White Dreams and the Politics of Cold Turkey: The Internecine Proclivities of White People
It was two thousand years ago that the Roman writer Juvenal warned us to beware of our dreams coming true. An attractive Roman noblewoman may go to great lengths in her self-adornment only to discover how intensely she is hated by her less physically endowed female companions. Comes the time when the envy of her less attractive entourage turns her accomplished dreamlife into a living hell. Likewise, a wealthy praetor when travelling with his body guards outside Rome stops indulging in his fame and ruminates how not to get mugged by highway robbers instead. The philosopher and lawyer Cicero was the best orator in the Roman empire whose self-complacency eventually cost him the loss of his head by the jealous would-be emperor Mark Antony. His handsome colleague and client, the famous theater actor Quintus Roscius was forced to forfeit his narcistic self-adulation having been obliged to spend most of his backstage life dodging lawfare for his tax evasion. Had he lost the presidential election, despite his phenomenal combative spirit in fighting the DOJ’s Bolshevik-inspired trumped-up charges, president Trump would be by now en route to federal penitentiary.
“Be careful what you wish for” is a fine English expression which lacks a verbal and conceptual equivalent in other European languages. It does, however, reflect the very opposite of grandiose dreams come true. Maybe the best medicine for a livable life is the suppression of free will as preached by the ikons of cultural pessimism, Emile Cioran and Arthur Schopenhauer. Squashing free will and suppressing all political appetites may be also the best answer for an aspiring public figure given that at some point in time his legacy will only be remembered as a criminal enterprise. Over the course of time the unity of opposites leads to the paradox of unintended consequences and unanticipated political disasters. It is only a matter of time that a ruler’s erstwhile stardom will be labeled a crime, or even worse that his name will be chiseled out as damnatio memoriae. Which option to choose; keep a low profile and live one’s life in self-abnegation? Or dwell in an overdrive promethean hubris-like self-delusion of working for the greater good? Ten, hundred, or five hundred years later a politician’s achieved goals will be the target of public demonization. Tearing down the statues of Confederate heroes is just the latest example of unintended consequences that must have slipped the mind of Jefferson Davis and R.E. Lee. The distinction between good and evil is just a matter of individual judgment in accordance to the dominant lie of a given epoch. Even a popular English proverb that “every cloud has a silver lining,” which has a better graphic equivalent in the French language, à quelque chose malheur est bon (“out of bad comes good”) sounds grotesque. It can’t be a solace for a politician sentenced to death for his lost war, nor can it bring relief to a heretic preaching untimely beliefs. With the increasing racial replacement in the U.S. the founding fathers Jefferson and Hamilton will soon be featured in school curricula as the architypes of White Evil, all ready to join the club of hundreds of the damned ones, including the proverbial Hitler and his ilk.
It is a great merit of behavior geneticists and evolutionary biologists to single out the prime role of heredity, particularly when it comes to our political choices when facing off a hostile outgroup. The study of the genetics of race can also help us much in uncovering a sociopathic would-be loudmouth within our own ingroup. Due to the steady bolshevization of social science studies since 1945, it should not come as a surprise why the research in these fields has been avoided like the plague in the Western school curriculum. The good news is that the post-WWII gigantic egalitarian multiracial scam, whether in its communist or liberal form, is falling apart. The decades-long official U.S. Soviet-inspired multiracial-DEI- affirmative action-woke policies are showing their dysfunctional and destructive results in an all social, economic, and military realms. Even its erstwhile supporters are increasingly becoming aware of it..
Ingroup infighting
Is a racially homogenous society based on meritocratic and hierarchical principles i.e., that everybody must have his own due (suum cuique) the best answer? The works of dozens of prominent geneticists have confirmed that ingroup members are biologically predisposed to flock to their kind, especially when a threat of aggression from outgroups looms. How is it then that more Whites since time immemorial have been killed by people who were in fact their own ingroup members (whatever labels they were using) than by hordes of invading outgroups? Why deny that the entire history of white Europe and America, despite their cultural braggadocio, is largely a history of civil wars? Wishful thinking about the expulsion of all non-Whites, or a putative establishment of secessionist all-White statelets in the U.S. or E.U. will likely lead to another round of mutual inter-White incriminations and civil wars. Also worth pointing out is that non-White and non-European outgroups perceive the history of interminable inter-European wars very differently from how European nations perceive their dispute with similar neighboring outgroups.
Policies based on identity, however romantic they sound, are based on the exclusion of alterity. All of us define our Selves only in comparison to the Other. Example? There is not a single nation in Europe that has been spared from murderous wars with its next-door European neighbor. Very likely White infighting will continue unabated even if all 30 million non-Whites in Europe and over 150 million non-Whites in North America were miraculously to disappear. Alas, birds of feather do not always flock together. In fact, any conflict becomes the more gruesome the less visible racial, linguistic and cultural lines exist between two neighboring groups sharing the same DNA. On the other hand, the more geographically distant nations are from each other, the more likely they will tolerate their mutual differences. As a rule, each ingroup perceives its next door similar as an affront, as a denial or as a caricature of its own identity, as was amply shown during the recent bloody conflict between Serbs and Croats. “The closer we are to the Other”, writes Alain de Benoist, “the more violently we will fight against him, because the very fact of his proximity makes his Otherness all the more scandalous.”
