Featured Articles

Implicit Whiteness and the Republicans

Kevin MacDonald’s work on the concept of “implicit whiteness” in his essay “Psychology and White Ethnocentrism” (acacdemic version) is a major breakthrough for White Nationalism. Ethnocentrism—usually stigmatized as “xenophobia” and “racism”— is a preference to be around genetically similar people. Anti-ethnocentrism—a preference for people unlike ourselves—is sold today as “diversity,” the secret ingredient that adds “strength” wherever it is found.

According to MacDonald, ethnocentrism is a natural phenomenon, hard-wired into the oldest and deepest levels of the brain. Anti-ethnocentrism, however, exists as a conscious moral conviction. From a psychological point of view, therefore, anti-ethnocentrism is relatively superficial, even though it currently dominates our culture and politics. Read more

Jewish Racialism and Jewish Capitalism: An Analysis of the Coen Brothers’ Barton Fink

The recent high-profile firings of Rick Sanchez, Helen Thomas, and Octavia Nasr leave the eager-to-please among us with an uneasy feeling in their collective gut. What is the “proper,” socially-sanctioned way to react to such shocking displays of high-handed, sanctimonious, censorious overreach on the part of one’s party bosses, as it were?

Crystal clear as it seems that Sanchez, Thomas, and Nasr, all entrenched liberals with impeccable establishment credentials, were sacked for making critical remarks about Jews (or in Nasr’s case, mildly positive remarks about a deceased member of Hezbollah), such a assertion cannot be allowed to stand, because it would seem to reinforce “anti-Semitic” notions about Jewish control of the media, which are assuredly un-kosher to imply, much less state aloud. To criticize the principalities and powers for sacking critics of Jews thus means condoning anti-Semitism, which in today’s Zeitgeist quickly makes you little better than a genocidal and deranged Nazi. The gutless careerists, to be sure, want no part of that order! Read more

The Republicans’ Temporary Reprieve

To listen to pundits like Rush Limbaugh, one would think that the Republicans had died and gone to heaven. Getting a strong majority in the House and picking up several seats in the Senate certainly sends a message. But they shouldn’t get too comfortable.

The Republicans had their big day because Whites were a larger percentage of the electorate than in 2008 and because they were more inclined to vote for Republicans. Comparing the CNN exit polls for House races in 2008 and 2010 is revealing. In 2008, Whites were 74% of the electorate and voted 53% Republican, 45% Democrat.  In 2010, Whites were 78% of the electorate and voted 60% Republican and 37% Democrat. (The White category includes a substantial percentage of Jews and Middle Easterners who do not identify as White and tend overwhelmingly to vote Democrat.) Read more

Eric Paulson: Nine Reasons for an Ingathering

After a series of defeats and setbacks spanning over half a century the perennial question asked by White racialists is, what is to be done? [1] This essay is an updated answer to that question.

Any plan of action must take stock of the present situation. We must deal with the fact that as a collective, conscious entity European Americans have last control of all the institutions of society — government at all levels and branches, mass media, schools, and churches. Given the political, social, and most of all demographic changes of the past fifty years it is very unlikely we will ever again enjoy the racial-cultural hegemony in North America our people took for granted in the past. Thus the idea of a largely segregated, biracial society, always an unstable and never completely satisfactory arrangement, has now been and should remain discarded. Read more

Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part 2)

Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part 2)

Schopenhauer is a crucial source in understanding the psychopathological impact of religions, myths and systems of beliefs. At times he labels them “allegories” whereas in other places he describes them as the “metaphysics of the masses” or “people’s metaphysics” (Volksmetaphysik). Just as people have popular poetry and the popular wisdoms or proverbs, they also need popular metaphysics. They need an interpretation of life; and this interpretation must be suited for their comprehension. The great majority of humans have at best a weak faculty for weighing reasons and discriminating between the fact and the fiction.  Does this sound familiar?

No belief system, no ideology, no religion is immune from self-serving delusional tenets linked to false perceptions of reality, although, in due time, each of them will undergo the process of demythologization and eventually become a laughing stock for those who see the illusions underlying these delusional myths.

We can illustrate this changing masquerade of history repeating itself when observing the mindset of modern opinion makers. People have always wished, by means of different allegories, to transcend their cursed reality and make frequent excursions into the spheres of the hyperreal, the unreal, or the surreal — in order to offset the absurdity of their existence. It is natural that they resort to religious and ideological devices, however aberrant or criminal these allegorical devices may subsequently turn out to be.

