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Review: Anthony Julius’ “Trials of the Diaspora” [Part3]: “English Literary Anti-Semitism”

ILlustration from The Prioress's Tale

ILlustration from The Prioress’s Tale

We continue with our analysis of Anthony Julius’ Trials of the Diaspora, by turning our attention to one of the more expansive sections of the book — a chapter dealing with what Julius believes to be England’s uniquely hateful contribution to world literature. In the first part of this analysis we explored the background of the author, his history as a Jewish ethnic activist and also, through some of his statements and biographical information, aspects of his psychology. This psychological, and in a sense also political, outlook has already been demonstrated as influencing both Julius’ perception of the history of Jews in England, and his writing of that history. This is most apparent in the thread of victimhood which Julius crudely weaves throughout much of the book.

More insidiously, however, in the second part of the analysis we saw instances where Julius wilfully ignored evidence because it didn’t conform to what he believes to be the case, and also because it did not conform to what he wants others to believe. Julius has thus shown his hand as a propagandist contributing to the drumbeat that the West is evil. Read more

Yes, the end of the world has happened

Caspar David Friederich “The Abbey in the Oakwood (oil), 1810

Caspar David Friederich “The Abbey in the Oakwood (oil), 1810

(Translated from the French by Tom Sunic) 

The end of the world has indeed happened. It did not happen on a specific day, but has spread out over several decades. The world that disappeared was a world where most children knew how to read and write. A world where we admired the heroes rather than the victims. A world where political machines had not turned into the soul grinding machines. A world where we had more role models than rights. A world where one could understand what Pascal had meant when he wrote that entertainments distracted us from living a real human life. A world where the borders safeguarded those who lived their way of life and a life of their own.

Yes, that world had its flaws and sometimes it was a horrible world, but the daily life of great many people was at least regulated by an array of meanings provided by the landmarks. By way of memories, that was a world still familiar to many of us. Some regret its passing. But that world will never come back.

The new world is liquid. Space and time have been abolished. Stripped of its traditional mediation the society has become more and more fluid and more and more segmented, which only facilitates its reification. One lives in it by way of “zapping.” With the virtual disappearance of major collective projects, which were once the carriers of different worldviews, the religion of Self — a Self based on the unrestricted freedom of narcissistic desire, a Self self-generated out of nothing — has resulted in the across the board deterritorialization, which goes now hand in hand with the dissolution of all the landmarks and all the references, thus making the individual more and more malleable, more conditionable, more and more vulnerable, and more and more nomadic. Under the cover of emancipatory “modernization,” “for more than half a century the ideological osmosis has been taking place between the financial right and the multicultural left” (Mathieu Bock-Côté), meshing economic liberalism with societal liberalism, the market system with the fringe elements of culture, all of it due primarily to the mercantile recycling of the ideology of desire and capitalizing on the breakdown of the traditional social forms. The overall objective is the elimination of communities of meanings that refuse to operate according to the logic of the market. Read more

Dresden: Death from Above



What follows below is the English translation of my speech in German which I was scheduled to deliver on February 13, 2013, around 7:00 PM in downtown Dresden. The commemoration of the Dresden February 13, 1945 victims was organized by “Aktionsbündnis gegen das Vergessen” (action committee against oblivion), NPD deputies and officials from the local state assembly in Dresden. There were 3,000 leftist antifa demonstrators. The city was under siege, cordoned off into sections by 4,000 riot policemen. The bulk of the nationalist participants, approximately 1,000, who had previously arrived at the central station, were split up and prevented from joining with our group at the original place of gathering. Toward 11:00 PM, when the event was practically over, the riot police did allow our small group of organizers and speakers to march past the barricades down to the central station. There were approximately 40 of us—mostly local NPD officials. On February 14, while still in Dresden, I provided more information as a guest on the Deanna Spingola’s RBN radio show: Hour 1, Hour 2.

Dresden gedenkt der Zerstoerung der Stadt vor 68 Jahren

Police separate groups of right-wing and left-wing demonstrators outside Dresden’s central train station.

Human Improvement by Terror Bombardment

Dresden is only one single symbol of the Allied crime, a symbol unwillingly discussed by establishment politicians. The destruction of Dresden and its casualties are trivialized in the mainstream historiography and depicted as “collateral damage in the fight against the absolute evil — fascism.” The problem, however, lies in the fact that there was not just one bombing of one Dresden, but also many bombings of countless other Dresdens in all corners of Germany and in all parts of Europe. The topography of death, marked by the antifascists, is a very problematic issue for their descendants, indeed. Read more

Diversity in Outremont

Here in Outremont, a borough of Montreal, things are heating up for yet another episode of “Purim” during which our thousands of Hassidic Jews have a bang-up party with adults getting totally smashed and very noisy, while the kids are supposed to go around to visit friends and relatives, all costumed in bizarre outfits, to have a great time. Except that walking seems to be out. Instead the little Hassids prefer buses that ferry everyone up and down all the streets where Hassids are concentrated. Is that a problem?

Well, there is a regulation in Outremont that prohibits big busses from going on residential streets, exceptions being school buses and mini buses. The Hassids want to use big buses on Purim. The borough says no, only mini buses.

