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Germany’s AfD: Controlled Opposition

Björn Höcke (AfD, Der Flügel)

Alice Weidel (Chairwoman, AfD)

Each time an aspiring nationalist party scores some parliamentary gains, let alone enters the corridors of power, its followers assume that the System faces imminent death, announcing the dawn of a shining nationalist future. Over the last seventy years, such a self-serving delusion has framed the mindset of countless White nationalist voters in the U.S. and Europe – leading, as a rule, to their constant disappointment. From Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France (Rassemblement National (RN)) to the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Flemish Vlaams Belang, followed by the recently installed post-pseudo fascist Italian government of Giorgia Meloni, or the would-be second term U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump, along with a few lurking Latin American Bolsonaros, such prominent nationalist voices sooner or later lapse into self-caricature. Even if they miraculously manage to scramble to the System’s gates of power, the next day they will piously start reciting Systemspeak homilies.

The reason for this turnaround is understandable. Parliamentary or presidential perks are powerful; the liberal glitz and glamor easily disarm even the most devout White nationalist. Furthermore, it must not be forgotten that since 1945 the System has invested tons of money into erecting firewalls and a multitude of cordons sanitaires in order to prevent an aspiring nationalist party from rocking the post-World War II Liberal Order.

A case in point is the nationalist-conservative party Alternative for Germany, the AfD, which over the last ten years and especially over the last few months has surged as a major contender for a power grab in several federal states. The ruling leftist “Ampel” i.e., “traffic lights coalition,” as well as all E.U. member states, no longer attempt to hide their fear of the AfD contagion spreading to their own front yard. Hence the reason that the System-friendly media outlets are resorting to demonization of the AfD by decorating it with epithets from their plentiful arsenal of fascist labels.

Germany is not just the financial locomotive of the E.U. and its economic powerhouse; it also serves as the main U.S. military and intelligence hub for the entire Eurasian heartland. The System and its proconsuls in Europe, including their sycophantic media outlets stretching from Washington to Berlin and all the way to Tel Aviv, are up in arms over the AfD’s suspected intention to pave a separate way for Germany.

On its domestic front, the AfD is critical of non-European migrants, and it aggressively lobbies for their repatriation to their countries of origin. In its foreign-policy stance, it has shown reluctance regarding Germany’s official sanctions of Russia, and it is also becoming an outspoken critic of Germany’s military assistance to Ukraine. Even prior to the conflict in Ukraine it had earned itself the media nickname of the “Kremlin party.” Given the catastrophic mutual bloodletting between Russians and Germans during the twentieth century, the “pro-Putin” conciliatory move on the part of the AfD hardly comes as a surprise.

The AfD’s success in the October 2023 elections in the federal state of Hesse and in the largest and the richest state of Bavaria is further proof of its growing popularity. Its electoral gains in the state of Hesse account for 18.4 percent of the total vote, while in Bavaria the AfD scored 14.6 percent, which translates into 28 and 32 seats respectively. The meteoric performance of the AfD comes as a shock to the ruling Ampel class, as well as Germany’s overseas supervisor in Washington.

There is little doubt that the issue of feral non-European migration is the prime cause for the spectacular rise of the AfD, although it cannot be assumed to be the only factor. Most of the AfD constituency are fed up with the technical incompetence of the ruling Ampel coalition which has failed to halt rising energy costs or the shrinking pension funds of its ageing population. This is the reason why everybody wants change. AfD’s recent electoral breakthrough in western German states only proves that its success is no longer limited to its traditional strongholds in the formerly Soviet-ruled Communist eastern Germany, such as the state of Thuringia. Short of getting banned or outlawed on the eve of the E.U. elections scheduled for next year — which cannot be ruled out — the AfD will likely double the 78 seats it now has in the Bundestag by 2024–25.

Upon closer look, AfD rank and file members do not look at all like the much-maligned radical right-wing specimens advocating revolution or threatening the German constitutional order, as is often suggested by the mainstream media. Its overall agenda is basically just an updated carbon copy of what the still strong German Christian Democrats (CSU, CDU) once stood for. And while the AfD is filling the void of the fossilized “conservative” CDU and CSU, the latter are becoming barely distinguishable from the ruling leftwing Ampel coalition. This is nothing new in the century-long charade known under the fancy name of “liberal parliamentary democracy.” One is reminded of the prominent antiliberal scholar Robert Michels and his classic depiction of the inherent corruption of the multiparty democratic parliamentary system.[1]

More to the point and less of a scholarly venue is the former bestseller by the late François-Bernard Huyghe, published three decades ago. In his semi-satirical work, he uncovers faked hostility between the parliamentary Left vs. Right. Accordingly, the Christian conservative declares: “Madame la Marquise I like your cute butt.” To that, the leftist Social Democrat responds with the same sentence, albeit by inverting its syntax: “Your cute butt I like Madame la Marquise.”[2] The more things change in the Liberal System the more they must stay the same — as witnessed in key swing states during the mysterious ballot counting after the November 2020 U.S. election.

Likewise, if it wants to survive in the high-tech surveillance state of Germany, the AfD must follow the System’s canons. In Germany’s political landscape, this means that it must strictly abide by the official self-censoring narrative and in addition perform ritual pilgrimages to Israel. An important figure in the AfD, the old timer and now AfD honorary chairman Alexander Gauland reiterated shortly after the Hamas attack on October 7, followed by the Israeli bombing of the Gaza strip: “When we stand with Israel, we also defend our way of life.”[3] His recent backpedaling into the Jewish orbit is hardly going to exonerate him in the eyes of the Jews in view of his earlier words regarding the National-Socialist past. Several years ago, he said that “the Nazis were just a minor chickenshit in the otherwise successful history of Germany.”[4]

The Empress’ New Clothes

What Medjugorje, Fatima or Lourdes means for the Catholic faithful, Yad Vashem operates now as an obligatory place of pilgrimage for the Western political class, and especially for German presidential hopefuls. No matter the size and number of German philo-Semitic genuflections, the Central Council of Jews in Germany remains reluctant to embrace AfD’s advances. In fact, following the Hamas October 7, 2023 raid on an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza strip, the Israeli government and its mouthpiece in Germany declared the AfD, a party that provides a political home to right-wing extremists and anti-Jewish sentiments and which has sought to trivialize Germany’s Nazi past and the Holocaust.”[5]

Consequently, in order to stay alive, the AfD needs to constantly provide evidence that it does follow the System’s rules. One of the most powerful figures in the AfD, chairwoman Alice Weidel, has learned this body-language mimicry well; she dresses up in the empress’s new clothes in an effort to deflect potential detractors. A tall, attractive, and soft-spoken woman of Nordic phenotype, Weidel is a picture-perfect modern conservative model, perfectly matching the image of a traditional Aryan female that can be spotted  in  Sepp Hilz paintings or Arno Breker sculptures. With her carefully administered mascara and her dark pastel attire she projects herself as the role model for White urban middle-class German women. Her game change is aired not just on one conservative frequency but on all political wavelengths and for all lifestyles. As a self-declared lesbian living with a Sri Lankan actress, she has managed to triple-shield herself from potential threats from powerful German antifas, LGBTQ+ loud-mouths, and diverse multicultural-multicolored virtue signalers. With her measured telegenic diction, she never postures like some West Coast drag queen, nor does she ever pose like a seasoned Berlin dyke on a bike. Despite her unorthodox sexual lifestyle, she knows how to put up her conservative physiognomy up for sale, with her outward persona displaying signs of traditional Frömmigkeit, i.e., German motherly devoutness. How that squares up with her female constituency remains to be seen in the months to come.

The most interesting and intriguing figure in the AfD is  Björn Höcke and his faction the Fluegel, i.e., the Wing, enjoying  a great deal of popularity, particularly among educated hard-core German nationalists and especially among young supporters of the now terminated NPD. Needless to say, the German spy agencies, euphemistically called as “agencies for the protection of the constitution,” watch every move Höcke makes and every step he takes.

Björn Höcke (AfD, Der Flügel)

Understanding the AfD means first and foremost understanding high German culture and its intricate and tortuous history. Having lost twenty percent of its pre-World War II population (more than 10 million civilians and soldiers) by 1950 as a result of Western and Eastern  Allied  serial  large-scale massacres, firebombing, expulsions and captivity, and having been subjected  over 75 years to incessant  brainwashing by American, largely Jewish born  educators, one cannot expect miracles  in the German political scene.[6] History, however, is always open and with serious new tremors happening now in Europe and the Middle East one might see some changes, not just in Germany but also in the entire West. Unless one accepts, but also believes in mysterious, multi-meaning, multi-god last words of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, “Only a God Can Save Us.”[7]


[1] Robert Michels, Political Parties; A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy (1911 Kitchener; Batoche books, 2021), pp. 224-235.

[2] François-Bernard Huyghe, La Soft-Idéologie  (Paris: R. Laffont, 1987).

[3]   David Gebhard, „AfD streitet über Israel-Unterstützung“, ZDF-Heute (October, 15, 2023)


[4]    „Gauland: Hitler nur „Vogelschiss“ in deutscher Geschichte“ in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 2, 2018.

[5] Dirk Kurbjuweit, „Germany Must Stand Unequivocally with Israel“, Der Spiegel, Oct. 13, 2023.

[6] T. Sunic, Homo americanus; Child of the Postmodern Age (Ch. III, “Brainwashing the Germans”), (London: Arktos 2018), pp.74-86 and passim.

[7] Martin Heidegger in interview, “Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten,” Der Spiegel, May 31, 1976.

Letitia James vs. VDare.com

VDARE.com LAWFARE CRISIS INTENSIFIES—Federal Court Judge Frederick J. Scullin Dodges Protecting Our (And Our Writers’) 1A Rights From “Hyperpoliticized” NYAG Letitia James
The statue Laocoön and His Sons, of a Trojan priest being attacked by sea serpents, had an immense impact on the Renaissance after it was unearthed in Rome in the early sixteenth century. Wikipedia quotes an art historian as saying it is ”the prototypical icon of human agony” in Western art. It’s how we at VDARE.com feel, entrapped in Letitia James’ endless unprincipled, decidedly un-Western, Lawfare.

See earlier: VDARE.com FACING MORTAL THREAT!—NY Attorney General Letitia James Mugs Us (As Well As Donald Trump, NRA etc.)

Very soon, perhaps by mid-December, VDARE.com may be pressured to turn over the names of its vendors and its pseudonymous writers (and in the current Reign Of Terror, virtually all of our writers are pseudonymous) to the notoriously leak-crazed office of out-of-control New York Attorney General Letitia James. Which means our current vendors, i.e., tech support, etc., may be forced to drop us, as so many have already done, e.g., MailchimpConstant ContactPayPalAmazonGoogle Ads.  And at least some of our pseudonymous writers will certainly be fired from their day jobs—with the result that in today’s Woke-whipped America they may well be unable to find employment at all.

And VDARE.com will effectively be destroyed.

How has this appalling situation arisen?

  • Because NYAG James has now moved to find us in contempt of court because we have not yet complied with her subpoena demands, although we are fighting them in both New York State and Federal courts.

If we are found in contempt, we will face fines that could quickly amount to thousands of dollars.

The alleged cause of NYAG James’ investigation into VDARE.com: our purchase of the Berkeley Springs Castle WV as a conference and headquarters venue, which we did only after we had been repeatedly Cancelled out of hotel conference venues because of communist pressure. (See, e.g., hereherehere, and here.)

But this whole transaction—which is entirely normal in the 501(c)(3) world, e.g., the Southern Poverty Law Center communist enforcer group owns its notoriously lavish “Poverty Palace” headquarters in Montgomery AL— was expensively lawyered and is completely bullet-proof, not least because we always knew NYAG James was Out There.

And, tellingly, NYAG James has repeatedly refused to meet with our expensive lawyers to discuss the Castle purchase—obviously preferring to use this excuse to subpoena us to death on other matters.

And, crucially, she still has not yet brought any charges against us. Notoriously, the reality of modern politicized legal and regulatory tyranny is that ”the process is the punishment.”

In December 2022, NYAG James tricked our lawyers, who had filed in Federal Court for First Amendment relief after her subpoena demands became blatant political harassment, by asking for time to respond “because of the holidays [a.k.a Christmas] and a member of our team who has COVID…”

But she then used the time we granted to file against us in New York State Court, in itself an extremely aggressive move.

Of course, in a just world, even apart from NYAG Letitia James’ obvious malfeasance, the New York State Court should have stayed or even dismissed NYAG Letitia James’ petition to compel enforcement, pending resolution of our First Amendment case in Federal Court, which would normally have had priority.

But to our lawyers’ shock, and with unprecedented speed—as in the next business day after our last contact with her, a proposal that she review our vendors in camera, which she ignored—New York State Judge Sabrina Kraus, ruled against us, uncritically reproducing NYAG James’ lying and stupid assertions as to why she had cause to want disclosure.[Ruling, January 19, 2023, PDF]


Judge Sabrina Kraus

Normally, these rulings take months.

Kraus even required that we provide the names of pseudonymous writers.

This is particularly telling because NYAG James had ostentatiously eschewed asking for the real names of writers in her response to our Federal suit—presumably because of its obvious First Amendment implications.

It is this Judge Sabrina Kraus who will be hearing NYAG’s James contempt of court motion on December 8.

Amazingly, NYAG James’ new Memorandum of Law in support of her motion to compel not only ignores the ethical issues that our counsel raised, but doubles down and again brazenly repeats what we called out as her “lying and stupid assertions” noted above. It claims:

According to VDARE’s required IRS Form 990, at the time VDARE conveyed the castle to the Brimelows’ companies, it had no independent directors as that term is defined in the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (“N-PCL”), Section 102(21).

