Featured Articles

A New Call of the Wild: The American Third Position Party

Merlin Miller, A3P candidate for President of the United States

The following is an English translation of an article published in the French magazine RIVAROL (published by  Jérôme Bourbon) on the A3P and it’s presidential candidates.

In the hustle and bustle of the various right wing currents inAmericait is fascinating to observe the recent birth of the American Third Position Party (A3P), a new political party dedicated to the preservation of European cultural, racial and ethnic heritage. The A3P has recently launched a political and cultural program that could make lots of waves at the upcoming presidential elections in America. The silent majority of American citizens is fed up; it is tired of the two-party system of East Coast ‘banksters’ and West Coast culture destroyers, both ruining the country with their destructive ideology of multiculturalism and causing dangerous mutual racial mistrust amidst the American body politic. Everybody wants something new.

The A3P offers a patriotic alternative to the two parties which, similar to subprime shams, have also mortgaged the future of America. Over the last forty years, American politics has been shaped by the plutocratic system and by the two identical political machines, under the guise of the Republican Party and the Democrat party respectively. It is always the Same and its Double poorly mimicked — if we were to   borrow some words from the French philosopher of postmodernity, Jean Baudrillard. Both parties seem to be united in the ruthless dogma of the “third excluded”, as well as in the defamation of those who reject the media swamp of “political correctness.” Read more

The German-Jewish Kulturkampf in the Weimar Republic

The beginning of the Weimar Republic (1918–1933) in Germany was characterized by a surge of the German Socialist Democratic Party (SPD) and revolutionary activities by the communists. The German emperor had fled the country, the empire was economically in tatters due to the Great War (1914–1918) and the political right was in disarray. It was not until the rise of National Socialism (NS) in the 1930s that the right regained the upper hand in Germany. A good example of this shift from left to right is the city of Breslau (600,000 inhabitants in 1928), where the SPD scored 51.19% of the popular vote in 1919 and the NS party received 51.7% in 1933. The question is how the balance shifted from left to right and how this can be attributed to the result of a struggle between revolutionary Jews and nationalist Germans.

Breslau Gymnasium

In the German educational system the gymnasium was (and still is) the highest level of secondary education and a stepping stone for entrance at a university. The gymnasium was the ‘nursery’ for the German cultural and political elite. Around 1900 it was dominated by the Christian and nationalistic German culture of the day, the total opposite of the cosmopolitan and pacifist ideas which are prevalent nowadays. This did not mean that this culture was unopposed, not least because the gymnasia were not a pure German Christian affair. In both the 1880s and 1900s more than 30% of the pupils in the Breslau gymnasia were Jewish (Till van Rahden, Jews and other Germans, p. 126). A further illustration of Jewish overrepresentation in higher education is the census of 1879 which showed that of every 10,000 Protestant inhabitants of Berlin, 81 had obtained secondary education; the rate among Catholics was 22 and among Jews 350. In Upper-Silesia, the region adjacent to Breslau, the rate was 81 Protestants, 19 Catholics and 423 Jews (A. Prinz, Juden im deutschen Wirtschaftsleben, p. 89). Read more

The Spanish Civil War: A Successful Nationalist Revolution, Part 2

The Civil War began on 18 July 1936. The Moroccan uprising had been betrayed at the last minute. The rebels therefore missed the element of surprise upon which they had been relying. The government-controlled radio reported that the rebellion was confined to Morocco and would soon be crushed. In reality, several important cities — Seville, Córdoba, Cádiz in the south, Valladolid, Zaragoza and the entire Carlist stronghold of Navarre in the north — were soon secured by the rebels. During the first phase of the war, however, most of the country remained under Republican control.

In Madrid and Barcelona, socialist, Communist and anarchist militias led a lawless reign of terror. General Lopez Ochoa, although himself a Republican and Freemason, had quashed the Revolution in Asturias alongside Franco two years earlier. He was decapitated in his hospital bed on 19 August. His severed head was then displayed in the streets of Madrid by a bloodthirsty Red mob in one of many scenes reminiscent of the French Revolution.

