British Politics

Predicting the Uniparty: Peter Oborne’s “The Triumph of the Political Class”

The Triumph of the Political Class
Peter Oborne
Simon & Schuster, 2007; paperback: Pocket Books, 2008

Words and phrases often enter the political lexicon via the US media before crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the UK, and one such recent migrant is the “uniparty”. The Americans have been using it for some time, and the Right-of-center media in Britain are now cautiously trying it out. The idea, of course, is that the two-party system central to both US and UK politics is an optical illusion, and in fact the difference between Republicans and Democrats, or Conservatives and Labour, does not exist in any meaningful sense. If the British MSM read more and talked less, they would have realized that the British uniparty was discovered back in 2007 in a book entitled The Triumph of the Political Class, by lobby journalist Peter Oborne.

A lobby journalist is the equivalent to a member of the White House press pack, guaranteed access to the inner circles of government and thus worth the attention of the political observer in a way that plain op-ed writer is not. Many political hacks write about government with their faces pressed up against the window looking in; Oborne has been respected and even befriended by some of the most powerful people in British government. But the book was inspired by Oborne’s increasing disillusionment with the way in which the great political reforms made by the much-mocked Victorians were overridden as the twentieth century turned into a new millennium. What had been a system which prioritized public service over private acquisition had changed into a new political cadre in which “the most bitter rivalries at Westminster have involved factional conflicts within individual parties rather than collisions of ideology and belief”. This discovery, Oborne writes, “was very frightening indeed”.

Oborne begins with the architecture of the British political class, calling it “a manifestation of the state”, and locating its inception specifically with the arrival of Tony Blair as Prime Minister in 1997. Margaret Thatcher’s premiership, he writes, was the last time there was a genuine ideological difference between the two main parties. Whereas politicians once gained status in Parliament by virtue of their position in society, they now gain status in society directly relative to their position in Parliament, and there is increasingly a disconnect between politicians and the real world of employment, a world they find baffling. Britain had shifted to what Oborne calls “cartel politics”, an impregnable ideological fortress within whose walls both major parties co-exist.

Oborne makes no claim to having discovered the concept of a political class, citing the late nineteenth-century lawyer and social theorist Gaetano Mosca, whose Elementi di Scienza Politica was translated into English as The Ruling Class. It is notable that the book is “today viewed by some historians as a theoretical precursor of the fascist ideology”. This has now become a commonplace move with ideas that are getting too close to the truth: file under fascism.

Oborne sets the political class in its recent historical context by contrasting it with the British “Establishment”, a phrase coined by historian A. J. P. Taylor, and which Blair in particular used as a political tool by claiming it was outmoded and hidebound. His “big tent” politics gave the illusion that the days of the Eton-educated, old money, traditionalist ruling class were over, and that politics was about to descend from its class-bound Olympus to dwell among mortals. This was technocratic smooth talk, of course, but Blair’s people went to work on the idea of the Establishment with fine attention to detail.

One of Oborne’s key insights is that, in 2007, the techniques of the political class were still a work in progress. A complementary realization is that the new political class would not have the organic core of the old landed class, but would rather be put into the hands of PR gurus, spin doctors and focus groups. Media coverage had accelerated, and so the new breed required grooming in dress, speech, and lifestyle, in order to promote to the public a carefully tailored image.

This is not a simple requirement to act with decorum or integrity, as it once would have been, but rather a pre-programmed regimen whereby politicians are “outfitted” for the media, the synaptic link between the political class and the electorate. This extends to speech, and the famous “Queen’s English” (now once again the King’s English) once favored by the political class defers to so-called “Estuary English” (from the region known as the Thames Estuary) as a default speech pattern. Clothing becomes indistinguishable from that worn in the corporate management workplace. A politician’s private life, once off-limits to the media, is now used as a form of self-promotion, and “It is automatic for a member of the Political Class to exploit family and friendships in order to sell his political career”.

This is the positive PR veneer. The negative involves the attack on existing and once-respected standards of behavior. Politicians, it is stated ad nauseam, are “judged by higher standards than ordinary people”, implying that the plebs have lower standards, that “virtue only resides in the state, and that civil society is largely corrupt”. After citing Mary Wilson, wife of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the 1970s, who did not accept £33 for some published poetry, Oborne compares Tony Blair’s wife Cherie, claiming that the human-rights lawyer was exemplary of the new political junta: “She would have been a familiar part of the landscape in the mid-eighteenth century, when the governing class made little secret that it sought public office as a vehicle for pursuing self-interest”.

Her outrageous abuse of position included a speaking engagement for a cancer charity dinner for which her fee exceeded the amount raised at the event, a personal phone call to a director of Manchester United football club to negotiate a discount for a team shirt featuring David Beckham’s number, and an invitation from a Melbourne designer store to take a few things as a gesture of goodwill. She walked out of the store with seventy items. These seem like trifling examples of shameless behavior, but they are indicative of a new code of office in which personal enrichment outpaces public duty.

Her husband’s talent was to mask the project to insulate the political class while making it look as though a much-needed revolution would return politics to the people. Blair pledged “To liberate Britain from the old class divisions, old structures, old prejudices, old ways of working”.

Compare Mao Xidong’s list of revolutionary aims from China’s “Red August” in 1966, just after the Cultural Revolution began. Mao’s mission was to sweep away the “four olds”: Old customs, old culture, old habits, old ideas. This rejection of the outmoded political past was cast as modernization, the shibboleth of the political class.

The sweeping away of the past was not, however, to return to the values of public service, but intended instead to remold the British constitution to answer the needs of this new style of politicking, and that meant undermining the major institutions of government. The Blair government systematically attacked the civil service, the judiciary, the intelligence services and the very power of Parliament itself. The idea of a collective executive loyal to the crown was anathema to Blair. Everything came down from him and his inner circle.

Oborne quotes fellow journalist Hugo Young in defining the British Civil Service as a body which “represents and personifies the seamless integrity of past, present and future government rolled indistinguishably into one”. This is precisely the tradition Blair’s government sought to undermine and, in Oborne’s phrase, “emasculate”. With Blair’s huge mandate, this led immediately to “a sustained and brutal attack on the influence of permanent officials”. The role of Secretary to the Cabinet sounds menial but is in fact one of the most important roles in the Civil Service, and Oborne shows Blair reducing the holder of the post to “a debased and peripheral figure”.

There was nothing slow about Blair’s march through the institutions of government. The Foreign Office, once one of the most respected government departments, found that its very integrity made it a target. The Blairs were notorious for holidaying at the expense of others, and took full advantage: “Very soon after entering Downing Street the Blair family started to see the foreign service, with its access to large houses in desirable overseas locations, as a potential travel agent”.

British intelligence saw the rise of the Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6. Intelligence increasingly became a political tool, and Oborne notes its rise as coincident with that of the new political class. The intelligence gathered before the contentious entry of Britain into the Iraq War both served that class, and led ultimately to the notorious “sexed-up dossier” which many have found misleading at best, and designed solely to bring the UK into the conflict at the behest of the Americans at worst. This shake-up of government also saw MI6 as increasingly less concerned with national security threats and more dedicated to intruding into the lives of ordinary people, which leads Oborne on to discuss Labour’s manipulation of the law of the land.

The analysis of the judiciary by Blair’s Home Secretary, David Blunkett, “was extremely close to the Marxist proposition that the protections offered by the courts are simply ‘bourgeois freedoms’.” With a sustained offensive against Britain’s famous habeas corpus law, aimed at preventing illegal detention in the absence of evidence, the new breed of politicians struck back at ancient history and the Magna Carta. It was a short step to taking on one of the most ancient and venerable of British institutions; the monarchy.

The co-opting of the funeral of Lady Diana Spencer by Tony Blair, and his sentimental catchphrase, “the people’s princess”, have become notorious as a symbol of Blair’s wish to have a higher public profile than the royal family. The most telling example of Labour’s contempt for the monarchy came from Blair’s infamous press enforcer, Alastair Campbell, largely responsible for the Iraq dossier noted above, and to all intents and purposes a member of Blair’s Cabinet. In Jordan for the funeral of King Hussein, Prince Charles came to meet Blair and Campbell in a makeshift office with only one chair. Blair shook hands with the then Prince of Wales, while Campbell “was sitting slumped in his chair making calls on his mobile [and] simply ignored the Prince”.

As an experienced journalist, one might expect Oborne to be strong on the vital role of the media, and its effective capture, in the formation of the political class. This new executive, he writes “sought to give an almost constitutional role to the British media by building it up as an alternative to existing state institutions”. The result of this replacement is that “at its simplest, journalists become instruments of government”. Journalistic aims are altered, and not subtly, from being supposedly impartial reportage to forming a quasi-constitutional department of government devoted to myth-building and the maintenance of the Blairite project. The Blair government oversaw the creation of the “narrative” we hear so much about, a word which has its roots in story-telling to the tribe.

An added function of media is to act both as a client of government, and to be cast as hostile, the enemies of progress and modernization. Blair divined early on that enemies of his government needed to be put into the public consciousness even if they didn’t actually exist, and despite Rupert Murdoch being effectively a key member of Blair’s cabinet, the line from government was implicitly that the state was fighting with monsters who would oppose good and righteous governance. The BBC — who began to be referred to as “the state broadcaster” around this time — were the mainstay of the operation:

“The distinction between an aggressive, illegitimate press and a well-meaning government has formed the template of a great deal of BBC reporting over the last decade. It became automatic for BBC reporters and commentators to portray any government crisis as a contest between press and government, just as Campbell had suggested”.

I saw Alastair Campbell once on a street in London. We looked at each other for several seconds, and he was obviously aware that I knew who he was. I wouldn’t say the look he gave me portrayed the face of evil, just the face of ambitious malevolence.

The Iraq War was the pinnacle of Labour’s media-generated deception program. The government effectively lied both to the public and to the House of Commons over Saddam’s supposed weapons of mass destruction, his willingness to use banned chemical weapons on British troops, and the likely death toll for allied forces. This was, in the end, far outstripped by hecatombs of dead Iraqis. It is a strongly held opinion on both sides of the British political divide that both Blair and Campbell should have been tried for war crimes.

The final masterstroke of the Blair government’s total occupation of the political estates was its use of techniques of mass formation honed in the world of corporate advertising and marketing. Blair copied and adopted Bill Clinton and Karl Rove’s technique of triangulation, whereby advanced software could discount blocs of votes and concentrate on a relatively small number of undecided voters in swing states. Britain has a similar balloting system to America’s electoral college, and so the persuasiveness of any policy message to the people becomes instead a jig-saw puzzle with key pieces which must be privileged when campaigning: “The Political Class negotiates with the voters through television and searches out their opinions through mechanisms such as focus groups and techniques based on market research or borrowed from the advertising industry”.

This “manipulative populism” has been in place ever since, and Oborne’s book shows it under construction, unclear at the time but now a familiar apparatus.

Oborne wrote, in 2007, that the political class had won. The theatrical element to politics, increasingly absorbed from the US, had become the whole show. Oborne relates a story of his visit to a Tony Blair walkabout in an English town. Blair was filmed talking and smiling with all his charm and empathy on show, the good people delighted to bask in the presence of Dear Leader. The only problem is that all the “members of the public” had been hired and paid by the Labour Party. When security realized who Oborne was, they tried to keep him away from the press event. When he finally got in, they tried to throw him out. He was a bad courtier.

Oborne’s epilogue was written as Gordon Brown had recently taken over from Tony Blair as Prime Minister, and despite some cosmetic pledges to correct some of the constitutional excesses of the Blair era, such as announcing government policy in the House of Commons and not via the media, Oborne notes that he only typified the political class. Oborne’s final sentence is in the hope that David Cameron would be “capable of leading an insurgency against the Political Class — or whether he will… become no more than another manifestation of its alluring, corrupt and anti-democratic methodology”. Britain got its answer, and now that the political class is merging fully with the global elites, we have just had the bizarre experience of a nominally Conservative party spending 14 years setting up a far more socialist Labour regime which is only just beginning to show what is to come.

We see the results of the changeover Oborne describes today in Britain. In 2007, “The values of the Political Class… [were] still in the process of formation”.

Now, another chapter has been added to the playbook, as the British uniparty — which recently passed the baton between its two main runners — is happy to allow criticism of government incompetence be openly pronounced. But Government incompetence is a psy-op. The British uniparty is in fact highly competent, just not in an area of expertise which serves anyone else but themselves. The course of Britain towards ruin is not sloppy governance but grand design, part Bezmenov, part Samuel T. Francis’s anarcho-tyranny. The British political class are not only competent, they have been honing that competency over the last 30 years and are, to put it simply, becoming very good at being very bad. This class has done what they have always said they wanted to do, which is to reintroduce morality into politics. Just not, as a child might say, in a nice way. Oborne’s prediction for the future of Britain, made 17 years ago in this most important of British political books, has shown itself to be prescient: “This estrangement between a tiny governing elite and mainstream British society is one of the overwhelming themes of our age, and it will only get more desperate, and more dangerous”.

Labour Loathe White Workers: How Slippery Starmer Has Slithered to Supremacy to Serve Semites

Words don’t rule reality, but they do manipulate minds. Take British politics. If honesty prevailed there, the Labour Party would be renamed the Lawyer Party. Millions of its deluded supporters would finally see the truth and stop voting for a party that hates them. Labour was founded to advance the White working class, but it now abominates the White working class. This betrayal was openly admitted by the Jewish politician Lord Glasman in 2011:

Labour let in 2.2million migrants during its 13 years in power — more than twice the population of Birmingham. Lord Glasman, 49, had already told BBC Radio 4 … “What you have with immigration is the idea that people should travel all over the world in search of higher-paying jobs, often to undercut existing workforces, and somehow in the Labour Party we got into a position that that was a good thing. Now obviously it undermines solidarity, it undermines relationships, and in the scale that it’s been going on in England, it can undermine the possibility of politics entirely.”

The academic, who directs the faith and citizenship programme at London Metropolitan University, criticised Labour for being “hostile to the English working class”. He said: “In many ways [Labour] viewed working-class voters as an obstacle to progress. Their commitment to various civil rights, anti-racism, meant that often working-class voters… were seen as racist, resistant to change, homophobic and generally reactionary. So in many ways you had a terrible situation where a Labour government was hostile to the English working class.” (Miliband ally attacks Labour migration ‘lies’ over 2.2m they let in Britain, The Daily Mail, 16th April 2011)

By “English working class,” Glasman meant the “White working class.” Labour loathes White workers, not non-White workers. The party ignores the far worse homophobia of lower-class Muslims and Blacks, because they’re at the top of the leftist racial hierarchy, not at the bottom like Whites. Its attitude towards White workers can be summed up in a single simple phrase: “Vote for us, you scum.” In 2014 a rich Labour lawyer called Emily Thornberry went to support her party’s candidate in a by-election at Rochester. She spotted a white workman’s van parked outside a house flying the English national flag, the cross of St George. “Yuck!” she thought. So she took a photo and sent a silently sneering tweet.

Serve Jews or else!

Her leader, the reptilian Jew Ed Miliband, was very angry. He fully shared Thornberry’s contempt for White workers, of course, but he hadn’t wanted that contempt to be made public. In other words, he hadn’t wanted the Labour Party to be exposed as the Lawyer Party. Alas for Miliband, Thornberry’s arrogance revealed the truth and helped UKIP win the by-election. It then helped the Conservative party win three general elections, first against Miliband, then against his replacement Jeremy Corbyn. When Corbyn was leader, he maintained Labour’s hostility to White workers. No-one in mainstream politics or media had any problem with that. But many politicians and journalists had very serious problems with Corbyn’s refusal to make Jewish interests his first and overwhelming priority.

