Costs of Multiculturalism

Academic Hysteria, Part I

I am a faculty member at an American academic institution; for the sake of argument, the school is a fairly prominent blue state university, with predominantly undergraduate students but also, as befits a university, post-graduate education as well. The institution, like virtually all others in the USA, has a far-left radical administration, leftist faculty, and social justice-obsessed students; since late spring 2020, all of these unfortunate specimens have become hysterical beyond all imagining. In Part I of my essay, presented here, I comment on aspects of some of the initial anti-White “training, workshop, seminar” activity that has been foisted on us as a result of the latest moral posturing outrage with Black Lives Matter, George Floyd, etc. More to the point, and more broadly, I will comment on the overall racial atmosphere here and how different sections of our academic community contribute to it.

The latest  “social justice” barrage started with outrageously juvenile and bigoted sociopolitical pontifications from our overpaid and underworked administration, and promises to the students for all sorts of “social justice” activity and “rigorous reflection” and “training”— mandatory of course — for everyone at the institution, to eliminate the deadly scourge of “White racism.” I would like to also point out that promises were also made to change student admission and faculty hiring practices to favor “diversity” — that is, discriminating against qualified White candidates. As well, non-White students were specifically promised race-specific student benefits (e.g., counseling for “victims of racism” specifically for “students of color”); please note that providing student services based strictly on race is of course against federal law and also is in violation of official institutional policy that states that all activities that affect students will be applied in a manner independent of “race, color, ethnic origin, sex, religion, etc.”

Let’s briefly consider some low points of the “training” (i.e., indoctrination) so far. There were online webinars from angry Black women about the health crisis of “racism” — complete with pointed references to the “racism” of the 2016 election outcome. I suppose now we will hear complaints about all those nasty White racists who voted for Donald “Platinum Plan” Trump in 2020; after all, voting for a man who completely ignored his White base for four years, while promising a half-trillion-dollar handout to people who don’t vote for him and who in fact elected Joe Biden, is evidence of unrepentant bigotry. Other webinars told of the agonies of the Holocaust (while omitting mention of any historical episodes of White Christian suffering), isolated cases of medical malpractice involving Blacks, and, of course, the ever-present nonsense of “race is only a social construct” (tell that to Rachel Dolezal and Jessica Krug). Live “workshops” often also featured Black women (who seem to specialize in this activity), typically using ghetto slang and vulgar language to a captive audience of highly educated White and Asian faculty.

Another accusation faculty hear in such “training” is that the institution is “White-centered.” How that could be is a mystery, since our academic institution (like all others) celebrates the identities and accomplishments of every group except for Whites. One observes multiple celebrations and exhibits for Black History Month, Asian History Month, “Latinx” History Month, Native American History Month, etc. During such celebrations, one can find non-White students wearing racial pride and racial nationalist t-shirts of an extreme nature; if White students wore anything analogous, they would likely be labeled as “racist” and expelled. In the midst of all of this “inclusion,” one can look in vain for anything positive for Whites, Europeans, etc. The only mention of Whites, as a group, is always in a purely negative sense. So, the idea that this is all “White-centered” when it is precisely the opposite is something only deranged ideologues could claim.

What do I believe is the attitude of students and institutional employees to all of this? The students are close to 100% supportive; indeed, much of the impetus for hysterical “training” and the other manifestations of non-White identity politics and anti-White hatred originates with the students. The non-White students are essentially 100% on board. The vast majority of the White students — I’d estimate at least 90% — are strongly supportive of the anti-White agenda as well. No student openly speaks out against it; even if they were offended, they would, rightly, fear retaliation from fellow students, from faculty, and from the administration. Rarely, a White student will quietly complain, in private and in confidence, to the few sympathetic faculty that exist about mistreatment based on race. Typically, after “White Privilege training” what would happen is that White students would be verbally racially harassed by non-White students; most of the Whites would masochistically revel in the abuse but a few would complain behind closed doors. Staff also verbally abuse, in racial terms, those few White students who are insufficiently anti-White and insufficiently “woke” on these matters.

Administration are virtually all on the extreme left, whether these individuals are White, Jewish, non-White; they speak with one voice, without the slightest hint of dissension or debate. For the most part, I suspect this is sincere ideological fervor, but in some cases, I suspect there may be some characterless White sociopaths among our institutional leadership who mouth the dogma merely for career advancement.

