Tis The Season for Love

‘Tis the Season: A Pro-White, Pro-Natal TV Movie

Last year just before Christmas a movie caught my attention because it’s one of the rare pro-White modern Christmas movies, and, for added surprise, it is also pro-natal. Try to name any Hollywood film or any kind of TV fare that fits that bill.

The movie is called  ‘Tis the Season for Love (2015) and it comes from the Hallmark Channel.

In this day and age with the war on Christmas in full swing and at a time when births to White parents are way, way down historically, what a treat it is to have one movie straight out of the maw of our entertainment industry that shows for one woman, life in a small town with a traditional man beats out the “You Go, Girl” life of a single woman in New York City. And there is not an ounce of irony in the entire movie.

Here is Hallmark’s summary of the show:

Beth Baker is an out-of-work actress stuck in New York City without her friends at Christmas time. She decides to return home to the quaint small town she escaped 10 years before and finds a place far different than the hamlet she left. She suddenly finds performing possibilities and even romance that kind of blow her away. Will the holidays prove to be as magical for Beth as they appear, or is Christmas magic doomed to disappear as quickly as it arrived for a lady who is ready to take chances she could never have imagined a decade before? Then again, this is the kind of thing that seems to happen during the Christmas season all the time.

Further, this movie got some serious numbers—2.3 million viewers at its debut three years ago. As far as I can tell, there has been no backlash against the movie, its actors, or its creators, and this year Hallmark again ran it. My own motive for highlighting this movie is to give TOO readers a small Christmas present as we head into the thick of the Christmas season. To be honest, so much of my own cultural criticism has been negative and pessimistic — if only because circumstances and honesty dictate it. So I’d like to offer something positive at this wonderful time of year. Read more

Will Genetic Engineering Save the White Race?

Globalists have used social engineering to procure power and profits in the Western world. Social engineering can be described as psychological persuasion with rewards and repercussions. It’s a form of manipulation that’s based on deception, and gift wrapped as propaganda. Propaganda always has a target audience. For the globalists, it’s primarily White people.
Oddly enough, these self-identified haters of hate, who love White-shaming, proudly march under their inclusive banner of tolerance. For them, progress means a world with White people at the back of the line. And for some, including the UMass professor, it even means a world without White people.

If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a White woman are having sex with Black men and making mulatto babies. But White men don’t seem attracted to Black women. They’re good for nothing.

Unlike their nonsensical memes, a world with fewer White people isn’t just an anti-White’s fantasy. It’s an observable phenomenon. The percentage of the world’s White population will reach single digits by 2060, down from almost 30% in 1950:

As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of 27.98% in 1950.

But as the globalist’s attempt to socially engineer White Genocide, scientists are busy perfecting genetic engineering, which could ironically reverse the rapid decline of the world’s White population:

Humanity was reluctantly dragged into a new era this week.

In a video posted on YouTube, Chinese scientist He Jiankui announced to the world that he successfully used the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to modify the DNA of two embryos before birth, essentially creating the world’s first genetically modified humans.
The news, delivered on the eve of a high-profile scientific meeting in Hong Kong on human gene editing, left the science community in shock. “I see it as one of those moments that happens once every few decades,” said William Hurlbut, Senior Research Scholar at Stanford University Medical Center’s Department of Neurobiology. “Where someone does something that so dramatically changes the landscape that the world will never be the same again.”

Gene-editing via technology like CRISPR is going to alter humanity as we know it. Just as evolution dethroned creation, biotechnology will ultimately supplant evolution. And we aren’t just talking about the elimination of cancer, or immunity to the flu. This technology will not only change how we view race, but how we view the human race. At some point there will likely be a GMO race of humans that will be superior in many ways to non-GMO humans.

If the non-White world is able to affordably choose the genetics of their children, how many would opt for White features? (Regardless of what People magazine says, blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin is the gold standard of beauty.) And even though virtue-signaling actors/actresses would probably still adopt Africans to pose with on the cover of magazines, many people, including the wealthy and powerful, would opt for genetically modified children who look White.

It’s possible to foresee a genesis generation of elite designer GMO babies. They’ll have some variance of White features, disease immunity, excellent athletic ability, chiseled physical attributes, charming personalities, high IQs and lifelong 20/20 vision (unless myopia is an inevitable genetic by-product of high IQ).

Of course, such individuals would not really be White. If one were to include them in a population genetic study, they would inevitably group with their racial/ethnic group that their parents came from because the vast majority of their autosomes would not be manipulated and would remain typical of other members of their parents genetic background. It would be an illusory version of Whiteness.

