives of those settlers in the cabinet are withholding tax money owed the Palestinian Authority, making it harder for it to keep the West Bank as under control as it has been since the start of the Hamas war.

Netanyahu should not allow this, but he has trapped himself. He needs those right-wing extremists in his coalition to keep himself out of jail on corruption charges.

But he is going to put all of Israel into the jail of Gaza unless he breaks with those Jewish supremacists.

Unfortunately, the senior U.S. official told me, Israeli military leaders are actually more hawkish than the prime minister now. They are red with rage and determined to deliver a blow to Hamas that the whole neighborhood will never forget.

I understand why. But friends don’t let friends drive while enraged. Biden has to tell this Israeli government that taking over Gaza without pairing it with a totally new approach to settlements, the West Bank and a two-state solution would be a disaster for Israel and a disaster for America. …

The Wisdom of Enver Solomon: Importing Fans of Hamas and Other Non-White Savages Is Very Good for the White West

If you want to understand Muslim atrocities against Jews, the Jewish Bible is a good place to start:

Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.

Numbers 31:15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? 31:16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. 31:17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 31:18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Islam is a kind of gentile Judaism, translating the ethnocentric barbarism and bloodlust of the Torah into more universalist terms. Where Judaism has a chosen people entitled to exploit and prey upon outsiders, Islam has a chosen ideology. In short, Muslims think like Jews and behave like Jews. This means that Muslims don’t just attack outsiders: they often turn on each other too. The atrocities committed by Palestian Muslims against Jewish civilians in October 2023 were bad. But Pakistani Muslims did the same on a much bigger scale to Bangladeshi Muslims in the 1970s.

Jewish sex-pest vs British anti-Semites

There is no “Turn the other cheek” and “Love your enemies” in Islam. But there is “Rape your enemies,” of course. When Western nations began importing Muslims after the Second World War, those Muslims did the Allah-approved thing and began raping and sexually enslaving White women and girls. Jews and White traitors in high places yawned and looked the other way. It doesn’t matter when it happens to Whites. But it does matter when it happens to Jews. The Jewish sex-pest Nick Cohen has never written about the rape-gangs of Rotherham. But he hastened to his keyboard after the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli Jews. He was angry and disturbed at the way “British anti-Semites” have been “delighted by the attack on Israel.” Dave Rich, head of a Jewish spying agency called the Community Security Trust (CST), has told him that “Anti-Semites are getting excited by the sight of dead Jews” and that “Hamas murdering Israeli civilians has exhilarated them and filled them with joy.” The CST has “had reports of people driving past synagogues shouting ‘kill the Jews’ and ‘fuck you’.”

Cohen goes on to highlight what he calls a “shameful statistic.” He says that “There are only 271,000 Jews in the UK according to the last census. Yet the Home Office says that this tiny group contains the victims of a quarter of all religious hate crimes.” But the progressive anti-racist left ignore these Jewish victims! They also ignore the “inconvenient fact” that “Hamas is a far-right wing clerical fascist movement.” It’s shocking, isn’t it? But Cohen is, of course, ignoring some big “inconvenient facts” of his own. Fascist Hamas is partly a creation of Israel itself. And when Cohen laments Jewish victimhood at the hands of “British anti-Semites,” he fails to describe those anti-Semites in any way. Dave Rich of the CST shares his reticence. Who exactly is “driving past synagogues shouting ‘kill the Jews’ and ‘fuck you’”? Rich doesn’t say. This is because he and Cohen don’t want to admit that Jews have manufactured the very problem they are wailing about. The “British anti-Semites” they’re condemning aren’t British at all, of course. Instead, they’re non-White Muslims imported into Britain against the clearly expressed opposition of the White majority, but with the full approval of Jews.

Ethnocentric Jews in control

In fact, those non-Whites are here only because Jews wanted them here. Mass migration from the Third World into the West has been a thoroughly Jewish project. Kevin MacDonald has shown how the 1965 Immigration Act that opened America’s borders to non-Whites was the culmination of a decades-long campaign by ethnocentric Jews to dilute (and eventually destroy) America’s White Christian majority. Jews have done the same in Britain. When New Labour opened the borders in the 1990s, the party was led by a corrupt and devious gentile called Tony Blair. But he was just a shabbos goy, because the real power rested with Labour’s treasurer, an ethnocentric Jew called Michael Levy. When Levy was forced out by a scandal about underhanded donations to Labour from Jewish businessmen, he was replaced as party treasurer by another ethnocentric Jew called Jonathan Mendelsohn.