What about the (non-faculty) staff? All of the women are “social justice” types, with White women “allies to people of color” being particularly extreme and unpleasant. White-collar men among the staff also are mostly leftist; however, I suspect that some of the blue-collar White maintenance staff include a few with more healthy instincts, although they stay silent. Faculty are among the most extreme leftists, with obvious exceptions such as myself; the majority of the far-left White faculty are hypocrites who live as far away from minorities as possible. And, amusingly, even some of these White progressives sometimes complain about non-White administrators who (and this is an exact quote) “cannot get along with White people.” By and large, however, the faculty stand with the administration and students, and most of the staff, in their adherence to radical leftism. It is interesting how these people obsess over the accidental death of George Floyd, a Black ex-convict who, according to the autopsy, died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest, but completely ignore the death of Cannon Hinnant, a five-year-old White boy shot to death, “allegedly” by his Black neighbor. Some lives matter more than others, I suppose.

We must understand what the real purpose of all of this “diversity training” is. Multiple studies have shown that such training is ineffective and indeed often increases bias. That is old news, and yet, despite these findings, the training continues to occur. But, you see, the ultimate purpose of the training is to abuse and humiliate White people and it is indeed very effective at that. And, if the training has the side effect of actually increasing bias and exacerbating racial tensions, well, that’s a side-benefit, since more bias and more tension is used to justify more training, leading to more of the desired abuse and humiliation and also to more problems requiring yet more training. Of course, as well, some people make good money from this nonsense, and the institutions that host the training use it as “liability insurance” to safeguard against “discrimination” lawsuits by non-Whites (they don’t worry about Whites in that regard). So, many people benefit, but, again, the main objective is to “stick it to Whitey.” Therefore, that White students end up getting racially bullied after such training is considered a feature and not a bug. That White employees are ritually humiliated by such training is also a feature and not a bug.

I would like to finish with comments about the overall racial and cultural climate in American academia, based on direct observation, my own institution being a perfect example. Are admission committees biased against Whites, particularly White men? Yes they are. After all, there are a limited number of admission slots and there are more candidates than slots. Therefore, it is inevitable that altered criteria for admissions that favor minorities and/or women will result in other candidates being rejected. This discrimination is often hidden behind the euphemism of “a holistic admissions policy.”

I read about the grading system changes in the San Diego school district with grim amusement. Readers should understand that the situation is no different in higher education. Not only have general standards fallen to accommodate low-performing students, grade inflation and easy exams being just two examples, but, specifically, non-Whites are accommodated in other ways. Cheating scandals? If most or all of the cheaters are non-White then you can forget about any real discipline being meted out. Faculty are simply told to “change the test questions” as if the new questions are not going to be targeted for cheating as were the old ones.

And these manipulations are not only for undergraduate institutions, but also for graduate and medical schools as well. The Step One exam for medical students is now pass/fail. Who knows? Perhaps it will eventually be dispensed with completely. We can’t have “disparate outcomes,” now, can we? Why have the MCAT? SAT? GRE? Maybe we should dispense with grading altogether and evaluate students solely on the basis of their commitment to “social justice.” What about student misconduct other than test cheating?  Are investigations into potential student misconduct biased against Whites, particularly White men? Yes they are. Interestingly, it seems that the group most favored are Asian-American women. No matter what they have done, no matter what terrible things they are accused of doing, they are considered to be “nice and sweet” and therefore must always be “given a second chance.” In contrast, the most mild, nitpicking infraction by a White male student is met with “he’s arrogant and we need to make an example of him.”

Finally, are academic institutions hypocritical in how they address alleged cases of “offensive comments and microagressions?” You bet they are. It’s “anything goes” with respect to hate toward Whites in general, specific White ethnic groups, Christian religious belief, men, etc. I do not want to get into real-life specifics here, as some specific incidents may very well be the target of future discrimination claims against the institution, but I can provide hypothetical examples that convey the essence of what typically occurs. For example, it would be considered perfectly acceptable to, openly and publicly in front of witnesses, tell an Irish-American that they “look like a drunken leprechaun” or to ask a Polish-American “how many of your family members does it take to screw in a light bulb?” or to comment that an Italian-American “looks like a Mafioso” and “talks like Vito Corleone.” But if one were to, for a microsecond, make a facial expression of distaste in response to the harsh smell of some sort of exotic and malodorous non-White food, or to, completely innocently, mispronounce a non-White surname, then that is considered a serious racial offense, a microaggression, and will lead to investigations, meetings, and “sensitivity training” for the entire institution. If you think I’m joking, I assure you I am not. It is also perfectly acceptable to openly disparage Whites in general in the most extreme and derogatory terms, mock men for alleged biological inferiority to women, and to ridicule Christian religious practices. That is all considered to be “inclusion” and a “commitment to eliminate discrimination.” Complaints about such overt anti-White and anti-male bigotry are of course completely ignored. Things can only be expected to get worse; after the Trump interregnum, these types are out for blood.