Let’s go over this again, slowly: there are no “Brimelows’ companies,” in the lyingly insinuated sense that they are personally owned. The entities in question are entirely controlled by the VDARE Foundation, again a perfectly normal situation in the non-profit world.

(And, for that matter, the VDARE Foundation has always had “independent directors.”)

(And anyway 501(c)(3) charities are not obliged to have “independent directors.” They are regularly family-controlled.)

These are lies and (because easily refuted) stupid lies.

In this context, it’s vital to realize that NYAG James is not (at least in theory) a politician like Joe Biden, free to repeat flights of fantasy at will. She is what in the legal system is known as an  “Officer of the Court.” She is simply not allowed to misrepresent the facts in legal pleadings before a judge.

But she has. Repeatedly. And, at least in the case of Judge Kraus, she has gotten away with it.

This means that NYAG James is committing repeated violations of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct—despite the fact that our lawyers have already formally called her out on them:

See the Letter of Complaint here.

But our immediate problem:

  • Federal Judge Frederick J. Scullin, Jr., the senior judge in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of New York, has dodged our First Amendment argument on the incredibly annoying technicality that the case had been already heard by New York State Judge Kraus (see above).
Judge Scullin

Judge Scullin’s final ruling was on September 13, 2023.[Ruling, PDF]

This was a devastating shock to us, and also to our counsel. We had presumed that making a good-faith effort to comply with NYAG James’ crushingly burdensome subpoenas, and only raising our First Amendment issues with the Federal court (where they should properly be heard) when it became clear that NYAG James herself was not acting in good faith, would create a record that the Federal court would respect.

But Judge Scullin ignored our good-faith efforts completely. Nor did he address NYAG James’ ethical transgressions a.k.a. her lying and stupid assertions to the court noted above. Nor did he address affidavits submitted by pseudonymous VDARE.com writers pointing out that revealing their names could cause them serious harm.

And he denied us any injunctive relief, thereby exposing us to New York State court compliance—precipitating the current crisis.

It’s hard to avoid the impression that Judge Scullin simply didn’t want to deal with the VDARE.com case at all—just as the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court Of Appeal, with the heroic exception of Judge Harris L. Hartz, dodged dealing with our slam-dunk Civil Rights case against the City of Colorado Springs’ refusal to protect our 2017 conference there.

  • What happens next?

VDARE.com is now in the Kafkaesque position of have having to defend the same issue, and also appeals relating to both of them, in both state and federal courts simultaneously—at absolutely appalling expense.

Our appeal against New York State Judge Kraus’ decision is here [PDF]. Its key point:

Almost every word Respondent has stated about the castle transactions is a false and misleading statement of fact and law to a tribunal. Yet the castle transactions were supposed to be the “critical facts that first triggered [Respondent’s] scrutiny.” Stripped of Respondent’s deliberate lies about the castle transactions, Respondent is left with picayune complaints about de minimis technicalities. Such inquiries do not justify the breadth of the three subpoenas, especially the attempt to deanonymize those with the right to speak and associate anonymously.

Furthermore, the 6,000 pages of documents already produced (R.6) are by now more than enough to answer and lay to rest these trivial inquiries. Demanding that VDARE continue on with the massive administrative burden of producing another 40 gigabytes of data—a truly monumental amount of data—chasing after these petty phantoms bespeaks nothing other a desire to punish VDARE for its speech.

Quite aside from Respondent’s admission, such a sweeping inquiry tethered to such de minimis concerns reveals Respondent’s conduct for what it is: an “unlimited and general inquisition” calling for “irrelevant and immaterial documents” meant to harass VDARE (an ideological adversary of James’s professed politics). Myerson v Lentini Bros Moving & Storage Co. It manifestly does not survive the strict or “careful” scrutiny required by the First Amendment or New York’s own constitutionEvergreen Ass’n, Inc v Schneiderman, 153 AD3d 87, 100 [2nd Dept, 2017]. Such being the case, Respondent should be told, in no uncertain terms, that this subpoena is invalid and should not be enforcedGrotallio v. Soft Drink Leasing Corp., 468 NYS2d 4, 5-6, [1st Dept, 1983].

In addition, we are appealing Judge Scullin’s dismissal to the Federal Second Circuit.

  • A point in VDARE.com’s favor—At least everyone now knows about weaponized law enforcement. (But of course this Is Bad News for America.)

There was a time when Americans innocently assumed that anyone attacked by law enforcement authorities must be guilty of something.

Perhaps the first crack in this assumption for conservatives:  former Reagan Administration official Paul Craig Roberts’ demonstration, in his 2000 book The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice, that an epidemic of prosecutorial abuse had emerged as a result of the 1990s War on Drugs/Crime.

I was able to write about this in FORBES magazine, despite Steve Forbes’ characteristically conventional misgivings, only because of the support of FORBES’ great Editor James W. Michaels.

”Americans are no longer secure in law—the justice system no longer seeks truth and prosecutors are untroubled by wrongful convictions,” Roberts wrote.

”They can seize anyone, and any property, at any time,” he said of modern law enforcement agencies.

A key traditional right that Roberts argued had been eroded: “To have the confidential assistance of an attorney.”

Of course the further destruction of this right has been exemplified recently by Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis’ financial torturing into submission of President Donald J. Trump’s lawyers: herehere and here.

Fani Willis

How can any lawyer, with a family to support, now dare represent Trump—or for that matter anyone on the Dissident Right?

The broader significance of this development: It means that the equivalent of what economists used to call the “money illusion”—consumers’ slowness to realize that the nominal value of money was being destroyed by inflation—is finally ending for America’s law enforcement system.

Significantly, a plurality (46%) of Americans now flat-out believe that the charges against Trump are political [Nearly two-thirds of Americans think Jan. 6 charges against Trump are serious: POLL, by Tal Axelrod, ABC, August 4, 2023]. They think the law enforcement system has been weaponized—as is clearly the case with NYAG Letitia James’ attack on us.

Simply put, Americans are ceasing to believe the law enforcement system is impartial.

Of course, the same thing has already happened to America’s increasingly partisan Regime Media

The 32% of Americans who say they trust the mass media “a great deal” or “a fair amount” to report the news in a full, fair and accurate way ties Gallup’s lowest historical reading, previously recorded in 2016 [Media Confidence in U.S. Matches 2016 Record Low by Megan Brenan, Gallup Polls, October 19, 2023].

With President Trump appearing certain to get the GOP nomination, and the Deep State appearing  fanatically determined to stop him, the U.S. is unmistakably headed for a Constitutional crisis.

And what recourse do Americans have if they can’t trust the courts?

To quote Shakespeare’s Brutus in his funeral oration over the murdered Julius Caesar: I pause for a reply.

<iframe “allow-same-origin=”” allow-scripts=”” allow-forms”=”” height=”350″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Cy2C4N48Kws” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen=””>

This is headed in a very bad direction.

And it is entirely the fault of fanatical Leftist lawfare activists like NYAG James—and, of course, compliant courts.

  • Which is another point in VDARE.com’s favor—Everyone now knows about NYAG James’ clearly unconstitutional thuggery.

Thus a brilliant unsigned October 4, 2023 editorial in Revolver.news, The Definitive MAGA Legal Counter-Offensive: Striking Back Against the Regime’s Political Prosecution Spree, includes this bravura passage:

If you want a model for how a state law enforcement agency can seamlessly blend enforcing the law with political objectives, New York is the gold standard….

In the 1990s, Kamala Harris slept her way to the top of California politics. Thirty years later, a black woman can instead MeToo her way to the top. [Letitia] James planned to quickly level up to the governorship by sticking a MeToo knife into Andrew Cuomo. But James’s bid for New York’s top job in 2022 was a bust, so she’s instead still lurking in Albany, biding her time, and trying to take MAGA scalps in the meantime.

James and her predecessors have amassed a formidable set of wins against Donald Trump and right-of-center America generally, and crucially, they’ve done this damage without getting any electric headline-dominating convictions.

In 2018, under [NTYAG Eric] Schneiderman’s temporary replacement, Barbara Underwood, the New York A.G. office successfully dissolved the entire Trump Foundation after suing it for an alleged pattern of illegal behavior. In 2020, after years of preparatory maneuvers, the NYAG brought a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association and seize its assets. That bid failed, but at the same time, when was the last time you’ve heard about the NRA mattering in national politics? The group’s costly, years-long legal battles have sapped it of wealth and energy.

The NYAG’s most recent major action is a lawsuit against Trump, three of his children, and the Trump Organization, accusing it of systematically inflating Trump’s net worth to deceive investors. That case might get far less press attention than Trump’s four criminal indictments…

Subsequently, of course, press attention has surged with Trump’s recent New York court appearances.



The Washington Examiner’s Byron York has described Letitia James’s claims against Trump as

A punishment so out of line with the behavior alleged in this case that it boggles the mind. It is made possible by two factors: a bad law and a hyperpoliticized attorney general.

A politicized, grossly unfair lawsuit against Trump, November 7, 2023

“Hyperpoliticized Attorney General.” Yeah.

  • Putting this in perspective

VDARE.com is a tiny operation. And it has been crippled since the halcyon days of the free internet that was cut off after Trump’s election in 2016 by the Empire Striking Back—in the form of shadow-banning, deplatforming by, e.g., Facebook, YouTube, and demonetization by, e.g., Amazon.com.

Moreover, as noted above, we have always stood ready to prove that the Castle transaction, itself financially trivial—especially compared to James’ own just-revealed mysterious real estate deals [After you see Letitia James’ net worth, you’ll wonder why SHE isn’t the one being investigated…, Revolver.newsNovember 7, 2023]—was entirely legitimate. Any questions could have been settled with phone calls, possibly a couple of conferences, and the production of a handful of documents.

And anyway we are not even operating in New York State.

So why is NYAG James bringing this massive investigatory effort against us—her court documents are always signed by multiple lawyers, highly paid at taxpayer expense?

Does she have no criminals to prosecute?

The answer is obvious: This is a political mugging aimed at suppressing dissent—part of America’s ongoing communist coup.

  • A bitter personal note

I immigrated from Britain in 1970, not simply to America but to the American Conservative Movement. I would not claim to be particularly prominent in it, but I have gotten to know many of the key players personally.

And I have to say that, on a personal level, I am bitterly disappointed by how few of them have offered VDARE.com support since NYAG James’ mugging became public.

Of course, there’s a lot of other things going on right now—an ongoing communist coup, the Biden Rush at the southern (and now northern) border, the looming Constitutional crisis over the Deep State’s fanatical determination to block Trump, the very real imminent possibility of World War III, etc., etc.

But the key factor hurting VDARE.com:  fear of the “racism” smear continues to be hegemonic. America Firsters who are household names (I won’t name them—yet) tell us they are afraid to help us.

Patriots will not get anywhere until this taboo is broken down.

And that may be too late for us.

Right now there is a real danger that VDARE.com may vanish quietly like Icarus, in the W.H. Auden poem that Lydia quoted in her obituary for our much-missed friend Martin Rojas:

In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white [is this Hate Speech?]  legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

Roll of Honor (and thanks also to our supports on Twitter/X/Gab):

And I’d also like to thank the redoubtable Revolver.news for linking to our stories..

But that’s all I can see right now.

Specifically, nothing from my former colleagues at the Wall Street JournalBarron’s magazine, Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine, American Spectator, American Conservative, National Review, etc.).

Apologies to anyone I’ve missed—let me know.

  • VDARE.com NEEDS Help NOW

With Federal Court Judge Frederick J. Scullin dodging his obligation to protect our First Amendment rights, VDARE.com is now in supreme peril—along with our writers.

I do often say that miracles happen quite often in politics.


NYAG Letitia James’ regulatory harassment has driven us to the wall.

We are again very close to the point where we cannot continue to pay our writers and our technical support staff—let alone defend their pseudonymity.

So, again, we must ask you to help us continue to fight for immigration patriotism—and for America.

We—and all of our posterity—will be profoundly grateful.

John Tooby on Coalitional Politics in Science

John Tooby (1952–2023) died on November 10. Hearing about this brought back a whole lot of memories, many none too pleasant. As will be obvious, we disagreed about pretty much everything. But I have to say that in my experience he was an affable enough guy even after he attacked me publicly, and even after I was being shunned by the good people at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. I wrote this originally in 2017.

John Tooby was a professor of anthropology at UC-Santa Barbara and, along with his wife Leda Cosmides, prominent in the field of evolutionary psychology. For a whole lot of reasons, we do not see eye-to-eye on pretty much anything related to evolutionary psychology, but Tooby has also criticized me for my work on Judaism and for around ten years they had a note on their website that they were going to refute me—since removed. But I am happy to say that I finally agree with him about something. But first a little background.

Our differences long predate my study of Judaism and go to the heart of how to conceptualize evolutionary psychology. At a time when E. O. Wilson’s sociobiology was still under fire from the left, Tooby and Cosmides designed an evolutionary psychology that would fly under the radar of political correctness. The vicious assault on sociobiology by the left was a sight to behold—culminating in a woman pouring a pitcher of ice water over Wilson’s head at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

But the left succeeded. Evolutionary psychology became ensconced as the heir of sociobiology. The word ‘sociobiology’ was virtually expunged from the lexicon, and the most important academic journal in the field changed its name from Ethology and Sociobiology to Evolution and Human Behavior. I heard it on good authority that Wilson described those who carried out this coup as acting like “beaten dogs.”