But the back drop is a long history of acrimony between the Hassids and their mostly French Quebecois neighbors over complaints that the Hassids generally try to ignore municipal regulations they find inconvenient — building codes, parking regulations, etc. Their massive intercity buses stop illegally on residential streets, their diesel engines waking people at odd hours of the night. And they have a reputation for getting away with a lot thanks to municipal officials allegedly wanting to avoid confrontation. Read more

The 1924 Immigration Restriction Law redux

The Jewish Telegraph Agency puts out an archive edition every Sunday, featuring historical articles from the Jewish media. This week marks the 89th anniversary of Congressional debate on the 1924 Immigration Restriction Law. JTA introduces the article, from February 11, 1924, as follows:

State of Immigration: President Obama’s State of the Union address emphasized immigration reform as one of his major platforms. In the early years of JTA’s State of the Union coverage, presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding advocated for restrictive immigration policy in front of Congress.

Yes, times have changed—from presidents advocating restriction to presidents advocating amnesty for millions of illegals and continued displacement-levels of legal immigration. The 1924 article presents a reasonably fair coverage of the basics of the debate.

The Majority Report states that despite the unfavorable condition of international exchange and prevailing high steamship rates, between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 immigrants would have entered the country during the past two years had there been no restriction immigration measure such as the 3% law which is now in effect.

The report pictures an alleged alarming condition which requires an even greater restriction than at present. It especially warns of the necessity of passing a new law to replace the present law if the 3% measure is allowed to lapse.

The report predicts the largest movement of immigration in the history of the world, beginning July 1st, 1924, if the 3% law is allowed to expire and if no other legislature is enacted, stating that the exclusion clause of the act of February 5,1917, will be powerless to stay the tide.

“Such a situation should not be permitted to arise”, the report reads. “The country demands the restriction of immigration. The public demand is not only for restriction but for more rigid and more effective restriction than that imposed at present. Read more

Putin’s view of Russia’s national future. Migration policy and residence registration


This article was translated by Roman Frolov who also translated Artemov’s “Russians in Russia: A state within a state” for TOO. Frolov comments:

Igor Artemov is one of the oldest and the best reputed Russian  nationalist. His organization, the Russian All-National Union (RONS), was proscribed last year, and Artemov himself is on the run because he is wanted by the Federal Security Service for the ‘hate crime’ of writing that Russian Orthodoxy is the only true faith. In reality, they just wanted him out of political field, I guess because, as a politician, he is much more dangerous to the establishment than the other Russian Nationalist leaders.

Migration policy 

A month ago the President of Russian Federation (RF) Vladimir Putin signed the Concept of Migration Policy of Russian Federation covering the period from 2013 to 2025. The full text of this document is available on the official presidential site. As with any official document, it is verbose and not specific. Yet let’s try to analyze it and single out its essence.

These days, there are two types of peaceful (without war or other cataclysms) mass migration of peoples from one country to another. One is so-called economic migration; it is the movement of great numbers of people to other territories, from one state to another in search of employment, social security or generally better and safer life.

Another is repatriation — a return to historic Homeland of people who due to different reasons, usually beyond their control, became citizens or residents of other countries. Repatriation usually begins when living conditions in places of their current residence are no longer satisfactory in terms of material, spiritual or cultural well-being.  A repatriate is thus different from an economic migrant by having bonds of blood and culture with the ethnic core of the country he returns to. It is well known that after the dissolution of the USSR huge numbers of ethnic Russians and other indigenous peoples of Russia were cut from their motherland and unwillingly became citizens of other states. There were no less than 20 millions of such people in 1990. Around half of this number still lives outside Russia. Read more

More on the West-Is-Evil Narrative

In walking-on-eggshells multiracial America, exit poll data showing an electorate polarized along racial lines is of no interest to mainstream media. Their indifference suggests that we had best take a comprehensive look. Whites supported Governor Romney by landslide proportions, 59 to 39—a minimal estimate because the White category includes millions of people without European ancestry (e.g., Middle Easterners) and Jews, a group that does not identity with the traditional people and culture of Europe and who vote much more like non-Whites.

The White vote total, however, masks a gaping divide among Whites. This divide is illustrated by the demographically and politically extreme states of Mississippi and Vermont. Mississippi’s electorate is 59 percent White, 37 percent black. Mississippi’s Whites voted 89 percent for Romney, and Romney carried Mississippi 55-44. Vermont is 96 percent White, 1 percent black. Vermont’s Whites voted 33 percent for Romney. Obama carried Vermont 67-31.

Real, on-the-ground, daily experience with diversity, it seems, concentrates the minds of White voters. The majority of northern and mid-western Whites have but brief encounters and manufactured images provided by the media, Hollywood, schools and universities to guide their thinking. This dearth of experience precludes thoughtful decision-making.

Minorities supported President Obama by wide margins: 93 percent of African-Americans voted Democratic. 85 percent of Muslim-Americans voted Democratic. 73 percent of Asian Americans voted Democratic. 71 percent of Hispanic Americans voted Democratic. 69 percent of Jewish Americans voted Democratic. Read more