After the first round of our required “training” is concluded, I will conclude with Part II of this essay, summarizing what has occurred in that time and its effects on the institution. Who knows whether a Part III will be necessary, but it is entirely possible.

Diversifying the Dutch police: a disaster in the making


In October I wrote an article how immigrant crime is turning the Netherlands into a narco state. While organized crime thrives in the Netherlands, state services such as the police are fighting an uphill battle. Not only is the clearance rate remarkably low, they are also being actively undermined by hard-line diversity programs.

Over the past few years the Dutch national police introduced a new policy which aimed at diversifying the force. The intended goal was an ethnically diverse police force, with at least 25 percent of the officers having — preferably non-European — migrant backgrounds.

Achieving this number has proved very difficult. First, the police have a very negative image among most minorities in the Netherlands. Joining the police force is seen as something disgraceful or even as betrayal. Furthermore, many non-Dutch applicants simply cannot pass the background check, because relatives are often involved in criminal activities. And even if minorities pass the check, they seem very susceptible to one particular criminal offence: corruption. The same corruption that is rife in the low-trust, kinship-based countries they migrated from.

In June 2019, police officers arrested their colleague Donovan Atmopawiro, who worked as an advisor for the police command. Atmopawiro was considered a ‘crown jewel’ for being a brown gay officer. He got caught selling classified police information to criminals, as well as providing them with safe houses. His name was also mentioned during an investigation into cocaine smuggling. The discovery of his dual role was one of the biggest police corruption cases of this decade.

Donovan Atmopawiro Read more

Bad Medicine III: Jews Involved in the Cover-Up

For the last two years I’ve been covering the rather sordid tale of medical malpractice among ethnic minority physicians, mainly in the UK (see here and here). In 2017, I conducted an analysis of Britain’s Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service’s list of tribunal decisions — an analysis that revealed non-British doctors (25% of the total) were responsible for at least 80% of tribunal cases in 2016, the vast majority of them bearing Muslim, South Asian, or African names. Most referrals to this disciplinary board were due to sexual abuse and related misconduct, negligence, incompetence, drug abuse, fraud, and violence. My explanation for this state of affairs was, and remains, straightforward. Britain, like much of the West, has for decades been subjecting its various public services to the enormous strain of mass migration. Lacking any sensible planning for the future, our governments have irrationally and repeatedly proposed to cure every one of these self-inflicted socio-economic problems via an injection of yet more “diversity.” As such, in contemporary Britain, massive pressures on the National Health Service caused by mass immigration are being “eased” via the mass immigration of dubiously-trained foreign doctors. The main result of this development has been the rapid decline in the quality of service offered by the NHS, the increased danger faced by patients, and the further expansion of multiculturalism into all areas of life. I have argued that the only sensible solution to this chaos is to conclusively bring the multicultural project to an end, to repatriate the surplus populations, and eject those whose dubious “skills” are no longer required. Now, some two years after I started examining this subject, both the BBC and the General Medical Council (GMC) have taken notice – but their conclusions are rather different.

The BBC reports:

Figures obtained by a BBC Freedom of Information request suggest the GMC is more likely to investigate complaints against BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) doctors than those who are white. Black and Asian doctors make up around a third of the workforce in the UK but are over-represented in fitness to practice cases. The GMC said: “We know employers are more likely to refer BAME doctors than white doctors to the GMC. We want to understand why, and have commissioned independent experts to carry out a major piece of research into those disproportionate referrals.”

The language used here is a case study in how the Marxist media discusses the problematic behavior of ethnic minorities. The fact that Black and Minority Ethnic doctors are more likely to be reported to disciplinary tribunals is contorted in such a manner as to insinuate prejudice and oppression, even if no facts have yet been produced to suggest such a state of affairs. Thus we are told that the GMC is more likely to investigate complaints against BAME doctors than White doctors — the rhetorical door being left open to the idea that complaints against White doctors are being dismissed, or treated less seriously, rather than there simply being less complaints against White doctors. And whereas the next sentence makes it clear that hospital managers are indeed referring BAME doctors at a higher rate than White doctors, this is portrayed as somehow sinister, with the GMC launching a “major piece of research into these disproportionate referrals.” Read more

Huddersfield Horrorshow: Another Non-White Rape-Gang in Brave New Britain

Like Friedrich Nietzsche, George Orwell is often and unfairly thought to have no sense of humour. But there’s a lot of humour amid the horror of Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). Take the scene in which a group of workers at the Ministry of Truth conduct a “Two Minutes Hate” against thought-crime and then worship Big Brother with “a deep, slow, rhythmical chant of ‘B-B!… B-B!’ — over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first ‘B’ and the second.”