Accordingly, the motor of religious mass mimicry, which Schopenhauer describes, is again our objectified will. Consequently, the whole course of human life is patterned along the principle of imitation, where even the smallest thing in our perception is borrowed from that role model who is viewed now as a path-breaking innovator or a new messiah. Mimicry is the powerful motor of the will, the theme which was later expanded by Schopenhauer’s disciples, such as Gustave Le Bon.

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Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part 1)

Schopenhauer and the Perception of the Real or Surreal Postmodernity (Part I)

The text below is the expanded version of Tom Sunic’s speech, delivered at the New Right conference in London, on October 23, 2010.

There is a danger in interpreting the text of some long gone author, let alone of some heavyweight philosopher, such as Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860). The interpreter tends to look at parts of the author’s prose that may best suit his own conclusions, while avoiding parts that other critics may find more relevant, and which the interpreter may consider either incomprehensible or irrelevant. This is true for Schopenhauer in so far as he deals in his multilayered work with diverse subject matters, ranging from the theories of knowledge, to the role of women, sex, eugenics, religion, etc., while offering aphoristic formulas on how to live a more or less liveable life.  Moreover, in his entire work Schopenhauer deals extensively with the perception of objective reality, our self-perception, and how our self-perception reflects itself in the perception of the Other, for instance in the mind of my political foe or friend. It’s no wonder that when Schopenhauer is read along with some postmodern authors, his work can retrospectively yield some groundbreaking insights, of which even he was not aware.

The devil is often in the details, but harping on the details alone may often overshadow the whole. Just because Schopenhauer was critical of Jewish monotheism, or made some critical remarks about women, should not lead us to the conclusion that he was a standard-bearer of anti-Semitism or a hater of women. The fact that Adolf Hitler was one of his avid readers should not overshadow the fact that the father of modern psychoanalysis, the Jewish-born Austrian Sigmund Freud, learned a get deal from him on the how irrational will is expressed in sexual drive.

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Ben Hecht’s Perfidy

In conversation the other day someone pointed out that “…Israelis, not Jews, avoid losing their people…” This was after I had mentioned a book by Ben Hecht, Perfidy, that recounted the last days of the Hungarian Jews, during 1944, and their alleged betrayal by a fellow Jew, one Rudolph Kastner.  [The following is based on Hecht’s account; for further detail and some differences see, for example, Wikipedia.]

I had bought the book years ago but only glanced at it, having already heard of such incidents during WWII, so what could be new? Well, it’s actually quite a fascinating tale, as told by Hecht, raising questions about the influence of biological kinship in protecting humans from their ethnic enemies, about the motives driving both Kastner (in contrast with other Hungarian Jews) and Jews then in Palestine, and whether similar forces are at play in the West today.

The particular charges against Kastner were, first, that during WW II, as a prominent member of the Jewish Agency who was supposedly undertaking negotiations with the Nazis to obtain the release of Hungarian Jews, he actually collaborated with the Nazis, arranging for his family and several hundred prominent Jews to escape while accepting that the rest of Hungary’s Jews be sent to the camps. The Germans had hardly any troops available for Hungary to force the deportation of its Jews and were relying enormously on the Jewish leaders like Kastner to convince their fellow Jews that the deportation was for a benign end. A very large number of Jews living near Rumania might have been saved almost instantly by simply crossing the border only a few miles away, and the number of young Jewish males in Hungary was arguably sufficient to overcome the small German force at hand.

Another Hungarian Jew, Joel Brand, also carried out negotiations with Eichmann who agreed to release all Hungary’s Jews provided Brand could obtain, in exchange, a large quantity of trucks, tea and coffee; but Brand was unable to get the cooperation of Jewish leaders either in Palestine or the US, to say nothing of the Allies in general, in obtaining these goods.

Second, after the war, Kastner testified on behalf of several Nazis prominent in the liquidation of Jews, including Kurt Becher, thus prompting Becher’s release. Why in the world would he do such a thing?

After the war, Kastner ended up in Palestine, eventually occupying prominent positions in the Israeli government after independence. Hecht’s book is largely an account of a rather incredible legal proceedings in the 1950s, which captivated all of Israel. It was brought by the Israeli government against Malchiel Greenwald who had written a pamphlet exposing the egregious behavior of Kastner and others.