Hideously White: Labour’s lying propaganda video

That’s why Corbyn was vilified as an anti-Semite and eventually thrown out of the party altogether. In 2024 Corbyn has just won his old constituency of Islington North standing as an independent. But the general election itself was won by Labour in a landslide under the fatuous and vacuous slogan of “Change.” Normal service has been resumed, because the party is once again headed by a lawyer, the slippery Sir Keir Starmer, and is once again dedicated to serving Jewish interests. Like Emily Thornberry, the new Labour leader is a human rights lawyer; unlike Thornberry, he has successfully concealed his hatred and contempt for White workers. During the election, the party released a remarkable propaganda video. Why was it remarkable? Simple. It was what the former BBC apparatchik Greg Dyke would call “hideously white.” Starmer was shown at a junior school surrounded by children and teachers who were uniformly stale and pale — there was not a black or brown face in sight, not a hijab or afro to be seen. Normally, of course, all mainstream politicians love to be seen surrounded by non-Whites and non-White symbols. But not here. At one point in the video, Starmer is seen giving the thumbs-up to an all-White class with a Union Jack on the wall behind him. At other points, the flags of the Home Nations — England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland — are visible over his shoulders.

Slippery Starmer slithers to supremacy

In other words, that video was deeply and deliberately dishonest. And every adult participating in it knew that it was a lie. The video was exploiting White children to advance the cause of a party that is dedicated to destroying the future of White children. Labour propagandists must have searched long and hard to find a school like that. In fact, I wonder whether the video was faked using AI. Nowadays, junior schools up and down the country are not uniformly White but swarming with Somalis and Syrians. And the flags on the walls of classrooms are typically the crowded chromatics of the noble LGBTQIA+ community, not those of the Home Nations. Starmer and his propagandists were being seriously sly and slippery. He was trying to pretend to White workers that he and his party aren’t implacably hostile to them and their love of country.

Now you see it, now you don’t: Starmer and his disappearing poppy (image from Twitter)

He was lying, of course, but enough White workers were fooled to keep Labour on track for its landslide. That’s one example of Starmer’s slipperiness. Another example was apparent when he was photographed proudly sporting the red poppy that symbolizes respect and honour for the British armed forces. But the poppy had vanished when Starmer appeared in an anti-Islamophobia video aimed at Muslims, who aren’t fans of the British armed forces. After all, Jewish control of British politics means that Britain has been dropping bombs on Muslims for decades in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. It also means that Britain is backing Israel as it drops bombs on Muslims in Gaza. When Jeremy Corbyn was leader, he backed the Palestinians and opposed Israel’s murderous war-machine. Starmer does the opposite, but that brings me to a third example of his slipperiness. He served without protest in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet and in 2019 was asked on BBC television to repeat the sentence “Jeremy Corbyn would make a great prime minister.” He happily did so. A few months later, he told the BBC that “he was ‘100%’ behind Mr Corbyn and working with him to win a general election.”

No purpose but power

But guess what? It turns out that all the time Starmer was 100% against Corbyn and serving in the shadow cabinet only because he thought Corbyn had no chance of winning that general election. When Starmer became leader, he expelled Corbyn from the party and utterly repudiated Corbyn’s pernicious reign. In other words, Starmer has no principles and no purpose but the pursuit of personal power. To win that power, he has to serve Jewish interests. He also has to pretend that Labour doesn’t loathe White workers. That’s why, in the words of the BBC, he has “embraced British patriotism, using the union jack as a backdrop for speeches and getting his conference to sing ‘God Save the King’.” In reality, Starmer isn’t a patriot and doesn’t believe in the monarchy. Everything about him is fake. His “landslide” victory was won on a low turn-out and ludicrously low share of votes — barely higher than that gained by Corbyn in 2019, when Labour badly lost the election.

And it isn’t just the name of Starmer’s party that’s a lie: it’s also his own given name. He was named by his Labour-supporting parents after the Scottish firebrand Keir Hardie (1856-1915), the founder, leader and first member of parliament for Labour. Hardie was a genuine champion of the working class. So were the Trade Unions of Hardie’s day. When a mining company in Scotland tried to import foreign workers at the beginning of the twentieth century, this is what happened:

Trade Unions were openly hostile, claiming that the newcomers’ lack of English made them a danger at work; the Glasgow Trades Council declared the Lithuanians in Glengarnock as “an evil” and wrote to the TUC [Trades Union Congress] demanding immigration controls to keep them out.

Even a figure such as Keir Hardie, founding father of the Labour Party, led a fierce, xenophobic campaign against the Lithuanians. Hardie, as a leader of Ayrshire miners, wrote an article for the journal, The Miner, in which he stated that: “For the second time in their history Messrs. Merry and Cunninghame have introduced a number of Russian Poles [as the Lithuanians were described] to Glengarnock Ironworks. What object they have in doing so is beyond human ken unless it is, as stated by a speaker at Irvine, to teach men how to live on garlic and oil, or introduce the Black Death, so as to get rid of the surplus labourers.” (“Lithuanians in Lanarkshire,” BBC History, February 2004)

In 2024 Sir Keir Starmer would heartily agree that his namesake Keir Hardie was “xenophobic.” Hardie wasn’t, of course. Instead, he was doing exactly what a Lithuanian socialist would have done if the situation had been reversed: standing up for the local workers he was elected to serve. But that was at the beginning of the twentieth century. By century’s end, Labour’s betrayal of White workers was complete. When Tony Blair became Labour leader in 1994, all the old-fashioned socialist nonsense had been discarded. Now the Labour party champions the downtrodden bosses against the oppressive workers. Blair was a slippery lawyer just like Starmer. And just like Starmer, Blair knew that he had to serve Jewish interests to win power. That’s why Blair won the ultimate accolade from Jews in Britain: he was a mensch. Starmer has just won that accolade too. He has been hailed in the Jewish Chronicle under the headline “Starmer is a mensch and deserving of our trust”:

After the last general election, every political commentator speculated on whether the Labour Party could ever hold office again. The spectre of the EHRC [Equality and Human Rights Commission] report [into alleged anti-Semitism in Labour] was an ever-present reminder of the nightmare of Corbyn’s tenure as leader of HM Opposition and nearly everyone believed that Boris Johnson had built an electoral coalition that had permanently redrawn our political map.

Yet last week, the country decided that the Labour Party had changed, that we could be trusted to run the government and that change was needed. … As a result, Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has a working majority of 181 seats and the Conservative Party has had its worst result since 1832.

Even I struggle to comprehend the full scale of what this means for our country, for my city of Stoke-on-Trent and for our community. It’s beyond my wildest expectations and I can’t stop grinning every time I think about it. The images of Rachel Reeves, Wes Streeting, John Healey, Shabana Mahmood, Angela Smith, Peter Kyle, Ian Murray and the rest of the new cabinet walking down Downing Street on Friday made me sob with much happier tears than those that followed the 2019 election.

Five years ago, our community would have been scared by the thought of a Labour landslide. The pages of the JC would have been filled with stories of families worried about the future and plans to make aliyah. Thank God that is not where we are today.

After tearing out the poisonous plant of antisemitism from my party by its roots, Keir (or the PM as I must get used to calling him) has managed to rebuild enough trust with you that Hendon, Finchley and Golders Green, Chipping Barnet, Bury North, Bury South and East Renfrewshire have all returned Labour MPs. And I genuinely don’t believe that anyone, regardless of their personal politics, considers a Labour government as an existential threat to our community — because it isn’t.

That in itself is truly a miracle. I will be forever grateful to Keir for fixing what I thought had been irrevocably broken.

He is a mensch. And he deserves this opportunity to lead our country in the years ahead. He has earned our trust and we in turn owe him a fair hearing as he turns from campaigning to governing. Elections are only the first step. Now we have the privilege of service, trying to fix what has been broken in our society after 14 years of Conservative governments. (“Starmer is a mensch and deserving of our trust,” The Jewish Chronicle, 10th July, 2024)

That article was written by a highly ethnocentric Jew called Ruth Anderson, who served as a Labour MP under the Dickensian name of Ruth Smeeth (appropriately enough, Dickens would have used the name to signify smarminess, selfishness, and hypocrisy). While she was an MP, Smeeth wept in public when she was accused of working with the Conservative-supporting Daily Telegraph to undermine Jeremy Corbyn. She accused the truth-teller in question of “anti-Semitism” and had him expelled from the Labour party. Then she left the party and hilariously became “chief executive” of Index on Censorship. In reality, she no more believes in free speech than Keir Starmer believes in championing the White working class. Instead, Starmer believes in personal power and in Pabloism, an obscure variant of the Marxist-Leninism created by the Jewish megalomaniac Leon Trotsky (1879-1940). Starmer became a Pabloist at university, but no-one in the mainstream media is interested in that. How does it matter that the Labour leader was an enthusiastic supporter of the twentieth century’s most murderous and authoritarian ideology?

Fatuous and vacuous: by “Change,” Starmer means “More of the Same”

But it matters hugely when any Labour leader isn’t an enthusiastic servant of Jewish interests. The purpose of mainstream politics in Britain and all other Western nations is to wage war on Whites and sycophantically serve Semites. The fake Conservatives did that and the fake Labour party will now do the same. The only difference is that Labour will wage war on Whites with extra enthusiasm, extra authoritarianism, and extra hatred for the White workers it was founded to serve.

Britain is Now a Sectarian Society

England is now a sectarian society. As of the General Election, on 4th July, some people are sent to parliament by specific religious and ethnic communities simply because they are members of those communities, not because of the policies they espouse. A system which has long existed in sectarian Northern Ireland has now come to the English mainland. The reason? Mass immigration into England over the last 25 or so years of South Asian Muslims, who are highly concentrated in certain areas.

The UK’s General Election has led to the utter humiliation of the ruling Conservative Party, which had been in power for 14 years and done nothing to reverse the process of mass immigration set off by Tony Blair’s Labour Party in the early 2000s. In fact, they’d accelerated it, with more than 745,000 legal immigrants arriving in 2022 alone, putting appalling pressure on housing and public services, putting aside what this does to national unity [Net migration to UK hit record 745,000 in 2022, revised figures show, By Patrick Butler and Peter Walker, The Guardian, November 23, 2023]. Led by Rishi Sunak, a second generation Indian immigrant, the party, which has existed since the seventeenth century, was plunged into its worst defeat ever, gaining just 121 seats in the 650 seat House of Commons which, as in the US, is elected by First Past the Post. Labour, under its rather dull leader, Sir Keir Starmer, attained the second largest majority in its history.

But far more interesting, and worrying, is the fact that a number of Labour MPs in previously strongly Labour areas lost their seats. Specifically, they lost them to independent Islamist candidates standing on Pro-Gaza platforms. In Leicester South, in the East Midlands, a senior Labour MP lost his seat to a South Asian Muslim, who was once a Labour supporter, who declared, upon victory, “This is for Gaza!” and held up a keffiyah; the head scarf which is strongly associated with the Palestinian cause. In Blackburn, in the northwest, the sitting Labour MP was defeated by an independent called Adnan Hussain, a lawyer who declared: “This is for Gaza. I cannot deny that I stand here as the result of a protest vote on the back of a genocide.” Iqbal Mohammed, an IT consultant and once a Labour supporter, took Dewsbury and Batley, also in the northwest, from Labour on a manifesto of fighting for a ceasefire in Gaza. Ayoub Khan, a barrister and former Liberal Democrat councillor, took Birmingham Perry Bar from Labour as a Pro-Gaza independent [Who are the pro-Gaza independents who unseated Labour MPs? By Haroon Sidique, The Guardian, July 7, 2024]. In addition, a number of senior Labour MPs came close to losing their seats to Pro-Gaza candidates [Labour cannot afford to be complacent over pro-Gaza vote losses, By Josh Halliday, The Guardian, July 5, 2024].

Labour has long taken the Muslim vote for granted, but its failure to condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza has led to a political uprising which the First Past the Post System is uniquely set up to deliver. In democratic terms, the 2024 general election is an absurdity. The Labour Party took 411 seats (64% of the seats), and a majority over all other parties of 178, on just 33.7% of the national vote. With 12.2% of the vote, the Liberal Democrats took 72 seats, while the populist conservative Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage who very much spearheaded Brexit, got just 5 seats on 14% of the vote. These were all seats that very strongly supported Brexit [Wikipedia].  (The Conservative Party: 23.7 percent vote share and 121 seats.)

The Reform vote share differed so wildly from the number of seats won because it was roughly even nationwide; they came second or third in numerous seats. Muslims, however, are concentrated into very specific areas; usually ex-industrial towns. In many of these towns, they have set up parallel societies: everybody is a South Asian Muslim (due to White Flight and people’s evolutionary desire to be with people like themselves), the community is centred around a number of (often fundamentalist) Mosques, people are highly religious, and there is a strong feeling of fighting against the dominant society [see Among the Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain, By Ed Husain, 2022]. It is conditions like this that allow Muslim independents to be elected, once they reject the Labour Party which they have done due to its stance on Gaza. In that regard, it is surely no coincidence that the seats that sent Reform Party members to parliament were overwhelmingly native British and substantially working class.

Of course, once this happens you have sectarianism and this is the end of democracy, or the beginning of the end, because people are not voting on policy, they are simply voting for a person who represents their ethnic group. Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen spelt this out in his book Ethnic Conflicts. Although it is possible for multi-ethnic societies to be democracies – India is an example – in general there is a negative association between ethnic diversity and the ability to sustain democracy. This is mediated by ethnic conflict. In fact, Vanhanen found that ethnic diversity explains 66% of the variance in ethnic conflict when you compare different countries. In other words, ethnic diversity is very likely to lead to ethnic conflict and this is, in turn, likely to lead to sectarianism, which will render democracy hollow.

India, though it is multi-ethnic, generally shares a religion – about 80% of Indians are Hindu – and the ethnic groups of which it is composed are all relatively similar. This is not the case in the UK, where the independents MPs are of a different race and a different religion than the native population. It follows that the UK cannot be compared to India and that it really is seeing – in the most stark fashion with the election of these MPs – what has a long been happening anyway; the break-up of the country into a parallel societies; into Muslim and non-Muslim areas.

This shouldn’t be surprising. As I have explored in detail in my book The Past is a Future Country: The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution, the ethnic diversity, mass immigration and the splintering of large polities always occurs in the winter of civilization and it is likely happening in the US as well. How deliciously ironic that Labour candidates, who have dogmatically espouse mass immigration and condemned critics as “racist,” are now losing their seats in parliament due to the sectarianism that has developed due to mass immigration.    

Shut Up and Obey: How Democracy Can’t Survive Disagreement

Do you need to translate Indonesian into English? Or Filipino into French? Japanese into German? No problem. Artificial intelligence will do all of that with ease. But there are some vital translations that AI won’t currently perform. It won’t translate English into English. Or French into French. Or German into German. Why is this a problem? Well, if you read leftist newspapers or websites in any of those languages, you’ll find that they often need translating into the same language. For example, here’s some English from The Guardian that needs translating into English:

  • Slovakia’s prime minister, Robert Fico, is an immensely divisive figure who has helped polarise his country. (source)
  • Divisive messages from public figures are directly linked to tipping some people into violence on the streets. (source)
  • The radical right is growing in confidence as it attempts to push what [Hope Not Hate] called “divisive, populist, anti-immigration, climate-sceptic policies”. (source)
  • By giving oxygen to these divisive and dangerous individuals, Suella Braverman is legitimising fringe far-right elements that threaten our cohesion and democracy. (source)
  • It’s part of a populist approach: choose a well-known institution and level divisive accusations at it. (source)

The English word “divisive” is a favorite of the left, but it needs translating into English. In fact, it needs translating twice. In all the quotes above, it first of all means “in disagreement with the left.” But fundamentally it means “Shut up and obey.” If you disagree with the left, you’re dividing opinion and destroying unanimity. That’s obviously a wicked and hateful thing to do. After all, the left are infallibly correct and impeccably moral. Anyone who disagrees with leftist ideas about race or migration or transgenderism or Islam is a Bad Person. And Bad People need to be silenced.