The Ministry of Mendacity

Does the juxtaposition of “B-B” with “Ministry of Truth” remind you of anything? It should, because Orwell was satirizing the B.B.C., where he worked on propaganda for part of the Second World War. In Orwell’s novel, the Ministry of Truth was dedicated to lying and to the suppression of inconvenient reality. That’s why it was full of memory holes, “large oblong slits protected by wire grating” that “existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor.” Memory holes exist to destroy memory, not preserve it, as the novel’s hero, Winston Smith, sees in a torture-chamber at the Ministry of Love. His torturer O’Brien shows him a photograph proving the evil and corruption of the governing ideology:

“It exists!” he cried.
“No,” said O’Brien.
He stepped across the room. There was a memory hole in the opposite wall. O’Brien lifted the grating. Unseen, the frail slip of paper was whirling away on the current of warm air; it was vanishing in a flash of flame. O’Brien turned away from the wall.
“Ashes,” he said. “Not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed.”
“But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember it.”
“I do not remember it,” said O’Brien. (Op. cit., Part 3, ch. 2)

That’s how the BBC really behaves in the twenty-first century. When reporting restrictions were lifted at the end of Britain’s latest vibrant rape-gang trial, the BBC held the story up briefly before the eyes of the British public, just as O’Brien held a truthful photograph up before the eyes of Winston Smith. Then the BBC imitated O’Brien and dropped the story down the memory hole: in a day, it had vanished from news-bulletins. As far as the BBC is now concerned: “It does not exist. It never existed.”

A few of the vibrant rapists behind the Huddersfield Horrorshow

Read more

A Plague of Pakistanis: Goyophobes Import Kaffirophobes

If you want to destroy a person, an injection of plutonium works fine. If you want to destroy a nation, try an injection of Pakistanis. When you look at collective nouns in English, you’ll find “a pod of dolphins” and “a murmuration of starlings.” What should be the collective noun for Pakistanis? I suggest “a plague.” For example, Somalis are experts at violence and Nigerians are experts at fraud, but Pakistanis are experts at both. When they enter a prosperous, high-trust nation like Britain, they must think they’ve died and gone to Paradise.

Combatting anti-Semitism and xenophobia are fundamental motives for Jews

After all, the Muslim Paradise has sex-slaves in abundance. Pakistani criminals in British towns like Rotherham and Rochdale have acquired thousands of those. When the White parents of the sex-slaves tried to get their daughters back, they found the authorities opposing them rather than assisting them.

Britain is controlled by a hostile elite that hates Whites and wants to destroy them with diversity. For example, the New Labour government opened the flood-gates of Third-World immigration under the traitorous shabbos goy Tony Blair. The minister responsible was a Jewish SJW called Barbara Roche, who told the Guardian in 2001 that she “entered politics … to combat anti-semitism and xenophobia in general.”

Barbara Roche thinks that the way to “combat” hate is to import the most backward, illiberal and hate-filled groups on Earth, because those groups will undermine and attack Britain’s White majority and its traditional Christian culture. Other Jews in the hostile elite think the same as Roche. You’ll find them describing their political inspiration in very similar ways:

These Jews are all goyophobes or haters of White Christian goyim, as non-Jews are called in Hebrew. That’s why Jews in Western nations overwhelmingly support mass immigration by non-Whites and by Muslims in particular. These Muslims are kaffirophobes or haters of kaffirs, as non-Muslims are called in Arabic. Brown-skinned Pakistani Muslims are the antithesis of White British Christians, so what’s not to like for a goyophobic Jew? And one excellent example of a goyophobic Jew is Dr Richard Stone, the cold and calculating Jewish intellect behind the martyr-cult of the Black teenager Stephen Lawrence.