Real or imagined political opponents and their families — indeed, anyone perceived as a “class enemy” — were fair game for the Red rabble. Torture, rape and executions, often in front of family members, were not uncommon. As always, the revolutionary hatred was primarily directed against the Church. What took place in Red Spain during the first six months of the Civil War was one of the worst religious persecutions in modern times. Thirteen bishops, and over 7,000 priests, monks and nuns were murdered, in many cases after having been cruelly tortured. Exactly how many Catholic lay men and women were martyred for their faith is difficult to estimate. Read more

The Spanish Civil War: A Successful Nationalist Revolution, Part 1

Guernica, Picasso's 1937 work inspired by the Spanish Civil War. Picasso supported the leftist government

It has been 75 years since the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Few conflicts in history have been as widely misunderstood, or misrepresented. The standard narrative has long been that of a military coup against a democratic government and the noble Spanish people, supported by foreign idealists, heroically fighting evil “fascists.” This is a grotesque distortion of the truth, and stands as one of the most flagrant examples of how propaganda has been uncritically accepted as official history.

First, it must be emphasized that the Leftist Spanish regime at the time of the nationalist revolt was by no means a coalition of mildly progressive liberals and socialists as it is usually described, but was, in fact, a reign of Communist and anarchist terror. Secondly, less than half of the Spanish military rebelled. The government forces were also at least as well equipped as the nationalist rebels, and they had greater economic resources at their disposal.

These distortions have also been evident in other recent accounts of counterrevolutionary efforts. Since mainstream Western historiography has been confined to more or less Marxist interpretations for over half a century, few today are aware of the many popular uprisings that occurred after 1789 against the Revolution, in defense of Faith and homeland, from the Vendée in 1793, to Hungary in 1956. Read more

Lee Siegel: The Horror of Implicit Whiteness

Lee Siegel

At TOO we often use the phrase “hostile elite” to describe our new, predominantly Jewish elite that has become ensconced in all the media high ground in America. Examples are legion, but it is hard to imagine a more blatant recent example of fear and loathing of White America than Lee Siegel’s “What’s race got to do with it?” (Well, maybe Rabbi Hammerman’s outburst against Tim Tebow comes close.) Published in the most mainstream of the mainstream media, the New York Times, Siegel is horrified by Romney’s Whiteness:

 The simple, impolitely stated fact is that Mitt Romney is the whitest white man to run for president in recent memory. Of course, I’m not talking about a strict count of melanin density. I’m referring to the countless subtle and not-so-subtle ways he telegraphs to a certain type of voter that he is the cultural alternative to America’s first black president. It is a whiteness grounded in a retro vision of the country, one of white picket fences and stay-at-home moms and fathers unashamed of working hard for corporate America.

Mitt Romney the candidate of implicit Whiteness. Read more

More racist newsletters from the past have emerged

The mainstream media, along with countless mainstream “conservatives”, have been attacking Ron Paul for un-PC sentiments expressed in his various newsletters back in the 1980s and 1990s. They’ve dredged up several quotes, from different issues and different years. I won’t rehash them all, but here’s the gist of a few of them:

The Rodney King riots only died down when the 1st of the month rolled around and it was time for blacks to pick up their welfare checks.

95% of young black males in Washington, DC are criminals or semi-criminals.

Martin Luther King was a commie and a pervert and is the last person who should have a national holiday.

You get the picture. So far, Rep. Paul has managed to stave off these attacks, and they don’t appear to have done him much damage.

But now other quotes from that same era have turned up, and the old quotes we’ve all heard about pale in comparison to these new ones that have come to light. See for yourself:

“The race question,” said Adolf Hitler, “not only furnishes the key to world history but also to human culture as a whole. There is absolutely no other revolution but a racial revolution ….”

To the enlightened and civilized, all of that sounded like gobbledygook. According to sophisticated books, the term “race” had little if any scientific status. There was no evidence that any “race” was superior to another. We were all part of “mankind,” though divided somewhat arbitrarily into “nation-states.” Our rational destiny was some sort of Parliament of Man. Read more

Dmitri Rogozin: Russians do not want privileges, but equality and justice

Dmitri Rogozin, Russia’s ambassador to NATO, speaks during a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The World Policy Forum recently held a conference in Yaroslavl titled “The modern state in the age of social diversity.” It has attracted wide the attention of Russians as well as foreign experts and analysts. In particular, the speech delivered by Dr. Dimitry Rogozin, the Permanent Representative of Russia to NATO has attracted considerable attention (see here for TOO articles mentioned Rogozin). However, some of the media published the text with large inaccuracies, while others  simply ignored it. Therefore, at the request of readers, Arguments of the Week, a public affairs website, has decided to completely and without distortion publish the speech of Dimitry Rogozin (bold-faced type in original). The following is an English translation.

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Thank you for the invitation Igor [Yurgens] and your kind introduction. The topic, which I now want to touch on, is not directly in the scope of my professional competence, but is relevant to my research, and has my civic interest. It’s about the national question in Europe and Russia. It is now a key domestic challenge and growing threat to the whole Euro-Atlantic space. Read more