Kingdom Scum: Let’s Contrast Unimportant Southport and Rotherham with All-Important Auschwitz

“Utter scum.” That is how the libertarian Tom Slater has described the Southport killer Axel Rudakubana. Slater is blustering and evading the consequences of his own ideology. He’s doing the same when he calls Rudakubana an “eighteen-year-old Brit.” Rudakubana is obviously not British, but that’s precisely why Slater calls him that. Like all his comrades in the Spiked collective, Slater has always believed in what the leading hate-thinker Vox Day calls “magic dirt,” namely, that birth on the territory of a Western nation has the magical power to transform Third-World folk into fully authentic Westerners. Because they believe in magic dirt, Slater and his comrades cannot admit the obvious: that importing Third-World people inevitably means importing Third-World pathologies. No, Slater has to pretend that pathological non-Whites like Rudakubana are somehow “Kingdom scum,” that is, people who truly belong in the United Kingdom but wilfully act as though they’re living in Rwanda or Libya.

Betraying his Jewish mentors

I mention Libya because there’s an obvious parallel between what Axel Rudakubana did with a knife in Southport in 2024 and what Salman Abedi did with a suicide-bomb in Manchester in 2017. Rudakubana’s parents were granted “asylum” in Britain from Rwanda before their British-born son slaughtered White children in horrific fashion. Abedi’s parents were granted “asylum” in Britain from Libya before their British-born son slaughtered White children in horrific fashion. The magic dirt didn’t work, just as it didn’t work for the many other British-born non-Whites who have inflicted grossly disproportionate harm on Whites down the decades. Tom Slater calls those malefactors “utter scum.” I would call them entirely predictable products of Third-World immigration.

But Slater is doing more than blustering and evading in his polemic against Rudakubana. He’s also betraying the proud intellectual tradition established by his Jewish mentors, the Hungary-born sociologist Frank Furedi and the Ukraine-born revolutionary Leon Trotsky. “Utter scum” is not a scientific term in any sense. It’s a wilfully anti-intellectual refusal to face reality. Slater really must find time to sit down and have a talk with Frank Furedi about Frank’s birthplace of Hungary, which does not suffer from any of the pathologies regularly condemned by Frank’s disciples at the Spiked website. There have been no Rwandan stabbers slaughtering White schoolgirls in Hungary. And no Libyan suicide-bombers blowing up White schoolgirls. No Pakistani rape-gangs preying on White schoolgirls. No Jamaican rapists preying on elderly White women. No Arabs machine-gunning White cartoonists for blasphemy in Hungary either. No Chechens beheading White schoolteachers for blasphemy. No Afghans licking blood-stained knives after slaughtering White women. And no Afghans throwing flesh-eating alkali into women’s faces.

Hungary’s secret sauce

But how on Earth has Hungary escaped the pathologies that plague Britain, France and other Western nations? Well, as Frank will surely explain to Tom, it’s because Hungary has stumbled on an amazingly effective way of preventing Rwandans, Libyans, Pakistanis, Jamaicans, Arabs, Chechens, and Afghans from reproducing the vibrant traditions of their ancestral lands on Hungarian soil. Tom will gasp in amazement as Frank gives him the jaw-dropping recipe for Hungary’s secret sauce:

  1. Take a proud and peaceful White nation.
  2. Do not add Third-World people or Muslims.
  3. Continue to be a proud and peaceful White nation.

Yes! It really is that simple! If you don’t let Third-World people in, you won’t suffer from Third-World pathologies. Frank will no doubt remind Tom of a potent piece of folk-wisdom: Prevention is better than cure. Indeed, Frank will tell Tom there is only one cure for Third-World pathologies in a White nation, namely, the expulsion of Third-World people from that White nation.

After that eye-opening chat with Frank Furedi, Tom Slater will understand how wrong he is to use phrases like “utter scum” and how foolish he is to write words like these:

[Very Online right-wingers are] trying to make [the Southport killings] all about immigration, gesturing to Rudakubana’s Rwandan heritage, to the Dark Continent, blithely ignoring that he was born and raised in Britain and that white British kids — from James Bulger’s killers to 19-year-old Cameron Finnigan, the neo-Nazi Satanist who was jailed just last week for encouraging young girls to commit suicide online and possessing terror materials — are well represented among Britain’s most depraved and sadistic inmates. (“The monster of Southport — and his enablers,” Spiked Online, 23rd January 2025)