Without the baggage of the term ‘sociobiology’, the field was free to reinvent itself.  The trick was to loudly proclaim the idea that evolution did indeed sculpt the mind, but that all humans were essentially alike because we all evolved in the same Pleistocene environment. This takes issues like race differences completely off the table, and individual differences, as in personality and intelligence, become mere “noise.”

And since we were all the same, the only interesting source of differences between humans was that people were exposed to different environmental contexts in their lifetime. Why is one person more aggressive than another? The evolutionary psych answer is that some people are exposed to contexts that bring out aggression, such as poverty and low social status, or their muscular build makes aggression have greater payoffs — explanations that fit well with a leftist zeitgeist. The  fact that some people have genes that predispose them to be more aggressive than others was out of bounds, along with the entire field of behavior genetics.

Evolutionary psychology also posited the “massively modular” mind — the idea that the mind was nothing more than a set of mechanisms each designed to solve a specific problem in our evolutionary past: a mechanism for falling in love, a mechanism for finding someone sexually attractive, one for fearing snakes, etc.

This neatly avoids talking about IQ — the one measure that is most feared by the left. That’s because differences in IQ are powerfully associated with success in modern societies, because IQ is strongly genetically influenced,  and, most importantly, because we don’t have any environmental interventions capable of getting rid of race differences in IQ in developed societies. IQ doesn’t fit well with evolutionary psychology because intelligence was not designed to solve any particular problem from our evolutionary past. Rather, as discussed in my 2013 paper (my last statement on the topic), it was designed to integrate information from a wide range of areas and use this information to solve novel problems and create imaginary worlds. Humans can solve a whole lot of problems that were not around in the environments we evolved in. That’s why it’s important  for success in school — and modern life.

There are other differences as well, on the theory of learning (here, p. 29ff), as well as prefrontal control of evolved modules sensitive to cultural input, and the theory of culture generally. My theory of culture emphasizes that intellectual endeavor and quite a bit of what passes as science is actually the result of coalition of interest. My book, The Culture of Critique, essentially argues that strongly identified Jews formed the backbone of intellectual coalitions that were intended to advance Jewish ethnic interests. Seems like a natural thing for an evolutionist to think about. So I was pleased to read the following from Tooby’s Edge article on “coalitional instincts.

Coalition-mindedness makes everyone, including scientists, far stupider in coalitional collectivities than as individuals. Paradoxically, a political party united by supernatural beliefs can revise its beliefs about economics or climate without revisers being bad coalition members. But people whose coalitional membership is constituted by their shared adherence to “rational,” scientific propositions have a problem when—as is generally the case—new information arises which requires belief revision. To question or disagree with coalitional precepts, even for rational reasons, makes one a bad and immoral coalition member—at risk of losing job offers, her friends, and her cherished group identity. This freezes belief revision.

Forming coalitions around scientific or factual questions is disastrous, because it pits our urge for scientific truth-seeking against the nearly insuperable human appetite to be a good coalition member. Once scientific propositions are moralized, the scientific process is wounded, often fatally.  No one is behaving either ethically or scientifically who does not make the best-case possible for rival theories with which one disagrees.

All of the intellectual movements reviewed in The Culture of Critique involved shared adherence to doctrines that had a flimsy grounding (if any) in scientific research, and questioning the doctrines brought shame and ostracism. The fact that a century passed without any evidence for the Oedipal Complex had no effect on Freud’s followers, any more than research on ethnocentrism or race differences would influence the Frankfurt School or the Boasians.

In the intellectual world, group cohesiveness has facilitated the advocacy of particular viewpoints within academic professional associations (e.g., the Boasian program within the American Anthropological Association; psychoanalysis within the American Psychiatric Association). Rothman and Lichter (1982, 104–105) note that Jews formed and dominated cohesive subgroups with a radical political agenda in several academic societies in the 1960s, including professional associations in economics, political science, sociology, history, and the Modern Language Association. They also suggest a broad political agenda of Jewish social scientists during this period: “We have already pointed out the weaknesses of some of these studies [on Jewish involvement in radical political movements]. We suspect that many of the ‘truths’ established in other areas of the social sciences during this period suffer from similar weaknesses. Their widespread acceptance . . . may have had as much to do with the changing ethnic and ideological characteristics of those who dominated the social science community as they did with any real advance in knowledge” (Rothman & Lichter 1982, 104). Sachar (1992, 804) notes that the Caucus for a New Politics of the American Political Science Association was “overwhelmingly Jewish” and that the Union of Radical Political Economists was initially disproportionately Jewish. Moreover, as Higham (1984, 154) notes, the incredible success of the Authoritarian Personality studies was facilitated by the “extraordinary ascent” of Jews concerned with anti-Semitism in academic social science departments in the post– World War II era.

Once an organization becomes dominated by a particular intellectual perspective, there is enormous intellectual inertia created by the fact that the informal networks dominating elite universities serve as gatekeepers for the next generation of scholars. Aspiring intellectuals, whether Jewish or gentile, are subjected to a high level of indoctrination at the undergraduate and graduate levels; there is tremendous psychological pressure to adopt the fundamental intellectual assumptions that lie at the center of the power hierarchy of the discipline. As discussed in Chapter 1, once a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement attains intellectual predominance, it is not surprising that gentiles would be attracted to Jewish intellectuals as members of a socially dominant and prestigious group and as dispensers of valued resources. Group cohesiveness can also be seen in the development of worshipful cults that have lionized the achievements of group leaders (Boasian anthropology and psychoanalysis) (Chapter 6, 224-225)

Real science is individualist, not a product of coalitions:

I propose that a minimal requirement of a scientific social system is that science not be conducted from an ingroup-outgroup perspective. Scientific progress (Campbell’s “competence-of reference”) depends on an individualistic, atomistic universe of discourse in which each individual sees himself or herself not as a member of a wider political or cultural entity advancing a particular point of view but as an independent agent endeavoring to evaluate evidence and discover the structure of reality. As Campbell (1986, 121–122) notes, a critical feature of science as it evolved in the seventeenth century was that individuals were independent agents who could each replicate scientific findings for themselves.  Scientific opinion certainly coalesces around certain propositions in real science (e.g., the structure of DNA, the mechanisms of reinforcement), but this scientific consensus is highly prone to defection in the event that new data cast doubt on presently held theories. (Chapter 6, p. 235)

And as Tooby notes as a general rule, there were indeed strong moral overtones to being a coalition member in the movements reviewed in CofC. As I noted in Chapter 6 (p. 213)

Collectively, these movements have called into question the fundamental moral, political, and economic foundations of Western society. A critical feature of these movements is that they have been, at least in the United States, top-down movements in the sense that they were originated and dominated by members of a highly intelligent and highly educated group. These movements have been advocated with great intellectual passion and moral fervor and with a very high level of theoretical sophistication.

Dissenters were expelled and vilified as moral cretins (and intellectual morons). To dissent was to place oneself outside of polite society. These coalitions had access to the moral and intellectual high ground of the society — prestigious university presses, academic departments able to turn out compliant graduate students, and the elite media. Under these conditions, the coalitions become immune to criticism.

Finally, Tooby might want to think about the extent to which evolutionary psychology itself became a coalition of like-minded people able to marginalize dissenters and ignore unpleasant findings — findings that conflict with the leftist zeitgeist that dominates universities today. Coalitions are indeed the death of science, and prima facie,  designing an evolutionary science able to fly under the radar of political correctness is not a great strategy for discovering scientific truth.

New Book: Julius Evola in the Third Reich

Alexander Jacob’s book on Julius Evola as seen by four intellectuals in the Third Reich. From the Amazon blurb:

How was Julius Evola viewed in the Third Reich? This book presents assessments made by 4 leading intellectuals of the regime: Walther Wüst, Joseph Otto Plassmann, Wolfram Sievers and Kurt Hancke. Translated with an Introduction by Alexander Jacob, this scholarly work is essential reading for anyone with a serious interest in Evola or the history of National Socialist Germany.

Amazon link.

Julius Evola in the Third Reich
Alexander Jacob
Uthwita Press, 2023

Introduction to Julius Evola in the Third Reich, Uthwita Press, 2023

Julius Evola (1898–1974) is today known as a major exponent of the movement that has come to be called Traditionalism and the author of several important works on Hermeticism, Buddhism and Yoga. However, in the thirties, he also published pamphlets on subjects that had come into prominence since the establishment of the Third Reich, namely, the Aryan mythos and the Jewish Question. Evola was not a Fascist and in his earliest publications on politics, such as notably the Imperialismo pagano of 1928, he criticised the Italian Fascist state as a soulless entity that did not rise above petty populism and nationalism to the transcendental sources of an ideal hierarchical society. The pagan imperialism that Evola admired was that of ancient Rome, which he believed had been ruined by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, which assumed an undue power alongside the state and thereby separated the state from the church. However, when he published a German translation of this work in 1933 (Heidnischer Imperialismus), he made radical changes to it. For instance, the Roman paganism of the Mediterranean world pointed to in the Italian edition was replaced by a Nordic Aryan one emanating from the Hyperborean North of a legendary Thule. While he had shown little sympathy for Italian Fascism, he now evinced an unusual interest in the racialist ideology of National Socialism.

Mussolini, for his part, had initially encouraged public denunciations of Nazi racial doctrine and Evola’s two major contributions to this campaign appeared in late 1933 and early 1934. The first article (‘Osservazioni critiche sul “razzismo” nazionalsocialista’)[1] presented, as Staudenmaier puts it,[2] some ‘critical observations’ on the excessively ‘naturalistic’ components of Nazi racial ideology:

Here Evola outlined his philosophy of ‘spiritual’ racism and contrasted it to the ‘materialist’ racism that predominated within National Socialism. While the materialist ignored the ‘metabiological’ aspects of race, Fascism had pointed to the ‘higher reality’ proper to the ‘Aryan peoples’ … The second article (‘Razza e Cultura’)[3] applauded Nazism’s revival of ‘Aryanism’ and its contrast between ‘superior races and inferior races,’ but cautioned that biological theories of race were not aristocratic enough and did not grasp true racial nobility. Evola insisted that standard forms of ‘materialist’ racism were not equal to the task of confronting the ‘Jewish menace’ in its full depth and breadth since race was ‘not merely physical.’[4]

Then, in 1936, Evola wrote a pamphlet on Tre aspetti del problema ebraico (‘Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem’) which betrays his main concern in all racial discussions — namely, to exonerate the Jews of the various racial, cultural and economic accusations made against them by anti-Semitic thinkers in Germany and within the National Socialist regime. According to Evola, the Jews are indeed guilty of various crimes of social and political subversion in Europe — however, they are not the major force of corruption but only a small part of a larger metaphysical force of evil working against the pure original realm of Tradition.

Like the philo-Semitic Nietzsche,[5] Evola believes that the most ancient Jewish cult was manly and warlike whereas the later cult revolving around the prophets degenerated into a Messianism that culminated in the servile religion of Christianity.[6] Similarly, he considers Jewish subversion of the culture of Indo-European countries not due to any plan of the Jews[7] but as part to a larger process of degeneration in which the racial character of the Jews only plays a small though important role. Thus, a spiritual change is needed that will not allow the Jewish element to benefit from the natural tendency towards decay that is apparent in Western societies. Populist solutions, mass deportations, etc. are plebeian ways of viewing a problem that is metaphysical in essence.

The fact that Evola wrote this pamphlet just before his lectures to the Germans on the Aryan question and the fusion of National Socialist ideology with Fascism suggests that his visits to Germany were not accidental but impelled by an urgent desire to soften the anti-Semitism of the Reich by pointing out its supposed metaphysical shortcomings.

In 1941, Evola published a work detailing his own racial ideology, Sintesi di dottrina della razza, which decried all biological racialism and raised the notions of spiritual race and of racial souls above it. In his discussion of degenerate races, he significantly does not specify the Jewish race but generally designates the ‘Semites’ — along with sub-Saharan Africans — as inferior racial types. Evola concludes by suggesting that the National Socialist racial doctrines are a hopeful sign of the possible recreation of the original superior race that inhabited the lofty world of Tradition. We see therefore that the sources both of racial perfection and of corruption are pushed back by Evola to an ideal realm that is so far removed from the present world that it is virtually impossible to alter the current course of the latter. And Evola’s professed hopes of the rise of a new type of enlightened humanity out of the realm of Tradition are, consequently, somewhat fantastic.

In the late thirties and early forties, Evola undertook frequent trips to Germany, going on speaking tours, meeting with SS officials, and attending conferences. For him, the climax of a 1934 visit to Germany was a speech he delivered at Berlin’s Herrenklub, the conservative political establishment inspired by Moeller van den Bruck’s book Das dritte Reich (1923).[8] As he later recounted in his autobiography — ‘Here I found my natural habitat. From then on a cordial and fruitful friendship was established between myself and the club’s president, Baron Heinrich von Gleichen … That was also the basis for certain activity in Germany, grounded on common interests and objectives.’[9] German editions of his works that appeared at this time included Heidnischer Imperialismus (1933) and Erhebung wider die moderne Welt (1935).