Democracy means leftism

If you disagree, you’re being divisive and proving that you’re a Bad Person who needs to be silenced. Otherwise you’ll be a threat to democracy – which is another favorite word of the left. Again it’s an English word that needs translating into English:

  • With Trump surging, democracy is in peril. (source)
  • [Bernie Saunders’] assessment of a Trump victory in November is sobering. “It will be the end of democracy, functional democracy.” (source)
  • As Germany’s postwar constitution turns 75, threats to its democracy are looming. (source)

By “democracy,” the left mean “leftism.” That’s why, for the left, it’s perfectly democratic to import millions of Third-World folk against the will of the White majority. Third-World migration strengthens our democracy. Anyone who objects to it is divisive and a threat to democracy. In other words, Third-World migration strengthens leftism and objectors are wickedly disagreeing with leftism.

Keen to vote for more migration

Of course, leftism now includes so-called right-wing parties across the West. For example, the British Conservative party was in power for fourteen long years. But it did nothing to enact the will of the Whites who voted for it and everything to increase the power of non-Whites and the left. The Tories presided over a massive increase in Third-World migration that has imported millions of votes for their supposed political rivals on the left:

Voting for the first time in a British election, Prathesh Paulraj and other immigrant voters are excited to take part in the July 4 ballot, hoping they can influence change in the country that they have chosen to call home. The opposition Labour Party is widely expected to win by a landslide, replacing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party which has been in power for 14 years.

Refugees and immigrants from Commonwealth countries, mainly former territories of the British Empire such as Nigeria, India, and Malaysia, are eligible to vote in British elections.

Paulraj, 27, who came to Britain in February last year, said he was excited to cast his vote after missing the election in his native India. “In my country, they don’t allow people from other countries to vote. … I came here on a student visa, but they are giving us an opportunity, like British citizens,” said Paulraj who works part-time as an ambassador at his university in Manchester, northwest England.

Teh Wen Sun, a 33-year-old Malaysian student from Salford, not far from Manchester, said she did not see much difference between the two main parties, but she was keen to vote for a party that is more receptive to immigrants. …

Oyinkansola Dirisu, 31, a support worker from Manchester who came to Britain in 2022, said she was looking forward to voting for Labour, and said she wanted whoever won power to make it easier for people like her to move to Britain. (“UK election gives hope to first time immigrant voters,” Reuters, 3rd July 2024)

Importing non-Whites to strengthen anti-White leftism is true democracy

Why did the Tories not remove the right of foreign students and other obviously non-British migrants to vote in British elections? Well, because doing that would be a threat to democracy. In other words, it would prevent votes for the left. Non-Whites like Prathesh Paulraj vote for leftist parties which then import more non-Whites to vote for leftist parties which then import more non-Whites to… The governing elite of the Conservative party never made the slightest effort to end that leftism-strengthening cycle. There’s a simple reason for that: the governing elite of the Conservative party are themselves leftist. More precisely, they’re leftist for Britain while being rightist for Israel.

Booty without scrutiny

This is because the elite in the Conservative party are either Jewish or controlled by Jewish money. Jews like Sir Ehud Sheleg and Sir Mick Davis regularly occupy the hugely powerful but rarely scrutinized post of party Treasurer. Sheleg is an Israeli citizen who has openly stated that his first loyalty is not to Britain. He told the Jewish Chronicle in 2019: “I was brought up, albeit in Israel, with the sentiment of very strong ties to Britain. In the family of nations, this has to be my favourite one. Second to my homeland, of course.”

Jewish moneyman Ehud Sheleg put Israeli Jews first and British Whites nowhere

Yes, second to his homeland, which does not allow migration from the Third World, let alone allow Third-World folk to vote in its elections. But Ehud Sheleg and other fervent Zionists in the Conservative party want Britain only to offer unconditional support to Israel, not to copy Israel’s majority-favoring politics. In Israel, it’s good that the will of the Jewish majority is obeyed. In America or Britain, it would be very bad for the will of the White majority to be obeyed. Instead, the will of the Jewish minority must be obeyed. And so America’s and Britain’s borders remain open to the Third World. That’s true democracy, folks!

Champions of Judea: On the supplanting of British foreign policy

Churchill’s anti-German beliefs were as old as his adoration of what he called the “higher grade race”. He helped cause the Great War and was thrilled by it. After Versailles, he traduced Weimar governments less frequently than he had those of the German Empire, but on occasions in the 1920s still spoke of Germany as a threat.1 On March 23rd 1933, two months after Adolf Hitler became chancellor, Churchill castigated the new Germany in Parliament for its “ferocity and war spirit, the pitiless ill-treatment of minorities [and] the denial of the normal protections of civilised society to large numbers of individuals solely on the ground of race”.2 He asserted that “The Nazis inculcate a form of blood lust in their children… without parallel… since barbarian and pagan times.”3

Portraying Germany as a military threat was, at that time, partly just a way for an unprincipled politician to attack Ramsay MacDonald, the prime minister who, though sympathetic to the Soviets, was for disarmament to facilitate peace.4 Churchill, though, was unprincipled in a consistently anti-German direction. Had he ‘warned’ about Stalin the way he did about Hitler, Churchill’s post-war reputation as the politician who ‘saw the danger’ could have been twice as great. He had been staunchly anti-communist since 1917, and until 1930 or later, “His posture toward the Soviet Union was one of consistent abhorrence.”5 Yet as the Soviet Union proceeded to amass the largest armed forces in history, Churchill does not appear to have investigated the red threat at all.6 By 1935 he was scheming with the Soviet ambassador against the British government. By the summer of 1940 he had condoned the Soviet annexation of several countries. The Soviet regime, without war as extenuation, had by 1935 already caused civilian ruin and death on a scale Hitler’s regime would never match, with immense horrors still to be inflicted. Evidently neither Churchill nor anyone else lauded for their prescience in regard to Germany had any sincere objection to dictatorships that callously maltreated civilians and used vast forces to menace their neighbours, and any historical work implying that they did must be false and exculpatory.

Jewish foreign policy

As though at the same prompting, Churchill began to campaign against Germany simultaneously with an international alliance of Jewish interests organised and led publicly by Samuel Untermyer, a wealthy Jewish lawyer from the USA [and promoter of Christian Zionism]. Untermyer launched a boycott which the Daily Express referred to on March 24th 1933 as a ‘Judean declaration of war against Germany’.7 ‘War’ was scarcely an exaggeration, as Zbyněk Vydra describes: “The main goal was terminating Jewish persecution by overthrowing Hitler and the boycott was meant to be one of the means of bringing Germany down on its knees.”8 In Untermyer’s words, the aim of his “purely defensive economic boycott” was to “undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.”9 Tolernce of their “very existence” might be resumed once they clearly signalled their compliance. At least as early as May 1933, while Soviet collectivisation killed millions, Untermyer declared that Hitler’s government was carrying out a “cruel campaign of extermination”. His accusations were repeated in private correspondence as well as in speeches, newspaper articles and open letters. He specified in 1934 that not mere expulsion from Germany but the death of all Jews “by murder, suicide or starvation” was Hitler’s “openly avowed official policy and boasted purpose”. To the suggestion of verifying whereof he spoke, Untermyer replied “I have no intention of going to see Hitler, although asked by his friends to do so.”10 Churchill similarly spoke only about Hitler, never to him. Untermyer happily visited the Soviet Union during the Great Terror; Churchill did so in secret during the war.

In Britain, a boycott of trade with German firms was begun in the East End of London by Jews descended of immigrants from the Russian Empire. Though intimidation was employed to some effect, this effort alone could not force the hand of the whole British population. Regime change could more likely be achieved by compelling nation-states to act against Germany regardless of popular wishes, and of that aim Untermyer’s international campaign stood a better chance. He first launched the American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights, but was persuaded later in 1933 to change the name to the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights in order to attract non-Jewish support. According to Richard Hawkins, “In early November 1934, the NALCHR announced that a world conference would begin on November 25 in London. Its aim was to intensify and coordinate the boycott of Germany.” As Hawkins describes, the World Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Council to Champion Human Rights (WNSANCHR) was established as a result.

“The conference also resulted in the establishment of a British Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Council (BNSANC) with Sir Walter Citrine, the general secretary of the British Trades Union Congress, as president … The activities of the BNSANC appear to have gone largely unreported apart from a successful demonstration of as many as twenty thousand and a meeting in London’s Hyde Park joined by many thousands more on October 27, 1935. It was addressed by prominent British politicians and academics from across the political spectrum including Eleanor Rathbone MP, Clement Attlee MP… Citrine, Professor JBS Haldane and Sylvia Pankhurst.”

Hawkins must imagine the political spectrum to run only from socialists to communists, but anyway the Council would soon become remarkably non-sectarian in that regard. Though he says they went largely unreported, Hawkins himself mentions that the state-controlled BBC broadcast the Council’s addresses.11

The burgeoning influence, assisted by the BBC, of socialists like Attlee and Haldane caused dread to British conservatives including Harold Harmsworth, the first Viscount Rothermere, who owned newspapers including the popular Daily Mail and who had opposed universal suffrage and the growth of the Labour Party.12 Rothermere supported revision of the treaties imposed on Germany and the other defeated states after the Great War. He was also sympathetic to Benito Mussolini’s fascists and Hitler’s National Socialists for their fierce opposition to the many attempts at communist revolution in Italy and Germany. In January 1934, he began supporting the British Union of Fascists in Mail editorials. Rothermere was particularly alarmed at Stafford Cripps’ communist-friendly Socialist League, which campaigned for Labour’s next government to grant itself the power to rule by decree and prohibit all opposition.13 With the Socialist League intact and growing, Rothermere nevertheless ceased to support the BUF in July 1934. According to Paul Briscoe, “Jewish directors of Unilever … decided to present … Lord Rothermere, with an ultimatum: if he did not stop backing Mosley, they and their friends would stop placing advertisements in his papers. Rothermere gave in.”14 In November 1933, Untermyer had written that “A properly carried out boycott will cause Germany´s economic collapse within a year.” Shortly after, Pinchas Horowitz, a prominent member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, wrote that “Once the sixteen million Jews inhabiting the world stop buying German goods, they will represent a power which no country will be able to ignore.”15 Presumably, as Jews were relatively small in number and spread across many countries, neither Untermyer nor Horowitz seriously estimated their power as consumers so highly; the power which no country would be able to ignore more likely referred to the ability to coerce pezzonovantes like Rothermere to help ensure that Britain and other powerful states would prioritise international Jewish interests over those of their own people. Mosley, who strove to prevent war, would never have been anything other than a hindrance to “causing Germany’s economic collapse”.

Pinchas Horowitz was also a leading member of the Jewish Representative Council for the Boycott of German Goods and Services (JRC), founded in November 1933. The JRC was separate from the BoD though they had much commonality in membership. Neville Laski, the Board’s president, refused the JRC’s demands to involve his organisation officially in the Jewish boycott, arguing that such a move would likely provoke Hitler’s government to take repressive measures against Jews in Germany.16 This was consistent with the cautious stance taken by the German equivalent of the Board, the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith.17 Whatever Untermyer said about “terminating Jewish persecution”, he and associates like Rabbi Stephen Wise led the faction prepared to aggravate such persecution in pursuit of “overthrowing Hitler”. As Zionists, they likely found provocations of Hitler desirable. Certainly Untermyer seemed to regard his Jewish opponents in America with contempt, saying in December 1937:

“The wave of world-wide anti-Semitism, led and encouraged by Germany, that is inundating our country should serve only to make us more race conscious, tie us closer together and confirm us in our determination to combat and overcome by every means in our power the vast propaganda of this world-bully and braggart and the forces of evil that inspire it. There are still too many turn-coats, hyphenated Jews and apostates in our ranks. The sooner we expose them and rout them out, the better it will be for our welfare and self-respect. They are an undiluted liability.”18

Neville Laski’s reticence toward the overt participation of the Board of Deputies in Untermyer’s boycott also derived from the value he placed on the Board’s close relations with the British government and civil service. The historians who have written on the boycott mostly treat it as a failure or a mistake the Board’s declining to join officially (though individual members were free to participate), but good relations with the likes of Robert Vansittart, the acutely anti-German head of the Foreign Office, were arguably more valuable. According to Laski, at a meeting in October 1934, Vansittart, referring to Untermyer and the American Jewish Congress (AJC), said that

the aggressively Jewish, flamboyant and narrow character of the anti-German propaganda carried on by certain Jewish quarters in America was having results which were very nearly provocation of anti-semitism on a large scale… He said that he approved of the use of an economic weapon against Germany, but he did not approve of a flamboyant user of such a weapon.19

Vansittart thus advised his allies on public relations, the better to achieve their shared aims. In 1936, as the World Jewish Congress was being founded (mainly by AJC members at first) with aims including “to coordinate the global economic boycott of Germany”, Laski, “who had originally been cautious, changed his opinion within a single month towards a complete refusal and did his best to prevent participation in the WJC.” According to Vydra, the prevailing view among the Board of Deputies was that “the Congress would strengthen the boycott movement, but the BoD´s participation would lead to the loss of influence on the British government.”20 Most historians are militantly incurious about how the Board, representing less than half a percent of the British population, came to have such influence.

Jewish domestic policy

Vydra remarks that “[t]he Jewish boycott of Germany was an international activity and can be understood as a type of Jewish foreign policy.”21 Gentile foreign policy was found wanting. Intercession (stadlanut) had been enacted by the Russo-Jewish Committee and Lord Rothschild since the 1880s. The Jewish elite in Britain had also founded the Conjoint Committee for such work. While men like Vansittart and Churchill worked to align British foreign policy with “Jewish foreign policy”, their colleagues did likewise in domestic matters, virtually without resistance. The British Union of Fascists, however unsuited to the role, appears to have been the only vehicle of any size for opposing the usurpation, and thus was targeted for violent suppression. On 4th October 1936, the BUF staged a lawful, police-escorted demonstration through several sites in East London, an area in which Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe had concentrated, in which the unofficial, militant boycott of Germany had begun and in which British people were confronted by immigrant hostility exemplified by the violent crime operation led by Jacob Comacho (alias Jack Comer or Spot). As the police escort attempted to clear illegal blockades in Aldgate, they were assaulted by masses of armed Jews, Irish and communists. Comacho and his associates were leading figures in the assault. Jews organised under the Jewish People’s Council Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism. The communists were mainly from the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB), which took orders from the Soviet Union via the Comintern. The ‘Battle of Cable Street’ was the largest of many such assaults on the BUF in the 1930s. The aggressors were rewarded with legislation within two months: a new Public Order Act which impaired the BUF’s ability to demonstrate.22

The Board of Deputies did not at first openly encourage anti-fascist aggression. As Daniel Tilles says, “much of the Board’s anti-fascist activity, for… good reason, took place privately and remained unpublicised.”23 In July 1936, a deputation from the Board, including Neville Laski and vice-president Robert Waley Cohen, expressed sympathy for Jewish violence against the BUF and prevailed on Simon to punish “those preaching hatred”.24 John Simon’s Act, passed in December that year, was “influenced by the personal intervention of Harold Laski” (Neville’s pro-Soviet brother) and “made the police act with even greater intensity” against the BUF.25 Let us assume that the hatred preached was so abominable as to justify bricks flung at British bobbies by gangsters, else we risk the conclusion that the deputies sought special treatment and power for the higher grade race.

