The Run-up for the Riots in London
For some politically correct people, the riots in London of the last few days, which by now have spread to the rest of England, may come as a surprise. Actually, it is surprising the riots did not break out earlier, although a lot of news concerning ethnic violence is suppressed by the authorities and the media. A careful study of the newspapers and other different newsmedia shows us that the omens were there.
In 1995 the London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Condon suggested that most robbers in London were Black. The 1990s were the high water mark of political correctness and multiculturalism and it is no surprise that Condon’s remarks were not met with concern, but with accusations of racism. In 1999, one year after Condon left, the Metropolitan Police was the subject of an inquiry — the Macpherson report — with the result that the Metropolitan Police was branded as ‘institutionally racist’. In other words: the police should chase anybody but Black criminals. Read more