In their turn non-White, non-European observers and scholars, let alone millions of low-IQ non-White migrants flooding Europe and America must be scandalized and bedeviled by disputes between European nations. Historical disagreements resulting in bloody wars between genetically similar Irish and English, between Basques and Castilians, between, Germans and Poles, between Hungarians and Romanians, between Flemings and Walloons must appear to them as a sign of the insanity of the White man. This is the subject White homeland advocates have failed to address. A well-researched work on the sociobiology of civil wars between European nations is sorely missing.
At the heart of interminable inter-White ingroup disputes and civil wars one must single out the destructive role of millennia-long Judeo-Chistian-Islamic monotheism. The catastrophic results of the Abrahamic dogma have been the main engine of European ingroup civil wars, both in their theological and ideological versions. Belief in the existence of only one God presupposes the belief in only one political truth and the rejection of other possible truths. Civil wars among White Europeans, stretching from the first Christian emperor Constantine to the Second World War, all the way to the current war between genetically similar Russians and Ukrainians, have their roots in secularized forms of Christianity. By contrast, old Romans and Greeks, although waging merciless wars against foreign tribes never imposed their diverse deities and their own political beliefs on conquered tribes. In fact, they often borrowed gods from conquered tribes and had them added to their own pantheon.
One can sing the praises of ancient Roman religious tolerance, but the Greco-Roman civil wars amidst the same polytheistic ingroups were not very divine at all. One does not need to recap he Thirty Years Peloponnesian war between the racially same Athenians and Spartans. Very likely similar inter-White carnage will continue in our postmodernity even if all non-White citizens were forced to depart from Europe and America.
One can justly condemn the jealous Jewish god Yahve and his totalitarian ukases against the unchosen ones: “The Lord your God will cut off before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess” (Deuteronomy 12:29-32). The secular version of this old Yahve’s decree comes now as a free pass for the IDF serial killings of Arabs in the Gaza Strip. Neither have the Christians lagged much behind in their killing sprees within their own racial ingroup, each ingroup sect or clan claiming to hold the only appropriate master key to the Christian heaven. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke, 14:26). The Russo- Ukrainian conflict is just the latest Gentile secular offshoot of the monotheist Judeo-Christian- inspired mindset.
Wern Graul (1905–1984): Christian Desecration of the Oak Tree
One must rightly be shocked with ancient Christian and Jewish preachers and their liberal and communist commissars preaching once upon a time the Gospel of antipaganism and lecturing on the importance of antifascism today. But the pagan ingroup and inter-clan violence is also full of gory scenes. Hundreds of historical and mythical texts testify to it. The egotistic Titan Saturn, in order to preserve his sole rule on his global turf did not hesitate a minute to devour his son, the future god Zeus. In the much-vaunted Iliad, the pagan hero Achilles drags the desecrated body of Hector along the walls of Troya, causing discomfort among pagan Troyan mourners worshiping the same gods (The Iliad, Book XXII) . Ovid’s Metamorphoses depicts an orgy of ingroup violence such as when the Balkan-Thracian king Tereus rapes his wife’s sister Philomela and cuts her tongue off in order to prevent her from going public about the crime. Orestes kills her mother Clytemnestra for her cheating on his father and her husband Agammemnon. Neither would have the foundation of the ancient pagan city of Rome been possible without having jealous Romulus kill his brother Remus.
Francisco Goya (1746–1828): Saturn devouring his son
In the study of modern political and academic self-censorship and woke witch-hunts against free thinkers in the EU and the US it is imperative to study Ovid’s bloody allegory of human, subhuman and transhuman transformations.
The cases of more secular and historically recorded ingroup savagery are timeless and countless. The emperor Nero had his mother killed. His lifelong mentor the wealthiest man in Rome, the philosopher Seneca, who liked to brag stoically about modesty and tolerance, was subsequently killed by Nero — his former imperial pupil. Emperor Marcus Aurelius, much eulogized in history books for his compassion and magnanimity toward his defeated foes must have badly misdirected his stoic genes; his son, the emperor Commodus, was the foremost sexual pervert in the Roman empire. Shakespeare’s dramas also abound in ingroup and intrafamilial killings, mostly by the rulers suffering from mental or sexual deformities, as illustrated in his play Richard III. Shakespear’s king Richard is not a far cry from many contemporary White nationalists in the US and Europe parading themselves as undisputed future leaders daydreaming about how to save the West.
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover
To entertain these fair well-spoken days
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days. (Act 1, Scene 1)
White dreams turned into the tragic opposite following 1945. But even if Hitler and Mussolini and similar or sympathetic politicians in Europe and the U.S. of that epoch had won the war, or at least won the day, their dreams would have materialized by now into something entirely different. White dreams caused by acid or crack can help in arresting or even reverse the flow of time, but the aftermath is never pleasant.
Further reading:
- Alain de Benoist, “Violence sacrée guerre et monothéisme”, Krisis (33/April 2010).
- Hervé Coutau-Bégarie “A quoi sert la guerre?” Krisis (34/June, 2010).
- Gaius Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, edited by J. Rives (Penguin Classics, 2007).