A Muslim fraud-gang: Natural Allies of Jews

Dr Stone’s “work bringing together British Jews and Muslims includes being a founding trustee of the Maimonides Foundation … and of Alif-Aleph UK.” He has proclaimed that “British Jews and Muslims are natural allies.” Against whom? Against the White and historically Christian majority in Britain, of course. And Dr Stone is merely one of the many Jews who want to use Muslims to undermine and dispossess British Whites. In the Jewish Chronicle, you can read articles like “Jewish and Muslim women pledge to work together to combat hate.” Whose hate is that? Hate from the White and historically Christian majority in Britain, of course. Read more

The Decline and Fall of Merrie England

“Remember you are an Englishman and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.” — Cecil Rhodes, British imperialist, 1910

“Almost the entire population of Britain looks as though it has let itself go.  Where once emotional restraint and self-control were admired, now it is emotional incontinence. It is no surprise that the British are despised around the world.” — Theodore Dalrymple, British author and psychiatrist, 2018

A new dystopia, rising from the ashes of World War II, now rears its ugly head and casts its shadow over England’s no longer “green and pleasant land”.

Merrie England! Was it ever that merry? A beautiful mirage! Maybe such a happy land never existed except in fantasy and in the perceptions of a privileged few blessed with all the felicities of the Good Life. And yet it has always existed in longing, where all utopias and earthly paradises germinate, as in the fevered imagination of William Blake who longed to build ‘Jerusalem’—Civitas Dei, or the City of God—in ‘England’s green and pleasant land’. Blake’s thoughts on this subject will be presented at the end of this article in one of the most beautiful and profoundly moving videos you are ever likely to see on the internet.

Meanwhile, let this literary gem by George Orwell on the three main races inhabiting the British Isles—the English, the Scots and the Irish—serve as a light-hearted introduction to this otherwise sombre article. “The English are not happy unless they are miserable, the Irish are not at peace unless they are at war, and the Scots are not at home unless they are abroad.”

The English, by common consensus, are the maddest of the bunch.

Once famous for their stiff-upper lip attitude to life, a characteristic still found among the educated upper classes and a conservative older generation, the British as a whole have undergone a startling change of national character in the last two decades. This is almost certainly due to the toxic influence of television, trashy Hollywood movies, and the mind-destroying excesses of the internet. The Brits have lost their self-confidence, their customary aplomb, their cheerful joie de vivre. Why? Because  they have become demoralised. Thoroughly demoralised.  “In every face”, to quote William Blake, you now see “marks of weakness, marks of woe”.

The narcissistic younger generation in particular, confident in their own omniscience, bear little resemblance to their parents and grandparents whom they tend to belittle as inferior beings with all the wrong ideas and attitudes. Read more

Bad Medicine II: The Escalating Problem of Third World Doctors

For some time now I’ve been receiving requests to produce a sequel to a September 2017 piece on the disastrous consequences of the mass importation of doctors from the Third World to Britain. Until recently I resisted the temptation to do so because I felt the original article was definitive in outlining the major thematic issues: Third World doctors are responsible for at least 80% of malpractice cases at U.K. Medical Tribunals; Third World doctors are significantly more likely than native British doctors to engage in the sexual abuse of their patients; and, finally, the medical establishment seems to be complicit in both the covering up of these crimes, mainly via the imposition of extraordinarily lenient sanctions. A number of recent stories, however, from the United States and Australia as well as the U.K., have proven sufficiently unsettling and infuriating that further coverage and discussion of this horrific epidemic is necessary.

One thing that has become very clear in recent months is that the U.K. medical establishment is utterly beholden to multicultural dogma on “racism,” as well as a Soviet-like atmosphere of fear, spying, and denunciation. Take, for example, the case of Peter Duffy, a surgeon, consultant urologist, and one-time “Doctor of the Year” at England’s Royal Lancaster Infirmary. In 2005, this exceptional physician made the mistake of stating that “a doctor of Indian descent had missed an operation on a patient with suspected gangrene because he was out playing golf. He also said two other colleagues of Asian heritage were involved in possible overtime fraud.” Rather than leading to an investigation of these issues of malpractice, Duffy reports:

after flagging these concerns, he was subjected to “malicious, toxic and utterly false” allegations over the period of a decade, culminating in accusations made to the police that he was racist. In particular, tribunal documents showed that four anonymous letters were sent to the General Medical Council (GMC), Duffy’s professional regulator, between 2012 and 2014. Employment Judge Slater said that, from the contents of the letters, they appeared to written by someone within Duffy’s department and “alleged matters which, if true, may have called into question [his] fitness to practice.” [Emphasis added]

Under scrutiny and suspected of having “racist” tendencies, in 2015 Duffy transferred to another hospital. It was at this hospital that Duffy was voted Doctor of the Year by patients and colleagues. A lingering cloud of suspicion appears to have lingered over him, however, and he resigned in July 2016 after he claiming he was still unable to shake off insinuations relating to his issues with the three foreign doctors. After resigning, he was awarded £102,000 in compensation by an employment tribunal that judged he had been unfairly treated. Read more