Ethnocentric Jew Barbara Roche relates “The British story of migration” at TedX

It’s no surprise, then, that New Labour appointed an ethnocentric Jew called Barbara Roche as minister for immigration. In 2001, Roche told the Guardian that she “entered politics — she still emphasises this today — to combat anti-semitism and xenophobia in general.” In 2003, while urging her party “to promote the benefits of legal migration,” she told the Independent that “My being Jewish informs me totally, informs my politics.” After all, she’s the “child of a Polish-Russian Ashkenazi father and a Sephardic Spanish-Portuguese mother.” In one speech she was clearly gloating about her ability to open the borders. She was the proud descendant of Jews who had been insulted more than a century ago by a xenophobic White Briton. Note how she begins this section of her speech with a blatant lie:

Britain has always been a nation of migrants. There were in practice almost no immigration controls prior to the beginning of the 20th century. The 1905 Aliens Act was a direct response to Jewish immigration and it is difficult to deny that it was motivated in part by anti-Semitism. Major [William] Evans-Gordon, an MP, speaking in support of the legislation, said: “It is the poorest and least fit of these people who move, and it is the residuum of these again who come to and are let in this country… Hon[ourable] Members [of Parliament] opposite do not live in daily terror of being turned into the street to make room for an unsavoury Pole [i.e. Polish Jew].”

I expect Major Evans Gordon would be spinning in his grave if he knew that their descendant would not only be Immigration Minister but would be standing before you today making this speech. (UK migration in a global economy, Draft Speech by Barbara Roche MP, Immigration Minister, London, 11th September 2000)

Roche’s blatant lie — “Britain has always been a nation of migrants” — was taken from Jewish propagandists in the United States. A “nation of migrants” is a complete contradiction in terms, because nations are created by bonds of blood and shared history. After all, the very word “nation” is from Latin nasci, meaning “to be born.” Migration destroys nations, but that’s precisely why Barbara Roche and the other ethnocentric Jews in New Labour opened Britain’s borders to the Third World. This is Roche surveying the effect of her labours after she left office:

Friday rush hour. Euston station [in London]. Who’s here? Who isn’t. A kaleidoscope of skin colours. The world in one terminus. Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of Americano coffee. “I love the diversity of London,” she tells me. “I just feel comfortable.” (Hideously Diverse Britain: The immigration ‘conspiracy’, The Guardian, 2nd March 2011)

Jews like Roche “feel comfortable” in an atomized society because they no longer stand out as Jews and no longer fear gentile retribution for their bad behaviour. But alas, that Jewish “comfort” is beginning to evaporate. Here’s another ethnocentric Jew, a journalist called Madeline Grant, in 2023:

Britain is finished if Jews no longer feel safe here

Complacent policing and brazen anti-Semitism after Hamas’s shocking terror attack should worry us all

… Across the world, people have rallied in support of Hamas murderers. Hundreds converged outside the Sydney Opera House, chanting “gas the Jews”. Masked Hamas supporters at the Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen removed flowers laid by Danish citizens. Though scarcely the most distressing event of recent days, the callousness of this gesture was striking. They couldn’t even let people grieve.

Following the darkest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust, British nationals gleefully took to the streets to celebrate indiscriminate slaughter. That there are people at the heart of our polity who feel empowered to revel in such desecration, in public, with no consequences, suggests a catastrophic erosion of social norms. Up and down the country, Jewish families will be debating whether it’s safe for their children to attend school; schools already protected by heavy security designed to guard against anti-Semitic attacks. Tragically, it has emerged that Jake Marlowe, a UK citizen missing following the Supernova rave massacre, left the UK for Israel because of fears over the rise of anti-Jewish bigotry. …