Consider this: Because of the inevitable role of traits like IQ, conscientiousness, and good looks in upward mobility, these children will be prone to attaining and remaining among the elite. How will this generation of GMO elites influence the world? Well, it depends on how they are programmed.

What if, besides traits like IQ and conscientiousness, these people were programmed for sociopathy — a trait that makes people more likely to exploit others and certainly has a genetic basis? Lots of sociopaths are quite successful—Bill and Hillary Clinton come to mind. Sociopaths who are impulsive and stupid are prone to getting caught. But a high-IQ, conscientious sociopath could be a future president of the United States. Such a combination of traits would make the person unscrupulous in pursuing fame and fortune, without a trace of guilt. And he or she would have the intelligence and work ethic to succeed at it, so that such a person would be likely to become a card-carrying member of our hostile elite. We would essentially be creating a master-race of power-hungry, unscrupulous  individuals intent on world dominion.

And if such people were also prone to be ethnocentric (also genetically influenced), we would have created people who would be willing to direct their sociopathy at exploiting and dominating outgroups while favoring their ingroup. Indeed, this is a remarkably accurate portray of many members of our current hostile elite—the Jewish billionaires who dominate the political donor class and favor candidates willing to promote the dispossession of White America while also supporting their ethnostate in the Middle East. It is certainly not far-fetched to suppose that selection for particular traits within the Jewish community over hundreds of years has in fact produced people with exactly these traits: high IQ, conscientiousness, ethnocentrism, and willingness to exploit and dominate outgroups.

Let’s return to our White-looking GMO with an autosomal base from some other racial/ethnic group. Then let’s imagine a scientist willing and able to include genes that would effectively promote White ethnocentrism. There is research showing that the beginnings of ethnocentrism occur when babies experience the family members around them — the people who are most likely to look like them (here, pp. 37-38).. Such genes would make people prone to help people and identify with people who look like themselves. Since people from the traditional European homelands of the White race would look our putative genetic creation, they would grow up to be ethnocentric White people bent on helping others with a European genetic background. And if they were sociopathic, they would be willing to do so even at the expense of non-White outgroups. This would essentially create people who are quite analogous to many members of our current hostile elite, except that they would favor White people.

Unfortunately, the most likely scenario is that such a master race would be created by the Chinese rather than Europeans. The Chinese, freed from the post-World War II taboos on eugenics that dominate the West, are the world leaders in genome research. The Chinese government spent a record $254 billion on research and development in 2017. That amount, and their fertile ground for research, has lured the world’s leading scientists to come (or return) to China. Read more

Biocentric Political Thought in the Third Reich: A Review of Johann Chapoutot’s The Law of Blood

The Law of Blood
Johann Chapoutot
La loi du sang: Penser et agir en nazi
Paris: Gallimard, 2014
(English translation by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018, in press)

“I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.” — Walter Sobchak

In today’s culture, any nationalist activist, or really anyone who is politically incorrect, is liable to be labeled a “Nazi” and compared to Adolf Hitler. This is so even when the comparison is patently absurd and the person in question is obviously not a “Nazi”: whether the conservative French patriot Jean-Marie Le Pen, the anti-Zionist mixed-race Franco-Cameroonian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, or indeed the populist civic nationalist Donald Trump. Comparisons to fascism are also de rigueur whenever the Western politico-media Establishment wishes to demonize a foreign leader who refuses to kneel, such as Slobodan Milošević or Vladimir Putin.

The reason such individuals are called “Nazis” and compared to Hitler is typically not because of any formal ideological similarities — none of those above have ever championed a totalitarian dictatorship or any kind of systematic racial or anti-Semitic politics — but for more emotional, civil-religious reasons.[1] In the current culture, “Nazi” or “Hitler” is simply the meanest name one can call someone (hence the phenomenon of Godwin’s law) — the designated term for anyone violating the orthodoxies of political correctness. Political correctness, in turn, has steadily shifted leftwards and radicalized over the years. This means that, today, if people adopt the opinions of prominent anti-Nazis like Charles de Gaulle or Winston Churchill (who were both racialist proud of their White identity and moderately Judeo-critical), they will, however absurdly, be sure to be called “Nazis.”