In fact, “white British kids” are clearly under-represented among “Britain’s most depraved and sadistic inmates.” Non-Whites like Axel Rudakubana punch far above their demographic weight in depravity and sadism. And contra Slater, nobody is “ignoring” that Rudakubana “was born and raised in Britain.” On the contrary, “Very Online right-wingers” have made that fact central to their mockery of migration-enthusiasts like Slater. They’ve responded very effectively to claims that Rudakubana is “British” because he was born in the Welsh city of Cardiff. They’ve simply repeated a saying that was first used in the 1960s (or earlier): “If a dog is born in a stable, that doesn’t make it a horse.” Elsewhere, the Very Online right-wingers at Gates of Vienna have adapted a famous meme to salute Rudakubana’s handiness with a knife:

How Gates of Vienna “ignored” Axel Rudakubana’s birth in Cardiff

As I mentioned at the beginning, Vox Day created the term “magic dirt” to satirize the idiotic and irrational belief that merely being born on the territory of a Western nation somehow has the power to transform non-Whites into fully authentic Westerners. And I myself was being sarcastic when I said that Frank Furedi would give Tom Slater the recipe for Hungary’s secret sauce. As you would expect, the mentor Furedi is as dishonest and evasive about Third-World migration as the mentee Slater. When Furedi was defending Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government against the regular accusations of “anti-Semitism” and “fascism” made against them by the European Union, he contrasted the threats to Jews in Western Europe with the peace that Jews enjoy in Hungary:

If the prevalence of anti-Semitism in a nation is going to be the criterion by which we [condemn] a government, then Hungary should come way behind France, Britain, Germany, Belgium and Sweden. In France and Belgium, Jewish restaurants are often guarded by the police; there is no need for that in Budapest. In Berlin, Jews wearing kippahs face threats and even violence. Not in Budapest. (“The EU’s shameful crusade against Hungary,” Spiked Online, 12th September 2018)

But Furedi didn’t point out the obvious reason for this contrast: that France, Britain, Germany, Belgium and Sweden are heavily enriched with Muslims and Hungary isn’t. Thanks to his refusal to discuss Third-World migration, Furedi failed to make the best possible case for Hungary. He said that “Hungary is no less democratic and no less free than other European nation states.” In fact, Hungary is much more democratic on a fundamental question of national sovereignty and survival. In Hungary, the government obeys the will of the people on Third-World migration. Hungarians don’t want it and don’t get it. In all the other nations he named, the people haven’t wanted it but have nevertheless got it, decade after decade after decade.

“Roma rights campaigner” steals millions

Furedi also got it wrong when he said: “Roma people face considerable socioeconomic problems in Hungary, but their position is far better than it was under the previous Socialist regime.” In fact, Roma don’t “face” but create “considerable socioeconomic problems” in Hungary, thanks to their low average IQ and high average criminality. However, they do much better in Britain, because the welfare system in Britain is much more generous and much more easily defrauded — for one example among many of Roma doing well in Britain, see the story at the BBC of a “Roma rights campaigner jailed for £2.9m benefits scam.” Furedi did not point out that Roma are non-Whites who have been notorious for their criminality and failure to integrate ever since they first reached Europe from India in the 1300s. In other words, the magic dirt hasn’t worked in seven centuries. Roma set the lamentable precedent for the much larger numbers of non-Whites who followed them in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Why does Frank Furedi not discuss or condemn non-White immigration? It’s simple: because he has a typically Jewish enthusiasm for what one of his disciples coyly calls “a liberal migration policy.” Another of his disciples, the Indian Muslim intellectual Kenan Malik, has joined Tom Slater in being evasive and dishonest about the Southport killings. But Malik was more sophisticated than Slater. He didn’t condemn Axel Rudakubana as “utter scum.” Instead, he followed his usual tactic of blowing smoke and sorrowfully intoning that it is all very complicated. He lamented how the “fraying of social bonds has been compounded by the paralysis of state institutions.” He wrung his hands over “a nihilistic desire to cause carnage and mayhem, distress and pain.” He shook his head sadly at how the “catastrophic failure” of “state institutions” is a “recurring theme” and pointed to “Salman Abedi, the Manchester Arena bomber, who again in a horror attack targeted young girls idolising a pop star — in this case, Ariana Grande — was known to the authorities, family, friends and community leaders having all contacted the police.” Alas, alas! “No action was taken.”