We should feel shame at the spate of anti-Semitism within our borders. But above all, we should be afraid. Between a state that apparently cannot, or will not, apply the law evenly and the thousands of people openly broadcasting their hatred for Jewish people, this is a toxic combination with potential consequences too terrifying to contemplate. The authorities must offer Jewish citizens all the protection they can, while clamping down on anyone glorifying terrorism on our streets. If Britain isn’t a place where Jews can live safely, it really is game over for our civilisation. (Britain is finished if Jews no longer feel safe here, The Daily Telegraph, 11th October 2023)

Comfort evaporates: a part-Jewish journalist changes her mind about the joys of “Britain’s multicultural societ

Madeline Grant doesn’t explain that it’s precisely because Jews wanted to “feel safe” that they “no longer feel safe.” Like Nick Cohen and Dave Rich, she doesn’t describe the “British nationals” responsible for the “spate of anti-Semitism within our borders.” Like Cohen and Rich, she doesn’t want to admit the truth: that Jews have manufactured the very problem they are wailing about. When the Conservative party won power again in 2010, it promised to reduce migration and repair the damage done by New Labour’s reckless opening of the borders.

Ehud Sheleg, ethnocentric Jewish treasurer of the not-at-all Conservative party

The Tories were lying. They’ve increased migration and Third-World folk are flooding into Britain in greater numbers than ever. This is because the Tories are funded and controlled by the same ethnocentric Jews as New Labour were. Labour had Jewish treasurers called Michael Levy and Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). The Conservatives have Jewish treasurers called Sir Mick Davis and Sir Ehud Sheleg. Sir Ehud has condescendingly said this to the British goyim whose destiny he now controls: “I was brought up, albeit in Israel, with the sentiment of very strong ties to Britain. In the family of nations, this has to be my favourite one. Second to my homeland, of course.”

Israel’s Likud party boasts about strengthening Israel’s borders against the Third World (n.b. Hebrew is read from right to left)

Sheleg’s homeland of Israel does not have open borders to the Third World. Instead, it has high-tech fences keeping the Third World out. If Britain is Ehud Sheleg’s “second favourite” nation, why has he remained treasurer of the Conservative party while Britain is flooded with low-IQ tribalists from the corrupt, violent, and diseased Third World? The answer is simple: because he thinks that Third-World migration into Britain is good for Jews. It atomizes society and allows Jews to “feel comfortable.” But Third-World migration into Israel would be very bad for Jews. It isn’t good to atomize society when Jews are the majority. That’s what Ehud Sheleg thinks and that’s why the Conservative party keeps the borders open in Britain, working against the interests of British Whites even as it works for the interests of Israel and its sealed borders.

“Open borders are good for you, goyim!”

Ehud Sheleg is supposedly right-wing, but he has the same attitudes to migration as the left-wing Jew Enver Solomon, who works tirelessly for Third-World invaders as “chief executive of the Refugee Council.” Here is Solomon dispensing his wisdom in the Guardian:

Enver Solomon, ethnocentric Jew and “chief executive of the Refugee Council” (image from ThirdSector)

[Current government policy] is a purposeful move away from the commitment to a shared humanity and multilateralism forged by the international community in the wake of the horrors of the second world war to an insular, unilateralist, more nationalist agenda akin to that championed by the Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni or Marine Le Pen in France.

So we must look behind the government soundbites about Channel crossings and ask ourselves: what sort of country do we want to be? There are basic choices to be made and we must make them — between liberalism and nationalist populism, between humanity and inhumanity, between compassion and cruelty.

Standing up for treating men, women and children seeking asylum with decency, care and understanding, respecting their rights and giving them a fair hearing. That would be a mark of the nation we want to be and the values we want to hold on to. (“We know people seeking asylum die in the Channel, but callous hardline policy kills them too,” The Guardian, 14th August 2023)

That’s the wisdom of Enver Solomon: White nations like Britain should accept unlimited numbers of migrants from the corrupt, violent, and diseased Third World. In this case, Solomon is complaining about the Tory government’s pretence that it will stop illegal migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. It won’t, of course. Both the left and the pseudo-right are very happy to exchange fiery rhetoric about the Channel crossings, because their fake debate takes attention from the far larger numbers of Third-World folk who are migrating into Britain legally.

