White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy

From a Chat to Metapolitics: A Journey in Thought, Part Two

Part 1

It seems to me that a cultural message of the following sort (the reader is invited to read it over and improve on it) needs to be communicated to white people, particularly the young:

You are white and that matters incredibly. You can be very, very proud of who you are. You owe it to yourself to learn about the best your race has thought and achieved over the span of its history so that you will know why.  Being a white person carries with it responsibilities: You need to develop your mind and body and character and personal effectiveness so that you can live honorably and decently and productively as a white man or woman by the highest standards of your race.  And you should feel an obligation to protect and enhance the places your forebears left to your care, and to look out for the wellbeing of your racial kinsmen.

The question, of course, is how to impart this message (or one that’s better).  The first thing that comes to mind is to do what the Cultural Marxists and their liberal allies have done so effectively in recent decades through the schools and the mass media, except do it in reverse:  that is, instead of tearing down whites and their ways and their heritage, build them up.

The problem with that approach, however, is that anybody disposed to go in that direction would not have ready access to the schools and to the mainstream media.  Entities that train and license teachers and the schools that hire them have zero tolerance for white consciousness and commitment, and white activists don’t control movie studios, television networks, newspapers, and record labels.  Also, going public with anything favorable about white people is dangerous: it’s a way to get smeared, harassed, snubbed, and marginalized, and to lose your job or not get the one you applied for, as well as to get rejected in school applications.  The evidence demonstrates that those who have advocated for whites under their own names—no exceptions I can think of—have paid heavy dues for it. Read more

White Alert: Organize or Suffer the Consequences

White Americans must act to promote and protect their legitimate interests. Section one explains why organization is essential; section two proposes what forms the organization should take; and section three offers possibilities for personal action toward achieving those goals.

Section I

Very unpleasant consequences await us if we fail to organize. For the necessary motivation, we must fully appreciate the perils that loom ahead if we don’t change course.

Today we hear that we possess something called “White privilege,” an unearned advantage which keeps all other groups under our thumb. But the reality is quite different. We now have an immigration policy that is dead set on making Whites, the historic majority of America, a minority within the next 25 years or so. If current projections stay on course, our percentage of the population could sink to 40 percent or lower by the end of this century. Demography is indeed destiny, and this decline certainly will lead to loss of power and influence.

Whites at present have more per capita wealth than Blacks and Hispanics, though somewhat less wealth than Asians. Our assets, however, are being transferred to Blacks and Hispanics through taxation to fund various social programs and welfare. At the same time, our earning power is being limited by so-called “affirmative action,” a policy of government-promoted racial discrimination against White Americans in the job market and education.

Its original justification was to provide an even playing field for Blacks because they had a claim on our conscience for past discrimination. But today the benefits of affirmative action go to all non-Whites, including immigrants and their descendants who have no historic claim on America at all. And among them are the Asians who already exceed Whites in average income.

With the White electorate declining and the non-White electorate increasing, the transfer of wealth will continue unabated and perhaps will accelerate. Politicians in the not so distant future, for example, may cut Social Security and Medicare, programs which tend to benefit elderly Whites and transfer the savings to Medicaid, a program that disproportionately helps minorities—who are on their way to becoming the majority. As for affirmative action, would this rising majority of minorities vote to give it up? Perhaps, but probably not. Read more

Tocqueville’s Patriotic Republic: Nationalist Themes in “Democracy in America,” Part 2

Part 1

The Centrality of Custom and Religion

Tocqueville strongly emphasizes the role of custom and religion in determining a society’s character. He notes that colonial America’s rather oppressive social laws (concerning issues such as adultery) did not reflect the will of a tyrant but of the people, with its particular social customs. Contrary to a great deal of “liberal democratic” and “developmental” hopes today, Tocqueville then asserts that social conditions and ills often primarily stem from the people rather than oppressive governments. Legislation and “the social condition” certainly tend to determine each other in a dynamic relationship, but Tocqueville asserts that society tends to be the more powerful factor (94).

Tocqueville takes an expansive definition of customs (mœurs, related to “mores”): “I understand by this term the entire moral and intellectual condition of a people” (426). Tocqueville strongly emphasizes the interrelation between religion and custom. The norms and behaviors a society consider sacred tend to become established as custom, often remaining in secularized form. Thus for Tocqueville: “one cannot establish the reign of liberty without that of customs, nor found customs without beliefs” (48).

The paradigmatic example of this were the original Pilgrim Fathers themselves: “they tore themselves from the sweetness of the fatherland to obey a purely intellectual need; by exposing themselves to the inevitable miseries of exile, they wanted to make triumph an idea” (76). Thus we have a powerful case of religion (or ideology) among humans: first an ideal is established in the mind, then the individual and society seek to materialize this mental representation in reality. Tocqueville notes that colonial-era Americans justified the education of children partly on grounds of Protestant religious zeal, citing Satan’s love for ignorance: “in America, it is religion which leads one to enlightenment, it is the observance of religious laws which leads men to liberty” (88). Read more

Creating a White Future

harfang-fqsFor its fourth anniversary issue in the fall of 2016, Le Harfang, a French Canadian white nationalist publication, invited foreign contributions from a number of people, including me as an American. We were tasked with producing an article that 1) speaks to how the contributor sees the world for white people “in four or forty years,” and 2) offers advice on how to prepare for tomorrow’s world.  Length was up to me, and Le Harfang’s editor would trim what I wrote if need be as he translates my English into French.  I replied that I’d give it a go.  This writing shares my response to the Le Harfang charge with an English speaking audience.