The Board had begun to co-opt anti-fascist militancy before the assault in Aldgate, “establishing a body to direct defence policy in mid-1936, the Co-ordinating Committee (CoC — known from late 1938 as the Jewish Defence Committee).”26 Late in that year, “Sidney Salomon, the secretary of the CoC, in an interview with the Evening Standard, absolved his thugs of blame for their aggression, arguing that it was ‘not human nature… to stand calmly by while Blackshirts shout insults.’”27 Herbert Morrison, leader of the London County Council and a senior figure in the Labour Party, which affected to exist for the benefit of British workers, met in secret with Neville Laski and Harry Pollitt, leader of the CPGB, in October 1936 to co-ordinate the terrorism they mutually supported.28 By March 1937, Neville Laski was satisfied that condoning violence would not lose him politicians’ support: “in contact with the Home Office to discuss anti-Jewish meetings, [Laski warned] that ‘any self-respecting Jew in the crowd would have the greatest difficulty in restraining himself, not only vocally, but even physically.’” He also urged police to collaborate with Jewish and communist infiltrators or invaders starting fights at BUF meetings.29 Newsreel producers already routinely used misleadingly-edited footage of such fights to portray the BUF to the nation as the instigators.

Spreading dread

With the most avid opponents of hostility to Germany corralled by state suppression and terrorism, successive British governments, notwithstanding their Home Secretaries, remained an obstacle to the full adoption of “Jewish foreign policy”. Under MacDonald and Stanley Baldwin, peace with Germany continued, and Neville Chamberlain intended the same. Winston Churchill followed his anti-German aspersions about “war spirit” and “blood lust” with a fear campaign about Germany’s military strength. “As 1934 progressed Churchill developed an important subsidiary theme to disarmament: the growth of German air power”, according to David Irving, who continues:

“‘I dread the day,’ he told the House on March 8, ‘when the means of threatening the heart of the British empire should pass into the hands of the present rulers of Germany.’ Such melodramatic statements were typical of the debating stance that Churchill would adopt over the next five years. Sir John Simon predicted in cabinet on March 19 that Hitler would move east or into territories of German affinity like Austria, Danzig and Memel. His colleagues were unconvinced that Hitler harboured evil designs on the empire, and rightly so. We now know from the German archives that even his most secret plans were laid solely against the east. In August 1936 he would formulate his Four-Year Plan to gird Germany for war against Bolshevist Russia; and not until early 1938 did he order that Germany must consider after all the contingency of war with Britain — a contingency which, it must be said, Mr. Churchill had himself largely created by his speeches.”30

Churchill “found that Britain’s weakness in the air was a popular theme, particularly among leading London businessmen. Their doyen Sir Stanley Machin invited him to address the City Carlton Club on it. He developed his campaign on the floor of the House, in newspaper and magazine articles, and in BBC broadcasts too.”31

Churchill used Parliamentary privilege and his high security clearance to publicise statistics, and alarming interpretations of them, on behalf of a network of anti-German civil servants and intelligence agents led by Robert Vansittart, head of the Foreign Office. On 9th November 1933, the Committee of Imperial Defence had “decided that a body should be set up to determine Britain’s worst defence deficiencies. That body, which became the DRC, was approved by the Cabinet on 15 November” but “held its first meeting on 14 November, the day before it was formally constituted by the Cabinet.”32 The Defence Requirements Committee was “the body whose decisions largely determined the path that British strategic defence policy took in the years until 1939.”33 It was a vehicle for Vansittart and Warren Fisher, his equivalent at the Treasury, to wage institutional war against the Air Ministry which was “[i]n theory… the sole body responsible for the co-ordination and analysis of information on the German air force” and which insisted on reporting what it found.34 As Wesley Wark describes,

Despite the fact that no concrete intelligence had reached the air ministry during the DRC’s term, the committee nevertheless found itself preoccupied by the question of the future rearmament of Germany, especially in the air. Pushed by Vansittart, the DRC accepted, without conviction, the estimate of five years as the time it would take Germany to rearm, and adopted this as their deadline for British defence planning. Germany was fixed, using Warren Fisher’s terminology, as the ‘ultimate potential enemy’. When the chief of the air staff presented a very modest programme for the RAF to the committee, both Vansittart and Fisher threatened that they would not sign the report.35

The moderation of the air staff provoked Vansittart to bypass them. “The clash of political and military intelligence in the DRC had encouraged the central department of the Foreign Office to begin drawing up their own appreciations of the German air force.”36 Ralph Wigram, the head of that department, supplied Churchill figures until his death in 1936.37 Another supplier was Desmond Morton, formerly of the Secret Intelligence Service and in 1934 the head of the Industrial Intelligence Centre of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Morton brought to Churchill’s home “secret files which the Prof. [Frederick Lindemann] illicitly photocopied for Churchill.” Morton’s figures only spoke of numbers of planes and “omitted any consideration of quality or range”.38 Churchill’s rhetoric aimed at maximising alarm: “‘Germany has already, in violation of the Treaty, created a military airforce which is now nearly two-thirds as strong as our present home defence airforce.’ By the end of 1935, he warned, Hitler would match Britain’s airforce; by 1936 he would overtake it — such was Churchill’s claim.” Irving paraphrases Churchill: “[I]f both countries continued to rearm at their present rate, in 1937 Germany would have twice the airforce Britain had.” He continues:

It is plain from the record of November 25th that the cabinet was concerned about the effect of Mr Churchill’s brash campaign on their delicate relations with Germany. Hoare felt they must make clear to the world that his ‘charges were exaggerated.’ Chamberlain expressed puzzlement that they themselves had no information backing Churchill’s claims… [T]he captured files of the German air ministry reveal both his statistics and his strategic predictions to have been wild, irresponsible, exaggerated scaremongering, delivered without regard for the possible consequences on international relations.39

Vansittart was aided by Reginald Leeper who became head of the Foreign Office news department in 1935. According to Richard Cockett, “Leeper shared the views of Sir Robert Vansittart on foreign policy and in particular his attitude to Germany.”40 Leeper sought “willing collaborator[s]” among journalists

to further the aims and policies of the Foreign Office. He realized that with a certain degree of openness and flattery diplomatic correspondents could be welded into a cohesive body who could be relied upon always to put the Foreign Office point of view in the press. [He] built up a set of diplomatic correspondents… loyal to him.41

The main enticement for correspondents was being shown confidential Foreign Office documents. “[T]he more correspondents were let into the News Department’s confidence, the more willing they would be to adopt the Foreign Office view.” Leeper’s “tame pets” repeated the Foreign Office’s views under their own names.42 At least one of the “most privileged diplomatic correspondents”, Norman Ewer of the Daily Herald, was a spy for the Soviet Union.43

In March 1935, Vansittart leaked the fact that Hitler had privately claimed to John Simon that his Luftwaffe, forbidden under Versailles, had already reached parity with the Royal Air Force.44 Leeper then fed out a more alarming story in April, and Churchill spoke of it as “official” in Parliament.45

Leeper’s team overlapped with Vansittart’s. According to Cockett,

they used the News Department to give out news of conditions in Germany, statistics of German rearmament, reports of German concentration camps to enhance this pessimistic view of Germany – the leak to the Daily Telegraph in 1935 was supposed to contribute to this general picture. Vansittart was particularly free with his confidences and encouraged Leeper to take the same attitude in the pursuance of their campaign against appeasement. Ian Colvin relates how ‘Rex Leeper sometimes came upon Vansittart in his room at the FO in full conversation with Winston Churchill.’ The excuse Vansittart gave to Leeper for communicating confidential information to a mere MP was that ‘it is so important that a man of Churchill’s influence should be properly informed’ and so he was quite content to ‘tell him whatever I know’.46

As Wark says, “The best intelligence which the [Secret Intelligence Service] gained on German air force developments was obtained through contacts with foreign secret services and through the exploitation of dissident German sources.”47 On the basis of such sources, some of whom approached him directly, from February 1936, Vansittart formed his own intelligence network, “separate from the SIS and the Foreign Office”.48 According to Cockett,

Vansittart was… particularly open in his communications with FA Voigt of the Manchester Guardian. Indeed, Voigt was a key member of Vansittart’s shadowy ‘Z Organization’, an intelligence service run principally for his own benefit to keep him informed of developments inside Nazi Germany. It was run with the co-operation of the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), but otherwise was run clandestinely — unknown to the rest of the staff at SIS headquarters in London.49

According to Gill Bennett, the Z Organisation was set up by Hugh Sinclair, head of SIS, and assigned to Claude Dansey, who “ran his own small staff, including Jewish émigrés and other exiles, and supposedly communicated with SIS only through [Hugh] Sinclair, although the evidence suggests that Morton too received information directly from Dansey.”50

Churchill’s intelligence network also included Jewish émigrés like Jurgen Kuczynski, a spy for the Soviet GRU, and Leopold Schwarzschild, a journalist and publisher, whom Churchill called “two German refugees of high ability and inflexible purpose”.51 Using information from Kuczynski was especially absurd:

After publishing an anonymous article in Brendan Bracken’s The Banker in February 1937 with tongue-in-cheek ‘calculations’ of Hitler’s annual arms budget, he had been contacted by ‘certain circles, and these he had ruthlessly milked of both funds for the party coffers and secret information for the Soviet Union. These circles, he said by way of identification, were those that came to power in 1940 ‘with the overthrow of Chamberlain.’ …

Kuczynski also drafted a blimpish brochure on Hitler and the Empire, to which an R.A.F. air commodore wrote the foreword. ‘I chose the pen name James Turner,’ he wrote. ‘The whole thing was a rather improbable romp.’ Turner’s line was, he chuckled, to deny any personal dislike of fascism — that was a matter for the Germans alone — ‘If only it were not such a danger for the British empire.’52

Kuczynski and Swarzschild may have already been sources for the Z Organisation or Morton’s Industrial Intelligence Centre at the CID (or both). As Wark describes,

The IIC was created as a secret unit in 1931 to collect and evaluate information on industrial war planning in foreign countries… Their sources included material from industrial publications, statistics from the board of trade and department of overseas trade, Foreign Office reports, information volunteered by British industrialists and whatever covert material was supplied by the Secret Service.

For reasons unexplained, “At first the IIC concentrated on Russia but soon turned its attention to the German aircraft industry.”53

One “British industrialist” who volunteered information was Sir Henry Strakosch, a Jewish financier from Austria who, according to David Lough, was another of “the small group of experts who had been feeding Churchill confidential information about Germany’s armaments expenditure.” Of Strakosch’s expertise, Lough says that “As chairman of Union Corporation, the South African mining business, Strakosch passed on confidential details of the raw materials which his company was supplying to the German armaments industry.”54 The German armaments industry must have been awful enough to alarm Strakosh but not quite so terrible that he stopped contributing to it. As Irving describes,

When the air staff issued a secret memorandum on November 5, 1935 — based, we now know, on its authentic codebreaking sources — stating firmly that the German front line consisted of only 594 planes, Churchill sent an exasperated letter to the Committee of Imperial Defence: ‘It is to be hoped,’ he wrote, ‘that this figure will not be made public, as it would certainly give rise to misunderstanding and challenge.’55

Friendship with Strakosch became highly beneficial to Churchill and the anti-German front. In severe financial difficulty in 1938, Churchill told friends he would leave politics and put his mansion Chartwell up for sale. Strakosch agreed to pay off the debts (about £18,000 according to Irving and Lough). “Chartwell was withdrawn from the market, and Churchill campaigned on.”56 Lough stresses that there was no quid pro quo with Strakosch (other than membership of Churchill’s dining club). I find no evidence contradicting Lough here. Strakosch’s motive appears to have been to keep Churchill, perhaps the most well-placed activist for the cause, in politics to “campaign on” against “misunderstanding and challenge”. As Lough says of their collaboration, “Sir Henry… regarded Churchill as the one politician in Europe with the vision, energy and courage required to resist the Nazi threat.”57 Strakosch loaned another £5,000 to Churchill in 1940 and left Churchill £20,000 when he died in 1943.58

The Focus

Cockett describes how “Leeper and Vansittart enlisted [Churchill] in their campaign against Germany” as he “could be thoroughly relied upon to use their information in the way that they wanted”. Leeper

visited Churchill at his home at Chartwell on 24 April 1936 to encourage him to try and bring together all the various groups who were already concerned about the German danger. This meeting was the genesis of the anti-Nazi council which became known as the Focus Group. This duly tried to rectify what Vansittart had identified as the crucial flaw in Britain’s state of readiness: ‘the people of this country are receiving no adequate education — indeed practically no concerted education at all — against the impending tests’…59

Other than this “genesis” at Chartwell, the Anti-Nazi Council was already the British branch of Untermyer’s World Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Council for Human Rights. As Richard Hawkins describes,

In April 1936, Winston Churchill joined the WNSANCHR… In July, the Board of Deputies of British Jews created a secret fund to support anti-Nazi groups including the WNSANCHR. At a meeting on October 15, the WNSANCHR, at the suggestion of Churchill, decided to establish a Focus in Defence of Freedom and Peace movement. The Focus helped revive Churchill’s political career. As Eugen Spier later observed, ‘Later on it was easy to forget the part [the Focus] played in creating a platform for Winston Churchill at a time he was in the political wilderness.’60

The Focus served as an information exchange, a network of support and a fountain of money for the anti-German campaign of which he was the most valuable figure. Yet despite including prominent politicians, civil servants, businessmen and journalists, few of whom were abashed about their stance on Germany, Churchill was no more keen for the Focus to be a matter of public discussion than he was the real size of the German air force. To enable individuals with contrasting affiliations to join discreetly, the group had a loose structure, avoided formal membership and only staged events under other names.61 Eugen Spier, a Jewish immigrant from Germany and one of the founders and main funders, wrote a book on the career of the organisation, but did not have it published until 1963. Irving says that “Churchill pleaded with him not to publish it during his lifetime.”62 Court historians still frown at our disrespect for the great man’s privacy.

Churchill “wryly recognised who was behind this body. ‘The basis of the Anti-Nazi League,’ he would write later in 1936 to [his son] Randolph, misquoting its proper title, ‘is of course Jewish resentment at their abominable persecution.”63 Jewish resentment may have been a motivation, but the wealthy, well-connected Jews in the “League” were not under persecution and, as noted, the international effort of which they were part intruded upon the cautious practices of the Jewish organisations in Germany. The Focus’s aims were the same as those of Untermyer and the World Jewish Congress: Germany must overthrow Hitler or be destroyed. In Spier’s words, “we had to prove to Britain and the world that for us there could be no peace with the Nazi regime.”64 Whether the struggle was really for survival or supremacy, no cost was too great.