The Guardian also publishes articles about what Third-World migration will sooner or later create in Britain. This is one of those articles:

It was early afternoon when the mob surged down an alley of neat rose bushes and halted outside Zarifa’s house. The Kyrgyz men broke into her courtyard and sat Zarifa down next to a cherry tree. They asked her a couple of questions. After confirming she was an ethnic Uzbek, they stripped her, raped her and cut off her fingers. After that they killed her and her small son, throwing their bodies into the street. They then moved on to the next house.

“They were like beasts,” Zarifa’s neighbour, Bakhtir Irgayshon, said today, pointing to the gutted bedframe where she had been assaulted. A few pots and pans remained; the rest of the family home was a charred ruin. Zarifa’s husband, Ilham, was missing, Irgayshon said, probably dead. Only his mother, Adina, survived the Kyrgyz-instigated conflagration that engulfed the neighbourhood of Cheremushki last Friday.

The scale of the ethnic killing that took place in Osh — as well as in other towns and villages in southern Kyrgyzstan — was grimly obvious. In the next street were the remains of another victim. He burned to death in his bed. Not much was left, only a jigsaw-like spine and hip. Nearby, Uzbek survivors were retrieving the bodies of seven small children. They had been incinerated, together with their mother, while cowering in a dark cellar. (Kyrgyzstan killings are attempted genocide, say ethnic Uzbeks, The Guardian, 16th Jun 2010)

As the great Chateau Heartiste so often said: “Diversity + Proximity = War.” But in one way there was no diversity in the slaughter and rape of Uzbeks by “Kyrgyz men.” Both sides are Muslim. That article in the Guardian is yet another example of why it is criminally stupid for Western countries to accept migration from Muslim countries. But the Guardian ignores the obvious conclusions of its own reporting. It has the same attitude to Muslim migration as Jews like Barbara Roche and Enver Solomon. That’s why its journalists and editors should one day be put on trial for their role in the crimes committed by Muslims and other non-Whites against British Whites.

As for me, I’m a crazed far-right extremist, so I oppose murder and rape committed by any group against any other group. That’s also why I oppose Third-World migration and the continuing presence of Third-World people in White nations. If things remain as they are, Muslims will one day commit the same atrocities against Whites as they have committed against Jews in Israel and against other Muslims in Kyrgyzstan and Bangladesh. And let’s be honest: if inter-racial war breaks out in Europe and America, then Whites will commit atrocities too. We have psychopaths and sadists of our own. War will create more. The difference is that, unlike Judaism and Islam, the traditional White religion of Christianity doesn’t approve of psychopathy and sadism against outsiders.

Neither Jews nor Muslims belong in the West

Genuine Christianity doesn’t approve of open borders and mass migration either. That’s why the leaders of all mainstream churches should also be put on trial. They have been traitors against ordinary Whites and against the religion they claim to follow. But Jews like Barbara Roche, Ehud Sheleg, and Enver Solomon can’t be accused of treachery. In opening the borders and supporting non-White migration, they’ve simply done what Jews have always done: put Jews first and goyim nowhere. Benjamin Netanyahu and other Machiavellian Israelis did the same when they “helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors” against Yasser Arafat and the more moderate Fatah party. Netanyahu thought he was helping Jews and harming Palestinians. Now he’s trying to exploit the atrocities committed by Hamas. It’s quite possible that he knew about what Hamas was planning and let it go ahead in order to exploit it. Once a Jew, always a Jew. That’s why Jews don’t belong in Western nations any more than Muslims do.

Fake conservatives like Mark Steyn don’t agree with that, of course. They tell their followers that Jews are good and Muslims are bad. But they don’t discuss the central Jewish role in Muslim migration or the endless support given to Muslims by Jews:

Muslims are only in the West to commit atrocities because Jews wanted those Muslims here. If Muslims and their Jewish enablers don’t leave the West, more and worse atrocities will follow. The Hamas-fans who flooded onto the streets of Western cities are simply more proof of that simple truth.

Tucker: George Floyd Died of Fentanyl OD

You can ignore the sermon by his guest, but Tucker’s airing of a lawsuit by a Minneapolis prosecutor against her boss claims there is no evidence George Floyd died of asphyxiation. What we all suspected: just another fentanyl OD. Sounds like a basis for Chauvin to appeal.