No “recurring theme” in Hungary

But Malik didn’t point out the other parallels between Rudakubana and Abedi: that both were the British-born sons of parents granted asylum from violent Third-World nations riven by “a nihilistic desire to cause carnage and mayhem, distress and pain.” He didn’t mention the “distress and pain” caused by non-White rape-gangs in Britain. And he failed to note that his “recurring theme” is found in all White nations enriched by Muslims and other non-Whites. But rape-gangs and “recurring themes” of nihilistic violence don’t exist in the White nation of Hungary. Why not? Like Frank Furedi and Tom Slater, Kenan Malik knows perfectly well why not: because Hungary hasn’t been enriched by Third-World immigration. Hungary doesn’t have to endure Third-World pathologies because the Hungarian elite has never allowed Third-World people to invade its territory.

The United Kingdom is entirely different. The political elite here allowed the Third-World people to begin invading British territory soon after the Second World War. And our symbolic elite in the British royal family did nothing to defend the true British — namely, the White British — against invasion. Instead, Queen Elizabeth II and her successor Charles III have utterly betrayed their White subjects, as I’ve pointed out in my articles “Elizabeth the Evil” and “Chuck the Cuck.” The Lord’s Prayer, the most important prayer in Christianity, was first set out in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It asks that God’s “kingdom come.” But our supposedly Christian monarchs have worked night and day against God’s kingdom. In her coronation oath of 1953 Elizabeth II made a simple reply to a simple question. She was asked: “Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?” She replied before God: “[This] I promise to do.”

Same reply, same betrayal

She then proceeded to utterly betray the oath she had made before God. At the beginning of her long reign, murder-and-rape-friendly Blacks and Gospel-rejecting Muslims began immigrating in large numbers into the United Kingdom. She did and said nothing in defence of her people and of the Christian religion. Towards the end of her long reign, it was widely reported that rape-gangs of Gospel-rejecting Muslims had been preying on large numbers of White girls for decades, ignored by the authorities. Again, she did and said nothing.

Elizabeth the Evil then died and was succeeded by her son Chuck the Cuck, who made the same reply to the same question in his coronation oath. Chuck then carried on betraying his people and his supposed religion as he had done all his previous life. But in January 2025 he made his betrayal even clearer. He gave a speech in which he asked us all to “recall the depths to which humanity can sink when evil is allowed to flourish, ignored for too long by the world.” He also shed tears for the victims of the evil of which he spoke. Now, did he make that speech in Rotherham or in any other part of his own kingdom where evil has been “allowed to flourish, ignored for too long by the world”? Did he shed tears for raped, tortured and murdered girls from his own White and historically Christian people?

Chuck the Cuck sheds tears for Christ-hating Jews in far-off Poland

Of course he didn’t. He’s Chuck the Cuck — he doesn’t serve Christ and the White people of his own kingdom, he betrays them. He made his evil-excoriating speech in the foreign nation of Poland, hundreds of miles from his own kingdom, and he shed tears for what happened to Christ-hating Jews eighty years ago in the Holocaust. Chuck the Cuck is not an intelligent or insightful man, but even he can understand that “the true profession of the Gospel” is not upheld by performing the goy-grovel before Jews, whose religion teaches that Jesus Christ is boiling in excrement for all eternity. By making that speech and shedding those tears, Chuck the Cuck has made his betrayal plain to the entire world. For our supposedly Christian King, Jewish suffering at Auschwitz is all-important and White suffering in Southport and Rotherham doesn’t matter at all. Tom Slater was wrong when he said that Axel Rudakubana is “utter scum.” But I’m right when I say that Charles III is a prime example of Kingdom scum, that is, of the treacherous elite which, like foul scum on clean water, lies at the top of society in the United Kingdom.

8 replies
  1. Devon
    Devon says:

    Spiked, Slater and Brendan O’Neill are literal HIV in that they are tasked with weakening the immune system of the British people with race denial and hyper-individualism which then allows AIDS (Third Worlders) to come in and finish us off.

    They are vastly more dangerous than any woke leftist.

  2. ganainm
    ganainm says:

    Is it time to encourage a change of Royal family? There are a whole bunch of welsh speaking Tudors in north Wales, relatives of Henry 8. They have at least a good a claim as the current crew. If any of them were asked, they’d make a great king: pro Remigration, pro God, pro small business and small farms. Aren’t the current royals all whinging about not wanting the job, stress, press intrusion, etc, etc?

    Give the job to a welsh Tudor, and you won’t hear any more of that whinging.

    Once we have a good Tudor candidate, we can start the campaign. Would it be illegal to say this in the UK

    “Your majesty, it is time to abdicate. Battenbergs out, Tudors in.”