Another “basis of the League” was Czech bribery. The recipients tended to be unapologetic. As Irving says,

Europe was awash with secret embassy funds… The Czechs were most prolific… When Robert Boothby, once Churchill’s private secretary and now a member of his Focus, was later obliged to resign ministerial office over irregularities involving Czech funds and a certain Mr [Richard] Weininger, he advised the House, as an MP of sixteen years’ standing, not to set impossible standards ‘in view of what we all know does go on and has gone on for years.’”65

Weininger, a wealthy Jewish immigrant, was working mainly for his own benefit.66 Jan Masaryk was the main conduit for Czech government bribery and a friend of Churchill. Reginald Leeper and Henry Wickham Steed, the Focus’s most committed journalist, were two payees.67 Sir Louis Spears MP was given regular cash and a lucrative directorship of a major Rothschild-controlled Czech industrial firm at the behest of Edvard Benes.68

The Czech government was headed by Benes and had formed an alliance with the Soviet Union in 1935. The Soviets were permitted to use Czech airbases against Germany and Benes wholly trusted that they would provide sizeable forces in case of war; the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Maxim Litvinov, encouraged his trust.69 The Focus’s aims dovetailed with Litvinov’s foreign policy and the aims of the Comintern. Robert Boothby was a co-founder of the Popular Front which lobbied for pro-Soviet policies from 1936 until being assumed into Churchill’s wartime government. The Focus also included former Labour minister Hugh Dalton MP, an apologist for the Soviet dictatorship since its founding.70 Focus members Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, leftist Tory MP Harold Macmillan, ‘peace’ activist Norman Angell and Liberal Party politician Violet Bonham-Carter, an old friend of Churchill, who wrote for The Future, a magazine published by Willi Münzenberg, a German communist who specialised in creating pseudo-independent organisations to enable celebrity intellectuals like Angell to support the Soviet Union deniably.71 The launch of The Future was funded by Munzenberg’s comrade Olof Aschberg, a Jewish banker from Sweden who had helped launder money for the Bolshevik regime after its repudiation of foreign loans and seizure of private assets. The editor was Arthur Koestler, also of Jewish ancestry, who had recently resigned as a Comintern agent when The Future launched.72


Alongside servants of the Comintern, the Focus was populated by Zionists, Jewish or otherwise. A leader of Anglo-Jewry and member of the Focus along with his brother Robert was Henry Mond, the 2nd Baron Melchett, who had helped finance Pinhas Rutenberg’s plan for irrigation and electricity generation in Palestine (Rutenberg’s company was granted a monopoly on generation over most of Palestine in 1921).73 In this effort, Mond joined Edmond de Rothschild, the primary financier of Jewish settlement in Palestine (and Rutenberg’s scheme), and Edmond’s son James de Rothschild, a family friend of Churchill and a member of the Focus with his cousin and wife Dorothy. Churchill supported Rutenberg’s project while he was Colonial Secretary from 1921–22 just as he consistently supported the greatest possible Jewish immigration into Palestine throughout the 1920s and 30s (expressly to make Jews the majority there). Rutenberg was a leading Zionist activist closely associated with Churchill’s friend Chaim Weizmann as well as David Ben-Gurion and the racial Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky. Weizmann and Ben-Gurion became Israel’s first president and prime minister respectively in 1948. Jabotinsky was a Zionist militant and anti-British agitator who founded Irgun, members of which murdered British officials and servicemen in Palestine after the war.

Secret funding

Copious funding was available to the Focus. The “secret fund” Hawkins mentions was administered by Robert Waley Cohen, vice-president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. As Robert Henriques describes, “Bob” was one of the leaders of Anglo-Jewry, for whom there was a need “to find a platform which would enlist the whole-hearted support of the greatest possible number of Gentile friends.” He continues:

Every week Bob and a few other leaders of Anglo-Jewry met at New Court to plan a form of defence against anti-Semitic propaganda. In June, Bob, and several others had an interview with the Home Secretary and returned with the assurance that the Government would do everything in its power to arrest what it acknowledged to be “a growing evil’.74

The other leaders go unnamed. Henriques continues:

[Churchill] “enlisted many eminent men in his ‘Defence of Freedom and Peace’ movement, and this formed a nucleus of sympathetic, liberal, non-Jewish opinion with which the Anglo-Jewish leaders could co-operate. While Jewish Defence was continued by the Board of Deputies with direct propaganda which probably did more to reassure British Jews than to combat the infiltration of Nazi doctrine, it was decided at New Court to raise a secret fund, initially of £50,000, which would work with the sympathetic non-Jewish organisations as well as with the Jewish Telegraph Agency, the latter providing the hard facts of Nazi atrocities which were so seldom reported i— the press. Bob agreed to raise, control and administer this fund. It was started with a dinner party at Caen Wood Towers on 22nd July, from which over £25,000 was immediately subscribed, and the balance promised. Bob insisted from the start that the Jewish defence movement must concentrate on attacking Nazi philosophy and its denial of human rights, rather than on the direct refutation of anti-Semitic propaganda. …[H]e insisted that propaganda should be directed against ‘pursuing peace without caring for freedom and justice’ — a summary of the British policy of appeasement.75

Cohen, like Spier, took as read that “Jewish defence” entailed using one gentile nation-state to impose Jewish values and interests on another.

As David Irving says, £50,000 “was a colossal sum for such an organisation to butter around in 1936 — five times the annual budget of the British Council [a government-created organisation aimed at promoting British foreign policy], and it was only “initially” £50,000.76 Cohen, thanks in part to his means, took charge of the Focus, as Henriques describes:

[T]he ‘Defence of Freedom and Peace’ movement was publishing a series of pamphlets explaining what Nazi-ism meant and refuting the belief in the country that it had its legitimate aspects. Each pamphlet was read in manuscript by Bob and usually edited and amended profusely. Even Winston Churchill was not exempt; and one of his articles entitled ‘The Better Way’, which he sent to Bob in draft, was returned to its author with copious alterations, all of which were accepted. Soon the ‘Defence of Freedom and Peace’ movement, whose secretary was AH Richards, began publication of a journal known as Focus on which Wickham Steed and Bob — the latter described as ‘the veritable dynamic force of Focus’ — were Churchill’s main lieutenants.”77

Under the pretext of securing “human rights” and combatting “anti-Semitic propaganda”, the Focus strove to pressure the news media into a belligerent stance toward Germany:

To administer the ‘secret’ defence fund, Bob employed HT Montague Bell, recently retired from the editorial chair of The Near East, who was very largely engaged in drafting letters to the press and providing the necessary facts, for eminent people to compose their own letters in refutation of the very considerable correspondence published by most of the national newspapers excusing Fascism and even advocating it, including sometimes its anti-Semitic aspects.78

The Focus also worked to co-ordinate ostensibly separate media organisations toward a single aim:

While Montague Bell was arranging the publication of a series of so-called ‘Vigilance’ pamphlets, written by Colin R Coote, then a leader-writer of The Times, and other well-known journalists, Bob was personally interviewing various Tory Members of Parliament, including Harold Macmillan, Douglas Hacking, and Sir Waldron Smithers. Negotiations which had begun in 1937 between Bob, Professor Gilbert Murray and Sir Norman Angell led to the formation in 1938 of the Focus Publishing Company which took over Headway, the publication of the League of Nations Union. Meanwhile, Bob’s fund was being used to sponsor a large number of small, independent enterprises whose operations were co-ordinated by Montague Bell, now reinforced with an assistant and a secretariat.79

With Churchill, Macmillan, Boothby and others being sitting Conservative MPs, the Focus’s secretiveness was prudent as, according to Eugen Spier, “the policy of the new Headway would be to turn out the Conservative government.”80

Both the Focus and the Board of Deputies appear to have been subsidiary, at least financially, to the unnamed leaders of Anglo-Jewry who met at New Court and initiated the “secret fund”:

By tremendous efforts… Bob raised further gifts to the Fund to keep pace with its expenditure. It was found that the work of the Fund inevitably overlapped the official defence work of the Board of Deputies. Accordingly a very substantial annual sum was paid by the Fund to the President of the Board (Neville Laski, KC) so that he could temporarily sacrifice his legal practice and devote himself wholly to the co-ordination of Jewish defence.81

Under the threat of an advertising boycott, potential adversaries of the Focus like Lord Rothermere, owner of the Daily Mail, had already been rendered compliant. Lord Beaverbrook, main owner of the Daily Express (in which Rothermere had a large stake too) was susceptible to the same menaces, and though at times privately sympathetic to Germany he printed what he thought good for business. His Express headline from March 1933, ‘Judea Declares War On Germany’, preceded an article lauding Judea for doing so. Beaverbrook was also a friend of Churchill, Vansittart and Ivan Maisky, the Soviet ambassador.

Perhaps the most consequential of the Focus’s activities was described by Eugen Spier to Churchill privately in June 1937:

It is one of the objects of the Focus to provide its members, and you most of all, with just those facilities which a party machine provides, publicity by public meetings, through the press and our publications. The Focus is steadily growing; its audiences daily become larger, its backing ever more forceful, with the support of some of the most important people in the country.82

With its forceful backing, the Focus did attract the support of important people. It could also make mediocre people seem important. By late 1936, “The editors of the influential weekly journals The SpectatorNew StatesmanThe Economist and Time & Tide were wooed and won: Wilson Harris, Basil Kingsley Martin, Lady Rhonda, Harcourt Johnstone.” They were joined by “Sir Walter Layton and AJ Cummings, chairman and chief commentator of the News Chronicle, as well as Lady Violet [Bonham-Carter] and two BBC executives.”83 The BBC, as noted, had already helped publicise the previous demonstrations of the Focus. They also gave Churchill respectable amplification for his ‘warnings’ about Germany as early as 1934.84 Henry Strakosch and Churchill’s friend Brendan Bracken jointly owned half of The Economist anyway.85 Walter Citrine was already a director of the Labour-aligned Daily Herald. The Daily Mirror was vehemently anti-Hitler without prompting from the Focus. There were others whom the Focus left alone as they were already model citizens: the Express’ cartoonist David Low, who specialised in ridiculing his enemies, or his counterpart at the Mirror, Philip Zec, who specialised in dehumanising them. Low was a supporter of the Soviets (except when they allied with Germany) and Zec was a director of the Jewish Chronicle, the grandson of a rabbi and son of an immigrant from Odessa.

According to Irving,

At Waley-Cohen’s request Brendan Bracken released German-born Werner Knop, who had been foreign news editor of his Financial News and Banker since 1935. The Focus set him up in an office in the fountain yard of one of the ancient Inns of Court near Fleet-street. Knop’s ‘front,’ Union Time Ltd, disguised as a press agency, was funded ‘by a group of British businessmen and newspaper editors’.86

Marcus Bennett describes Union Time as “a front for various German emigres working across various professional fields to encourage anti-Nazi opinion in Britain and combat Nazi propaganda in general.” He continues: “It was Union Time Ltd which had camouflaged, among many others, the activities of [Hilde] Meisel, who approached… [Labour MP George] Strauss asking for money to murder Hitler. Strauss sent her to the City of London to meet Werner Knop… Knop granted her the necessary financial support.”87

The Focus also benefited from partnership with a real press agency, Cooperation Press Service. According to Lough, Cooperation Press Service, “founded by Dr Imre Revesz, a Hungarian Jew… specialized in distributing articles written by European politicians across a network of 400 newspapers in seventy countries on the Continent. Cooperation had started in Berlin before Hitler’s rise to power, then moved to Paris just before a raid on its offices by the Gestapo.”88 Revesz (alias Emery Reves) offered Churchill a much wider readership and larger fees for his newspaper articles by syndication. He did the same for Clement Attlee, Tory ministers Anthony Eden and Alfred Duff Cooper, and anti-German politicians across Europ,e including Leon Blum, a central figure in the Popular Front.89


The Focus bound several forces into one fascio: journalists, Foreign Office men, the Popular Front, industrialists, Czech hirelings, Disraelite Tories, Zionists and mainstream Anglo-Jewry, all drawing upon Cohen’s secret fund and serving the same purposes as the international alliance headed by Samuel Untermyer and his colleagues at the World Jewish Congress. It also complemented the work of leading civil servants. The Foreign Office, as we have seen, had been committed to anti-German policies long before Hitler became Chancellor, and before Germany had done anything more threatening than condemn the Treaty of Versailles, Vansittart collaborated with the Soviet government against his own. The diaries of Ivan Maisky, the Soviet ambassador, were edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky, who says that

In going about his ambassadorial duties in London, Maisky studiously followed the lead of [Maxim] Litvinov, who had spotted the Nazi threat as early as 1931. However, it took Litvinov almost a year to convince Stalin that Hitler’s rise to power meant that ‘ultimately war in Europe was inevitable’. The formal shift in Soviet foreign policy… towards a system of collective security in Europe and the Far East… occurred in December 1933…

Vansittart, the permanent undersecretary of state, was the advocate of such ideas in Britain… Britain could preserve a local balance of power in both Europe and the Far East by allying with the Soviet Union, which could place a check on both Japanese and German expansion… He… gravitated towards European security based on the pre-1914 entente of Britain, France and Russia.”90

The balance of power policy was established as Foreign Office doctrine by Eyre Crowe, Arthur Nicolson, Charles Hardinge and other favourites of King Edward VII.91 Maurice Cowling says that Vansittart “advocated a Russian alliance with France, British co-operation with Litvinoff and tripartite firmness towards Germany.”92 He “treated the Franco-Soviet alliance as non-negotiable.”93

Russia had ceased to be a state in 1917. The Russian monarchy had been usurped, the monarch murdered, the alliance with Britain repudiated in bello and the empire refounded as a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but these were, apparently, not too much of an interruption for the entente of 1907 to be considered obsolete; nor were the Bolsheviks’ brazen hostility toward and attempts to undermine the British Empire, which continued under the Comintern until 1943 (and in other forms afterward), nor that the crimes of Stalin’s regime exceeded even those of Lenin’s. Stalin himself had leader the Soviet attempt to impose “collective security” on Poland in 1920. Regardless, the school of Eyre Crowe merged happily into that of Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein (‘Litvinov’ was an alias). Gorodetsky says plainly (and approvingly) that Vansittart was an “ally” of Soviet Ambassador Maisky.94

Thus the Focus did not recruit men like Vansittart but rather teamed with them. As mentioned, Rex Leeper introduced Churchill to the Anti-Nazi Council in April 1936. In the previous year, as Gabriel Gorodetsky describes,

Vansittart assisted Maisky in setting up a powerful lobby within Conservative circles… Maisky was further invited to a dinner en famille at Vansittart’s home [in June 1935], where he met Churchill. ‘I send you a very strong recommendation of that gentleman,’ wrote Beaverbrook to Maisky… Churchill indeed told Maisky that, in view of the rise of Nazism, which threatened to reduce England to ‘a toy in the hands of German imperialism’, he was abandoning his protracted struggle against the Soviet Union, which he no longer believed posed any threat to England for at least the next ten years. He fully subscribed to the idea of collective security as the sole strategy able to thwart Nazi Germany.95

Churchill frequently referred to his desire to ‘encircle’ Germany again. At a royal reception in November 1937, he had made a show of spurning Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German ambassador, and telling Maisky “I’m wholly for Stalin.”96 In March 1938 he told Maisky that “I am definitely in favour of Stalin’s policy. Stalin is creating a strong Russia. We need a strong Russia and I wish Stalin every success.”97 By May 1938, during the first Czech crisis, he had sunk as far as apologising to Maisky for including in a recent speech some perfunctory mentions of Soviet maltreatment of civilians. He regretfully explained that his constituents would not yet accept unconditional support for the Soviet regime.98 Vansittart told Maisky in August 1937 that Britain approved of the pact the Czechs made with the Soviets in 1935.99 Had the pact been activated by war with Germany, the question of whether Soviet forces could have been evicted after being granted passage and bases was a grave concern for the Poles and Romanians at the time. When, in April 1939, Churchill asked Maisky on behalf of the Poles whether they need worry, Maisky avoided answering to avoid lying; Churchill was undeterred.100

War Party

The Focus helped ensure that Chamberlain was assailed persistently from many angles. Irving mentioned that the initial secret fund was five times greater than the annual budget of the British Council, but in any case the Council was overseen by Reginald Leeper before Lord Lloyd became its chairman in July 1937; both men were supporters of the Focus.101 The Council began as a propaganda body under Leeper’s Foreign Office news department. Philip Taylor says that it was “created as a response to the malignant propaganda of the totalitarian regimes which had come into being following the Treaty of Versailles.”102 Taylor’s wording tidily excludes the most malignant “totalitarian regime” of all, but whatever the Council’s purview, Lloyd acted beyond it. John Charmley describes him as “an unofficial ambassador with the entrée to chancelleries from Paris to Ankara” and “a useful sounding-board whose words could, should it prove convenient, be denied.” He was intended as “an element of steel” in Chamberlain’s policy.103 However, Lloyd, like Churchill, had been unsympathetic to the Crowe school of balance-of-power foreign policy since long before the Great War, and demanded nothing but steel vis-ø-vis Germany.104

Baldwin and Chamberlain allowed diplomatic sabotage to continue under them. Had they only been as merciless to warmongering subordinates as the latter demanded of them toward Germany, civilisation might still stand. Cohen, the Board of Deputies, the Foreign Office and the Soviet Embassy had already co-created a secret war party cutting across existing alignments and through departments of state. It was complacent of Chamberlain to merely remove Vansittart from his post in 1938 and narrow Leeper’s remit and not extirpate their practices. He inflicted a loss Lloyd and others could negate.