Further, as Staudenmeier informs us,

In 1937 he took part in an international antisemitic convention in Erfurt and wrote a report for Italian readers. A lecture tour in spring 1941 took Evola to Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Cologne, and Berlin. This was followed by lectures on race in April 1942 in Hamburg and Berlin, depicting a shared Aryan heritage that bound Italians and Germans together.[10] 

Everything in Evola’s doctrine is based on the primacy of spirit so that the racial question too cannot be determined by reference to biological realities but rather to spiritual ones. He considers race itself to be a spiritual condition first, then a question of ethnic identity (Clauß’ racial soul), and finally an individual biological phenomenon. The effort to recreate the primal perfect race that is characteristic of the original realm of tradition should be undertaken, according to Evola, not through biological discrimination but through spiritual elevation.

Evola is quite ambiguous regarding the materialistic and socially degenerate aspects of Jewry. It is true that he wrote the Preface to Giovanni Preziosi’s 1921 translation of the Protocols as well as an enthusiastic endorsement of Codreanu’s anti-Semitic campaign in his 1938 article, ‘La tragedia della ‘Guardia di Ferro.’[11] But he cannot accept that every Jew is biologically bound to be materialistic and degenerate just as every Aryan is not a superior being — as he declared in his 1937 lecture reproduced in the present edition:[12]

We shall repeat: race is the secondary element, spirit and tradition are the primary because, in the metaphysical sense, race — before it is expressed in the blood — is in the spirit. If it is true that, without racial purity, spirit and tradition are robbed of their most precious means of expression, it is equally true however that the pure race robbed of spirit is doomed to become a biological mechanism and to eventually die out. Spiritual degeneration, ethical weakening, and the slow death of many tribes that have not however committed any of the sins of the blood pointed to by a certain materialistic racial doctrine are a proof of that, and here we are thinking not only of primitives but also of Swedes and the Dutch. It follows therefrom that, without the revivification of the higher spiritual power latent in the Nordic character, even all measures for biological racial protection would have a very relative and limited effect with regard to our higher task of a reconstruction of the West.

In his enumeration of the tactics of subversion employed by the enemies of Tradition, Evola tellingly criticises those — like the National Socialists — who manifest a monomaniacal hostility to the Jews and Freemasons. As SS Obersturmbannführer Hancke paraphrased Evola in his report of June 1938:

In this way National Socialism overlooks its real opponents as a result of its monomaniacal concentration on Jews and Freemasons.

This is perhaps the clearest indication of Evola’s dubious defence of both Judaism and Freemasonry.

While Evola continued to appeal to the Germans to unite on the question of Nordic or Aryan civilisation and racial differences, in Italy, he aroused staunch opposition from Fascist quarters. As Staudenmaier puts it, ‘His long sojourns in Germany provoked contrary assessments. Some saw him as an unreliable fascist due to his strongly pro-German stance, while others cast him as excessively critical of Nazi policy and an irritant to the Axis partnership.’[13]

The Germans too were in general not fully sympathetic to Evola’s views and the union between National Socialism and Fascism did not come about in any deep philosophical sense before the forced incorporation of Italy in 1943 led to the implementation of the Reich’s uncompromising anti-Jewish measures. During this period of the Italian Social Republic, Evola remained mainly in contact with Giovanni Preziosi, who was like Evola a spiritual anti-Semite, and Roberto Farinacci, whose strict enforcement of the anti-Jewish measures of 1938 were also not based on any biologically based racialism.[14]

In official SS circles, Evola’s lectures were subjected to close scrutiny and a more or less negative evaluation. According to Goodrick-Clarke,[15] already in early 1938, the SS started to investigate his ideas and Karl Maria Wiligut (also known as Weisthor when he joined the SS in 1933) — the seer who became Himmler’s spiritual ‘guru’— was asked to comment on a lecture delivered bv Evola at Berlin in December 1937. Three further lectures were given by Evola in June 1938 and again Himmler referred the matter to Weisthor, with the additional request that he review Evola’s book on pagan imperialism from the perspective of his own traditions. As Goodrick-Clarke recounts, Weisthor replied that:

Evola worked from a basic Aryan concept but was quite ignorant of prehistoric Germanic institutions and their meaning. He also observed that this defect was representative of the ideological differences between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and could ultimately prejudice the permanency of their alliance.[16]

Both on the basis of Wiligut’s report and the reports presented in this edition, the SS ordered that Evola’s activities in the Third Reich should be discouraged.

Even after the initial period of his lectures in Germany, Evola faced opposition from both Germans and Italians. Thus, as Staudenmaier relates, when Evola proposed to Mussolini and his German contacts in 1941 the founding of a bilingual journal on racial questions, Werner Hüttig, the racial scientist, ‘submitted a detailed critique of Evola’s racial theories in September 1942, and faulted Evola’s treatment of scientific issues and his obscure mixture of incongruous sources, from ancient Aryan tradition to modern esoteric lore.’[17] In Italy too, ‘The occult aspects of Evola’s spiritual racism were a source of particular controversy. Anonymous denunciations sent to the fascist leadership had warned for years of ‘an epidemic of esotericism’ afflicting Italy.’ In a March 1942 letter to Mussolini, Telesio Interlandi, the scientific racialist, protested against ‘occultist’ perversions of the racist idea.‘ The Jesuit priest, Pietro Tacchi Venturi, too insisted that ‘Evola’s project would lead to problems with the church, which viewed spiritual matters as its rightful territory and frowned on the pagan overtones of Evola’s approach.’[18]

Evola’s critiques of Christianity as a Semitic corruption of Traditional order would naturally be opposed by Italian Catholic priests like Tacchi. The German nationalists equally warned against Evola’s subtle subversion of the Reich by his Traditionalist doctrine and discouraged his influence on German ideological and political programmes.

In general, Evola’s idealistic political system posits a radical dichotomy between ‘traditional’ society and historical ones. The former is an ideal condition whereas the latter are only increasingly corrupt deviations from the former that have culminated in the horrors of modernity. The race closest to the ideal world of tradition is, according to Evola, the Aryan. Even though he had first celebrated the Mediterranean culture as the highest, by 1933 he had changed his views considerably to adapt them to the rise of Hitler’s German racialist party. Henceforth, Evola sought to wed the two concepts of Nordic and Roman supremacy so as to present a glimpse of ideal social organisation in historical times. Thus, the Roman Empire and the Ghibelline Empire were exemplary moments in the history of the modern West.

The means of understanding and reviving the original world of tradition in modern life are, according to Evola, myths and symbols. It is in these that one recognises the ideal templates that are to be followed. Hence Evola’s interest in the Grail myth in particular, where the crux of the legend is located by him in the restoration of the original ideal empire by the Grail King. The mythological orientation of Evola’s thought is obviously of dubious value since no polity can be directed by constant recourse to ancient myths even as symbols.

A champion of spiritual imperialism, Evola is particularly opposed to nationalism such as those initiated in eighteenth and nineteenth-century Europe by Liberal forces since he believes that it hinders the attainment of a universal spirituality. As Hancke pointed out:

For E. the idea of the nation belongs, according to its origin in the 18th century, to the ideational world of the degenerate modern world. It is therefore to be overcome in the imperialistic, that is, the supra-national, sense in such a way indeed that the Aryan race of Germanic-Roman stamp would have primacy.

Apart from the dangerous proximity of this doctrine to universalist schemes such as those of Theosophy and Freemasonry, its utopian quality too was quickly noted by Hancke:

That which separates him especially from the National Socialist worldview is his radical neglect of the concrete historical data of our racial past in favour of an abstract-spiritual and fantasy-based utopia.

Plassmann/Sievers too, in their response to Evola’s lectures reproduced in this edition, made it clear that:

Evola does not seem quite familiar with the pragmatic political forces and so he could easily associate in good faith with orientations that represented this idea only apparently but in reality employed it against the racial idea (Othmar Spann)[19] or do not have any political dynamism of their own (Goga).[20] In general, when one attempts to organise such an idea, there arises immediately the danger of a certain ideal cosmopolitanism that must lead to unforeseeable consequences.

Along with nationalism, Evola also denounces the tendency to populist demagogy that was evident in both Italian Fascism and National Socialism. Evola posited instead a rule by an elite ‘Order’ that would represent the world of Tradition and assert its innate authority regardless of the masses. As Hancke put it:

After E. had earlier rejected the idea of the Volk, in the same way he now champions an ‘ethnic community,’ which in turn, as the principle of spiritual realisation, works against every collectivity. The real community, by contrast, is for E. the caste of rulers, an elite of the spirit, bound together in the battle for Tradition against the modern world.

These objections to Evola’s political views do not however mean that Evola’s missionary work on behalf of Traditionalism was wholly lacking in intellectual merit. His notion of universal spirituality that is not the rule of a single religion has a certain idealistic allure. For example, in his lecture of December 1937 reproduced in this edition, he suggests that:

It is necessary to arrive at a solidarity which should be as trans-nationalistic and spiritual as, for example, the Bolshevist-Communist is anti-nationalistic and materialistic. The first and indispensable precondition for that is, however, the determination of a universal worldview whose principles and values should be valid as a uniform, shared and unchangeable axis for all those who declare that they are against the enemies exposed by us.

However, it is clear that such an ideal international policy is marred by its impracticality. Apart from the difficulty of the implementation of such a spirituality among the diverse peoples of the world, the acceptance of a Nordic Aryan spiritual hegemony over the world is also a matter of uncertainty. Yet, Evola does clarify in his 1937 lecture that his Aryanism is not limited by biological differences:

The Nordic tradition is not half-naturalistic, that is, to be conceived only on the basis of blood and soil, but as a cultural category, as a primordial transcendental form of spirit of which the Nordic type, the Aryan race, and the general Indo-Germanic ethos, are only external phenomenal forms. The idea of race itself is, according to its higher tradition-bound significance, something that cannot and must not have anything to do with the rationalistic ideas of modern biology and mundane science. Race is above all a basic attitude, a spiritual power, something that is formative in a primordial way, of which the external, positively tangible forms are only a final echo.

With such a loose definition of Nordic Aryanism, Christianity too may be regenerated if reoriented to the original spirituality of the ‘Nordic Hyperborean’ realm of Tradition:

It is possible to intervene in a creative way against Christianity if one has fulfilled the tasks already pointed to, that is, if one has raised the Nordic idea and the idea of the Reich to a level of true spirituality that is universal and solar, then we would really have something more authentic than Christianity, encompassing the heroic and the sacral, the worldly and the otherworldly, the regal and the spiritual, that is, something that leads decisively beyond every worldview that is merely religiously Christian. Our principle should, moreover, always be: not to reject but to overcome. Even in regard to the Catholic and the pagan question, the task of the new elite should consist in fixing the chief principles of the general worldview from the Nordic spirit on a fully metaphysical and objective, thus ‘supra-religious,’ level. These principles would then be able to extract, clarify and intensify that which is valid in the Christian tradition itself.

Evola’s ideal society is a heroic one based on what he calls the solar and manly character of the ‘Nordic Aryan’ tradition that is opposed to the lunar and womanly quality of the ‘Semitic’:

Two fundamental attitudes are possible with regard to the supra-natural reality. One is the solar, manly, affirmative one corresponding to the ideal of the sacred royal power and knighthood. The other is the lunar, womanly, religious, passive one corresponding to the priestly ideal. If the second attitude is chiefly characteristic of the Semitic southern cultures, the Nordic and Indo-Germanic lordly man, on the other hand, has always been solar; the subjection of the creation and the pathos of its fundamental distance from the Almighty was fully unknown to him. He felt the gods to be like him, he considered himself to be of a heavenly race and the same blood as them. From that arises a conception of the heroic that is not exhausted in the physical, soldierly, or even tragic-choreographic and a conception of the higher man that has nothing to do with the Nietzschean-Darwinistic caricature of the handsome blond beast because this Nordic higher man exhibits at the same time ascetic, sacral and supra-natural traits and culminates in the type of the Olympian ruler, of the Aryan Chakravarti as the commander of the two powers and king of kings.’

This classification of Aryan as solar and Semitic as lunar is, however, vague and not grounded in historical reality since the East Semitic Akkadians worshipped the sun god, Shamash, in the third millennium B.C. long before any solar worship was attested among the Indo-Europeans.

More important is Evola’s firm dismissal of all immanentist pantheism and pseudo-philosophical glorification of science and technology:

We therefore have to free ourselves from every this-worldly mysticism, every worship of Nature and of Life, every pantheism. At the same time we should reject that significance of Aryan initiated by the dilettante Chamberlain[21] that is connected to a purely rationalistic eulogy and glorification of profane science and technology.’

Evola’s elite should be capable of penetrating to the origins of corruption in history and reconstruct the West in a traditional manner:

And this should at the start be the work of an elite who, with the same impersonality and strictness of an ascetic Order, raise the principles and the symbols of the Nordic primordial tradition to a level of spirituality, universality and clear knowledge and put an end to every dilettantish mythic and distorting interpretation.

In closing, we may state that Evola’s doctrine of a universal spiritual politics directed by an enlightened elite is indeed a commendable intellectual exercise, but the mythologizing tendencies of his thought and his reluctance to deal with the concrete realities of the Jewish Question expose the practical compromises upon which any Evolian political project must flounder.

[1]Vita Italiana, November 1933, 544-9.

[2] I am indebted in this summary to Peter Staudenmaier, ‘Racial Ideology between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Julius Evola and the Aryan Myth, 1933-43,’ Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2020), 473-491.

[3]Rassegna Italiana, January 1934, 11-16.

[4] Staudenmaier, ibid. 

[5] “After Wagner, in the late 1870s and early 1880s, Nietzsche developed intense relationships with several ethnic Jews, all of them atheists, and made explicitly positive pronouncements about Jews.” Nietzsche even wrote: “The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe.” (Soros, Alex. “Nietzsche’s Jewish Problem: Between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism, by Robert Holub.” Intellectual History Review 28, No. 2 (2018): 344-348.)