However, eventually a reaction sets in. Nationalists and free-thinkers will tend to become curious: what did Hitler and the National Socialists actually think? Am I, the so-called Nazi heretic, really like them? Were they — the designated worst evil of human history —  really that bad? These questions — as writers such as Irmin Vinson and Greg Johnson have noted —  are irrelevant to the legitimacy of ethnic Europeans’ right to live and prosper in their own homelands.[2] Furthermore, and quite obviously for anyone who examines the topic, the fact is that there are innumerable differences between historical German National Socialism and contemporary European nationalisms and White advocacy.

Nonetheless, National Socialism remains a historically and politically important subject, the genesis and downfall of which remains crucial to understanding the development of Western civilization in the twenty-first century. We can then salute the French historian Johann Chapoutot who in his La loi du sang: Penser et agir en nazi has provided a formidable intellectual history of official thought in the Third Reich.[3] Chapoutot, who had previously written a somewhat less fair-minded but still useful book on National Socialist Germany’s infatuation with Greco-Roman civilization,[4] can be credited for showing why and how so many Germans found National Socialism to be both intellectually and emotionally compelling. Read more

Roche Trap: A Tribalist Lets Slip the Truth

A Spectre is haunting the Unz Review — the spectre of a highly ethnocentric Jewish commenter called Tyrion 2. He possesses all of Kevin MacDonald’s “background traits for Jewish activism,” from ethnocentrism and intelligence to aggressiveness and psychological intensity. With shameless disregard for facts and logic, he assails any criticism of Jews at the Unz Review, arguing aggressively and incessantly that no Jew anywhere has ever done or said anything harmful to non-Jewish interests.

Trap for a Tribalist

As you might expect, Tyrion 2 has been busy on re-prints of my own articles at the Unz Review. For example, he denies that the Jewish immigration minister Barbara Roche had any true responsibility for the massive increase in Third-World immigration under Tony Blair’s New Labour government. Here is his defence of Roche: “She was a junior minister in a government (naturally) dominated by Gentiles and only holding the relevant brief for 2 years. As to her motivations in upholding the party line of Gentiles Blair, Brown and Prescott, I don’t know (upholding the party line as a junior minister? keeping her job?).”

Anyone who reads my article “Roche Motel Revisited: The Comfort of an Atomized Society” will learn how far Tyrion 2’s assertions are from the truth. However, I thought that he wouldn’t bother attacking the re-print of my article “Liberals vs. Mother Nature” at the Unz Review. After all, the article is about India, Freddie Mercury and AIDS, not about the Jewish corruption of Western politics. I was wrong. Tyrion 2 seized on one small reference to Jews in the article – and entered a Roche trap:

Yes, both Jews and Parsis have been overachievers and yes, as you point out, Parsis were not as singled out for dislike as Jews [were] but Parsis lived in super diverse India and Jews lived in much more homogenous [sic] Europe. (Comment of 8th December 2018 on the re-print of “Liberals vs. Mother Nature” at the Unz Review)

Diversity is Good for Jews

Tyrion 2 is making the classic Jewish argument that racially and religiously mixed societies are safer for Jews than homogeneous ones. According to him, in “super diverse India” (in fact, not-so diverse Gujarat), Parsis didn’t stand out and so didn’t suffer persecution and expulsions as Jews did in “much more homogenous Europe.” And guess what? Tyrion 2 is thinking exactly like Barbara Roche:

Friday rush hour. Euston station [in London]. Who’s here? Who isn’t. A kaleidoscope of skin colours. The world in one terminus. Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of Americano coffee. “I love the diversity of London,” she tells me. “I just feel comfortable.” (Hideously Diverse Britain: The immigration ‘conspiracy’, The Guardian, 2nd March 2011)

Roche wasn’t acting on her own when she became immigration minister and opened Britain’s borders to Somalis and other low-IQ, high-criminality Third-Worlders. She was collaborating with other Jews to make Britain a more “comfortable” place for Jews. And since she left office, she has continued to campaign for open borders and for more anti-White bureaucracy:

Tony Blair should promote the benefits of legal immigration to Britain, and “not back off” from plans to create a super equalities commission, Barbara Roche, the former equalities minister, has urged. … The child of a Polish-Russian Ashkenazi father and a Sephardic Spanish-Portuguese mother, Ms Roche has reason for her feelings on immigration. “My being Jewish informs me totally, informs my politics. I understand the otherness of ethnic groups. The Americans are ahead of us on things like multiple identity. I’m Jewish but I’m also a Londoner; I’m English but also British.” (Roche urges Labour to promote the benefits of legal migration, The Independent, 24th June 2003)

Migration maniac Barbara Roche

In fact, Barbara Roche is neither English nor British. How could she be, when “being Jewish informs [her] totally”? For her and for other powerful Jews in the West, a term like “British” or “French” or “American” is merely geographic. That’s why she was so eager to flood Britain with low-IQ Third-Worlders, re-shaping its demographics in a way that, while inflicting huge harm and expense on native British Whites, allowed her to “feel comfortable” while sipping “her cup of Americano coffee” at Euston station. Read more

De-Platformed by Patreon

Just got this email from Patreon. Not surprising given all the other de-platforming of the Alt Right. I love how they always talk about their commitment to “diverse viewpoints” but then remove a site dedicated to producing informative, well-researched articles on a wide range of topics.