Chamberlain would have been remiss not to have Churchill surveilled, but he went no further.105 Churchill was free to conduct “his own foreign policy” and established “his own direct links with foreign governments… [H]e called upon foreign statesmen, sent out personal envoys… and encouraged the diplomatic corps to look upon Morpeth Mansions as a second Court of St. James.”106 His “own” foreign policy was that of Litvinov: aggravating Anglo-German relations to the greatest possible extent. “For us, there could be no peace with the Nazi regime,” as Spier said. Opportunities to subvert the peace arose in 1938 and the Focus became more a force than merely a presence.


Churchill’s War, David Irving, 2003, p18, 23


Irving, p36


Irving, p37


According to David Irving, Churchill’s opponents “regarded the relentless assault on Ramsay MacDonald and his quest for disarmament as prompted by selfish political motives. But it was easy to contrast Macdonald’s tireless efforts with Hitler’s stealthy rearmament. It made good copy.” Irving, p37.


Irving, p23


Stalin’s War of Extermination, Joachim Hoffman, 2001, p30, 32


Daily Express, March 24th 1933, reproduced at The Daily Express was the largest-circulation newspaper in the world at the time. Max Aitken (Lord Beaverbrook), the proprietor and an old friend of Churchill, became a minister in Churchill’s wartime government.


British Jewry and the Attempted Boycott of Nazi Germany, 1933–1939, Zbyněk Vydra, Theatrum historiae 21 (2017), p206


“Hitler’s Bitterest Foe”: Samuel Untermyer and the Boycott of Nazi Germany, 1933–1938, Richard Hawkins, American Jewish History, Volume 93, Number 1, March 2007, p31


Hawkins, p25, 26, 29, 30. Given Untermyer’s wild accusations, it is rational to wonder how often similar statements from others are uttered regardless of evidence.


Hawkins, p45. Irving says that “Citrine was angered by Hitler’s brutal closure of the trade unions.” Irving, p59. Stalin must have closed his unions less brutally.


See Labour and the Gulag – Russia and the Seduction of the British Left by Giles Udy, 2017. Much of the Labour Party, including Ramsey MacDonald, was pro-Soviet from 1917 to 1945. During the Cold War this became a fringe position in the party.


The Impact of Hitler, Maurice Cowling, 1975, p46


My Friend the Enemy : an English Boy in Nazi Germany, Paul Briscoe, 2008, p28. According to James Pool, Rothermere confirmed this to Mosley and Hitler. See Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power, 1919-1933, James Pool, 1997, p315-6


Vydra, p206


Vydra, p200


Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933–1949, David Cesarani, 2016, part one, section ‘Protest and Boycott’. Cesarani notes that the American Jewish Committee originally took the same position as Laski’s Board of Deputies while the American Jewish Congress sided with Untermyer and helped form the World Jewish Congress.


Hawkins, p49. Vilification was used in support of the boycott from the start.


Anglo-Jewish Responses to Nazi Germany 1933-39: The Anti-Nazi Boycott and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Sharon Gewirtz, Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 26, Number 2, April 1991, p267


Vydra, p211


Vydra, p212

22 – note the approval of the authors. The Act was the creation of John Simon, who as Home Secretary had ultimate authority over all British police, including those wounded trying to uphold the law in Aldgate.


“Some lesser known aspects” – The Anti-Fascist Campaign of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1936-40, Daniel Tilles, p138


Tilles, p139


Vydra, p212


Tilles, p136. “Over 1937 the CoC established the London Area Council (LAC), a subsidiary body in the East End that took over the anti-fascist campaigning of the Association of Jewish Friendly Societies (AJFS), which had already been working in harmony with the Board.” Tilles, p143


Tilles, p140


Tilles, p151. Morrison and the Board of Deputies were already linked by their collaboration on the Anti-Nazi Council, of which Pinchas Horowitz was a member and Morrison was a vice-president. Irving, Churchill’s War, volume 1, chapter 6, note 4


Tilles, p140


Irving, p40


Irving, p40


The Defence Requirements Sub-Committee, British Strategic Foreign Policy, Neville Chamberlain and the Path to Appeasement, Keith Neilson, The English Historical Review, Volume 118, Number 477, June 2003, p662, 665


Neilson, p653


British Intelligence on the German Air Force and Aircraft Industry, 1933–1939, Wesley Wark, The Historical Journal, Volume 25, Issue 03, September 1982, p628


Wark, p630. The reasons for fixing Germany as the enemy are unmentioned; Wark simply calls it “obvious”.


Wark, p631


Irving, p48


Irving, p40-1. “There is no evidence to support the latter’s postwar claim that Morton did so with prime ministerial approval; other papers were just filched by Morton and never returned.”


Irving, p41-2. Simon, Hoare and Chamberlain were among those termed the Guilty Men in 1940 in a book published by the Jewish communist Victor Gollancz.


Twilight of Truth – Chamberlain, Appeasement and the Manipulation of the Press, Richard Cockett, 1989, p21


Cockett, p16-7


Cockett, p21


Cockett, p17-8


Cockett, p20


Cockett, p21


Cockett, p22


Wark, p629


Wark, p636


Cockett, p22


Churchill’s Man of Mystery – Desmond Morton and the World of Intelligence, Gill Bennett, 2007, chapter 9. Dansey was of some assistance to Leon Trotsky (born Lev Bronstein) in 1917 –


Irving, p81. Jurgen Kuczyinski later recruited Klaus Fuchs as a spy for the Soviet Union. Fuchs was handled by Jurgen’s sister Ursula (alias Ruth Werner) while he betrayed the British and American nuclear weapons research programmes.


Irving, p82. The origins of ‘bulldog and Spitfire’ nationalism become clearer.


Wark, p635


No More Champagne – Churchill and his Money, David Lough, 2015,ch18. Also see Irving, p52


Irving, p52


Irving, p111-2, 116, and Lough, notes for chapter 18


Lough, chapter 18


Lough, chapters 18, 20 and 21


Cockett, p24


Hawkins, p46. According to Irving, “The reason for the ANC approach to Churchill in April 1936 was this: in London, authoritative Jewish bodies including the powerful Board of Deputies had come out against the more strident boycott activities, lest these provoke the Nazis to more extreme measures; in New York, the firebrand Zionist leader Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, an associate of Untermeyer’s, disagreed and founded a militant World Jewish Congress based in Geneva. As the Board of Deputies was the principle source of its British finance, the A.N.C. shifted to a political approach in 1936, and began hiring helpers on the political scene.” Irving, p59


Focus – a Footnote to the History of the Thirties, Eugen Spier, 1963, p13. See also Irving, p67


Irving, p58


Irving, p58, 67


Spier, p99


Irving, p99-100


Irving, p170-1. Richard Weininger was brother of the famous Otto – see Robert Boothby – a Portrait of Churchill’s Ally, Robert Rhodes James, 1991, p198


Irving, p59-60


Irving, p100, 117. The Wittkowitz Mines and Iron Works “manufactured armourplate, partly for British navy contracts. The Austrian Rothschilds held a 53 per cent controlling share. In 1938 the well-informed Rothschilds transferred the company to the Alliance Assurance Company, a London Rothschild firm. Blackmailing the family to sell off their controlling interest to Germany, the Nazis imprisoned Louis Rothschild in Vienna. Even after they physically seized Vitkovice in March 1939, the haggling went on until the bargain was struck for £3.5Million. Irving, p118


Czechoslovakia between Stalin and Hitler – The Diplomacy of Edvard Benes in the 1930s, Igor Lukes, 1996, p192-3


See Labour and the Gulag by Giles Udy, 2017


The Red Millionaire – A Political Biography of Willy Münzenberg, Moscow`s Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West, Sean McMeekin, 2003, p194. Angell wrote in the Daily Herald that ‘patriotism was a menace to civilisation’. See Cowling, p242-3. “Münzenberg had not forgotten the visceral appeal the antifascist campaign [in Germany in 1923] had had for celebrity intellectuals…” McMeekin, p194. “Thomas Mann did contribute a short article, as promised, in late November, and his piece was flanked by another impressive celebrity coup, an essay by Sigmund Freud on anti-Semitism.” McMeekin, p298


Red Millionaire, McMeekin, p296-7. Münzenberg, when expelled from the German Communist Party in 1936, denounced Stalin as a traitor to anti-fascism. Koestler previously used his job with the Focus-aligned News Chronicle as cover for his Comintern work.


“In so far as possible the engineering staff is kept 100% Hebrew, but Arabs are used for pick and shovel work.” The Seventh Dominion? – Time Magazine


Sir Robert Waley Cohen, 1877-1952: A Biography, Robert Henriques, 1966, p361. Cohen was a director of Royal Dutch Shell, a company created with Rothschild finance; New Court was the business premises of N M Rothschild. Natty Cohen, Robert’s father, was on the Russo-Jewish Committee. See Henriques, p42-3. In the tradition of the Anglo-Jewish Cousinhood, Cohen and his wife Alice were first cousins.


Henriques, p362-3. The Focus’s longer name was the Focus in Defence of Freedom and Peace. See also Hawkins, p46 and Spier, p9


Irving, p64. About the British Council’s budget, see Cultural Diplomacy and the British Council: 1934-1939, Philip Taylor, British Journal of International Studies, Volume 4, Number 3, October 1978, p244-265


Henriques, p363


Henriques, p363


Henriques, p364


Spier, p141


Henriques, p364


Spier, p108


Irving, p73


Lough, notes for chapter 11


Irving, p119


The Tribunite Who Tried to Kill Hitler, Marcus Bennett, 2021 – Knop is the source for his own role. Meisel, also known as Hilda Monte, appears to have been part of a terrorist network: “Monte had given notice to Knop that on 18 July her group would conduct a ‘demonstration attack’ – on that day, nine people on the Nazi-chartered Strength Through Joy were killed in a boiler room explosion.”


Lough, chapter 18


Irving, p87. “Soon every major Hitler speech was countered by a well-paid Churchill riposte published in most of Europe’s capitals. – ‘The new encirclement of Germany!’ he quipped to the Standard’s editor.”


The Maisky Diaries: Red Ambassador to the Court of St James’s, 1932-1943, edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky, 2015, chapter on 1934




Cowling, p156


Cowling, p157. Cowling is speaking of 1936, but Gorodetsky shows it was already the case by 1934 or earlier


Gorodetsky chapters on 1934 and 1940. Advocates of alliance with the Soviet Union find it expedient to call it ‘Russia’, falsely connoting continuity.


Gorodetsky, chapter on 1935


Gorodetsky, chapter on 1937


Gorodetsky, chapter on 1938


Irving, p121


Gorodetsky, chapter on 1937


Irving, p173


Lord Lloyd and the decline of the British Empire, John Charmley, 1987, p208, p211. See also Taylor


Taylor, p264


Charmley, p222


Charmley, p14


Irving, p100. See also Cockett p9


Irving, p99

Beaconsfield Revisited: A question of which civilisation you prefer

‘One nation’ was Disraeli’s phrase. ‘Tory democracy’ was Lord Randolph’s, and it referred to the co-optation of social democracy into the Tory scheme: maintaining formal property rights but implementing regulations and welfare measures, to win the support of the ‘low’ for the ‘high’ against the ‘middle’ to maintain the hierarchy. The free market, which largely obtained in Britain in the 19th century, is fertile for driven upcomers and threatening to those of hereditary wealth and status, and the latter react by enticing a section of the poor to support them, usually by claiming to alleviate their destitution while casting a mirage of patriotism. The cost is seen as worthwhile, as power is more important than money; the producing of money can anyway be assigned mostly to the unborn. Noblesse oblige has always served as a pretext for the conservation of power.

It is illuminating to contrast Disraeli and the Churchills with their opposites in these matters: Gladstone, the 15th Earl of Derby, and Neville Chamberlain. Disraeli, made Earl of Beaconsfield in 1876, tried to have Britain enter the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 on the Turkish side. Lord Derby, the Foreign Secretary, steadfastly objected on grounds that included the effect on British state finances, which Disraeli appears to have disregarded. As John Charmley says, “Derby thought that Disraeli’s acuteness in seeing ‘what is most convenient for the moment’ was combined with ‘apparent indifference to what is to come of it in the long run.’ … The idea that he might compromise the ‘future of the country by reckless finance’ was, like ‘distant results of any kind’, foreign to Disraeli’s way of thinking.”5 Disraeli, like Edward VII and the Churchills, was a beneficiary of Rothschild favours from a young age, the point being not that that family swayed him, but that a habitual borrower is unsuitable to be an executive of anything that has a budget.

Allying against the middle classes applied in foreign policy, not only ‘social’ matters. “From the days of his early political novels through to the Reform Act triumph of 1867, Disraeli had liked to make rhetorical play with the notion of an alliance between the upper classes and the lower orders, and he did so now in late June [1877], pointing out to his colleagues that they ‘were united against Russia’. Derby’s contending view, that the ‘middle classes would always be against a war’, was dismissed by Disraeli with the comment that ‘fortunately the middle classes did not now govern’. … Derby recalled ‘many instances in which the majority of our class wished to interfere in European quarrels but no instance in which the nation agreed with them’. He did not ‘believe the majority of the public wants war with Russia, so long as it is honourably possible to keep out of one’. Here, side by side, were the old Tory tradition and the lineaments of what would supplant it. Disraeli was a ‘social imperialist’ long before anyone had invented the phrase.”6 Charmley adds that “As one contemporary commentator noted, ‘Disraeli-Toryism’… represented an ‘alliance between “society”, the music-halls and Lord Beaconsfield’.”7 ‘Jingoism’ comes from a song promoted in music halls in support of Disraeli and the Ottomans.