  3. T.Gilligan
    T.Gilligan says:

    “Thy Kingdom scum, thy will be done” What the royal family have managed to do where other leftist anti-royalists have failed to do is to turn me into a anti-royalist. Chuck and Camilla content in their ivory towers and lauding the enemies of this nation, where sooner or (not much) later will wrench them from their thrones.
    One thing about ‘Betty’ Queen Elizabeth, she apparently refused to visit Israel. Exceptional acts or the absence of an act is the only praise I can bestow on her (former) majesty.
    I am certain horse trainers at Coolmore Stud in County Tipperary they are fully wise to ‘magical dirt’ and can discern that a donkey born in the stable at one of the best horse breeding operation in the world won’t it a Grand National winner.

  4. Eisenmenger
    Eisenmenger says:

    Mr Langdon, like millions of others, has bought the notion that the 2017 Manchester bombing was what it seemed. The investigator Richard Hall was condemned to pay GBP 45k damages, for saying it was a false flag, in an example of British lawfare in 11/2024. Here is the lamestream legacy media account of the trial:

    and here is the truth:

    • David Smith
      David Smith says:

      You claim it is the truth, but in reality it is nothing more than the usual ramblings of conspiracy theorists. Hall attempted, unsuccessfully, to discredit two injured survivors of the bombing, spending hours outside their house, hoping to unmask them. He had his day in court and lost.

      • JM
        JM says:

        @ David Smith

        How would you define the content of your socially conformist cliche “usual ramblings of conspiracy theorists”?

      • Eisenmenger
        Eisenmenger says:

        Smith has naturally read the books by Iain Davis and DA Hughes and read the court transcript? I thought not.

        Strange that Smith strays onto this site, which of all possible sites is the one most worthy of the Normie Sheeple smear: “conspiracy theorist”, given its quite justified focus on the role of Jews. Not that Hall is currently involving Israel in the Manchester bombing, AFAIK.

        But Smith clearly thinks that the CIA phrase “conspiracy theorist” actually means something.

        Newsflash, Smith: Israel (tip of the hat to this website) among others has a long history of false flag attacks, cf. the Lavon Affair. But why stop there: JFK, RFK, 9/11.

        And in the UK, there have been many killings/murders with UK State involvement over the years.

        Hall’s virtue is that he has highlighted the nonsensical nature of the official narrative. Day in court? Smith has no idea of the travesty that occurred.

        The creative lawfare of the British State against Hall was evident for all with eyes to see, what is your lens strength, Smith?

        And how many poison death shots did you get boosted, with, Smith? Afffecting your ratiocination, is it?

  5. Emma Smith
    Emma Smith says:

    A sense of proportion, please.
    “Spiked” is good on many things but not Israel. Bigoted Brendan is a single-issue obsessive (unlike anyone here, of course, eh Tobias?). His website targets several woke notions and actions, and does not promote immigration by STD carriers. Furedi is the circumcised son of a Jewish mother, but his articles defending British history are usefully quotable.
    More children, Jewish and non-Jewish, were killed in WW2 and its aftermath than in Southport.
    King Charles has a pre-Coronation record of celebrating English achievements and complaining about political correctness. He has linked climate change to global-south overpopulation. Neither his father nor grandmother had illusions about race, but he now has to keep constitutionally in line with the Government of the day and can hardly be expected to stir up community conflict inside the British Isles. Never forget that the IRA murdered his uncle Mountbatten but failed to kill the “Evil” Queen at Heathrow – who were the “scum”?
    Regarding the multi-national pilgrimage to Auschwitz, this essentially decent man was just doing and saying what he considered the decent thing in the light of what is generally, if questionably, accepted as the historical record. People to blame are Zionists who are making a meal out of “returning antisemitism” (i.e. anger over Palestine), and the sycophantic media.
    The royal family’s relationship to German, Arab and Jewish issues has fluctuated over time; compare Edward VI with Edward VII (a friend of Cassel, Spyer & Sassoon), and Petropoulos’s “Royals and the Reich”.
    The DAILY MAIL has a special role in the saga: It has attacked Charles especially, and other royal family members, consistently for over 50 years; it campaigns against “third world” immigration (see Sue Reid on Sweden, February 1), but supports race crossing; it has published incredible stories about the “Holocaust”; and it still tries to “live down” the initial support Lord Rothermere gave Mosley’s Blackshirts 90 years ago, by for instance an inaccurate recent series on Unity Mitford.
    British Monarchs are not executive Presidents, and are almost reduced to puppets doomed to uttering fashionable platitudes and entertaining undesirable Heads of State, as international bankers and national bureaucrats expect.


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