[6] Cf. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 52: “The Jewish ‘Old Testament,’ the book of divine justice, has people, things, and speeches in such grand style that it is without parallel in the written works of Greece and India … Perhaps he will still find the New Testament, the book of mercy, more to his liking (it is full of the proper, tender, musty stench of true believers and small souls).” (Tr. Judith Norman)

[7] Cf. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 251: “The fact that the Jews, if they wanted (or if they were forced, as the anti-Semites seem to want), could already be dominant, or indeed could quite literally have control over present-day Europe — this is established. The fact that they are not working and making plans to this end is likewise established.” (Tr. Judith Norman).

[8] See Ferraresi, Franco. “Julius Evola: Tradition, Reaction, and the Radical Right.” European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie 28, No. 1 (1987): 107-151.

[9]Il cammino del cinabro (1963), 137.

[10] Staudenmaier, ibid.

[11] In La vita italiana, 309 (December 1938).

[12] The present edition by Gerd Simon (http://www.gerd-simon.de). presents the December 1937 lecture of Julius Evola as well as the commentaries of Joseph Plassmann/Wolfram Sievers and Kurt Hancke on Evola’s 1938 lectures in Germany.


[14] See A. James Gregor, Mussolini’s Intellectuals: Fascist Social and Political Thought, Princeton, NJ, 2005, p.258n.

[15] See Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany 1890-1935, Wellingborough, 1985.


[17] Staudenmaier, op.cit.


[19] Othmar Spann (1878-1950) was an Austrian philosopher who developed an idealistic doctrine of ‘universalism’ to counter the individualism of liberal sociology and economics. As an Austrian nationalist and Catholic, he was not fully favoured by the German National Socialists.

[20] Octavian Goga (1881-1938) was a Romanian politician and man of letters. He was a member of the Romanian National Party in Austro-Hungary and joined forces in 1935 with A.C. Cuza’s anti-Semitic National-Christian Defence League to form the National Christian Party. In 1937 Goga served briefly as Prime Minister of Romania and enacted several anti-Semitic measures to maintain the electoral support of Corneliu Codreanu’s Iron Guard.

[21] Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) was a British philosopher who became a naturalised German and wrote many works extolling the spiritual superiority of the Aryan race and of the Germanic peoples in particular.

Swirled World War: Jews Carry on Lying about the Demographic Disaster They’ve Imposed on the West

In 2007 a White Canadian pedophile called Christopher Paul Neil tried to taunt the police. He released photographs of himself abusing Asian boys onto the internet, but he’d concealed his identity by distorting his face into an unrecognizable swirl. He thought he was being clever. He was wrong: he was in fact being very stupid. It was easy for computer scientists to reverse the swirl and reveal his face. Shortly after that, he was serving five years in a Thai jail.

Swirl unswirled: cunning pedophile Christopher Neil isn’t so cunning after all

I think he got off very lightly, but I also think he provides a useful metaphor for the world we currently inhabit. It’s a swirled world, because Jews and their allies have tried hard to distort reality and conceal the central Jewish role in the demographic disaster they’ve imposed on the West. Jews thought they were being clever when they opened the borders of Western nations to the Third World and relentlessly demonized Whites to the non-White hordes that flooded in. Time and again, Jews have described Muslims and other non-Whites as their “natural allies”:

Alas, the war in Gaza has proved that non-Whites and Jews are in fact natural enemies. Who could have seen that coming? Not the oh-so-clever Jews, it seems. Jews and their allies have watched in horror as Hamas-fans have flooded onto the streets of cities across the West. For example, a blogger at the anti-Islamist site Gates of Vienna (GOV) is wringing his hands about what is now happening in Germany. There’s a “plague of Jew-hatred and mass demonstrations in support of Hamas.” But who’s to blame for the plague? GOV is in no doubt about that: it sarcastically hails “Angela Merkel, Protector of the Jews”:

More than any other single person, former Chancellor Angela “Mutti” Merkel is responsible for the influx of millions of inassimilable third-world invaders into Germany, and the resulting violence and insecurity that now plague the country. Along with all the enrichment comes the current plague of Jew-hatred and mass demonstrations in support of Hamas.

And now Mutti pleads for the safety of Jews in Germany. Shouldn’t she have thought about that back in 2015? (“Angela Merkel, Protector of the Jews,” Gates of Vienna, 10th November 2023)

Like the pedophile Christopher Neil, GOV is trying to create a swirled world and conceal heinous crimes. But it’s easy to reverse the swirl and unmask the criminals. Just go to Wikipedia and have a look at the “List of awards and honours received by Angela Merkel.” You will see that she has long been showered with acclaim by Jews and Jewish institutions:

Awards and Honors

2008 B’nai B’rith Europe Award of Merit
2010 Leo Baeck Medal [awarded for special efforts in German-Jewish reconciliation]
2011 Light unto the Nations Prize from the American Jewish Committee
2011 Prize for Understanding and Tolerance from the Jewish Museum Berlin
2012 Heinz Galinski Award [awarded in the name of a former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany]
2013 Lord Jakobovits Prize for European Jewry from the Conference of European Rabbis
2014 Recipient of the Israeli President’s Medal
2015 Abraham-Geiger Prize [awarded by “Abraham Geiger College, the first rabbinical seminary in Germany after the Holocaust”]
2017 Elie Wiesel Award
2020 Buber-Rosenzweig Medal [awarded by the German Coordinating Council of Societies for Christian-Jewish Cooperation

Honorary degrees

2007 Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2011 Tel Aviv University
2018 University of Haifa
2021 Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (from the “List of awards and honours received by Angela Merkel” at Wikipedia)

When Angela Merkel opened Germany’s borders to barbarians from the Third World, she was doing exactly what Jews wanted. Indeed, she was effectively acting under Jewish orders. Jews thought they were cleverly distorting Germany’s demographics for their own benefit. It now turns out that the swirled world they’ve created isn’t so good for Jews after all. Weakening and dispossessing the philosemitic White majority was a very stupid thing to do.

Swirled World versus Third World

But Jews and their allies aren’t able to admit this. Instead, they’re still libelling the White majority. Take the way Hamas-fans in the West have been tearing down posters of kidnapped Jews. How cruel and uncaring! There are lots of videos of these poster-rippers in action and one thing is glaringly obvious: almost all of them are ethnic enrichers with brown or black skin. Now look at a propaganda video issued by Lightsight Media and the World Jewish Congress (WJC):

Swirled World: Jews portray poster-rippers as White-skinned and blonde

Third World: in reality poster-rippers are overwhelmingly non-White

White-skinned Jewish victims from the propaganda-video:

It’s a case of Swirled World versus Third World. Lightsight Media and the WJC have chosen to portray “typical poster-rippers” as a pair of White-skinned women, one of whom has blonde hair (both of the actresses may in fact be Jewish). The Jewish victims in the video, who watch sadly and helplessly as the blonde and her companion tear down their posters, are also white-skinned — “They look just like you!.” “STOP DOING IT,” the video pleads.

What effect will this guilt-tripping Jewish propaganda have on vibrant non-White poster-rippers? None whatsoever. Psychological techniques that work against individualist and weakly ethnocentric Whites do not work against collectivist and strongly ethnocentric non-Whites. As a non-White poster-ripper said when confronted by a Jewish woman: “I don’t care! Fuck Israel! You’re pieces of shit! Go cry!” And look at the White-skinned and rich-looking Jewish victims in the WJC propaganda-video. Jews have spent decades demonizing Whites and Western civilization to their non-White “natural allies.” Now they want Muslims and other non-Whites to accept that rich white-skinned Israelis aren’t part of the wicked West and are, in fact, poor oppressed victims of non-White Palestinians.

“Limited edition Liberty Stick”

It won’t work. Nor will the propaganda of the manipulative and mendacious Mark Steyn. Like the pedophile Christopher Neil, the neo-conservative Steyn is Canadian; like Christopher Neil, Steyn is trying to distort reality and conceal heinous crimes. Neil used a swirl; Steyn is using a stick:

The SteynOnline Liberty Stick (limited edition) $100.00

Own your very own limited edition SteynOnline Liberty Stick — and help support Mark’s case against the fraudulent “hockey stick” graph created by the litigious Michael E Mann.

The stick features foundational documents of liberty, from Magna Carta to the US Constitution — so now you can not only wave that constitution, you can shake it, menacingly! Each stick will be signed and numbered by Mark himself. (SteynOnline Liberty Stick, 2023)

Steyn is relying on the ignorance of his gullible readers when he flourishes Magna Carta and the US Constitution as “foundational documents of liberty.” Yes, as Andrew Joyce has pointed out at the Occidental Observer, Jews played a central role in the creation of Magna Carta. But it was a negative role, because the nobles were protesting against King John’s tyranny and the Jewish usury that enabled it. As Joyce notes: “John was profligate, incompetent, and utterly beholden to his Jews and their ability to provide him with seemingly unlimited funds for his misadventures on the Continent.” But Magna Carta failed to end Jewish predation on the White Christian majority, so in 1290 Edward I expelled the Jews from England.

Losing the Swirled World War

Did England miss its Jews? Not in the slightest. Homogeneity proved to be our strength and England entered a golden age. The framers of the US Constitution didn’t think that diversity was a blessing either: 500 years after Edward I issued his Edict of Expulsion, the stale pale male Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, restricting citizenship to “free white persons of good character.” So Steyn’s Liberty Stick conveys the opposite of his intentions. Liberty depends on excluding Jews, not on aiding them in their self-inflicted misfortunes. Liberty also depends on preserving the Whiteness of the West.

Jews have used the Third World to create a Swirled World in which Whites are demonized as vicious villains and non-Whites are celebrated as virtuous victims. But that Swirled World turns out to be not-so-good for Jews after all. Naturally enough, Jews and their allies double down on what has worked so well in the past: lies, distortion, and guilt-tripping propaganda. Alas for them, they’re going to lose the Swirled World War.

Jordan Peterson Comes Out Against Multiculturalism: “Miracle of Stupidity”

News outlets have recently come out with an interview that Jordan Peterson had with Camilia Tomney in which he described multiculturalism as “so puerile and moralising and unsophisticated that it’s kind of a miracle of stupidity” (Ben Chapman, GB News, 11/5/2023). Jordan further stated that “multiculturalism is unlikely to succeed due to differing characteristics of different cultures.”

“Unlikely to succeed”? Hasn’t it by now become abundantly apparent that multiculturalism has been an abject failure throughout the West? How could this be a revolutionary thought on his part? And he’s just now saying these kinds of things in public? The dissident Right has been warning against multiculturalism for decades. Yet, as usual, mainstream ‘conservatives’ are always late to the game.

In this same interview, Jordan also stated, “If you think you can import multitude of cultures without a unifying rubric and not import the problem of interpersonal and social conflict, you’re either blind or stupid or both. And both is a dreadful combination. So, like what? On what basis does multiculturalism become peace? You wave some magic wand and all of a sudden everybody gives up their cultural differences and can live in harmony.”

Part of the reason that Jordan came out publicly in this way was because of the comments recently delivered by former Prime Minster, John Howard, who likewise told GB News that he has “doubts” about the idea of multiculturalism: “I believe that when you migrate to another country, you should as far reasonably, be expected to absorb the mainstream culture of that country. Sure, you retain your affection for Greece or wherever you’ve come from.” Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, Suella Braverman, thinks multiculturalism has failed as well.

Yet, we must ask ourselves: Why has Jordan Peterson and certain British dignitaries recently changed their tune when it comes to the issues surrounding multiculturalism? Shouldn’t the problems associated with massive Third-World immigration have been pointed out a long time ago by these same people? Why has this been brought to the forefront now? And what sense could it possibly make to bring various racial groups with conflicting values, cultures, customs and religions together into a “melting pot” that’s destined to cause nothing more than strife and conflict?

Truth is, the elected leaders of Britain, America, and many other western nations knew all along about the inherent problems connected to replacement-level Third-World immigration. They were not in the dark about the social and economic problems it would create. How could they not? All they’d have to do is stand on any street corner in London or New York City and look around.

Could any of these regrets about multiculturalism be the result of how Muslims have reacted to the recent events by Israel’s government against the Palestinian people? It’s hard to imagine anything else being the cause of it because these same folks never said a thing as Whites were being racially and culturally displaced in their own lands for the past fifty years. They were, seemingly, oblivious to it all (they really weren’t), but it didn’t matter until it affected Jews living in Britain and America.

Suddenly, there are ‘concerns’ and ‘reservations’ about importing so many Muslims because most of them feel hostile toward the Jewish people. So now it becomes an ‘issue’ whereas before it was just something that Whites needed to ‘suck up and accept.’ Now, seemingly for no apparent reason, ‘questions’ start to arise. Even the old warmonger himself, Henry Kissinger, has publicly expressed his regrets:

Hamas’ attack against Israel being celebrated on the streets of Berlin indicates that Germany has let too many foreigners into the country,” according to former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that,” the 100-year-old ex-top American diplomat said in an interview with Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner for Germany’s Welt TV. Axel Springer is POLITICO’s parent company. German-born Kissinger — who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938, and went on to become the architect of American foreign policy during the Vietnam War — said that it was “painful,” in response to a question about seeing Arabs in Berlin celebrating last weekend’s assault on Israel (RedState, “Henry Kissinger Admits Unchecked Immigration, Multiculturalism a Mistake” by Ward Clark, 10/13/2023).

