Costs of Multiculturalism

“Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark”: A Review of Holy Wrath: Among Criminal Muslims by Nicolai Sennels

Nicolai Sennels, Holy Wrath: Among Criminal Muslims
Helsingborg, Sweden: Logik Förlag, 2018.

The reader of Holy Wrath is likely to be overwhelmed by a single question: Why would a peaceful, progressive, and prosperous society such as Denmark invest resources to bring an alien and disruptive population into its midst? The book does not address this question, but it does analyze why Third World immigration, especially from Muslim countries, is problematic, and offers suggestions for ameliorating the situation.

Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who worked as a therapist at a Copenhagen juvenile detention facility from 2005 to 2008. Most of the hundreds of young offenders Sennels counseled were Muslims. In the winter of 2008 he attended a conference on immigrant integration in the Danish capital where he presented his views on the subject. His remarks were not well received by some, deemed at odds “with the core values of the Copenhagen Municipality.” He was soon forced out of his job. He used his severance pay to write Blandt Kriminelle muslimer (2009), a book widely reviewed and discussed in Denmark. It was translated into Swedish in 2017, but received the silent treatment by the establishment media there. The English language edition, translated by Maria Celander, was published in early 2018. Read more

Civilization vs Savagery: Black Criminals and the Traitors Who Import Them

Irony. It’s another over-worked term in modern popular culture. But there are times when it’s perfectly appropriate. The Dutch academic Dr Jeroen Ensink devoted his life to improving water-supplies in the Third World, thereby helping non-Whites to lead healthier lives and raise more children. He had worked everywhere from Pakistan to Malawi, but in 2015 he was based in London and “working on a large study” on the Congo for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Random Attacks Read more

Multiculturalism, Feminism, and the Transport Rape Epidemic

“There have been rises in reported sexual offences on London Underground and London Overground networks.” Transport for London, 2017/2018 Crime Statistics Bulletin.

“The number of rapes and sex assaults of taxi and private hire passengers in London reached a 14-year high in 2016.” BBC News.

One of my all-time favorite thrillers is Richard Harmon’s claustrophobic The Hitcher (1986). Its premise is superficially simple.  A young man, Jim Halsey, is in the process of delivering a car from Chicago to San Diego when he unwittingly stops to pick up a psychopathic hitchhiker, John Ryder, who is in the midst of a murder spree. The film, as it then swiftly unfolds, is essentially a single chase sequence as Halsey attempts to escape Ryder’s obsessive and maniacal attentions and avoid becoming the latest of his victims. The film was released to great critical acclaim in Europe, where it won the Critics Award, Grand Prix, and the TF1 Special Award at the 1986 Cognac Festival du Film Policier. It was less well received in the United States due to the extremity of its rarely depicted, but often suggested, violence. Along with Rutger Hauer’s magnificent performance as the enigmatic Ryder, the overall success of the film probably resided in the way in which it subverted cherished notions about modern transport, and about the car in particular. Much of modern ‘car culture’ and associated marketing orbits an often dubious and self-contradictory rhetoric of freedom, sex, speed, escapism, youth, individualism, ostentation, and safety. Rebuking this rhetoric, The Hitcher portrays the car itself as a kind of lethal trap; a means of imprisonment in one sense, and hostile pursuit in another. Read more

The Bestial of British Re-Booted: Whites and Blacks Should Not Mix

“Goldfish marries piranha.” That’s how I would summarize the marriage of the dim red-head Prince Harry to the conniving Meghan Markle. Like many others, I do not think the marriage will last. The Guardian and BBC have been very enthusiastic about it, so you can be sure that it’s bad both for the monarchy and for Britain.

A gigantic lie

After all, their enthusiasm is based on a gigantic lie: that the stale pale nation of Britain is immeasurably enriched by diversity and that non-Whites are our moral and spiritual superiors, having acquired deep reserves of wisdom and virtue in the long centuries of their oppression by Whites. As I pointed out in “The Bestial of British,” the truth is exactly the opposite. Britain is harmed by diversity and non-Whites are much more prone to criminality and psychopathy than Whites.