My name is XXXX and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon…. Your creator page was removed for violating our Community Guidelines.

While diverse viewpoints are welcomed, there is no room on Patreon for creators associated with hate groups. Our Community Guidelines don’t allow for creators with such associations, no matter the purpose or apparent intention of their Patreon page.

Because of your affiliation with the Charles Martel Society and your position as editor of The Occidental Observer, my team and I decided to remove your creator page.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will do my best to address them for you

All the best,
Patreon Trust and Safety Monday

“The Mightier Our Blows, the Greater Our Emperor’s Love”: The Crusader Ideology of Germanized Christianity in the Song of Roland

There is a mysterious quality to the first literature of any ancient nation. The earliest recorded poems are those produced right at the edge between the forceful spontaneity of barbarism and the dead letter of civilization. They almost invariably reflect a primordial and manly mindset very different from that of our own time. They express the psychology and values of conquering peoples, heeding closely to the law of life, by which nations prosper or die. So it is with the Iliad of ancient Greece,the Beowulf of the Anglo-Saxons, and the Song of Roland of the French.

The Song of Roland is the French national epic and the first great piece of French literature, emerging in the eleventh century, on the back of the First Crusade to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims. The poem’s author is even more mysterious than Homer, for we do not even know his name. The Song is a vivid and powerful expression of the values of medieval European chivalry and indeed of the centuries-long clash of civilizations between Christianity and Islam, dating back to the Muslim conquests of Roman Christian Levant and North Africa.

In contrast with later criticisms of Christianity as embodying a universalist “slave-morality,” in the Song we find Christian values perfectly fused, and perhaps subordinated to, the essentially Germanic warrior ethos of the French knightly aristocracy in the form of a novel crusader ideology. The Song presents a perfect case-study of what James C. Russell called the “Germanization of early medieval Christianity” or what William Pierce called “Aryanized” Christianity.[1] The heroes of the poem are obsessed with honor, family, nation, religion, and service to the emperor. I shall present the historical Charlemagne and the values of the Song of Roland. These can help us understand both the emergence and defense of European identity in past centuries. Read more

Quo Vadis Vatican? Jewish involvement in the radical changes of the Second Vatican Council

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Here’s to our murder-less mystery story, where its religious-ecclesiastical background calls for careful threading, though no issues of faith or belief are involved. I am referring to the Second Vatican Council, (1961–1964), some of its deliberations, the shadowy maneuvers that brought them about, and the implications and consequences for the brethren and the world at large. The Council implemented profound changes, of which many faithful are probably not fully aware, and from which the Catholic Church has perhaps not yet recovered.

But first some background. The late 1950s were a time of critical ideological tension. In Italy, Communist governments, provincial and local, ran and administered large swaths of the country. There was a chance that in the next political elections the Communists could win the majority.

Understandably, America was concerned and had disturbing contingency plans should the enemy win. In this, I think, they misunderstood Italy’s collective psychology. For one, many had already perceived the utopian nature of Marxist egalitarianism and sensed that a Communist state would resemble a convent or a prison. But they also knew that, if the Italian Communists won, they would quickly convert the convent into a brothel and the prison into a discotheque. That is, a change in name but not in substance.

Still, Pope Pius XII, who died in 1958, came from a noble family with a long history of service to the Church. Now policy and the political winds called for a Pope with a different background, a “populist” we would say today — one whose humble origins would implicitly raise favor among the discontent, hope in the disenfranchised and sympathy in the downtrodden.

Pope John XXIII filled the bill, for he was the fourth among thirteen children in a family of sharecroppers. And soon he acquired the byname of “good.” From then on, the masses knew him as “the Good Pope.”

Logic is never a friend of mass psychology, for ‘good’ is a relative term. Good compared to whom? In fact, according to a meaningful section of past and current Catholic thinkers, John XXIII was a disaster. Read more