The lesson here is that multiculturalism only becomes a problem in the West when it affects Jews. It doesn’t matter when it destroys the societies and countries that indigenous Whites have created for themselves. It only becomes a matter of deep concern when Jews are threatened by the very African and Muslim immigration they have labored to bring throughout Europe and America.

The Great Replacement is, apparently, being turned into the being the Great Regret!

I don’t really think, of course, that any of this will stop the coordinated efforts of Jewish activists to replace Whites. They may cease for a while. They will likely continue to support non-White immigration so long as it’s from Asian and African nations where there are smaller Muslim populations. But as for Jews working to forever replace White people, don’t count on this mission ever ceasing. If they did, they’d also have to stop all the hyperventilating they engage in over “Nazis” and the “Holocaust” — and that’s too lucrative of a cash cow!

The many Jewish activist organizations that beg for money from Whites to help ‘the stranger’ (meaning non-assimilating Muslims) and to ‘save Europe from its xenophobia’ (ala Barbara Lerner Spectre) by promoting more foreign immigration may take a hit, but there’s always some Christian Zionist who will be glad to send them their hard-earned shekels.

Here’s a video about how 1200 rabbis each signed a document pledging support for even more immigration into Europe. The rather foul-looking woman jubilant over it reveals just how acceptable and widespread it is among almost all Jews, secular and religious.

Returning to Jordan Peterson — who has become nothing more than Ben Shapiro’s lap dog — have you noticed how angry and animated he has become over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? For some reason, I never saw him this animated in the past about White racial displacement. He didn’t seem to really care. He was animated and even cried when he talked about his physical ailments, including his spiral downward into drug addiction and suicidal thoughts. But he seemed to have no sense of urgency when it came to the daily beatdowns that Whites receive at the hands of Blacks throughout America and Europe. He cared little, from what I could determine, when major cities throughout the West became dangerous places to visit because of Muslim and African criminals.

Much of Europe and the U.S. over several decades has morphed into a hostile and multicultural nightmare, and Peterson has said little if anything until recently. If he has, he certainly hasn’t made it a major theme of his message to the world. And if he dared to advocate ever so slightly on behalf of Whites, it’s highly unlikely that he would have been offered his plush gig to work alongside Ben Shapiro. After all, Shapiro has publicly stated that he doesn’t care about the “browning of America.” Yet, I suspect he would care if that same “browning” were occurring in his beloved land of Israel.

The apparent reversal of a growing number of elected officials throughout Europe and America may only be a temporary thing. My hope is that it will grow. Either way, it demonstrates that despite the high opinions that Jews have of themselves and their purportedly superior intelligence, their efforts to promote mass immigration into the West have exposed just how addicted they are to utopian schemes that they think will benefit Jews, but then turn out not to. The previous was communism.

Their agenda to erase Whites in their own countries has largely backfired on them. Jews no longer feel safe in the countries they sought to subvert. The migrants who were expected to harm and displace Whites are also harming and, in some instances, murdering Jews on the streets, as well as desecrating their synagogues.

As the Israeli government intensifies its slaughter of the Palestinian people, it will only get worse for the Jews living in much of Europe and America. The ‘racial pets’ that Jews expected to savagely extinguish indigenous Whites are turning  on them. None of this has worked out according to the plan of our contemporary Jewish Bolsheviks. No wonder Henry Kissinger is so dismayed by it all. Believe me, he’s not crying for what’s occurring to White Europeans, but for how it’s playing out against Jews!

How should Whites respond to all of this? I don’t pretend to know all the solutions, but perhaps this might be a time to talk to our friends and loved ones about why multicultural societies don’t work? The danger that Jews currently find themselves in might afford us opportunities to remind even them why encouraging and funding mass non-White immigration into our countries is not a good thing — and why Jewish immigration to the West has also been a disaster. Jews, after all, never really assimilated to Western Christian culture. As a media-academic elite, they were instrumental in changing it to suit themselves, and a big part of that has been to displace European-descended peoples and displace their cultures. Their allegiance to their ethnic homeland remains a powerful current among Jews; hence their efforts to dominate the foreign policy of Western countries

Many Jews, as one might expect, will deny their people played any role in the “browning” of Europe and America. But I suspect a growing number of Jews will concede this disturbing reality. How can they not when for decades Jews have been at forefront of every culture-destroying political and social cause, including that of mass immigration?

The Battle Between the Eternal Roman and the Eternal Jew: Selections from Ernst Niekisch’s Die dritte, imperiale Figur (The Third Imperial Figure) (1935), Part 2 of 2

Go to Part 1.

Chapter 11

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation had been the sword of the eternal Roman; it was the position of honour that was given to the Germanic barbarian for entering into Rome’s service. The coronation of Charlemagne in 800 in Rome had made visible the symbolic power; every later coronation confirmed that nothing had changed in the basic relationship between Romans and barbarians. The Empire sought to advance so far in the worldly realm as the una sancta[1] had progressed in the spiritual. Even when the Empire lay far behind the Church it held fast to the ambitious hope of being able one day to gain the advantage once again; in the Empire of Charles V,[2] on which the sun never set, the Empire had once again become almost as far-reaching as the Church once was. The eternal Roman has never exercised such an uncontested rule as in the times of the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

To be sure, the barbarian had his own stubbornness; because he had at his disposal the sharpness of the sword, he occasionally felt tempted to take revenge on his master: the sacco di roma[3] had been a truly barbarian act.

As much as the Christianisation subjected the Germans to Roman influence, at the same time it provided the eternal Jew with access to the Northern marshes and woods. Christ preserves his special Jewish logic in every climate and even as a blond-haired and blue-eyed Saviour he has his Jewish deeper significance along with his Roman mission. The Saviour, as a Jewish-Roman German is a hybrid, like a constitutional prince or a liberal general.

When the Catholic Church in the course of its secularisation had regained such a high degree of Roman purity that primordial Germanic instincts began to mobilise against so much Roman exclusivity, the Jewish-Christian elements sailed into the winds of Germanic anti-Roman attitudes; the eternal Jew allied himself with the eternal barbarian against the eternal Roman. That gave him a big opportunity in the period of prosperity of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation despite leading a disenfranchised life in the ghetto. He obtained an unexpected freedom of action if he favoured mutinies against the Roman order directly or indirectly, secretly or openly; every breakthrough of economic reason into the realm of the theological and legally creative, Reich-forming reason expanded the ground on which he is at home and can operate successfully. Where economic reason advanced it immediately unleashed social contradictions; it was like a cutting knife that socially fragmented the total organism formed according to estates under Roman formal law after it had already disintegrated into religious, political and national components.

“This crucified Christianity,” Nietzsche continues in that aphorism from his Nachlass,[4] “found in Catholicism a form in which the Roman element acquired predominance, and in Protestantism another in which the Jewish element predominates. That is not because the Germans, the bearers of the Protestant mentality, are more related to the Jews but because they stand farther from the Romans than the Catholic population of southern Europe.”

The Swiss Reformation was certainly not a Jewish “show,” but the eternal Jew had a hand in the game. The course of basic events took a turn by which the Jew came off profiting. Luther brought the hatred-filled Paul into the battlefield against the papist Romans; the Old Testament was placed above the tradition with which the spirit of Rome had worked. The German Reformation tied even tighter the Jewish knot that the Renaissance Romans had wanted to unravel. One knows how Max Weber associated the rise and development of capitalism with the Reformation revolt.[5] One encounters here the tracks of the eternal Jew to whose economic reason the path was cleared by the Reformation. The Protestant peoples accordingly became also the real bearers of capitalistic progress. The preference of some Reformation times for Old Testament names, the tendency of Reformation nations for Old Testament metaphors and allusions, for the mood of the Prophets and the Lord of Hosts, make clear the relations that bind the protesting barbarians to the eternal Jew.

The destruction of the unity of the Church was a destructive blow against the imperial position of the authority of the Roman order; as a consequence of the Reformation, the eternal Jew outstripped the eternal Roman in Germany. The eternal Jew reaped what the eternal Roman lost.

Through the inner impact of the Reformation even the Germanically watered modification of the Roman idea of imperium, the “Empire,” had necessarily to be affected. For the same reason that the Reformation was an ecclesiastical mutiny it was also a revolution of the princes against the Kaiser. The weakening of the imperial power — just as the weakening of the Papal power had done — brought an end to the universal authority of Rome. The liberty of the princes, the Protestant conscience and the new monetary mentality were different sides of a single uniform matter; the sovereign territorial lord, his court preacher and his court Jew were the rebellious protagonists who had in Germany gained ground from Rome politically, ecclesiastically and intellectually. The cities fell to the Reformation because they smelled the good economic roast meat that the Jew pushed into the kitchen for them in the background.

What is heresy for the Church is liberty for the Empire: sects splintered the Church just as sovereign states did the Empire. Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism and, in a corresponding distance, Gallicanism, exploded the Roman Church just as the German provincial princes, independent Switzerland, the Netherlands that had seceded, the national states of England and France, had exploded the Empire.

The Protestant provincial churches and the sovereign provinces were, to a certain degree, coagulated intermediate stages of the general process of dissolution with which the sacred and secular form of the inherited Roman idea of imperium was afflicted. They were not autochthonous building stones of a new rising German rule; there was no German principle in them that could have opposed the idea of Roman order with an equal validity. Rebels knew how to secure their share of the booty: that was all. In the confrontation with the imperial figure of the eternal Jew, the rebellious German barbarian was as short-sighted and provincial as he was, in the final analysis, defenceless; in the rebellion against the eternal Roman he did not see how dangerous the company of the eternal Jew was for him. The capitalistic international movement was not a Germanic movement; the eternal Jew had provided the trigger for it. The German barbarian developed his raw force in the impulse received from outside. In the extent and large space which he thereby attained there pulsated the Jewish character, not his own. Since the Reformation, the capitalistic development descended on the German barbarians like a dark destiny that flung him into vast depths and distances and whose secret he never grasped.

The Peasants’ Revolt that the Reformation had engendered was the insurrection of the original German substance in a condition of unbroken naturalness.[6] It merely opposed everything alien and was as distrustful of the eternal Jew as of the eternal Roman. This basic absoluteness turned into a disaster for it; in its radicalness it frightened the Reformation itself not a little. The Reformation’s ambition wished to content itself with making itself independent in the corners of the inherited Christian cultural system; it was in no way tempted by a desire to demolish the Western house and to replace it with a new purely German structure.

The rebelling peasant was the barbarian who rejected the leadership of any foreign imperial figure; that is why the Peasants’ War was one of those rare revolutions that was not to the taste of the eternal Jew. Even Marx’s friend Engels did not reconcile himself to those agitating peasants; he destroyed the legend of peasant heroism by wishing to consider the fighting peasants only as “reactionaries.”

The defeat of the Peasants’ rebellion benefited above all the eternal Jew; the racial raw material which, in its revolutionary independence, could not be incorporated into the Jewish economic worldview now became docile and useful. The frightful bloodletting that the princely tribunal imposed on the peasants and that Luther endorsed broke the savagery of the German spontaneity so permanently that, in Germany, from now on no imperial ambition intervening from abroad met with an invincible resistance. The eternal Jew, who undertook the contest with the eternal Roman on German soil, had henceforth an easy match. The defiant self-confidence of the barbarian that the latter displayed when he had seen the Roman weakened was once again curbed; he was once again made tractable. The first section of that “process of producing workers” that gradually reduced the peasant to a proletarian of the capitalistic society had been successfully accomplished. The entrance of Roman law into Germany facilitated and accelerated this process. Although it seemed to be the disguised return of the eternal Roman and was doubtless that within certain limits, the Roman law however became one of the most consequential instruments of Jewish imperialism. The Roman law removed the peasant from his soil, mobilied him and made him in this way a powerless plaything of the Jewish-economic reason.

Chapter 12

In that the eternal Jew now entered the big game, both the fight of the specific structures and the specific powers, amongst themselves, as well as their revolt against the imperial structures of the Church and the Empire assumed the character of a dispute between two imperial figures, the eternal Roman and the eternal Jew. The imperial point of view is always the higher, more comprehensive, longer lasting. Though it may at first be hardly recognisable, it nevertheless asserts itself unstoppably in the course of time; it necessarily subordinates the narrower, local, provincial points of view under it. Since the German Reformation did not bring forth from itself an imperial principle, it finally became subject to an already existing imperial principle. It began perhaps as a German revolt against the institution-creating and theological reason of Rome but then drove the German people into the arms of economic reason that developed in the gigantic creation of capitalistic society. The success of the eternal Jew was constituted of the fact that economic reason conquered province after province and thereby gradually consumed the compelling force of the theological and legislative-creative- and state-building reason. Theological reason finally remained as an anachronistic curiosity: indeed, in the progress of economic reason, man, his thought, and his worldview became secular. At the same time the ancient Roman legacy of legal creativity and state-building reason was dissolved; it was valid still only conditionally insofar as the economic reason gave some room to it; in this way state and politics are made economic. Just as the Middle Ages are the age of the eternal Roman, with the age of the Reformation begins the age of the eternal Jew; it rose on the shoulders of the rebelling barbarians.

However the sources of power may have been distributed at that time, the battle of the two imperial figures proceeded inexorably and gradually drew all of mankind into it. Nations are like peasants on the chessboard; one withdrawal lasts sometimes a hundred years and if one of the peasants falls out, that signifies the blood, tears, misery and downfall of thousands. From the point of view of the imperial figures, history is a confusion of manifold detours on which it is possible to advance only at a snail’s pace: the imperial figures need time and, even in the case of setbacks, do not ever give up the fight because they have no doubt that they have time.