You can see that in Britain’s many meteor-murders, which is what I call a murder that flashes through the British media and then vanishes forever. The Black teenager Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered by Whites back in 1993, has returned again and again to the headlines, because his death can be used to demonize Whites and sanctify Blacks. Compare the White teenager Mary-Ann Leneghan, who was tortured, raped and murdered with extreme savagery by Blacks in 2006. That was a meteor-murder and she was forgotten long ago by the mainstream. So was the White teenager Kriss Donald, who was murdered with extreme savagery by Pakistani Muslims in 2005.

A laughing acid-thrower

The murders of Mary-Ann Leneghan and Kriss Donald provided vital lessons about non-White savagery and malice. That’s precisely why they are long-forgotten by the mainstream. The British media follow the agenda of the hostile elite, demonizing Whites, sanctifying non-Whites, and celebrating the steady and remorseless destruction of Britain’s traditions and culture. And in the same week as the wedding of “Harry and Meghan,” a far more significant story about Black-White relations was in the headlines. If the races and sexes had been reversed in this other story, the victim would have joined Stephen Lawrence as a permanent fixture in Britain’s political firmament. But the victim was a White male and the attacker was a Black female, so this will become yet another meteor-murder:

Woman found guilty of throwing sulphuric acid at former partner

A woman has been found guilty of an acid attack in Bristol that left her former partner with such terrible injuries that he was driven to euthanasia. Berlinah Wallace [a Black South African], 49, threw sulphuric acid over Mark van Dongen [a White Dutchman], 29, in a fit of jealousy and rage after he began a relationship with another woman. Bristol crown court heard that [in September 2015] Wallace, a former fashion student, hurled acid at Van Dongen, an engineer, as he lay in bed, laughing and taunting him: “If I can’t have you, no one else can.”

Van Dongen’s face and much of his body was severely scarred. The acid burned through 25% of his body surface. He was paralysed from the neck down, lost most of his sight and his lower left leg had to be amputated. He spent more than a year in hospital in Bristol before his family and friends hired a private ambulance to move him to Belgium, where he applied for euthanasia. …

Wallace bought the sulphuric acid — legally — online from Amazon for less than £10. [Mark van Dongen’s father] Kees van Dongen vowed to campaign to make sure the laws around the sale of acid are tightened. Amazon has declined to comment. A spate of acid attacks including the one on Van Dongen has led the government to move to reclassify sulphuric acid. Later this year it will only be possible to legally buy the substance over a certain concentration with a licence. The police’s actions before the attack will be scrutinised. It has emerged that Van Dongen was so worried about Wallace after they split that he contacted the police and an officer gave her a harassment warning. … (Woman found guilty of throwing sulphuric acid at former partner, The Guardian, 17th May 2018)

Berlinah Wallace was found “not guilty” of murder in the trial, but although that may have been legally correct, she was morally responsible for Mark van Dongen’s death. She set out to destroy his life and succeeded. And note this phrase at the end of the story: “A spate of acid attacks.” Why are such barbarous crimes happening so often in twenty-first-century Britain? Well, just like electoral corruption, they represent a triumph of liberalism. Anyone who has read the Sherlock Holmes story “The Adventure of the Illustrious Client” will know that acid-attacks were a problem here in the nineteenth century. Similarly, political cartoons by the great cartoonist James Gillray (1756?–1810) show that electoral corruption was a problem here too. But those problems went away as Britain became a more law-abiding and civilized country. Read more

In the Land of Lies: Seeing, Saying and Pseudotopia, Part 1

It seems such an obvious truth: In regione caecorum rex est luscus — “In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.” But the English writer H.G. Wells turned the proverb on its head in his short-story “The Country of the Blind” (1904), one of the cleverest and most profound ever written. Wells’ story describes a sighted mountaineer who, while climbing in the Andes, discovers a hidden valley where the inhabitants have been blind for generations.