The trials brought to light that Jewish leaders of the day, from Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharett and so on all the way to people in the Jewish Agency, itself, had connived with the British to prevent Hungarian Jews from entering Palestine, with the result that half a million died. But they wanted a complete cover-up. Unfortunately for them, Greenwald had an extremely good defense attorney, Shmuel Tamir.  In spite of massive government pressure, Greenwald was acquitted in the first trial of all charges.

But the government, determined to stick it to Greenwald, went to appeal. The five Supreme Court justices upheld the verdict concerning Kastner’s testimony on behalf of Becher. But he was acquitted, by three to two, on collaborating with the Nazis during the war. That combination of verdicts “…made it imperative that the government put Kastner on trial…” for collaboration. [p. 202] But then Kastner was murdered, by the government, it was first thought, to keep him from testifying further (and further incriminating the government). But it seems to have been vigilante justice instead. According to Hecht, the Israeli government desperately hoped to remove this matter from all discussion, letting the passage of time erase most people’s memories.

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How are we to understand this tale? Does it in any way diminish the role that biologists have long maintained exists for biological kinship, or cause us to doubt the considerable cohesion Jews are reputed to have?

Kastner, himself, would seem to have defied a biologist’s expectation by not doing what he apparently could have done to protect most Hungarian Jews. According to Hecht, he was greatly affected by and attracted to the power exhibited by important Nazis, eventually feeling that he had become “good friends” with that elite bunch. Shades of the “Stockholm Syndrome.” The Germans were so confident of their assessment of Kastner’s character and of their manipulation of him that they even left him alone with people (foreign diplomats) to whom he could have spilled the beans about the enormity of the slaughter — but he didn’t.

On the other hand, he did succeed in getting the release of his extended family and a few hundred other elite Jews. Hecht doesn’t mention that he was the recipient of any big financial payoff (apart from being very well treated as a guest of the Germans). This would suggest that he was not a sociopath but was motivated instead by some sort of emotional fulfillment. (Nevertheless, the Wikipedia article notes that Greenwald himself accused Kastner of reaping a fortune from the few wealthy Jews he saved, many of whom were elite, well-connected, secularly oriented members of Mapai, Israel’s ruling party at the time, whereas the Jews who were left to perish tended to be poor and ultra-Orthodox.)

What Kastner’s motives were are still puzzling. Hecht sees Kastner as extremely affected by the way the Nazis treated him, not just in the amenities provided him when he was their guest but in the way they “respected” him as a person, as though part of their (powerful) group.  But perhaps, too, there was a role for fear. Hecht sees a parallel between Kastner’s betrayal of fellow Jews and the betrayal of Joan of Arc by the French judges who were “afraid of the English who sat in power over them. Having, out of this fear of their masters, decided on the heresy of Joan, her judges too found her continued defiance of their cowardice wicked…” (p. 236)

Another possible reason that I’ve heard for the Jewish leaders’ actions (including Kastner’s, as well?) was the role of the British in establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine — and their supposed commitment in the Balfour Declaration to preventing the rights of the indigenous Palestinian Arabs from being overrun by too vast and rapid an influx of Jews. (Not discussed by Hecht.) The Jewish leaders, convinced of the overwhelming necessity for such a homeland, would have seen no alternative but to accept the sacrifice of millions of Jews, given that those Jews were “not wanted” by anyone else in the world. (Many ordinary Jews, especially those in the Irgun, were willing to go for broke and defy the British as well as Arabs.)

If this perspective is correct, then the importance of biological kinship has not been defied at all. There was simply a tragic dilemma as to how, strategically, to go about saving the most of one’s kin in the long run. In fact, the saved Jews were the “best Jews” according to Hecht since, as noted above, the saved Jews tended to be wealthy and secular whereas the Jews left behind were relatively poor and strongly religious. According to Greenwald, quite a few were Mizrahi Jews, a group that is relatively less related to Kastner’s Ashkenazis. This would indicate that the results of Kastner’s decision were eugenic and follow the logic of favoring Jews that were more like himself.

Regardless of these interpretations of Kastner’s and the Jewish leaders’ behavior, the overwhelming horror induced in Jews everywhere that such a betrayal might have taken place, contrary to all their normal expectations, is, itself, testimony to the power of kin based cohesion among Jews.

Anthony Hilton is Associate Professor of Psychology (retired), Concordia University, Montreal.