Chapter 13: Masks

The recent form of the eternal Roman is the Jesuit. The Jesuit does not express all of Rome but he brings the Roman substance into a temporally expedient formula. He is the hero of the Counter-Reformation; he conquered for Rome once again one part of its territory that it had lost to the Reformation. Loyola picked up the gauntlet that Luther had thrown before the feet of the Roman world. The Jesuit proceeds to the crusade against the German barbarians: it is a procedure of war-like adaptation that he disguises himself in one of the barbarian’s clothes: in the dress of a “soldier.” What the legionary who conquered provinces was for ancient Rome the Jesuit became for Christian Rome. The Jesuit wears the clothes of the warrior with the elegance of a worldly man; in this way he betrays the fact that something more than just a soldier hides behind it. He approaches the barbarian in a soldierly manner in order not to let the latter observe that he advances highly un-soldierly intentions.

The Germanic indignation against Rome’s abuses—its ancient clearing of the forests—went deep; the Jesuit had to give the appearance that he took that into account so far as he was able to. Rome had to give a Catholic-Jewish response to the Protestant-Jewish appeal. The Jesuit delivered this response. He became as much Jewish as he took Christianity seriously again. But the tension against the Jewish element remained nevertheless tight enough that he was able further to feel—at the same time—that he was the great adversary of the Jew. He translated the language of the Roman Caesar which, under Pope Leo X, had become familiar in the Vatican once again, into the dialect that the Jewish Messiah had left behind to his earthly representative as a legacy. He bound the mask of the suffering servant to the lordly visage of the ecclesiastical emperor. He sought to outplay the Jew once again; after the Germanic barbarian appealed to the Old Testament and the Prophets, the Jesuit jumped around no less generously with these than the Reformed priest did. Even the German call to Paul did not leave him in any embarrassment. The Jesuit is the Jewish grimace of the Roman in the same sense that the pastor is the Jewish grimace of the barbarian. He aims at outdoing every Reformation Jewish sophistry with a Roman-Jewish one. He stuffs his Roman matter into every Jewish-seeming covering in which it may be sold among the Northern heretics. If the goal did not sanctify the means to him, he would have lost the justification for his life; it is not necessary that he expressly admit this principle: but the principle is the essence of Jesuit life and the Jesuit experiment.

The Protestant rebellion had hurled the right to a free conscience against the ecclesiastical institutions; modern individualism had therewith made a breach into the closed system of the Roman order. This individualism, which was a barbarian unruliness, from under the cover of which the eternal Jew shot his own arrows against Rome both long and effectively, could be dealt with only if one took the opportunity in an “individualistic” manner; the Jesuit became as much an individualist as was necessary to cut the ground from under the feet of individualism. He had to make the hierarchical idea palatable once again to the apostate; to this end he had to get behind the ruse of the subtleties of the “proud Protestant conscience” in order to be able, through the superior and more dexterous “conscientiousness” of casuistry, to appease all opposing considerations of conscience. For that he had to be trained to strike the heretic with his own weapons; he had to know already from the start what precisely ails the heretic in order to have immediately the means to assuage his pain. In virtually every situation the Jesuit had to act in such a way that finally the culture of Rome would always win through him. In this he could be, in some cases, refined, cunning, intriguing, while sin others, relentless, brutal and cruel. He became God’s soldier, who in every case struck with the boldest elasticity in a way that the situation demanded. He had no rigid physiognomy and no ossified regimen; he always adapted his methods to the circumstances.

In this way did the Jesuit conduct himself with regard to individual persons; but the policy that he developed with regard to the heretical nations was also similar. If they did not let themselves be converted, they had to be convinced with fire and sword. The much-quoted words of the Legate Aleander in Worms:12 “If you Germans too will throw off the papist yoke, we however will see to it that you will wear yourself down amongst yourselves and suffocate in your blood”—these words could have been spoken also by a Jesuit general. When Wallenstein13 had wanted to pacify the German people and establish an easy religious balance, the Jesuits threaded in the knavery to which the great German general then fell victim in Eger;[7] the amount of blood that the heretical German people poured out was, not by far, enough for them. The Jesuit father confessor of the Catholic princes became the counterpart of the court Jew of the Protestant sovereigns.

The Jesuit is a phenomenon of the Roman emergency situation; Rome no longer remained strong and self-confident in its own strength; it required special measures. The Jesuit is the eternal Roman in a condition of militant tension.

The Jesuit who goes to battle against the modern age that bore heresy from its womb is itself its child. He stands with the cynical impartiality of a Renaissance man regarding religious conviction but defends it nevertheless with holy zeal. Not the religious content but the Roman-hierarchical ruling order is his real concern. This change of events lies in the fact that the Roman-hierarchical ruling order can only be saved by legitimizing it through the Jewish-Christian Scriptural and Church tradition;14 the Jesuit is its crown jurist who repeatedly justifies it with the help of theology as often as required. For Roman-Machiavellian reasons he is the soldier of the Jew Jesus; the Roman order reaps the fruits of the victories that the Jesuit fights for and wins under the banner of Jesus. Machiavelli did not have a more teachable pupil than the Jesuits are who, like foxes, know how to hide their role in a masterly way through skillful maneuvers. The Monarchomachs endorsed by Mariana and Bellarmin15 is the boldest application that the Jesuits derived from Machiavellianism. Precisely here the Roman garrison betrays most candidly what it is capable of when it has to organize its defenses.[8]

Since the age of the Reformation the Jesuit is the purest and most concentrated form of the imperial will of the eternal Roman. The Jesuit is the eternal Roman who has trained in arms by which his adversary, the eternal Jew, has surprisingly achieved something. Both continue the war for the high prize of world-rule which, since the days of primitive Christianity, rages between Rome and Judah. They stand on heights, operate on levels, deal in timespans that have made them up to now superior to all princes, national states and peoples; when the latter thought they were pushing them off, it was always they who were the ones pushed off by both those imperial figures.

Chapter 14 

Calvinism and especially its child, Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, were still more thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the Old Testament than Lutheranism was. They viewed world events through the eyes of the Patriarchs, the Prophets, and the Maccabees; they felt that they were called by heavenly Providence to seize God’s promise to Israel for themselves. The stormy breath of the English Revolution finally turned out to be the cool, ice-cold breath of economic reason; the latter claimed the field and set England toward the peak of that development through which Europe was turned into a trading office. The general ledger, which showed the profit balance, became the worthy counterpart of the Bible, which bore in itself the certainty of the heavenly reward. To view mankind exclusively as an object of exploitation and source of enrichment for England was to think in the sense of Jewish eschatology. England rose to an empire of economic reason; the eternal Jew received through the British world empire a sword in his hand in a similar sense that the sacrum imperium, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation had been a sword of the eternal Roman. At first, the matter of the eternal Roman was assumed by the Spanish world power against the rising British world power; just as it fought in Germany against the Protestants, in Holland against the Calvinists, it got involved in a war with the English heretics. Ireland was the Roman arrow in the English flesh; the English war of annihilation against the Green Isle attacked the enemy that had nested on the threshold of the English dwelling. The decapitation of Mary Stuart had preserved England from being choked by Romanness even from the north. The English legislation against the Catholics made clear with what a deep understanding England had comprehended the world historical significance of its war with Spain. The rule of the trader set limits to the rule of the priests.

In the midst of the whirlpool of the English Revolution and the wars against Spain there was born the figure of the gentleman.[9] He is a hybrid, a bastard: the mentality of the Viking is crossed in him with the mentality of the eternal Jew. The Viking, the barbarian element, flashes therein the lordly feeling, the aristocratic attitude, the individualistic pride, the readiness for knightly fair play, the unbridled lust for conquest, robbery and rough brutality; the eternal Jew brings a consciousness of being on a mission, a passion for monetary acquisition, an economically calculating sense, and commercial ambition. The gentleman does not have the universal validity of the pure imperial figure; he still has too many earthly, barbarian elements, too much “blood and soil” in himself; however, he rises almost to that height. The English nation found in him its special stereotype; at the same time, he was worldly enough to be able at least to appear in all parts of the world “in style.”

Chapter 15

When the Third Estate destroyed the feudal social and political order in France, the “citizen” entered upon the historical stage.[10]

Every revolution unleashes primordial elements; it brings to light racial bedrocks. Just as the English Revolution awakened the Viking, the French Revolution awakened the ancient civis romanus to life from the blood of the French people. But at the same time, it breathed economic reason into the agitated primordial substance; the former was the moving principle of the resurrected Roman citizen. The eternal Jew had slipped into the body of the ancient Roman: that indeed produced the citoyen. Behind the mask of the ancient Roman he broke with the eternal Roman: it was the riskiest adventure that the eternal Jew had ever ventured on.

The phenomenon of the eternal Roman had, in the course of the centuries, bound itself so inseparably with the phenomenon of the Christian Roman that finally the anti-Christian colored the awakening of the mores of Roman antiquity, paradoxically benefiting the eternal Jew. The French Revolution was a Jewish success in the same sense that, several years before, the German Reformation had been. The Enlightenment, from whose soil the ideas of 1789 had sprouted, had fundamentally corroded all institutions, traditions and privileges that stood in the way of the development of economic reason.

In the beginning, English ideas had fertilized the French Revolution; from over the Channel economic reason undermined the ground on which the Rome-bound French monarchy stood. Exemplary stimulating impulses to the Revolution streamed into France at the same time from North America, from the wars of independence of the New World. The French monarchy had supported these wars in order to destroy economically flourishing England; in fact it thereby laid the axe to its own foundation.

The English-American war was a domestic war; just two different development stages of the economic reason opposed each other; for Rome there was little to gain here. The eternal Jew sensed that he would have a freer path in America than in England and he wanted to make untrammeled use of it. In England, traditions and all sorts of uncomfortable rules of the game bound him: there he had to be a gentleman. The gentleman is the eternal Jew who maintains an English image: in America, the eternal Jew spied a possibility of freeing himself from the English image. The Yankee is much more Jewish and much less English than the gentleman is; he is the gentleman who can allow himself to act considerably more in a Jewish manner. The War of Independence gave America the freedom to replace the gentleman with the Yankee.

The victory of America over England strengthened the economic tendencies that were already predominant in England and that now pulled France too into its vortex. Monarchic France had, through Lafayette,[11] supported the game of its enemy without noticing it; it had to eat the soup that it had brewed at that time when Lafayette later became one of the heroes of the Revolution that opened the gates of France to the eternal Jew.

Chapter 16

The social type that gives its image to the age of economic reason is the bourgeois. The bourgeois is a Proteus who changes his temperament, perspective, motivation and physiognomic expression in every clime. Where the bourgeois is rooted originally in a national environment, he is the blended product of the essential racial element of his country with economic reason; he is at the same time always in one aspect the eternal Jew. The bourgeois is a generic concept that includes a series of sub-species in itself: the gentleman, the Yankee, the citoyen, the bourgeois.

Economic reason revolutionizes the world of things; the latter are moved to a completely new point of view and change their significance essentially. For legislative-creative reason things had been reserves of political self-maintenance and development of political power; the individual used them to a certain degree on the basis of an authority that placed the amount of his responsibility for the political power structure in a direct relation to the extent of his personal possessions; he administered it according to the order of the body politic. Theological reason had valued things as material instruments and symbols through which the will of God operates: man received earthly goods as undeserved “gifts” that would lead him to temptation if he forgot the gratitude that was due. In both cases things were brought into an overarching connection; to the propertied man they were merely transferred; he had to account for their good use either to a worldly authority or to metaphysical authority.

Economic reason removes a thing from every type of overarching bond; its economic applicability is impaired to the extent that it is not yet free-floating with no conditions. It becomes a commodity whose only essential quality is its price, its monetary value, and which can be in anybody’s hand and introduced in any exchange operation. The individual who became an instrument to economic reason claimed the unlimited power of disposal over the thing; the latter became a private thing, private property. As an object that was ceded, through legal-political authorization—like a fief in traditional custom, becomes a thing that is ennobled; as a divine gift it is sanctified, but as private property it is the plaything of every mood and whim, every dark instinctual impulse. It is an “unholy lack of respect” for the thing to demean it to being a private matter; this lack of respect for the thing is however abstracted from every criticism precisely because it is interpreted as the modern manifestation of the sacred: private property is sacred. Sacredness is originally a category that bears its rank within itself independently of human-individual convenience; so long as nobody calculated when and how sacred contents, values and goods arose, it was almost objectively clear what is sacred and what is not. From now on, subjective willfulness advances; it determines what is to be considered sacred. Sacredness becomes a sort of evaluation that no longer hides the fact that it favors self-interest; use is made of this evaluation according to convenience and blatant consideration of advantages. Economic reason robs from the realm of theological reason the category of sacredness; from its origin this category is charged with so many secret, moving, intoxicating forces that even in its misuse it still exerts its magical power. Unsanctified private property appears sacred as soon as there are enough private propertied persons who wish to consider it sacred—that is, when economic reason has first sufficiently taken root. Where it has displaced theological reason, economic reason takes over the responsibility for sanctification; it limns with sanctity that which was devalued and desecrated by being privatized.

Legislative-creative, theological and economic reason are embodied, each in its way, in a pictorial symbol and in a characteristic institution. Law, dogma, and money are their given symbols, state, church and private property the institutions belonging to them.