Disraeli was excited at the prospect of war. After he gained the upper hand in the Cabinet, “Derby found Disraeli ‘excited and inclined to swagger’, when he saw him on 11 February [1878]; he was ‘saying war was unavoidable’ and that although it would last ‘three years it would be a glorious and successful war for England’. Derby was ‘disgusted with his reckless way of talking, and evident enjoyment of an exciting episode in history, with which his name was to be joined’; this was the antithesis of Conservative statesmanship.”8 This is strikingly reminiscent of Winston Churchill. When war with Germany nearly came in the summer of 1911, Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, was impressed that while most ministers were away from Westminster, Churchill, “…not tied to London by official work, kept me company for love of the crisis. … his high-mettled spirit was exhilarated by the air of crisis and high events.”9 According to Roy Jenkins, in 1914, “Amid the gathering storm, Churchill was a consistent force for intervention and ultimately for war.”10 So was Lloyd George. “At 11 pm, August 4, as the ultimatum expired and the moment came when Britain was at war, a tearful Margot Asquith left her husband to go to bed, and as she began to ascend the stairs, ‘I saw Winston Churchill with a happy face striding towards the double doors of the Cabinet room.’”11 Churchill dreaded the thought of any end to the fighting. “On September 14, [Herbert] Asquith wrote to Venetia Stanley, ‘I am almost inclined to shiver, when I hear Winston say that the last thing he would pray for is Peace.’”12 His exultation did not abate after the first battle of Ypres, when he told Asquith’s daughter Violet “I think a curse should rest on me because I am so happy. I know this war is smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment and yet — I cannot help it — I enjoy every second.”13 In January 1915: “Churchill, according to Margot Asquith’s diary account, waxed ecstatic about the war and his historic role in it: ‘My God! This is living History. Everything we are doing and saying is thrilling — it will be read by a thousand generations, think of that! Why I would not be out of this glorious delicious war for anything the world could give me (eyes glowing but with a slight anxiety lest the word “delicious” should jar on me).’”14

Winston was a continuation of his father in this and other ways. Lord Randolph had, according to Edward Hamilton, “excessive intimacy” with the Rothschilds, especially Nathaniel. Reginald Brett, a friend of both, said that “Churchill and Natty Rothschild seem to conduct the business of the Empire in great measure together, in consultation with [Joseph] Chamberlain.” Niall Ferguson says that the wife of the Prime Minister, Lady Salisbury, spoke out “against Randolph who communicated everything to Natty Rothschild” and “hint[ed] that people did not give great financial houses political news for nothing”. He continues, “The evidence of an excessively close relationship seems compelling, especially in view of the precariousness of Churchill’s personal finances. As is now well known — though his earlier biographers suppressed the fact — he died owing the London house ‘the astonishing sum of £66,902’”.15 Ferguson minimises the accusation that Randolph’s annexation of Burma to India, with attendant financing opportunities, was a reward for Rothschild favours, but whoever gained, the taxpayers of India incurred the cost of the British forces sent to repel guerillas for the subsequent decade. According to R.F. Foster, the public were led to believe the cost would be one tenth of the actual amount.16 Ferguson is generous in saying that

“…it seems right to regard Natty’s bankrolling of Churchill after 1886 as primarily an act of friendship as syphilis inexorably took its toll; for politically and financially he was now more a liability than an asset. … It was less calculation than kindness to the increasingly pathetic Churchill which prompted the Rothschilds to take an interest in the career of his ambitious son, though no doubt they were gratified when young Winston opposed the Aliens Bill in 1904 as Liberal MP for Manchester.”17

No doubt they were, as,

“…when the idea of restrictions on immigration surfaced for the first time in the 1880s, the Rothschilds and their circle were disconcerted. As N. S. Joseph, the architect of Rothschild Buildings put it, ‘The letters which spell exclusion are not very different from those which compose expulsion.’ … When… the immigration question was referred to a Royal Commission… Natty made no secret of his opposition to ‘exclusion.’ … Natty dissented from the majority on the Commission, whose report called for ‘undesirable’ immigrants — including criminals, the mentally handicapped, people with contagious diseases and anyone ‘of notoriously bad character’ — to be barred from entry or expelled. In his minority report, Natty argued forcibly that such legislation ‘would certainly affect deserving and hard-working men, whose impecunious position on their arrival would be no criterion of their incapacity to attain independence.’” Implicitly the argument was that every criminal, beggar and invalid (and everyone else) should be free to move to Britain else the richest family in the world feared being expelled (by a government composed of their dinner guests). Nathaniel’s son Walter informed Britain that it “should be the refuge for the oppressed and unjustly ill-treated people of other nations so long as they were decent and hard-working.” A similar bill was passed in 1905, and Nathaniel cursed it as “‘a loathsome system of police interference and espionage, of passports and arbitrary power.’ … Nevertheless, he opposed petitioning for its repeal … on the ground that a renewed debate might lead to a tightening of the rules; instead he pinned his hopes on persuading governments to apply it leniently.”

Ferguson gratuitously adds that “if nothing else, the passage of the Aliens Act in 1905 gave the lie to Arnold White’s claim that ‘the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of England alter their policy … at the frown of the Rothschilds.’”18 Perhaps so, but the Rothschilds appear to have had their way regardless of the Act.

Ferguson attributes the Rothschilds’ support for the Churchills “less [to] kindness than calculation”, but it is both kind and provident for rich people to cultivate young politicians, with or without particular requests in mind. Disraeli, Randolph and Winston were all supported by and lived in the ambit of the Rothschilds and Jewish magnates in general, the same set who were so benevolent to the extravagant Edward VII. As Martin Gilbert says, “After Lord Randolph Churchill’s death in 1895, shortly after [Winston] Churchill’s twentieth birthday, his father’s Jewish friends continued their friendship with the son. Lord Rothschild, Sir Ernest Cassel and Baron de Hirsch frequently invited him to their houses.”19 He also became friends with (the younger) Lionel de Rothschild and Philip Sassoon, both closer to his age. Even considering the older men’s acts of real charity, including large donations to medical causes and Cassel’s support for the British Red Cross in the First World War, their generosity to particular individuals is remarkable. Lord Randolph looked on Cassel as a man to ask for favours, and after Randolph’s death Cassel employed Winston’s brother Jack. He paid huge sums for furnishings in at least two of Winston’s residences and often gave him smaller sums for other purposes.20 Just as Rothschild, Hirsch and Cassel helped manage Edward’s finances, Cassel did the same for Churchill. Nous was perhaps more valuable than munificence. “Cassel’s help to Churchill was continuous,” according to Gilbert, and was crucial at several vulnerable moments, as in late 1915 when Churchill, already heavily in debt, lost his main source of income. Cassel immediately provided enough money for Churchill’s crisis to pass and promised him, in Churchill’s words, “unlimited credit”.21

We find evidence of continuous assistance but no quid pro quo as such.22 On grand matters, at least earlier in his life, Churchill and the Jewish elite could be at variance. In contrast with his enthusiasm, the Rothschilds do not appear to have welcomed war with Germany (especially in alliance with Russia) or benefited from it overall. Instead of a transactional relationship, I surmise that warmongering politicians, who tend to be reckless about state finances, often treat their own finances the same way, and rich men like Cassel appear to them as an answer to prayer. In that way, war, debt and Judeophilia go together. I suspect that not being asked for anything in return was deeply impressive to men like the Churchills and fostered a gratitude which the beneficiaries sought opportunities to show in their actions. Borrowing can engender obsequiousness. There is also tradition: Churchill’s ancestor’s famous campaigns in the War of the Spanish Succession were financed very profitably by Solomon de Medina; thus did the family gain its high status.23 For them and other aristocrats, and for monarchs in many times and places, borrowing from ‘the Jews’ was a habitual resort in funding war or luxury. Winston Churchill, no matter how many times he became dangerously indebted, appears to have treated the employment of valets and chauffeurs as indispensable, and his household, typically paying dozens of staff at once, consumed enormous amounts of wine, spirits and cigars even when he was insecure.24 It would be a surprise if such a man was unpliant to those who enabled him to live on his high plateau of indulgence. Churchill was aware that he reciprocated by being a friend to them in politics, and wrote to Cassel’s granddaughter Edwina after his friend’s death: “The last talk we had — about six weeks ago — he told me that he hoped he would live to see me at the head of affairs. I could see how great his interest was in my doings and fortunes.”25

To Jews who feared hostility from native populations, such relationships could bring security. Likewise, those who encounter exclusivity can identify gateways through it by observing who tends to fail to support themselves. These were probably the main attraction of Edward for Cassel, who according to Davenport-Hines “sought royal favour as compensation for prevalent anti-Semitism”.26 The same measures that grant security tend also to grant power.

Churchill was a friend to Jewry more broadly, not only rich men like Cassel. By Churchill’s stance on the Aliens Bill of 1904, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe were making their presence known in politics; Britain began to experience the impact of refugees. Churchill started as a Tory MP in Oldham but rebelled in favour of the Liberals in Parliament, and his constituency party withdrew support from him in December 1903. Liberals in Manchester North-West invited him in early 1904 to stand there at the next election. As Martin Gilbert describes,

“One of Churchill’s principal supporters in the Manchester Liberal Party was Nathan Laski, a forty-one-year-old Manchester merchant, President of the Old Hebrew Congregation of Manchester, and Chairman of the Manchester Jewish Hospital, who enlisted Churchill’s support, as a matter of urgency for the Jews, in seeking to prevent the passage of the Aliens Bill through Parliament.”27

Alas, Gilbert does not give details of how Churchill was enlisted, but he was clearly devoted to the cause. Gilbert continues: “In May 1904, Nathan Laski sent Churchill a dossier of papers relating to the Aliens Bill, which included official government immigration statistics. Churchill prepared a detailed criticism of the Bill, which he sent both to Laski and as an open letter to the newspapers.”

The Guardian and Times published it, among others. Churchill referred to Laski’s figures in his letter: “What has surprised me most… is how few aliens there are in Great Britain. To judge by the talk there has been, one would have imagined we were being overrun by the swarming invasion and ‘ousted’ from our island”. Churchill remarked that the official rate was “only 7,000” immigrants per year and that “Germany has twice as large and France four times as large a proportion of foreigners as we have.” Therefore, “It does not appear… that there can be urgent or sufficient reasons, racial or social, for departing from the old tolerant and generous practice of free entry and asylum to which this country has so long adhered and from which it has so often greatly gained.”28

Churchill also raised the prospect of “an intolerant or anti-Semitic Home Secretary” and criticised the fact that the bill would require police and customs officials to be “the judges of characters and credentials.” He was concerned with the effect on the “simple immigrant, the political refugee, the helpless and the poor” who would not have “the smallest right of appeal to the broad justice of the English courts”.29 He said that the bill served “to gratify a small but noisy section of [the government’s] own supporters and to purchase a little popularity in the constituencies by dealing harshly with a number of unfortunate aliens who have no votes… It is expected to appeal to insular prejudice against foreigners, to racial prejudice against Jews, and to labour prejudice against competition.” Churchill then referred to the bill as “a measure which, without any proved necessity, smirches those ancient traditions of freedom and hospitality for which Britain has been so long renowned.’”30 Put in newer terms, Britain was a nation of immigrants, built by diversity and defined by tolerance, and should #standtogether against those who would whip up fears of being swamped and spread anti-Semitic replacement theories.

Churchill, in his own words, “ratted” from the Tories to the Liberals on the same day his letter to Laski was published.31 A week later, he spoke against the Bill in the Commons, but it passed its first stage, and went to committee for review, wherein Churchill and his comrades effectively filibustered, challenging every word. As Gilbert says, “by the seventh day of the committee’s deliberations, only three lines of a single clause had been discussed. A further ten clauses and 233 lines remained to be examined. Anxious to avoid the continuation of such thorough scrutiny, the government abandoned the Bill. Churchill had supported the Jews, and prevailed.”32

The Liberals formed a minority government in December 1905 and passed their own, less restrictive bill into law; Churchill was unable to stop it. While Lord Rothschild argued for “persuading governments to apply it leniently”, other Jewish activists were squarely for repeal. An editorial in the Jewish Chronicle proclaimed criminal intent: “On our part the Act should be fought … as the laws against free speech were eluded. … Let not anyone be afraid of the epithet ‘evading the law’.”33 Churchill showed a modicum of independence from Rothschild by siding with the repealers in a letter to the Home Secretary, Herbert Gladstone. Though he had already publicly attacked the idea of restriction on principle anyway, he found every possible fault in the detail too, and summarised the Act as “useless and vexatious”.34 Nathan Laski’s gratitude notwithstanding, his constituents voted him out in 1908; as a rising star of the party, he was offered a safe seat in Dundee.

Five days after his party formed the new government in 1905, Churchill spoke at a rally in Manchester prompted by the Kishinev riots that had occurred six weeks before (and in April 1903). The Chronicle approvingly reported his extensive use of pathos and said that he spoke of these ‘pogroms’ as “not spontaneous but rather in the nature of a deliberate plan”, a canard levelled at the Russian administration since the 1881 riots in the Pale of Settlement and contradicted by all archival evidence.35 His father had spoken at a similar event in 1881. There appears to be no record of either man saying a word about the thousands of Bulgarian civilians killed by Ottoman forces in 1876 or the same regime’s sequence of enormous massacres of Armenians in the decade preceding the rally in Manchester; this was not only because those nations had not colonised Cheetham. Disraeli had mocked the true reports of the crimes in Bulgaria. As Michael Makovsky says, “Lord Randolph Churchill … considered himself a protégé of Disraeli. … Young Winston imbibed Lord Randolph’s devotion to Disraeli and philo-Semitism.” The father and the son both imitated Disraeli in piously intoning, through their lives, a blasphemous threat dressed as a proverb: “The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews.”36 Under the Ottomans, Jews had prospered with little disturbance; perhaps the Christians could bear subjugation more demurely. At the Manchester rally, condemning the Ottomans’ arch-enemy, Churchill spoke alongside his friend Chaim Weizmann, who came from the Russian Empire and was a leader of the world Zionist movement. Churchill sent a message to the annual conference of the English Zionist Federation in January 1908, based on a draft by Moses Gaster, a friend of Nathan Laski. Churchill declared “I am in full sympathy with the historical traditional aspirations of the Jews. The restoration to them of a centre of true racial and political integrity would be a tremendous event in the history of the world.”37

Churchill wore openly his intent to deny to Britons what he was determined to provide for “the Jews”. Jews must have their own homeland, and anywhere else they chose to live should be treated as their land too. As David Cesarani relates, “During 1902 and 1903, there were disturbances in South Wales at Dowlais and Pontypridd during which Jews were physically assaulted. At Limerick, in Southern Ireland, a local priest incited his congregation to mount a crippling boycott of Jewish traders.”38 [but see here for Andrew Joyce’s take.]Later, “During the years before the First World War, anti-Jewish feeling in Britain intensified appreciably. The most dramatic eruption occurred in August 1911, in the valleys of South Wales. For three days the small, isolated Jewish communities suffered intermittent rioting and vandalism.”39 According to Gilbert,

“In the days after the attacks, Churchill ensured that as many as possible of the participants in the riots were arrested, brought before the courts, and sentenced to up to three months’ hard labour. After the passing of the sentences, local populations called mass meetings and decided to collect signatures for a petition protesting against them. A deputation presented this petition to the Home Secretary, but Churchill replied, as the record of the meeting noted, that after having given the evidence ‘his careful and serious consideration, he cannot interfere with the decision of the local justices.’”

As with the riots in the Russian Empire, most historians seem to neglect attempting to explain the violence. Gilbert shows no curiosity, only satisfaction: “From his position of authority, Churchill had acted without hesitation to stamp on violence in Britain.”40

Given the example set by Churchill, it is small wonder that the party of which he is the icon is now importing thousands of people per day from all over the world. The Chronicle’s call for immigrants and their helpers to evade the law is now fulfilled by organised criminal networks operating brazenly. Everyone who objects is likened to a fascist and an anti-Semite, upon which their targeting by state surveillance and repression is deemed legitimate. ‘Tory democrats’ only ever regarded working class support as a means of preventing a new ruling class supplanting their own, and in that endeavour they find social democrats congenial; their shared fear is of genuine conservatives and patriots. For Churchill, there was only ever ‘one nation’ that mattered: Israel, first as a global ‘nation’ working across many countries, and after 1948 as a nation-state. He committed his life to his own pleasure and to Jewish power, hence his exaltation by its champions. Martin Gilbert, as a Zionist Jew, was a fitting choice as his official biographer.

Gilbert relates Churchill’s advocacy for replacing Arabs with Jews as the majority in Palestine at the Peel Commission in 1936:

“Returning to the British conquest of Palestine in the First World War, [Horace] Rumbold remarked: ‘You conquer a nation and you have given certain pledges the result of which has been that the indigenous population is subject to the invasion of a foreign race.’ Churchill did not accept that the Jews were a ‘foreign race’. ‘Not at all,’ he said. It was the Arabs who had been the outsiders, the conquerors. ‘In the time of Christ,’ Churchill pointed out, ‘the population of Palestine was much greater, when it was a Roman province.’ That was when Palestine was a Jewish province of Rome. ‘When the Mohammedan upset occurred in world history,’ Churchill continued, ‘and the great hordes of Islam swept over these places they broke it all up, smashed it all up. You have seen the terraces on the hills which used to be cultivated, which under Arab rule have remained a desert. … It is a lower manifestation, the Arab.’”

Professor Reginald Coupland “complained that the Jewish Agency … had its representatives in London ‘and they can speak to the Colonial Office and the Arabs feel on their side they are rather left in the cold. They have not the great engine the Jews have.’ Churchill replied brusquely, not hiding his preference: ‘It is a question of which civilisation you prefer.’”