Seeing is Sinful

Does the sighted mountaineer become king of the valley? Far from it. Socially speaking, his faculty of sight isn’t merely a disadvantage but a dangerous curse. The blind tribesfolk are not impressed by his claims to possess an additional and superior sense:

He spoke of the beauties of sight, of watching the mountains, of the sky and the sunrise, and they heard him with amused incredulity that presently became condemnatory. They told him there were indeed no mountains at all, but that the end of the rocks where the llamas grazed was indeed the end of the world; thence sprang a cavernous roof of the universe, from which the dew and the avalanches fell; and when he maintained stoutly the world had neither end nor roof such as they supposed, they said his thoughts were wicked. (“The Country of the Blind”)

It turns out that, in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is a heretic. It would be even worse in a land where, for religious reasons, people merely pretended to be blind. Or rather: it is indeed worse in a land of pretended blindness. Britain is like that. So is the rest of the ethnically enriched West. It is heretical to comment on certain highly visible aspects of the world. Instead, we have to pretend that they’re not there and either remain silent or state the opposite of the truth.

“There is only one race — the human race!”

Britain is not a Utopia but a Pseudotopia — a Land of Lies. The biggest and foulest lies swirl in the vast sewer of what the left would call “racial discourse.” Here are a few of those lies:

  • There is only one race — the human race.
  • All races are equal in intellectual, moral and civilizational potential.
  • Mass immigration from the Third World enriches the stale pale nations of the First World.
  • Any White resistance to ethnic enrichment must be crushed before it leads to a Second Holocaust.
  • When non-Whites fail, it can only be because of White racism.

Stephen Lawrence, Black martyr

These lies are reinforced constantly by every medium of official propaganda and public education, but sometimes the storm of mendacity rises to a hurricane. Britain has experienced one of those hurricanes in 2018. First, this year is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of our new patron saint, St Stephen Lawrence, the Black teenager who was murdered by a White gang in London in 1993. Second, the government is accused of mistreating members of the so-called Windrush Generation, that is, the saintly non-White immigrants who began arriving in Britain after the Second World War. Read more

Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third-World People Mean Third-World Pathologies

The horseshoe crab is a living fossil. So is the Daily Mirror. It was traditionally the newspaper of the respectable White working-class in Britain. They voted Labour and believed in hard work and education, but they were hostile to Third-World immigration. They were socially conservative too, rejecting the prurience and soft-core pornography peddled by the staunch philo-Semite Rupert Murdoch in newspapers like the Sun and News of the World. Of course, the Mirror was owned by the Jewish mega-fraudster Robert Maxwell (né Ján Hyman Binyamin Hoch). And it supplied the amoral thug Alastair Campbell as chief propagandist for the very philo-Semitic and Murdoch-friendly Tony Blair.

Abandoned by Labour

But the Mirror has retained enough of its old values to do something today that the modern Labour party would never do: stand up for the White working-class against predatory brown-skinned Muslims. In early March 2018, its Sunday edition ran a “special investigation” into the vibrant activities of Pakistani men in the small and obscure Midlands town of Telford:

Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED

SPECIAL SUNDAY MIRROR INVESTIGATION: Authorities failed to act over 40 years – despite repeated warnings to social workers – with up to 1,000 girls, some as young as 11, abused in Telford

Up to 1,000 children could have suffered in Britain’s worst known abuse scandal – where sex gangs targeted girls as young as 11. The rape hell of vulnerable young girls in one town – Telford – went on for a shocking 40 years, the Sunday Mirror can reveal. As many as 1,000 children could have suffered at the merciless hands of perverts and torturers in Telford since the 1980s. Girls as young as 11 have been lured from their families to be drugged, beaten and raped in an epidemic that, say victims, is still ongoing. THREE people were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the scandal.

Read more

Lessons from Trump’s Condolence Call: It’s All About Race Now

The acrimony surrounding Trump’s call to the Black widow of soldier Sgt. La David T. Johnson killed in Niger demonstrates many truisms about race relations in a society dedicated to multiculturalism and leftist identity politics.  Trump, along with regular Americans, would be well advised to take note.

I’ll take it for granted that readers will share my assumption that Trump did not call the widow Myeshia Johnson in order to somehow provoke her.  What he didn’t realize is just how easily such unintended provocations may occur in multicultural contexts, in particular when the White-Black dynamic is at play.

President Trump was quoted in the press, as reported by (Black activist) Rep. Frederica Wilson who was listening in on the call, as telling the widow heartlessly, “You know, he must’ve known what he signed up for.”  This has been taken out of context as to be a kind of taunt to the widow rather than simply reflecting on the natural role of a soldier.  Left out was the second clause of the sentence: “but it still hurts”

What can we learn from this whole affair? Read more