Entries by Guillaume Durocher

Orbán: EU Leaders are “Slowly But Surely Turning Indigenous Europeans Into a Minority”

 The Hungarians recently celebrated the sixty-second anniversary of their 1956 Revolution against communism, which was cruelly put down by the Soviet Union, to which the West responded with purely verbal opposition. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took the opportunity not only to commemorate the Hungarian struggle for freedom but to explicitly warn his fellow […]

Measuring the Islamization of France and Belgium: 20% of Newborns Given Muslim Names

Unlike in the English-speaking world, most countries in Continental Europe sadly do not collect official statistics documenting the ethnic situation. In France, the mainstream media goes so far as to desperately claim that the Grand Remplacement (Great Replacement) of the indigenous French population, which is visible in every city, is a mere “conspiracy theory.” The […]

Family Reunification Is Former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s “Great Regret”

Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was the center-right president of France between 1974 and 1981, a bit more of a liberal than a conservative. Giscard presided over the consolidation of continuous postwar Afro-Islamic immigration. His biographer, Éric Roussel, has recently revealed that the institution of family reunification is the “great regret” of his presidency: Family reunification is […]

Victorie stil italian

Nu este un secret faptul că politica europeană a cotit în mod constant spre dreapta în ultimii ani. Social-democratia de centru și socialismul se prăbușesc în Europa. A existat o creștere concomitentă a extremei stângi și a dreptei naționaliste, deși puterea este acum în cea mai mare parte acumulată de (inutilele) partide de centru-dreapta. Partidele […]

Victory, Italian-Style

It’s no secret that European politics has been steadily shifting to the right in recent years. The Social-Democratic and Socialist center-left has been collapsing across Europe. There has been a concurrent rise of the hard left and of the nationalist right, although power is mostly now held by the (useless) center-right. There have been breakthroughs […]

Biopolitics, Racialism, and Nationalism in Ancient Greece: A Summary View

The following is a brief summary of the ancient Greek theory and practice of biopolitics, racialism, and nationalism. These themes, which are so taboo in the West today, were integral to the Hellenic way of life at the founding of our Western civilization and of our unique tradition of civic self-government. I will also refer […]

Shakespeare’s Case for Marriage & (Eugenic) Procreation

Long before Darwin, our European ancestors often had a sense of the objective reality of heredity and of the moral duty of reproduction. A powerful example of this is provided by William Shakespeare’s so-called procreation sonnets (numbered 1–17), which ceaselessly exhort a mysterious, male young friend to marry and raise children. Shakespeare argues that, for […]