Referring to the Balfour Declaration, “Sir Horace Rumbold then asked Churchill, ‘When do you consider the Jewish Home to be established? You have no ideas of numbers? When would you say we have implemented our undertaking and the Jewish National Home is established? At what point?’ Churchill’s answer was unequivocal. Britain’s undertaking would be implemented ‘when it was quite clear the Jewish preponderance in Palestine was very marked, decisive, and when we were satisfied that we had no further duties to discharge to the Arab population, the Arab minority.’”

Churchill rejected the idea that Palestinian Arabs had good reason to complain about the rapid Jewish immigration into Palestine, and “allowed himself to be drawn into a more contentious discussion. ‘I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger,’ he told the commissioners, ‘even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.’”41

Britain is undergoing a disaster comparable to that endured by the “lower manifestation” in Palestine. The Christians there are spat upon in their own land by some of the “higher grade race”, and, just as the Palestinians have found, the ascent of that “race” in our land is coeval with our decline. A glance at a few of those close to Churchill at the time of the Aliens Act is illustrative: Jacob Gaster, son of the senior Zionist Moses Gaster, was a lifelong communist. His sister Phina married Neville Laski, a judge, a senior figure in the Board of Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish Association, and the son of Nathan. Neville’s brother Harold was a Marxist, a Zionist, a BBC broadcaster, and a supporter of Stalin and the Frankfurt School before he became Chairman of the Labour Party, which then completed the welfare state Churchill and Lloyd George had begun.

We have spoken here only of the earlier part of Winston Churchill’s career. Our theme of the confluence of war, debt, socialism and Judeophilia will be continued in the next article.


Speaking at the Royal Albert Hall on 21st December 1905, quoted in The Times the following day.


Churchill: a Life, Martin Gilbert, p193-4


Churchill and Lloyd George appear to have imitated much of the ‘Progressive Era’ in the USA. See The Progressive Era by Murray Rothbard.


Socialist advances usually accompany wars; ‘one nation’ Tories prevent the more Derbyish types reversing those advances.


Splendid Isolation? Britain, the Balance of Power and the Origins of the First World War, John Charmley, chapter 6.


Splendid Isolation, Charmley, chapter 3. In chapter 11 Charmley defines ‘social imperialism’ as “an attempt to distract the electorate from trouble at home by a bold imperial policy”.


ibid., chapter 9


ibid., chapter 8


Asquith – Portrait of a Man and an Era, Roy Jenkins, chapter 16


Churchill, Jenkins, p239


Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, Patrick Buchanan, chapter 2, quoting Asquith, Jenkins, chapter entitled “The Plunge to War – 1914”


Unnecessary War, Buchanan, chapter 2


ibid., chapter 2


ibid. chapter 2


The House of Rothschild – The World’s Banker – 1849-1998 (volume 2), Niall Ferguson, p332


Lord Randolph Churchill : a Political Life, R. F. Foster, p209


House of Rothschild, volume 2, Ferguson, p333


House of Rothschild, volume 2, Ferguson, p277-8.


Churchill and the Jews, Martin Gilbert, chapter 1. Gilbert also mentions that “The Baron’s adopted son, Maurice, known as ‘Tootie’, later Baron de Forest” was also a friend of Churchill. de Forest later employed William Ewer as a secretary. Ewer became a communist in the 1910s and an agent of the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik coup.


Great Contemporaries: Sir Ernest Cassel: “A Few More Years of Sunshine”, Fred Glueckstein –


No More Champagne – Churchill and his Money, David Lough, chapter 8


This is the subject of much of No More Champagne.


Entry in the Jewish Encyclopedia – De Medina was also employed for his information network, just as the Rothschilds would be later.


No More Champagne, Lough. Paying bills (late) for wine, spirits and cigars is a continuous theme.


Great Contemporaries, Glueckstein


Edward VII – The Cosmopolitan King, Richard Davenport-Hines, chapter 3


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2


Churchill – a Life, Gilbert, p165


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2

31 Churchill’s secretary, John Colville, quoted Churchill as saying “Anyone can rat, but it takes a certain amount of ingenuity to re-rat”, referring to his having started as a Tory, “ratted” to the Liberals in 1904 and then “re-ratted” to the Tories in 1924.


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2. Gilbert also says that “Nathan Laski wrote to thank Churchill ‘for the splendid victory you have won for freedom & religious tolerance’.” Churchill – A Life, Martin Gilbert, p167


The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1841-1991, David Cesarani, p100


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2


Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1905, quoted in Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2. Regarding archival evidence, see my article Great Variance


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2. Churchill, as Home Secretary, made him a British citizen in 1910. Weizmann also worked under him during the First World War when Churchill was Minister of Munitions. Weizmann relinquished his blue passport when he became the first President of Israel in 1948.


Jewish Chronicle, Cesarani, p98


Jewish Chronicle, Cesarani, p110


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 2


Churchill and the Jews, Gilbert, chapter 10

Israel über Alles: The Rochdale By-Election Exposes the Zionist Control of British Politics

There’s only one problem with opposing identity politics. All politics is identity politics. Anyone who says otherwise is either a fool or a fraud. For example, the American pseudo-conservative Ben Shapiro (born 1984) is a fraud. He’s a strongly identified Jew and Israel-Firster who tells his White followers to eschew identity politics. He wants them to ignore race and emphasize character. He promotes the lie that America is based on ideas, not on identity. As he famously said: “I don’t give a good damn about the so-called ‘browning of America.’ Color doesn’t matter. Ideology does.” But would Shapiro be indifferent to the “browning” of Israel? Of course not. When he says he opposes identity politics, he means he opposes the wrong kind of identity politics: anything that threatens Jewish interests.

Ben Shapiro fights for Israel by fooling goyim (cartoon by Jinjer Zilla)

There are many other frauds like Shapiro. And even more fools who believe what the frauds say. You can’t escape identity. In a mono-racial society, politics is a struggle between different classes or religions, with relatively small genetic differences playing an important but largely unrecognized role. In a multi-racial society, politics is a struggle between different races, with much larger genetic differences playing a decisive role. Sometimes racial politics will be disguised as class politics, as they were when the disproportionately Jewish Bolsheviks won power over the old Tsarist empire and proceeded to slaughter and tyrannize millions of White Christians.

“Same as the old boss”

In formerly mono-racial Britain, the Labour party was founded in 1900 to champion the interests of the working-class. The White working-class, of course, but that didn’t need saying in the early twentieth century. Now it does need saying, because Britain has become multi-racial and Labour has become a dedicated enemy of the White working-class. White Labour-supporters completely opposed the mass migration by non-Whites that subjected them to violent crime, huge financial losses, and ethnic cleansing. But the Labour elite ignored their wishes and betrayed its most loyal supporters. That’s because Labour had been taken over by Jews and turned into a vehicle for Jewish interests. Jews espouse identity politics for themselves and anti-identity politics for Whites. That’s why they welcomed immigration by non-Whites and by Muslims in particular, because they saw the newcomers as “natural allies” against the White Christian British. Tony Blair’s so-called New Labour might as well have been called “Jew Labour,” because Blair was a narcissistic gentile front-man for Lord Levy and other Jewish plutocrats.

Tony Blair performs the goy grovel overseen by Jewish supremacist and alleged child-rapist Greville Janner (image © PA Wire/Press Association Images)

When Levy was forced out by a scandal over hidden donations to Labour by Jews like Sir David Garrard (born 1939), he was replaced as Labour fundraiser by the Jewish plutocrat Jonathan Mendelsohn, who was described by the Telegraph as “steeped in the north London Jewish community” and “a close friend of Lord Levy, who was at the heart of Labour’s cash for peerages affair.” As Roger Daltrey of the Who has often sung, it was a case of “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” However, Jewish control of the Labour party was threatened in 2015 by the unexpected election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader. Corbyn was very popular with ordinary Labour supporters and party membership increased sharply during his leadership. But he wasn’t popular with Labour’s Jew-controlled Zionist elite. Jews didn’t object to Corbyn championing the interests of non-Whites and Muslims, because that meant that he continued to betray the White working-class. But Jews certainly objected to Corbyn refusing to make Jewish interests his first and overwhelming priority. Indeed, he didn’t want to make Jewish interests a priority at all. This was completely unacceptable, so Jews made an example of Corbyn first by vilifying him for years in the mass media, then driving him out of the party after he was toppled as leader.

A dedicated shabbos goy

Unlike Corbyn, the present Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, is thoroughly kosher. He has a Jewish wife and belonged to a radical Trotskyist sect at university. Like Tony Blair, he intends to be a dedicated shabbos goy. Blair’s thuggish and Machiavellian press-secretary Alastair Campbell once told the Jewish Chronicle that Blair “was conscious of the need to have very, very good relations” with “the Jewish community.” That “community” is small in numbers but gigantic in power, influence and wealth. Starmer knows about Jewish power as well as Blair did, which is why he intends to govern Britain as Blair did: in strict obedience to Jewish orders. This is what Peter Hitchens, the insightful brother of the neo-conservative gasbag Christopher Hitchens, has said of the impending Labour victory in the general election: “Sir Keir [Starmer], whose hard left political roots are in a revolutionary movement called Pabloism, comes from the same stable as the 1997 Blairites. He will try to manipulate the voters with populist slogans, but his real programme will be miles to the left, concentrating more and more power in a left-wing state.”

Starmer is heading for victory because he has returned Labour to the paths of righteousness after the blasphemies of Corbynism. The party continues to betray the White working class, of course, and it continues to champion non-Whites, Muslims, and the “transgender community.” But all that is secondary, because Starmer now runs Labour as all decent and respectable parties should be run: as a vehicle for Jewish interests. However, this isn’t proving as easy for Starmer as he would have hoped, because Muslims aren’t being the “natural allies” that Jews fondly imagined they would be. To the dismay of Jews around the world, the war in Gaza has prompted Muslims in the West to side with Muslim Palestinians rather than with the poor persecuted military superpower of Israel.

Typical Muslim duplicity

And so, even as Keir Starmer has allied Labour with the completely Zionist and Jew-controlled Conservatives, Muslim members of the Labour party have been campaigning not of behalf of Jews but on behalf of their fellow Muslims. Look at the by-election in the solidly Labour constituency of Rochdale, where Muslim rape-gangs have preyed on White working-class girls for decades just as Muslim rape-gangs have done in the solidly Labour constituency of Rotherham. Because Labour is now the enemy of the White working-class, it did nothing to stop the rape-gangs either in Rotherham or in Rochdale. On the contrary, it sided with Muslims and helped the sexual jihad to continue. It’s still siding with Muslims, which is why the official Labour candidate in the Rochdale by-election was a fat and sleazy-looking Muslim Pakistani called Azhar Ali. With typical Muslim — and Pakistani — duplicity, Ali pretended to be an ally of Jews as he rose in the party. But his real allegiance was revealed in words he uttered in a meeting of the Lancashire Labour party shortly after October 7, the day that will live in infamy when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel to murder and rape the wrong kind of people.

The fat and sleazy-looking Azhar Ali, former Labour candidate in the Rochdale by-election (image from The Daily Mail)

And who are the wrong kind of people? Jews, of course. Jews have never cared about Muslims and other non-Whites murdering and raping Whites. Indeed, many Jews see this as well-merited payback for historic persecution of Jews in the West. That isn’t openly stated in the Jewish media, but nor is any regret for what Muslims and Blacks are doing to Whites. Jews have overwhelmingly ignored the Muslim rape-gangs of Rochdale and Rotherham. But they certainly condemned the Rochdale candidate Azhar Ali when he espoused a “vile conspiracy theory” at that meeting of the Lancashire Labour party. Ali said that Israel was warned by Egypt and America about a Hamas attack, but “deliberately took the security off.” According to Ali, Israel wanted to ensure the “massacre that gives them the green light to do whatever they bloody want.”

“Deeply offensive, ignorant, and false”

Ron Unz has convincingly argued that the conspiracy theory espoused by Azhar Ali is very probably baseless. Yes, Israel is happy to sacrifice unlimited numbers of goyim to secure its own interests, as it did in the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 and as it intended to do in false-flag bombings of Egyptian targets in 1954. But the Hamas invasion of 2023 seems to have succeeded because of Israeli incompetence and arrogance, not because of Israeli complicity. All the same, why shouldn’t Azhar Ali be allowed to express his views? In a genuinely pluralist Labour party, there would be debate about the war in Gaza, not defenestration of all who disagree with the Zionist line. But Keir Starmer’s Labour party isn’t pluralist. It exists to serve Jewish interests and oppose White interests. That’s why Azhar Ali was forced to make a grovelling apology in words that were clearly dictated to him by Labour’s Zionist elite:

I apologise unreservedly to the Jewish community for my comments which were deeply offensive, ignorant, and false. Hamas’s horrific terror attack was the responsibility of Hamas alone, and they are still holding hostages who must be released. October 7 was the greatest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, and Jews in the UK and across the world are living in fear of rising anti-Semitism. I will urgently apologise to Jewish leaders for my inexcusable comments. The Labour Party has changed unrecognisably under Keir Starmer’s leadership — he has my full support in delivering the change Britain needs. (“Outrage after Labour candidate claims Israel deliberately allowed 1,400 of its citizens to be massacred on October 7 in order to give it the ‘green light’ to invade Gaza,” The Daily Mail, 10th February 2024)

Ali wasn’t sincere in his apology, of course, but like countless other ostensibly leftist Muslims in the West, he entered politics deciding that, for the time being, it’s better to submit to Jewish authority in public. However, what British-based Muslims intend to do in the future can be seen in Germany, where the Turkish president Recep Erdogan has set up “a political party for ‘people with foreign roots’ in Germany that will ‘stand against anti-Muslim racism’.” Indeed, what Muslims intend to do in future can also be seen in Rochdale, where the former Labour MP and eternal exhibitionist George Galloway is standing in the by-election for the far-left Workers Party of Great Britain. Galloway is pursuing Muslim votes and his campaign foreshadows the arrival of one or more permanent Muslim parties. In the meantime, the Labour party, formed to champion the White working-class, is the scene of a struggle between Jews and Muslims for supremacy. Here is a Jew responding to Azhar Ali’s comments and openly admitting that Jews are interested only in themselves:

Mike Katz, the national chairman of the Jewish Labour Movement, said his group would not campaign in Rochdale because Ali had “destroyed his past record of allyship with the Jewish community” with his “totally reprehensible” comments. But he stopped short of calling on Labour to drop the candidate, warning that the “alternative in Rochdale is George Galloway”, whose victory would “harm the Jewish community far more than electing Ali”. (“Labour’s Rochdale byelection campaign engulfed in antisemitism row,” The Guardian, 12th February 2024)

Katz isn’t bothering to hide his ethnocentrism and his belief that Labour exists first and foremost to serve Jewish interests. However, he’s unable to admit that Ali’s past “allyship” with Jews was never sincere. Ali simply recognized that Jews currently control Labour and that he had to pretend to care about them in order to get on. Now his mask is off and he’s been suspended from the Labour party while an “investigation” is carried out into more of his comments, this time about Jewish power in the media.

Hidden in plain sight

Again, in a genuinely pluralist Labour party there would be debate about such topics, not defenestration of anyone who raises them. But Labour isn’t pluralist. It’s run for Jews by shabbos goyim, so Azhar Ali has been defenestrated, not debated. The trouble for Labour is that Azhar Ali holds the same views as the vast majority of Labour’s Muslim supporters. There are far more Muslims than Jews in Britain, so why does the party leadership side with Jews and Israel rather than with Muslims and Palestine? What hidden factor is at work?

In fact, it’s not hidden at all. It’s simply unmentionable in the mainstream: Jewish wealth and Jewish power in the media. Jews finance British politics and naturally enough dictate the pro-Jewish, anti-White agenda for British politics. Jewish interests must come first and White interests must come nowhere. The Rochdale by-election is a perfect example of Zionist control. It’s also a perfect example of how all politics is identity politics.