Law and the state order, dogma and the church bind; they agree in drawing limits, offering directions, prescribing paths, setting goals, demanding conduct, maintaining discipline, forcing into form and rank in a hierarchical manner. Money and private property, on the other hand, make everybody independent, force everybody into wild competition one against the other, unchain the chaos of the free play of forces. By squeezing the world into a sandcastle of private goods, they at the same time set all private goods in motion, one against the other.

The beginning of this squeezing process is liberality of thought; the mind is allowed deviations from the traditional paths, and it can doubt that which was above all doubt and question where hitherto every question had to be silenced. Liberality of thought pulls down barriers and looks “beyond the box”; it opens up new horizons. By breaking things down, it expands the room for maneuvering. To be sure, it does not yet raise economic reason onto the saddle, but it already drives theological reason into  a corner; from the sovereignty with which it controls thoughts, it is only a small step to the other sovereignty with which economic reason possesses the goods of this world. Liberality of thought drives out theological reason from its positions of influence; it can then not prevent the economic reason from immediately entering and settling therein. Liberal ideas are the nimble swallows that announce the summer of the bourgeois; they are the early dawn that heralds the historical day of the bourgeois.

At first, economic reason founders on restrictions of manifold sorts, but it has inexhaustible productive cunning to bend these restrictions, move them out of the way. The ideas of humanity, liberty, equality and fraternity were the instruments with which economic reason cleared the path; they were the passage through which the bourgeois at first forced his entry into the world as an equal and then his rule over the latter.

The feudal state had grown up most intimately with the institutions of the Christian Church; it was in all its national forms the instrument of the influence that the eternal Roman had ensured for himself over the Western nations. “Throne and altar” served each other and mutually guaranteed each other’s existence. The privileges of the estates went in more than one respect against economic reason.

The demand for liberty shook the political power of the estates and of the system of order in general of which they were a part. The bourgeois brought down the ruling stratum along with the traditional ruling forms, and forced himself in its place.

The objective and untouchable, “God given,” political order of the Middle Ages was in his way; he undermined it by complaining that it was restrictive and unleashed his “freedom fight” against it. Because it prevented the individual from striding out freely it was not “worthy” of man. The freedom of the bourgeois consists in having to share in political power only with the bourgeoisie.

The major bourgeois idea is of course equality; one who discovers its secret knows what it means for the bourgeois. It places the social content of the estates-based society in question. Men and goods were everywhere controlled, and they could move only with difficulty: landed property hung like millstones around the will to economic expansion so that it could not advance. The social hierarchy was, at the same time, a system that, according to well-nigh insurmountable rules of convention, authorized freedom of economic transactions with discrimination and careful consideration. Soldierly and courtly services of one’s forefathers, ancient rights of usucaption, violent damage to the rights of the common man that had been legitimized over time—on all this was the edifice of social hierarchy based. The key to the distribution of property was, by and large, inalterable; to every estate and every member of an estate his property was roughly attributed; for commercial speculators, inventors of schemes, “economic pioneers” there was generally not much to be obtained. According to theological reason, every man received from God what was assigned to him by custom and tradition; economic reason, which felt the legitimately obtained rights and inherited orders—against which it clashed everywhere—to be restrictive “residues,” did not have any point of entry: indeed it could undertake usury only with a bad conscience. The special rights and privileges of which the estate society was a symbol tied in with economic reason; the “fair play” to which it aspired was that everybody was authorized to everything in the same way. Then there would be shown what one was worth; the free path to talent was produced through a free play of forces. Economic utility, the natural and inborn standard of the economic reason, could become the measure of all things. The physical form in which this measure could be made visible was money; monetary calculation was the mathematics of economic reason. The sole human ranking that one still wanted to subscribe to was derived from the major ordering of financial assets that one possessed; the wealth that one had acquired stood in direct proportion to the degree of one’s economic understanding. Since, in the final analysis, economic understanding decided this ranking, it could indeed even act like a “spiritual ordering.” Every human quality that, unlike economic reason, cannot be realized as a financial value became an unprofitable art—didn’t matter any more.

The course of bourgeois society is characterized by the fact that it devalues all non-economic qualities completely. In this way bourgeois society becomes increasingly as standardized as money is. The bourgeois is worth as much as the financial sum that he has acquired, earned, or speculated; he is only the plenipotentiary of a pile of money. That is the equality of bourgeois society: that every bourgeois person can be translated into the formula of a pile of money. The difference of the figures is here without any significance for the system; the lowest common denominator equality is what makes everybody a standardized mass in which nobody falls out of the framework any more in a challenging or disturbing manner through character or other personal traits. Not everywhere are those who wear uniforms soldiers. The uniformity of the bourgeois society leads to a uniform that makes the bourgeois an easily recognizable, passable, exchangeable and replaceable coin such as the currency coins are with which he fills his pockets. It is painful for the warrior that the uniform can be the final consequence also of the bourgeois idea of equality—that this idea does not stop at similar straw hats, top hats, cutaways, ties and striped trousers. A uniform is in itself neutral; it is not important whether it clothes the thrilling uniformity of the warlike mentality or the downward dragging uniformity of the economic mentality. That too is part of the larger bourgeois process of the devaluation of all non-economic qualities: that finally the bourgeois dishonors even the soldier’s dress of honor by slipping himself finally into it in order to impatiently realize in it the equality of everything that bears a human visage.

The uniform of the soldier is an identifying feature; one sees in one glance on which battlefront he fights. What is common to all is the enemy and the will to destroy him. But the uniformity does not go deeper; the warrior is an unexhausted substance: much more can come out of him. A chaos of multiplicity is in this way powerfully directed to one point by bringing it under one helmet and pressed into the same coat. The external uniform covers here a content that is manifold; it is an aid to warlike goals.

When the bourgeois assumes a uniform, he has reached his final point; if he enters uniformed, one sees that he is thoroughly finished. He no longer has any individuality; his individuality has exhausted itself in counting and calculating in the service of money. He is standardized from inside—which does not prevent him from becoming externally standardized too.

Impulses and needs, emotional excitements and ways of thought, the direction of the will and intellectual viewpoints, are simplified; in the course of equality, the bourgeois becomes a mass phenomenon. By becoming that he transfers himself also into the political constitution of the masses: through the route of democracy, he finally sinks into its most corrupt form: the rule of the proletariat.

Democracy hides a secret: the “will of the people” coincides in the final analysis with the interest of financial power. “Everything depends on money, everything strives for money”: that is the fundamental motivation of the masses; this motivation is extremely strong because it is common to all; it is the real motivating force of democracy The motivation of the great mass of people for money becomes the goal in democracy in that it bestows its agreement, its. applause for shining coins. Vote purchasing is not bribery; it is the real political business into which the masses rush wholeheartedly. Financial sums are converted in democracy into a corresponding amount of political power; money and political power are exchangeable values.  The rush of the masses to obtain money secures the political influence of money over the masses: that is a well-balanced relationship. The voice of the people is compensated by money; it has its price. The mass accepts someone who can execute something whereby it hopes to receive something. One who bets on the masses to reach political power through it must be reconciled to the fact that the masses speculate on him in order to obtain money through him. The man of the masses, who receives no more support from any valid system of order, who cannot stand when he should rely on himself, is on top. He is nothing for himself; he is only so much as he has; it is easy for him to betray himself if he receives money for that. In every such business he is the winner because the sale prices that he obtains always have an inherently higher value than he himself has. Democracy lives on the fact that everybody expects an advantage for himself from it; it is a political order that least stands in the way of the economic reason. Legislative-creative reason created the world empire of the Caesars, the theological the theocratic state with the ‘representative of God’ at the top, the economic the state as imperialistic economic enterprise in which every state citizen has a share in the profits. The politically conditioned leadership is in a democracy only a proxy affair; the financial powers send their young men onto the political stage to take care of the bustle that is part of the trade. In a democracy, financial interests determine the course of things; the speeches of the popular tribunes are the mustard that serves to make financial rule palatable.

The function of the idea of equality is to make for all unpredictable human originality the trial last so relentlessly long until they are ruined. When the basic instincts of all the bourgeois are standardized to such an extent that they come into the picture henceforth only as a desire for money, nothing unpredictable troubles the economic reason anymore. One has therewith reached a reliable point from which a man can in every case be “mobilised.” He is without any qualities and, therefore, also without character, just as money is; one can have him, like money, for just about everything.

The bourgeois is, finally, totally among his peers: “all men become brothers.”[12] The response of the feelings to the fact of equality is the feeling of fraternity. Among brothers one is not so scrupulous; the strictness of traditional forms of rule is out of place here. The idea of fraternity has a tendency toward the dissolution of hard authoritarian forms; it sets the pathos of distance in the wrong with the fine upsurge of gallant feelings. As glorious and incomparable as Beethoven’s Fidelio may be, the chorus of the prisoners damages the standing of feudal state authority.[13] The “authority” of money is an authority of its own sort; it does not have the exclusivity and unapproachability of ruling and theocratic authorities. It is “affable”; it gladly deigns to place itself in a familiar relationship with the masses; but here precisely it makes use of the idea of fraternity for its highest triumphs.

The brotherly man must be “human”; the nucleus of all bourgeois virtues accordingly becomes “humanity.” “Man must be generous, helpful and good.”[14] The idea of humanity is the most seductive means for the softening of traditional forms of authority which, so long as they exist, are felt by economic reason to be uncomfortable chains. The rule of the traditional order lost faith in itself when against its “inhuman” inexorability—the fine tenet to be “generous, helpful and good” was thrust into its heart.

The bourgeois humanity was for over a century in fact only a fictive value; but it was taken at face value. It was to a certain degree the moral credit that the bourgeois assumed in order to be able to maintain his campaign of destruction against all genuine authorities. It was the good social form that the bourgeois maintained in order to gain entry everywhere. The idea of humanity was so much more necessary for the bourgeois conscience when the bourgeois society devalued, in practical terms, man and humanity more than the two had ever been. The bourgeois is humanitarian in the way he is moral: the external polish must hide how bad and rotten the quality of the mass product is that “makes deals” Bourgeois humanitarianism is the sentimental melodrama that would like to melt like wax the iron heart of the form-creating will to politics and rule; once that is seized, the economic-Manchester School anarchy has brought home its first territorial victory.

Humanitarianism has constituted itself as a religion; Freemasonry is its “church.” This church is a world church. It extends beyond all borders, just as the Roman did. By moving “noble humaneness” into the central point of its adoration in a secular way it seeks to compete against and bring down the Christian Church; there is no divine order; there is only the harmony of human bourgeois order that emerges automatically from the free play of forces. That harms the order-creating Roman: he is dislodged wherever Freemasonry—with which one gets along better—has found entrance.

The “noble” humanitarianism is the humanitarianism of the bourgeois; the bourgeois kneels in the “invisible temple” before his own image; he wishes to make it universally mandatory in its venerability. Here is hidden the imperial tendency of economic reason: the logic of this reason wishes to secretly win trust everywhere in the bourgeois disguise. Economic reason however is the reason of the eternal Jew. It is totally right that the Masonic symbols are cast in Jewish religious forms. The Masonic bourgeois is, in fact, an “uncircumcised Jew.” The lodge is the atrium of the Temple; here the proselytes gather together. Just as the Catholic Church became the world organization of the eternal Roman, Freemasonry became the world organization of the eternal Jew. The Freemason is a strategic selection of the eternal Jew for battle in emergency conditions in the same sense that the Jesuit is for the strategic selection of the eternal Roman. What the Roman Caesar is for the Jesuit that David is for the Masonic bourgeois. Freemasonry wishes to liquidate the two great principles of formation of the eternal Roman—the state-created legal structure and the church-created dogma and replace them with the Jewish principle of formation, the anarchy-creating rule of money.

[1] ‘The one holy’, a reference to the Church in the Nicene Creed.

[2] Charles V (1500-1558) was the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor from 1519 to 1556.

[3] ‘The sack of Rome’ was undertaken by the Visigoth leader Alaric in 410.

[4] literary remains

[5] This was the thesis of Max Weber’s 1905 work, Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus.

[6] The Peasants’ Revolt or Peasants’ War was a revolt of peasants in German lands that took place in 1524 and 1525. It was suppressed by the aristocracy and condemned by Luther though Reformers like Thomas Müntzer and Huldrych Zwingli supported it.

[7] Albrecht von Wallenstein (1583-1634) was a German military commander in the army of the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II during the Thirty Years” War. He was assassinated on Ferdinand’s orders in Eger (now the Czech town of Cheb).

[8] The Monarchomachs were anti-monarchist French Huguenot jurists at the end of the sixteenth century who justified tyrannicide and advocated popular sovereignty. Juan de Mariana (1536–1624) was a Spanish Jesuit and historian and a member of the Monarchomachs.  Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621) was an Italian Jesuit cardinal who was one of the judges who condemned Giordano Bruno, the Italian cosmologist, to death for heresy, though he was more lenient in the case of Galileo Galilei.

[9] For a fuller study of the bourgeois types noted in this work by Niekisch, see Maurice Muret, Grandeur des élites, 1939 (English edition, The Greatness of Elites, tr. Alexander Jacob, Arktos, 2022.)

[10] citoyen

[11] Gilbert, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) was a French aristocrat and Freemason who served in George Washington’s Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. On his return to France, he participated in both the French Revolution of 1789 and the July Revolution of 1830.

[12]Alle Menschen werden Brüder’ – a line from Schiller’s ode, An die Freude.

[13] The Prisoners’ Chorus, ‘O welche Lust’, is sung by a group of political prisoners in Beethoven’s opera, Fidelio.

[14]Edel sei der Mensch/Hilfreich und gut’ – a line from Goethe’s hymn, Das Göttliche.