I’ve concluded that speculating about what the future holds for white people wouldn’t be the best approach for me to take in this writing.  Rather, the focus here will be on the process of getting to the future, creating it.   I want to underscore that whatever the future turns out to be will have been shaped by what people did in the past — that is to say, now.  Not knew in the past (now).  Not favored in the past.  Not hoped for in the past.  Did in the past.

Indeed, as philosopher Richard Weaver famously (at least in intellectual circles) pointed out, ideas have consequences, including ideas about the future.1  But those ideas have consequences only to the extent that they result in and direct behavior.  Actions, conduct — large and small scale, collective and individual — change the world now and down the line, including after our passing.  Anything I offer here will be meaningful and valuable only to the extent that it gives impetus and guidance to actions in today’s present, which will in a cause-and-effect way influence tomorrow’s present. (The future never exists as a tangible, experienced reality; we always live in the present.)    Read more

Call to Action: Help James Edwards Seek Justice

On April 18, 2016, I filed a lawsuit against The Detroit News, Inc., and one of its journalists – Bankole Thompson – in which I allege that they defamed me by falsely stating as a fact that I am a leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

In Mr. Thompson’s article – “Thompson: Jewish leaders fear Trump presidency” – published by the defendants in their newspaper and on their website on March 17, 2016, it was stated, “Of particular note to some in the Jewish community is the unprecedented support the Trump campaign has received among white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and its leaders like James Edwards, David Duke and Thomas Robb, the national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas.”

I am not now, nor have I ever been, affiliated with – much less a leader of – the Ku Klux Klan, and the defendants did not engage in any due diligence whatsoever prior to publishing this derogatory misstatement of fact about me: they did not contact me to verify its accuracy and they clearly did not get the false information from a third-party source insofar as no person or organization has ever alleged that I am part of the Ku Klux Klan.

Read more

Time to Subscribe to The Occidental Quarterly

The Summer issue was loaded into subscribers’ area on TOQonline 6/16.
Print journals were mailed 6/15 and will take somewhat longer to arrive than they have in the past.

The Occidental Quarterly
6/16: Summer 2016–Vol. 16, No. 2

The Occidental Quarterly - Summer 2016
(Click image to enlarge it.)

The Occidental Quarterly fills a unique niche  in bringing together scholarly articles on a wide range of topics that are mired in political correctness elsewhere.

There are quite a few reasons for the precarious state of our civilization and our people. But one of the main ones is that we have lost the intellectual and moral high ground to a cultural elite that is hostile to our people and our culture.

A main purpose of TOQ is to change the attitudes of White people so that they will feel confident identifying as White and explicitly asserting their interests as Whites. Politically aware Whites must understand that the elites that dominate culture and the political process in the West are intellectually and morally bankrupt.

The domination of the mass media and the academic world by elites that are hostile to White identity and interests is a major barrier for educated Whites to act on behalf of their interests. White people cower in fear of being called a racist for believing and acting in ways that are absolutely normal and natural for all the other peoples of the world. While other peoples defend themselves, their culture and their borders, societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by Whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their demise as a moral imperative. We view this outcome as the result of competition over the construction of culture in which the legitimate interests of Whites have been compromised.

All of the scientific data are on our side. Increased ethnic diversity is associated with a host of societal ills, including decreased support for social welfare programs and lack of public trust. Those who argue that Western societies have a unique moral obligation to cede cultural and political control to non-Whites completely ignore the legitimate interests of Whites. No one argues that countries like Korea or Uganda have a moral obligation to allow other peoples to swamp the native population.

Digital download subscriptions are only $30/year for four issues; subscriptions by mail are only $60/year. Go to www.theoccidentalobserver.net and click on ‘SUBSCRIBE TO TOQ’.

You will not only find the articles fascinating and informative, you will also be supporting the work of scholars who are part of a community defending our people and our culture with the highest level of integrity and intellectual sophistication.

The (very handsome) cover for the Spring 2016 issue can be accessed by clicking here. This issue will be mailed out around March 21.

Guillaume Faye: Seven Mistakes That Explain The Failure Of The European New Right

The weakness and shallowness of the mainstream Right has been noticed a thousand times. In 1896, Robert L. Dabney described the GOP as “a party that never conserves anything,” that always growls against the Left’s innovations but ultimately rallies to them, to the point of being “a mere shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward.” This emptiness allowed for the GOP to be taken over by crypto-Trotskyite neoconservatives once they had purged the old guard.

The very repetition of the critique, though, shows that making the point — and re-discovering it again and again — is not enough. Those who made the point were right but could not change the “Mighty Left And Spineless Right” system. Dogs bark at cars, but dogs can’t drive, and the astute critiques of Conservatism Inc. have never yet achieved power in the US.

The non-mainstream Right must find an alternative beyond this simple critique. But before today, before the Internet became public, others already tried. Though barely mentioned in the mainstream today, these dissenters were able to coalesce into an intellectual big tent associated with the French magazine Le Figaro. They became intellectually fashionable, sparked debate among a wide range of political issues, and sought genuinely new grounds in order to replace the Left in its role of cultural authority able to shape the mainstream norms, narrative and core concepts. These thinkers were known under the name of Nouvelle Droite (“New Right”).

It may come as a surprise to many, but the biological roots of IQ, sex differences, the soundness of eugenics, the Indo-European-Aryan roots of Euro-American civilization — such were the topics raised by fierce, fearless “New Righters.” Indeed, Nouvelle École (New School), one of the main journals of the New Right, listed names such as Raymond B. Cattell, Hans Eysenck, Henry E. Garrett, Arthur Jensen, and R. Travis Osborne on its masthead. Many of their positions overlapped with today’s neo-masculine points. Of course, they were targeted by cultural Marxists, labelled “fascists” and “racists,” but for some time they seemed rather stimulated than weakened by the Leftists’ attacks. Read more